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The chapter sketched out the progress which human rights law scholarship and practice has made in developing and operationalising the minimum core approach to the right to health so that this approach can achieve its aim to give the right to health a meaningful content despite the »mere« obliga-tion of states to »progressively realize« the rights of the ICESCR. While the Committee’s understanding of the approach remains unclear, it has been

122 Besson (2015b), 477 and 483–484.

123 David Miller has identified this as a »protection gap«, cf. Miller (2009), 246.

argued that an emerging transnational consensus on the content and charac-ter of the minimum core right can be identified from the practice of domes-tic courts, domesdomes-tic law as well as regional and international human rights courts and bodies. This consensus points into a direction of understanding the minimum core right to health as an absolute right to access essential health goods and services. More comparative research will be needed to consolidate this consensus (or refute its existence).

The discussion also shed light on the procedural obligations under the ICESCR that guide states when concretising the abstract internationally-defined content of the minimum core right to health at the domestic level, taking into account local circumstances. This concretisation process should take place within a democratic system, and material obligations flowing from the minimum core right to health have to be allocated to various do-mestic actors and their implementation has to be coordinated.

Last, I argued that a focus on the minimum core approach could (to-gether with other principles and criteria) guide the specification and alloca-tion of states’, internaalloca-tional organisaalloca-tions’ and private entities’ responsibili-ties to cooperate and assist in the realization of the right to health; and in the coordination of the implementation of these responsibilities of different actors, and the coordination of the implementation of responsibilities and duties of the state of jurisdiction. Such specification, allocation and coordi-nation is urgently required to effectively realize the minimum core right to health of everyone, including those who live under a state’s jurisdiction that cannot secure minimum core rights without international assistance and co-operation.



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