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Central premises and key policies

Im Dokument 1/2013 (Seite 77-80)

4 Security policy

4.1 Central premises and key policies

Central premises

The foreign, security and defence policy of Finland safeguards the independence, territorial integrity and common values of society. Maintaining the security and prosperity of the nation and the undisturbed functioning of society are at the core of these policies. Based on a concept of comprehensive security that is inÀuenced by changing factors, the use of multiple instruments in the implementation of these policies is called for.

Finland’s security policy actively furthers security as well as anticipates and responds to security threats. Finland must analyse the global security environment, anticipate the developments therein and ensure that the selected security policy guidelines promote international collaboration and cooperative security in the most optimal way as well as promote Finland’s international status, values, interests and security.

Finland’s security and defence policy is characterised by continuity, transparency and a strong commitment to European and international collaboration. These are epitomised by active participation in the development of the E8’s common security and defence policy, 1AT2 partnership, 1ordic cooperation and international crisis management.

It is important to strengthen the E8’s cohesion and capacity. From the standpoint of Finland’s interests it is vital to strengthen the 8nion’s common values, societal wellbeing, economic competitiveness, international appeal and global inÀuence. An internationally robust, united and capable 8nion also serves Finland’s interests. Membership of the E8 is a fundamental security policy choice for Finland. The 8nion’s wideranging activities increase European integration between Member States and have a positive impact on their international and security policy roles. They also promote the wellbeing and security of citizens and sustain the viability of society. Finland, being an active and involved Member State, is committed to the political union, whose Member States share a sense of unity and the will to collaborate on wide ranging issues.

The importance of the European 8nion to the security of Finland is profound and multifaceted. It widely impacts Finland’s security environment at global and European levels as well as in Finland’s environs. The 8nion is a key actor in issues related to the functioning of society, internal security and in tackling border management challenges.

Finland’s security is built on good bilateral relations, active inÀuencing in the European 8nion as well as wideranging cooperation with other states and international actors. Finland aims to consolidate international stability, security, peace and justice as well as sustainable development, and to advance the rule of law, democracy and human rights. Finland participates in international burdensharing, in the development of global governance and takes an active part in efforts to ¿nd solutions to international problems. Finland aims to strengthen the role of the 81.

Security policy will take into account the importance of crossborder threats as well as international cooperation in combating them. In addition, the signi¿cance of the internal state of societies is highlighted as part of comprehensive security. Security can also be bolstered by promoting societal wellbeing and by preventing tension, social exclusion and segregation.

While the probability of armed aggression against Finland is low and, speci¿cally, of one aiming to seize territory, it cannot be categorically excluded. A security threat extending to Finland can emerge within the context of a wider regional or European conÀict.

Finland will continue to see to its own defence capability. The defence solution is built on a territorial defence system covering the entire area of the country.

General conscription will remain one of its cornerstones. The goal is to prevent security threats and to prepare for them in accordance with the principle of comprehensive security. The options provided by multinational cooperation will be utilised in maintaining and developing the defence capability.

The Province of Åland Islands has a recognised status under international law. 8pholding the special status of the province does not prevent Finland from intensifying defence cooperation within the European 8nion and in international organisations.

Key policies

Finland advances and strengthens its bilateral relations with other countries.

Along with the traditionally signi¿cant relations with the 1ordic countries, other

Member States of the European 8nion, the 8nited States and Russia, Finland intensi¿es its relationships with the emerging countries.

The aim is to develop the European 8nion so as to improve its external role, security and competitiveness. The goal is to strengthen the structures and activities which advance the E8’s global role as a valuebased actor that coherently taps into a wide range of instruments.

Finland strives for the extensive development of the E8’s external relations by emphasising strategic partnerships with key global actors and the importance of the European neighbourhood to Europe’s prosperity and security. In accordance with the options provided by the Lisbon Treaty, Finland increasingly promotes both a more effective common foreign and security policy CFSP and a common security and defence policy CSDP.

Finland is not a member of a military alliance, but cooperates with the 1orth Atlantic Treaty 2rganisation and maintains the option of applying for 1AT2 membership. Finland is not preparing to apply for 1AT2 membership during the present Government’s term of of¿ce. Finland will evaluate its possible 1AT2 membership on the grounds of its own national security and defence policy interests. Finland promotes cooperation between the European 8nion and 1AT2, recognising 1AT2’s importance as the key forum of European security policy. Defence development will see to it that no practical impediments are created for possible military alignment.

1ordic foreign, security and defence policy cooperation will be intensi¿ed.

Deepening collaboration facilitates the maintenance and development of military capabilities. Furthermore, this cooperation improves interoperability, which facilitates more effective cooperation in training and exercises, surveillance missions, procurement projects and crisis management operations.

The 81, being a universal global organisation, has a central role in strengthening multilateral cooperation – which is Finland’s goal as well – and in creating an international order based on international law. Finland supports conÀict prevention, crisis management, mediation and peacebuilding within the multilateral system, the E8,international organisations, and bilaterally.

4.2 Finland as a Member State of the EU, and cooperation with NATO

Im Dokument 1/2013 (Seite 77-80)