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Supplemental Table S21 A-F: Binomial tests for enrichment or depletion of DNA modifications in various genomic features

Section 4: Detailed Bioinformatics Methods

4.2 Long Read Assemblies using PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Data

4.2.3 Assembling the long reads alone .1 ABRUIJN

Three ABruijn assemblies were generated using Long Read Sets #1, #3, and #5.

abruijn.py longreads.fasta Sciara $COV -t 32 --iterations 1

PBall (Long Read Set #1) : COV=42

PBall+ONTmol (Long Read Set #3) : COV=54 PBfilt+Ont2d (Long Read Set #5) : COV=47

At the time of this work, ABruijn runs required allocating 512 GB RAM and 32 CPUs, and 7-8 days of running time. Thus, it was impractical to try exhaustive combinations of reads, filtering, etc. Canu

Canu is very sophisticated in automatically requesting appropriate resources and distributing/parallelizing its jobs across as many CPUS/nodes available on our compute cluster.

It therefore finishes within a day or 2, and it was possible to test many different combinations of reads, filtering, parameters, etc. Indeed, we have also tested many earlier versions of Canu (not reported here). We report on 17 Canu assemblies in this study, generated using Long Read Sets

#1-5. Note that an expected genome size of 292Mb was used here rather than 280 Mb based on an earlier estimate. That will have no effect on assemblies that used all of the data (when setting an extremely high coverage), and little effect on the amount of data used otherwise.

Below, variables that show up in the Canu commands are defined. Not all variables are used in all commands.

PBall=all_subreads.fasta # LRS#1/PBall PBfilt=subreads.gt0.75.fasta # LRS#2/PBfilt

ONTmol=ontmolecule.fasta #Combine w/ PBall for LRS#3

ONT2d=ont2d.fasta #Combine w/ PBall for LRS#4 or w/ PBfilt for LRS#5 PBONT2D=allPBsubreads_ont2d.fasta # LRS#4/PBallONT2d

PBFILTONT2D=pbsubreads.gt0.75_ont2d.fasta # LRS#5/PBfiltONT2d PBMOL=allPBsubreads_ontmolecule.fasta # LRS#3/PBallONTmol COROUTCOV=500 # excessively high to include all reads T=24:00:00


Canu_1 = default.pball = Canu 1.3 using only PacBio reads (LRS#1/PBall):


canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G \

-pacbio-raw $PBall “gridOptions=--time $T” oeaMemory=8

Canu_2 = minrl500.pball = Canu 1.3 using only PacBio reads (LRS#1/PBall) and specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp:


canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G \

“gridOptions=--time $T” oeaMemory=8 \ corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV

Canu_4 = corcov500minrl500.pball = Canu 1.3 using only PacBio reads (LRS#1/PBall), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, and fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu):

NAME=g292-default-all-corcov500-min500 canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G \

-pacbio-raw $PBall “gridOptions=--time $T” \

minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV

Canu_5 = corcov500.pbfilt = Canu 1.3 using only filtered PacBio reads (LRS#2/PBfilt) and fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu):

NAME=g292-default-q0.75-corcov500 canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G

-pacbio-raw $PBfilt “gridOptions=--time $T” \ oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV

Canu_6 = corcov500minrl500.pbfilt = Canu 1.3 using only filtered PacBio reads (LRS#2/PBfilt), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, and fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu):

NAME=g292-default-q0.75-corcov500-min500 canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G \

-pacbio-raw $PBfilt “gridOptions=--time $T” \

minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV

Canu_7 = corcov500minrl500.pball.ontmol = Canu 1.3 using all PacBio reads and one read per molecule from ONT (LRS#3/PBall+ONTmol), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, and fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu):


canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G -pacbio-raw $PB \ -nanopore-raw $ONTmol “gridOptions=--time $T” \

minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV \ corMemory=40

Canu_8 = corcov500minrl500.aspb-e025.pball.ontmol = Canu 1.3 using all PacBio reads and one read per molecule from ONT (LRS#3/PBall+ONTmol), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu), and combining the PB and ONT data into a single file treated by Canu as PacBio data:

NAME=g292-default-pball-ontmol-corcov500-min500-aspb canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G errorRate=0.02 \

-pacbio-raw $PBall_ONTmol “gridOptions=--time $T” \

canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G -pacbio-raw $PB \ -nanopore-raw $ONT2d “gridOptions=--time $T” \

minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV \ corMemory=30

Canu_10 = corcov500minrl500.aspb-e02.pball.ont2d = Canu 1.3 using all PacBio reads and 2D nanopore reads (LRS#4/PBall+ONT2d), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu), and combining the PB and ONT data into a single file treated by Canu as PacBio data:

NAME=g292-default-pball-ont2d-corcov500-min500-aspb canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G errorRate=0.02 \

-pacbio-raw $PBall_ONT2d “gridOptions=--time $T” \ minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 \

corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV corMemory=30

Canu_11 = corcov500.pbfilt.ont2d = Canu 1.3 using filtered PacBio reads and 2D nanopore reads (LRS#5/PBfilt+ONT2d), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu):


canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G -pacbio-raw $PBFILT \

-nanopore-raw $ONT2d “gridOptions=--time $T” minReadLength=500 \ oeaMemory=8 corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV corMemory=30

Canu_12 = corcov500minrl500.aspb-e02.pbfilt.ont2d = Canu 1.3 using filtered PacBio reads and 2D nanopore reads (LRS#5/PBfilt+ONT2d), specifying a minimum read length of 500 bp, fixing coverage parameters to use all reads (not just a subset of the longest sampled by Canu), and combining the PB and ONT data into a single file treated by Canu as PacBio data:

NAME=g292-default-pbfilt-ont2d-corcov500-min500-aspb canu -p $NAME -d $NAME genomeSize=$G errorRate=0.02 \

-pacbio-raw $PBfilt_ONT2d “gridOptions=--time $T” \ minReadLength=500 oeaMemory=8 \

corOutCoverage=$COROUTCOV corMemory=30

Canu_13 - 17 were run in similar ways as above with earlier versions of Canu. We used optimization scripts for the bogart step for a diploid genome: https://github.com/JohnUrban/sciara-project-tools/blob/master/canu-utilities/optimization-loop-2.sh

Canu_13 = canu10.minrl500.dip3x.pball = Canu 1.0 using PBall and a minimum read length of 500 bp.

Canu_14 = canu10.minrl1000.dip3x.pbfilt = Canu 1.0 using PBfilt, a minimum read length of 1000 bp, and the diploid 3X optimization.

Canu_17 = canu12.minrl500.dip3x.pball.ontmol = same as Canu_16, but with the default coverage cutoff. Falcon

Assemblies were generated using Long Read Sets #1-5. Similar to Canu, since Falcon was able to launch jobs on SLURM in an efficient way, we were able to test many different sets of parameters and combinations of reads. Twelve assemblies are reported in this study that could be referred to as:

With LRS#1/PBall:

Falcon_1: default.PBall Falcon_2: seed25.PBall Falcon_3: seed30.PBall With LRS#2/PBfilt:

Falcon_4: default.PBfilt Falcon_5: seed25.PBfilt Falcon_6: seed30.PBfilt With LRS#3/PBall+ONTmol

Falcon_7: seed25.PBall.ontmol

Falcon_8: seed25.relaxed.PBall.ONTmol With LRS#4/PBall+ONT2d

Falcon_9: seed25.PBall.ONT2d

Falcon_10: seed25.relaxed.PBall.ONT2d With LRS#5/PBfilt+ONT2d

Falcon_11: seed25.PBfilt.ONT2d

Falcon_12: seed25.relaxed.PBfilt.ONT2d

The headers for fast5-derived fasta files from the MinION data are not appropriate for use with falcon, whereas PacBio headers are. To use our MinION data with the Falcon assembler, we used Fast5Tools to generate Falcon-acceptable headers as such:

filterFast5DerivedFastx.py -o falcon file.fa > file.forfalcon.fa

All assemblies were initiated via:

fc_run.py fc_run.cfg logging.ini


keys=form01,form02 [logger_root]


handlers=stream,file_all [logger_pypeflow]


handlers=file_pypeflow qualname=pypeflow propagate=1



handlers=file_pwatcher qualname=pwatcher propagate=1



handlers=file_fc_run qualname=fc_run propagate=1 [handler_stream]

class=StreamHandler level=INFO

formatter=form02 args=(sys.stderr,) [handler_file_pypeflow]

class=FileHandler level=DEBUG




class=FileHandler level=DEBUG


args=('pwatcher.log',) [handler_file_fc_run]

class=FileHandler level=DEBUG

formatter=form01 args=('fc_run.log',) [handler_file_all]

class=FileHandler level=DEBUG

Falcon Default Configuration:

The “default” configuration file (fc_run.cfg) for “default.PBall” and " default.Pfilt " assemblies (Falcon_1 and Falcon_4) contained the following lines:


use_tmpdir = false job_type = slurm jobqueue = production

#stop_all_jobs_on_failure = true

# list of files of the initial bas.h5 files input_fofn = input.fofn

input_type = raw

# The length cutoff used for seed reads used for initial mapping length_cutoff = -1

genome_size = 292000000

# The length cutoff used for seed reads usef for pre-assembly (>0, was not able to do -1)

length_cutoff_pr = 500


sge_option_da = cpus-per-task 8 mem 30g time 48:000:00 --qos=ccmb-condo

sge_option_la = --cpus-per-task 2 --mem 30g --time 48:00:00 --qos=ccmb-condo

pa_DBsplit_option = -a -x500 -s200

pa_HPCdaligner_option = -v -B128 -e0.70 -M24 -l1000 -s100 pa_concurrent_jobs = 1000

#consensus for error correction

sge_option_cns = cpus-per-task 8 mem 60g time 48:00:00 --qos=ccmb-condo

falcon_sense_option = output_multi min_idt 0.70 min_cov 4 --max_n_read 200 --n_core 8

cns_concurrent_jobs = 1000

# overlap detection for assembly

sge_option_pda = cpus-per-task 8 mem 30g time 48:00:00 --qos=ccmb-condo

sge_option_pla = cpus-per-task 2 mem 30g time 48:00:00 --qos=ccmb-condo

ovlp_concurrent_jobs = 1000

ovlp_DBsplit_option = -x500 -s200

ovlp_HPCdaligner_option = -v -B128 -e.96 -M16 -l500 -s100

Falcon Seed=25 Configuration:

The “seed25” configuration files (fc_run.cfg) for “seed25.PBall”, “seed25.PBfilt”,

“seed25.PBall.ontmol”, “seed25.PBall.ont2d”, “seed25.PBfilt.ont2d” (falcon assemblies #2, 5, 7, 9, and 11) were similar to the “default” configuration with the following line added:

seed_coverage = 25

Falcon Seed=30 Configuration:

The “seed25” configuration files (fc_run.cfg) for “seed25.PBall”, “seed25.PBfilt”,

“seed25.PBall.ontmol”, “seed25.PBall.ont2d”, “seed25.PBfilt.ont2d” (falcon assemblies #2, 5, 7, 9, and 11) were similar to the “default” configuration with the following line added:

seed_coverage = 30

Falcon Relaxed Seed=25 Configuration:

The “relaxed seed 25” configuration file (fc_run.cfg) for “seed25.relaxed.PBall.ONTmol”,

“seed25.relaxed.PBall.ONT2d”, and “seed25.relaxed.PBfilt.ONT2d” (Falcon assemblies 8, 10, and 12) was almost the same as “seed25” configuration above, but with the following lines added/changed:

# specified a length cut-off length_cutoff = 7500

# In section titled “consensus for error correction”, changed--min_idtfrom0.70to0.65:

falcon_sense_option = output_multi min_idt 0.65 min_cov 4 --max_n_read 200 --n_core 8

# In section titled "overlap detection for assembly", changed-e from.96to.70 ovlp_HPCdaligner_option = -v -B128 -e.70 -M16 -l500 -s100 Miniasm and RaCon

Miniasm required < 64 GB RAM, 8 threads, and < 3 hours to complete. It was therefore practical to try many combinations of reads, filtering, etc. Since Miniasm does not have its own consensus step, RaCon was used. RaCon required < 150 GB RAM, 8 threads, and < 4.5 hours to finish. In total, Miniasm+RaCon took < 7.5 hours and is by far the fastest combination of assembly and consensus steps we tested. We generated eight miniasm assemblies using different combinations of reads.

Miniasm was used with Long Read Sets #1-8

RaCon used LRS#1/PBall for assemblies that used only PacBio data.

RaCon used LRS#6/PBallONTall for assemblies that used both PacBio and ONT data.

All Miniasm assemblies and RaCon polishing followed these commands:

racon -t 8 reads.fastq overlaps-for-racon.paf asm.fasta asm.racon.fasta SMARTdenovo

Five SMARTdenovo assemblies were generated using Long Read Sets #1-5.

smartdenovo.pl -c 1 longreads.fasta > wtasm.mak make -f wtasm.mak

SMARTdenovo required <48 GB RAM, 8 threads, and <15 hours to complete. It was therefore practical to try more combinations of reads, filtering, etc.