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D-type motor neurons in the ventral cord commissures of GABAergic neurons

Figure 23 Quantification of cholinergic and GABAergic somata and commissures

Statistical analysis of the number of cell bodies of the respective neuron types in different genotypes (ten adults each). A, cholinergic somata along the ventral cord. B, GABAergic D-type motor neurons along the ventral cord.

C, GABAergic commissures. Error bars, standard deviation.

The number and positions of a GABAergic neuron subtype, D-type motor neurons, along the ventral cord were analyzed for each genotype and found to be normal in ppk-2 mutants as compared to control animals (Figure 23B). The strong expression of the GABAergic GFP in addition allowed the analysis of according commissures pointing towards the dorsal cord (Figure 23C). Positions and number of the neuronal processes match with those of wild type nematodes (Appendix).

Taken together, these representative subpopulations of neurons showed no abnormalities, indicating that the overall development of the nervous system is not affected in ppk-2 mutants.

0 7 14 21 28 35 42

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741)

number of cholinergic neurons

0 3 6 9 12 15 18

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741) number of D-type motor neurons

0 4 8 12 16

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741) number of GABAergic commissures

68 Quantification of progeny

Figure 24 Quantification of progeny

The progeny of both ppk-2 mutants and wild type animals was quantified over three days (ten adults each). No unhatched eggs have been observed. Error bar, standard deviation.

To analyze whether or not ppk-2 mutations affect reproduction, the progeny of both ppk-2 mutant alleles was counted and compared with the number of offspring derived from wild type nematodes (Figure 24). This comparison revealed a decreased number of progeny, derived from both mutant ppk-2 alleles. Noteworthy, no unhatched eggs have been observed when screening the plates with the ppk-2 mutant nematodes for progeny. Thus, the decreased number of offspring must be caused by an intrinsic defect in the reproduction system of the mother animals.

Taken together, both ppk-2 mutant alleles are causal for a decreased number of progeny. Analysis of SV and DCV markers

Acetylcholine release at NMJs is dependent on the correct exo- and endocytosis and therefore localization of SVs. To analyze this localization in neurons of ppk-2 mutants, the protein synaptogyrin was used as marker for SVs (Zhao and Nonet, 2001).

A C. elegans synaptogyrin (SNG-1) GFP-fusion was expressed driven by its own promoter in wild type and both ppk-2 mutant backgrounds, thus allowing the visualization of SVs at the synapse (Zhao and Nonet, 2001). A high density of synapses in C. elegans is found in the so-called dorsal cord, where mostly the axons of motor neurons are bundled. Hence, a strong SNG-1-GFP signal was detected along the whole length of the dorsal cord of wild type animals and has shown to be the same in both ppk-2 mutants (Figure 25A).

The majority of processes forming the dorsal cord are derived from somata located in the ventral cord. The ventral cord bundles axons as well as dendrites and according neuronal cell bodies. Since

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

24 hours 48 hours 72 hours

number of progeny

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741)


0 20 40 60 80 100

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741) fluorescence normalized to wild type [%]

synaptogyrin is synthesized in cell bodies, also here a fluorescence signal is detectable in wild type nematodes. The same is true for both ppk-2 mutant strains (Figure 25A).

The fluorescence signals obtained from dorsal cords from wild type, ppk-2 (ttTi8500), and ppk-2 (tm3741) animals have been quantified, averaged and normalized to wild type (Figure 25B). An increase or decrease of SNG-1-GFP fluorescence would indicate a significant change in SV localization pattern. However, no differences to wild type nematodes have been observed.



fluorescence in dorsal cords

Figure 25 Synaptogyrin localization in ppk-2 mutants

A, the localization of GFP-labeled synaptogyrin (SNG-1) was analyzed in dorsal as well as ventral cords of young adults. Scale bar, 5 µm. B, SNG-1-GFP fluorescence was quantified in the dorsal cords (n) of both ppk-2 mutants and normalized to the wild type average. Error bar, standard error of the mean, n.s., not significant, Student’s t-test.

SNG-1-GFP was also detected in the long sublateral axons of young adults. Since SNG-1 is known to localize primarily to synapses (Zhao and Nonet, 2001), this allowed the imaging of synaptic clusters along these neuronal processes (Figure 26A). For analysis, images of axon tracts have been straightened and colors were inverted (Figure 26B). The statistical evaluation revealed a significant increase of the number of SNG-1-GFP puncta in the axon tracts of ppk-2 (ttTi8500) animals compared to wild type. For ppk-2 (tm3741), a slight increase was observed, however, this was not statistically significant (Figure 26C).

Another important class of secretory vesicles in neurons are DCVs. DCVs are not loaded with neurotransmitters e.g. acetylcholine or GABA but with signaling peptides. These neuropeptides, not

n.s. n.s.

n = 12 n = 10 n = 10


0 10 20 30 40

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741) number of SNG-1-GFP puncta/100 µm

exclusively exocytosed at the same site as SVs, regulate synaptic transmission and hence the release of neurotransmitters (Sieburth et al., 2006).



SNG-1-GFP puncta in sublateral axons


Figure 26 Quantification of SNG-1-GFP clusters along axons

A, posterior of a young adult expressing SNG-1-GFP in neurons e.g. sublateral axon tracts. Scale bar, 5 µm. B, representative straightened and inverted images of sublateral axons from wild type, ppk-2 (ttTi8500), and ppk-2 (tm3741) animals. Scale bar, 5 µm. C, quantification of SNG-1-GFP puncta along 100 µm of sublateral axons (n).*, P < 0.05, Student’s t-test.

The neuropeptide ANF was used as a DCV marker (Speese et al., 2007) and expressed as a GFP-fusion driven by a pan-neuronal promoter. Fluorescence was detected in the dorsal cord as well as the ventral cord of wild type animals. This localization pattern was essentially the same in ppk-2 (ttTi8500) as well as ppk-2 (tm3741) backgrounds (Figure 27A).

As for SNG-1-GFP, the ANF-GFP signals recorded from dorsal cords from wild type and both ppk-2 mutants were quantified and normalized to the average of the wild type signal. As illustrated in Figure 27B, the level of fluorescence in ppk-2 (tm3741) animals differs not significantly from wild type animals, but a slight decrease is observable in ppk-2 (ttTi8500) animals. However, this alteration is not statistically significant.

* P = 0.075

n = 25 n = 24 n = 24


0 20 40 60 80 100

wild type ppk-2 (ttTi8500) ppk-2 (tm3741) fluorescence normalized to wild type [%]



fluorescence in dorsal cord

Figure 27 ANF-GFP localization in ppk-2 mutants

A, the localization of GFP-labeled neuropeptide ANF was analyzed in dorsal as well as ventral cords of young adults. Scale bar, 5 µm. B, ANF-GFP fluorescence was quantified in the dorsal cords (n) of both ppk-2 mutants and normalized to the wild type average. Error bars, standard error of the mean, n.s., not significant, Student’s t-test.

ANF-GFP is exocytosed by neuronal DCVs and therefore found in the body cavity of nematodes (Speese et al., 2007). The abundance of secreted GFP-fusion protein and hence the intensity of exocytosis can be indirectly measured. Therefore, a special type of non-neuronal cells, the so-called coelomocytes, was imaged. Coelomocytes are scavenger cells, endocytosing continuously and fluid and macromolecules from the body cavity. A morphological feature of these cells is a big number of large vesicles from which endocytosed material is degraded (Fares and Greenwald, 2001).

Neuronal secreted ANF-GFP was observed in the posterior coelomocyte of young wild type adults and also in ppk-2 (ttTi8500) and ppk-2 (tm3741) (Figures 28A and B). The ANF-GFP fluorescence detected in coelomocytes of wild type and both ppk-2 mutants was quantified and normalized to the wild type average. As illustrated in Figure 28C, ppk-2 (ttTi8500) as well as ppk-2 (tm3741) animals show a highly significant increase of fluorescence of more than 30 % compared to control animals.

Consequently, it must be concluded that the DCV-mediated exocytosis of ANF-GFP is increased in both ppk-2 mutants.

P = 0.077


n = 20 n = 22 n = 20