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B PPML XML Schema Definition

Im Dokument Password Policy Crawler (Seite 67-71)

<xs:documentation>The Policy represents a single password policy for the given scope.</xs:documentation>


<xs:documentation>Required. Represents the properties of the password.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element name="service"minOccurs="0"type="Service">


<xs:documentation>Holds information related to the service the password is used for.</xs:documentation>



<xs:documentation>Timestamp when this policy was created/updated. It must include the time, the date, and the offset from the UTC time.</xs:documentation>



<xs:attribute name="scope"type="xs:anyURI"use="required">


<xs:documentation>Relative path of the webpage where this policy will be used.

If the scope attribute references a file (i.e. does not end with a slash), the policy is only valid for the referenced file. A policy with a scope that ends with a slash is valid for the referenced folder, all subfiles and folders. Policies with a more specific scope are chosen over ones with more general scopes. The default value of the scope is "/", which is valid for all files and folders.</xs:documentation>



<xs:attribute name="redirect"type="xs:anyURI"/>

<xs:attribute name="name"type="xs:string"/>


test="(@redirect and not(characterSets) and not(properties) and not(service)) or (not(@redirect) and characterSets)"

xerces:message="Either the redirect attribute or both characterSets and properties elements must be present, but not both."


<xs:documentation>Reference to an already defined character set. All characters from the character set referenced by this element will be added to the character set this element is a child of.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element name="characters"type="xs:string"minOccurs="0">


<xs:documentation>String containing all characters that will be added to the character set.</xs:documentation>


<xs:documentation>Parent node for character settings. If the node is omitted, all characters defined in the characterSets element are treated as available for use with no restrictions on minimum and maximum ocurrences.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element default="0"minOccurs="0"name="maxConsecutive"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">


<xs:documentation>Indicates whether consecutive characters are allowed or not. A omitted value or 0 inidaces no limitation on consecutive characters.</xs:documentation>

<xs:documentation>Maximum length of the password. A value of 0 means no maximum length.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element name="expires"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"minOccurs="0"default="0"



<xs:documentation>Password expiry in days. A value of 0 means no expiry.</xs:documentation>


<xs:documentation>Settings element for a globally available character set.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded"minOccurs="0"name="requirementGroup"



<xs:documentation>Character sets specified in the requirement groups are implicitly added to the available character sets for the given position (or all position if no positions are specified) if they were not allowed previously. For a given character position this means that first, the available characters are evaluated using the characterSet element and the positionRestriction element. After this, the requirementRules add possible characters, they do not remove previously allowed characters (like the positionRestriction element does).</xs:documentation>



<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded"minOccurs="0"name="positionRestriction"



<xs:documentation>Restriction element used to restrict the allowed characters for a given character position. The globally available character sets are not available for any character position that has at least one position restriction as long as they are not made available by a positionRestriction element.</xs:documentation>

<xs:documentation>Minimum password global occurrences of the character set. Omitted for no restrictions on minimum occurences.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element minOccurs="0"name="maxOccurs"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"nillable="false">


<xs:documentation>Maximum password global occurrences of the character set. Omitted for no restrictions on maximum occurences.</xs:documentation>

<xs:documentation>Comma separated list of character positions the restriction is applied to. Each position can be a character position starting with 0.

Negative character positions can be used to specify the position beginning from the end of the password. A value in the interval (0,1) can be used to specify a position by ratio. E.g. 0.5 refers to the center position of the password.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element default="0"minOccurs="0"name="minOccurs"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">


<xs:documentation>Minimum occurences of the character set for the given positions. A value of 0 means no restrictions of minimum occurences.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element default="0"minOccurs="0"name="maxOccurs"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">


<xs:documentation>Maximum occurences of the character set for the given positions. A value of 0 means no restrictions of maximum occurences.</xs:documentation>




<xs:documentation>Minimum number of rules that must be fulfilled.</xs:documentation>


<xs:documentation>Minimum occurrences of the given character set. A value of 0 means no minimum occurrences.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element default="0"minOccurs="0"name="maxOccurs"type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">


<xs:documentation>Maximum occurrences of the given character set. A value of 0 means no maximum occurrences.</xs:documentation>



<xs:element minOccurs="0"name="positions"type="xs:string">


<xs:documentation>List of character positions this rule applies to as defined in the PositionRestriction type.</xs:documentation>


Listing B.1:Password Policy Markup Language XML Schema

Im Dokument Password Policy Crawler (Seite 67-71)