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n−1I Z 1


F(ˆˆ λP(a))da −1

√1 nI

uM+ 1


(u(λ0,α(λˆ 0))−uM) +Op(1)(ˆλ−λ0)

(A.3) wobei uM = u(λ0, α0) und Op(1) im p-ten Mittel beschr¨ankt ist. Also ist der Erwartungswert von npkλˆ−λ0k2p beschr¨ankt.

A.4 Bootstrap des PSA-Sch¨atzers

Der Bootstrap-Sch¨atzer f¨ur die Korrelation (4.27) auf Basis der Pearson-Residuen (4.28) ist ˆ

α(λ) = 2 Ni(Ni−1)



Ui,k<lRk(λ)Rl(λ) Die Score-Funktion auf Basis von (4.29) ist

u(λ, α) =P



wobei die Gewichte ωkl(α) wie in (4.25) und (4.26) definiert sind. Der Sch¨atzer ˆλ: Ω → A ist die L¨osung von

u(λ,αˆ(λ)) = 0

Die Bootrap-Variante der Fisher Information ist Fˆ(λ, α) =P



Somit gilt mit ˆFM= ˆF0, α0), uM=u0, α0) und den Annahmen aus Abschnitt 3 λˆ−λ0 = ˆF∗−1M uM+Op(n−1)

Einsetzen in (5.4) ergibt

Mˆ = ˆYM+ ˆDM0∗−1M uM+Op(n−1)


M=−1 N





ist. Mit

E[ ˆDM|H] =−1 N





Mˆ = ˆYM+ E[ ˆDM|H]0−1M uM+Op(n−1)

Da wegen E[Rk0)Rl0)|H] = 0 f¨urk∈Ui und l∈Uj,i6=j E[V[uM|F]|H] =P


Ui(1−1/nIkl0)h10,xk)h10,xl)0 folgt und

E[Cov[ ˆYM,uM|F]|H] = 1 N



Ui(1−1/nI) exp{−λ00xk}xkyk gilt, ist

E[V[ ˆYMˆ−YˆHT |F]|H] = 1 N2




−E[ ˆDM|H]0P


Ui(1−1/nIkl0)h10,xk)h10,xl)0E[ ˆDM|H] +Op(n−1) Der Fall P2 folgt analog.

B Englische Zusammenfassung

The objective of this work was to find out whether the first panel version of the German Microcensus, covering the years 1996-1999, can be used for the estimation of labour force flows. The main concern about the use of the German Microcensus for the estimation of the gross flows refers to the introduc-tion of the non-response bias due to missing informaintroduc-tion about residential movers. Furthermore, the evaluation of different correction methods with respect to the reduction of the possible non-response bias was performed.

To examine this questions we used a methodology that carefully reflects the special missingness that is of interest here, namely the drop-out of persons due to residential mobility. This was achieved by the use of a similar survey which covers residential mobility. Thus, our approach relies on the observed behaviour of individuals who drop-out of the German Microcensus.

With respect to correction methods, we used calibration for non-response and propensity score adjustment (PSA). To apply both approaches the determination of weights was necessary. Furthermore, the theoretical properties of both approaches were derived. In addition, a new approach for simulation of non-response was developed.

The results indicate that the calibration approach using the population totals and sampling in-formation led to considerable bias reduction. At the same time the standard errors were slightly underestimated. Moreover, the simulation study showed that the PSA method based on logistic re-gression without taking into account the correlation within the households reached very strong bias reduction for the transition unemployment to employment. When calibration was applied on the PSA estimator no significant difference to the use of the PSA estimator alone was observed. For the estima-tion of standard errors the results showed good performance of the PSA approach for the transiestima-tions with the highest number of cases.

A careful evaluation would use both approaches and in the presence of large discrepancies conclude that considerable selection effects are induced by missing information about residential movers.


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