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Y Axis Setup Tabs

Im Dokument Seasoft V2: SBE Data Processing (Seite 125-128)

Section 8: Data Plotting Module – Sea Plot

X- Y Axis Setup Tabs

An Axis Setup tab looks like this for X-Y plots (X Axis 2 tab shown;

other axis tabs are similar):

Include this axis in plot. Sea Plot can plot up to 5 variables (1 Y and 4 X, or 1 X and 4 Y). At least 1 X and 1Y variable is required, so this selection is available only on Axis Setup tab for third, fourth, and fifth axis.

Note: If you deselect an axis, all axes numbered above that axis are automatically deselected.

Drop down list includes all variables in data (.cnv) file. Sea Plot indicates range of data for selected variable, to assist setup of plot scale.

Range is full range of data in file(s), and does not reflect your selection of Scans to process, Scans to skip at start, Scans to skip between points, etc. in Process Options dialog box. If file contains data collected while instrument was in air, range reflects these values. If multiple files were selected on File Setup tab, range is lowest value in all files to highest value in all files. If selected variable is derived salinity or derived density, variable range shown is 0 to 0, because Sea Plot does not know derived salinity or density values until you click Start Process and it begins to calculate derived values.

Order in drop down list reflects order of variables in file. If file contains multiple occurrences of a variable (for example, you calculated salinity in Data Conversion and then again in Derive, after aligning and filtering data), list adds a suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) to variable name;

do not confuse this with labeling for data from duplicate sensors (for example, Salinity, 2 [PSU] 1st is first occurrence in file of salinity calculated from secondary temperature and conductivity sensor data). Make sure to select desired variable for plotting.

Auto range: Sea Plot selects axis Minimum and Maximum values, number of Major divisions on axis, and number of Minor divisions between major divisions.

Auto divisions: Sea Plot selects number of major divisions on axis, and number of minor divisions between major divisions. User selects axis Minimum and Maximum values.

Any values that fall outside user-selected Minimum to Maximum range will plot at minimum or maximum, as applicable.

Select to label axis with variable name as listed in drop down Variable list, or enter a Custom label for axis.

Select desired Line type, color, and symbol.

• Selection of color or monochrome plot, and inclusion of symbols in plot, is made on Plot Setup tab, and applies to all axes.

• If an overlay plot was selected on Plot Setup tab, line type, color, and symbol are grayed out – select these for all files using Overlay Setup button on Plot Setup tab.

Plot axis from highest to lowest value. Typically used when pressure or depth is plotted on Y axis, so pressure / depth starts at 0 at top of plot and increases as you move down vertically.

Plot this axis on linear or logarithmic scale.


TS Plot Axis Setup Tabs

An Axis Setup tab looks like this for TS plots (Temperature axis tab shown;

Salinity axis tab is similar):

Drop down list includes all applicable variables in data (.cnv) file - temperature and potential temperature (for Temperature tab) and salinity (for Salinity tab), as well as derived salinity (for Salinity tab). Sea Plot indicates range of data for selected variable, to assist you in setup of plot scale. Range is full range of data in .cnv file(s), and does not reflect your selection of Scans to process, Scans to skip at start, Scans to skip between points, etc. in Process Options dialog box. If file contains data collected while instrument was in air, range reflects these values. If multiple files were selected on File Setup tab, range is lowest value in all files to highest value in all files. If selected variable (on Salinity tab) is derived salinity, variable range shown is 0 to 0, because Sea Plot does not know derived salinity values until you click Start Process and it begins to calculate derived values.

Order in drop down list reflects order of variables in file. If file contains multiple occurrences of a variable (for example, you calculated salinity in Data Conversion and then again in Derive, after aligning and filtering data), list adds a suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) to variable name;

do not confuse this with labeling for data from duplicate sensors (for example, Salinity, 2 [PSU] 1st is first occurrence in file of salinity calculated from secondary temperature and conductivity sensor data). Make sure to select desired variable for plotting.

Auto range: Sea Plot selects axis Minimum and Maximum values, number of Major divisions on axis, and number of Minor divisions between major divisions.

Auto divisions: Sea Plot selects number of major divisions on axis, and number of minor divisions between major divisions. User selects axis Minimum and Maximum values.

Any values that fall outside user-selected Minimum to Maximum range will plot at minimum or maximum, as applicable.

Select to label axis with variable name as listed in drop down Variable list, or enter a Custom label for axis.

Select desired Line type, color, and symbol.

• Selection of color or monochrome plot, and inclusion of symbols in plot, is made on Plot Setup tab, and applies to all axes.

• If an overlay plot was selected on Plot Setup tab, line type, color, and symbol are grayed out – select these for all files using Overlay Setup button on Plot Setup tab.

Sea Plot Header View Tab

The Header View tab allows you to view the existing header in the input file(s). The Header View tab looks like this:

View existing header in input file(s). If multiple input files are to be processed, switch between input file headers by using Prior and Next buttons.

• Header lines beginning with * contain header information copied from raw input data file.

• Header lines beginning with # contain header information describing input converted data (.cnv) file (not applicable to example shown). As each module is run, it adds information to the header, such as the input file name for the module, date and time the module was run, and input parameters. Thus, the header contains a complete record of how the data has been converted, edited, and manipulated.

• ASCII string *END* flags end of header information.


Viewing Sea Plot Plots

Shown below are three examples:

Im Dokument Seasoft V2: SBE Data Processing (Seite 125-128)