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Approaches for Night Train Search

6.4 Sleeping Time in Night Trains

6.4.3 Approaches for Night Train Search

In this section we describe two new approaches which we have developed for night train search. Pre-Selection of Night Trains

We first present an enumerative approach. Its general idea is to select suitable night train sections first, and then to compute corresponding feeder sections. The main steps can be stated quite easily.

1. Iterate over all night trains of the train schedule which operate on the query day.

2. For each such train, determine all stations which may serve as entry point and all stations which may serve as exit points.

3. For each such pair, determine feeder sections to compose complete connections.

4. LetCbe the collection of connections determined. Apply Pareto dominance to filter out all dominated connections fromC. Return the result.

In the following we will first describe steps 2 and 3 in more detail. Afterwards, we will discuss how to speed up this general approach.



Start station Terminal station

b c

Alternative entrance Night Train

Exit Alternative exit

Figure 6.4: Selection of pairs of entry and exit points. Pairs are rejected ifa+b > α·c, i.e., if they would induce too large a detour. Selection of Entry and Exit Points. Given a query and a particular night train, we have to select suitable pairs of entry and exit points to this train in Step 2. This has to be done with care to achieve a reasonable efficiency. Thus, in this phase we intend to reject as many pairs as possible without losing valuable solutions.

A station where a night train stops (and entering/leaving is allowed) qualifies as a possible entry or exit point if it is close, with respect to some distance metric, to the start or to the terminal station of the query, respectively.

To this end, two metrics can be used: Euclidean distance and lower bounds on the travel time for the feeder section. The advantage of Euclidean based bounds is that we can compute them in constant time. However, such bounds completely ignore the railway network and the train schedule. Two stations which are geographically close may be far from each other with respect to public transport. Estimates of the required travel time between two stations would allow us to make more accurate decisions. We propose using lower bound on the travel time as estimates. These bound can be computed quite efficiently.

As the length of required feeder sections depends very much on the given query, we do not use any fixed absolute bound to decide whether two stations are close enough to each other. Instead we propose using a query-dependent rejection rule which is visualized in Figure 6.4. A pair of entry and exit points is rejected for a query if the bounda on the feeder length from the start station to the entry point and the boundbon the feeder length from the exit point to the terminal station together exceed the bound c on the length of a direct connection between start and terminal station by some factorα, i.e., if

a+b > α·c.

Our experiments revealed that settingα:= 1 is a suitable conservative choice.

Finally, we accept a pair of entry and exit stations only if the travel time of the corresponding night train between these two stations is above our lower bound on the sleeping timelbst. Computation of Feeders. Given a pair of entry and exit points for a night train the next step is to compute feeder trains.

The entry point for the night train determines when we have to arrive at this particular station at the latest. Since we really want to reach the night train we incorporate some extra safety margin to this calculation. Then we can use an ordinary backward search (with the same safety margin for interchanges) from this station and the latest arrival

6.4 Sleeping Time in Night Trains 71 time to the start station to find suitable feeder trains.v Likewise we perform an ordinary forward search from the exit point to the terminal station.

Since entry and exit points are likely to appear in several pairs, we have to make sure not to compute the same feeder sections several times. To avoid repeated calculations, we therefore introduced a caching mechanism which stores the results of each feeder search. Pruning the Search Space. A naive implementation of our enumerative approach would do the feeder computation in an arbitrary order for all selected pairs.

Since the selection of pairs is done in a very conservative way, the resulting algorithm would be quite inefficient.

A more clever refinement of this approach uses a priority queue to determine the order of feeder computations. Our motivation is that already computed solutions can be used to prune the search space. The priority queue contains all pairs for which at least one feeder has not yet been computed. The key by which we order the entry and exit point pairs in the priority queue is an estimate of the travel time of the overall connection.

This travel time estimate is composed of the known length of the night train section plus estimates on the feeder lengths. When a particular feeder has been determined during the course of the algorithm, our estimates are updated for all elements in the priority queue where this feeder fits. In each iteration we select and remove the top element from the priority queue. For the corresponding pair we check whether it is already dominated by previously computed connections. If this is the case, we discard this pair. Otherwise, we compute one missing feeder. Afterwards, we either obtain a set of complete connections for this pair, or the other feeder section is still missing. In the latter case, we reinsert the pair into the priority queue with the updated key information. Multi-Criteria Search with an Additional Criterion

The second approach, which we propose, adds sleeping time as a new criterion to the multi-criteria search for attractive connections. Form a software-engineering point of view the multi-criteria framework implemented in MOTIS is easily extendable to an additional criterion. In general, only two modifications are necessary.

1. We have to make sure that the labels representing partial connections keep track of the additional criterion.

2. The domination rules have to be adapted so that they effectively prune labels.

While the modification of labels is straightforward, finding good domination rules is much more difficult (and usually requires some experimental evaluation).

Pruning of labels during search by domination can only be done with the help of good and efficiently computable bounds, lower bounds for minimization and upper bounds for maximization, respectively. See Section 8.5for details on lower bounds and Section 8.4 for an introduction of the speed-up techniquedomination by labels at the terminal.

Thus, for the maximization criterion sleeping time we need an upper bound. Given a partial connection, this bound should limit the maximum additional sleeping time this connection can accumulate en route to the terminal station. With the help of such an upper bound a label of a partial connection can be dominated with respect to the criterion

vOrdinary search allows the replacement of start and terminal stations by equivalent meta-stations.

The possibility for such a replacement has to be switched off for the entry and exit point as in our scenario we really have to arrive at the pre-selected station and not at some equivalent one.

sleeping time if the current sleeping time plus the additional sleeping time is smaller than the sleeping time of some known complete connection. Unfortunately, we do not know such upper bounds, except for trivial ones which are far too loose to help in pruning.

Since a Pareto search without pruning is hopeless (although the search space is polyno-mially bounded in practice [MW01, MW06], it is still far too large to achieve computation times of a few seconds), we have to use heuristic domination rules which cannot guarantee finding all attractive solutions.

We adapt the domination rules of MOTIS as follows: A complete connectioncis only allowed to prune a partial connectionp

• ifp“has used and already left” a night train but did not reach at leastlbstsleeping time, or

• ifp“has used and already left” a night train but did not reach more sleeping time thanc, or

• if p is currently “in a night train”, then c has to have sleeping time above the threshold lbst, and the sleeping time ofc has to be at least the sleeping time ofp plusβ times a lower bound on the remaining travel time forp(for some constant β), or

• ifpcontains no night train at all.

While the first two rules are still exact, the two others are aggressive heuristics.vi If c is allowed to prune it still needs to be “relaxed Pareto smaller” with respect to the other criteria. For the comparison of labels belonging to the same node (i.e., partial connection against partial connection) nothing has to be changed.

We will evaluate both approaches to the search for night trains in Section 9.2 in Chapter9: Computational Study.

viInitial experiments showed that without these heuristics the average CPU time would be about one minute. This is clearly not acceptable for on-line use of information systems.

Chapter 7


The search for train connections in state-of-the-art commercial timetable information systems is based on a static schedule. Unfortunately, public transportation systems suffer from delays for various reasons. Thus, dynamic changes of the planned schedule have to be taken into account. A system that has access to delay information about trains (and uses this information within search queries) can provide valid alternatives in case a connection is not possible as planned due to a broken interchange. Additionally, it can be used to actively guide passengers as these alternatives may be presented before the passenger becomes stranded at a station due to an invalid transfer.

In this chapter, we present an approach which takes a stream of delay information and schedule changes on short notice (partial train cancellations, extra trains) into account.

Primary delays of trains may cause a cascade of so-called secondary delays of other trains which have to wait according to certain policies for delays between connecting trains.

We introduce the concept of a dependency graph to efficiently calculate and update all primary and secondary delays. This delay information is then incorporated into a time-expanded search graph which has to be updated dynamically. These update operations are quite complex, but turn out not to be time-critical in a fully realistic scenario.

We finally present a case study with data provided by Deutsche Bahn AG, showing that this approach has been successfully integrated into the multi-criteria timetable in-formation system MOTIS and can handle massive delay data streams instantly.

Our early results on this subject have appeared in [FMS08]. The extended results presented here have been accepted for publishing in [MS09]. We want to thank our students Lennart Frede [Fre08] and Mohammad Keyhani [Key09] who contributed to the software design and implementation.

7.1 Introduction and Motivation

In recent years, the performance and quality of service of electronic timetable informa-tion systems has increased significantly. Unfortunately, not everything runs smoothly in scheduled traffic and delays are the norm rather than the exception.

Delays can have various causes: Disruptions in the operations flow, accidents, mal-functioning or damaged equipment, construction work, repair work, and extreme weather conditions like snow and ice, floods, and landslides, to name just a few. On a typical day


of operation in Germany, an online system has to handle about 6 million forecast mes-sages about (mostly small) changes with respect to the planned schedule and the latest prediction of the current situation. Note that this high number of changes also includes cases where delayed trains catch up some of their delay.

A system that incorporates up-to-date train status information (most importantly, information about future delays based on the current situation) can provide a user with valid timetable information in the presence of disturbances.

Such an on-line system can additionally be utilized to verify the current status of a journey.

• Journeys can either be still valid (i.e., they can be executed as planned),

• they can be affected such that the arrival at the destination is delayed, or

• they may no longer be possible.

In the latter case, a connecting train will be missed, either because the connecting train cannot wait for a delayed train, or the connecting train may have been canceled. In a delay situation, such status information is very helpful. In the positive case – all planned train changes are still possible – passengers can be reassured that they do not have to worry about missing their connecting train(s). To learn that one will arrive x minutes late with the planned sequence of trains may allow a customer to make arrangements, e.g. inform someone to pick one up later. In the unfortunate case that a connecting train will be missed, this information can now be obtained well before the connection breaks and the passenger is stranded at a station. Therefore, valid alternatives may be presented while there are still more options to react. This situation is clearly preferable to missing a connecting train and then using any information system (ticket machine, service counter) to request an alternative.

Up to now commercial systems do not take the current situation into account. Even though estimated arrival times may be accessible for a given connection, these times are not used actively during the search. Their recommendations may be impossible to use, as the proposed alternatives already suffer from delays and may even already be infeasible at the time they are delivered by the system.

From Static to Real-Time Timetable Information Systems.

Previous research on timetable information systems has focused on the static case, where the timetable is considered as fixed.

Here we start a new thread of research on dynamically changing timetable data as a consequence of disruptions. Our contribution is:

• the development of a first prototypal yet completely realistic timetable informa-tion system that incorporates current train status informainforma-tion into a multi-criteria search for attractive train connections. Modeling issues have been discussed in the literature on a theoretical level [DGWZ08] but no true-to-life system with real delay data has been studied and, to our knowledge, no such system that guarantees opti-mal results (with respect to even a single optimization criterion) exists. We provide results of implementing such a system for a real world scenario with no simplifying assumptions.

• We propose a system architecture intended for a multi-server environment, where the availability of search engines has to be guaranteed at all times. Our system

7.1 Introduction and Motivation 75 consists of two main components, areal-time information server and one or several search servers. The real-time information server receives a massive stream of status messages about delayed trains. Its purpose is to integrate this information into the

“planned schedule”. Moreover, based on the received messages (primary delays) it has to compute all so-called secondary delays which result from trains waiting for each other according to certain waiting policies. The new overall status information is then sent to the search servers which incorporate all changes into their internal model. Search servers, in turn, are used to answer customer queries about train connections.

• Both servers require a specific graph model as the underlying basic data structure.

We here introduce the concept of a dependency graph as a model to efficiently propagate primary delay information according to policies for delays in the real-time information server. Our dependency graph (introduced in Section 7.4) is similar to a simple time-expanded graph model with distinct nodes for each departure and arrival event in the entire schedule for the current and following days. This is a natural and efficient model, since every event has to store its own update information.

For the search server we use a search graph. Here, we are free to use either the time-expanded or the time-dependent model. In this chapter, we have chosen to use the time-expanded model for the search graph, since MOTIS is based on this.

Although update operations are quite complex in this model, it will turn out that they can be performed very efficiently, averaging 17µsper update message.

• To store a full timetable over a typical period of a year, static timetable systems are usually built on a compact data structure. For example, they identify the same events on different days of operation and use bitfields to specify valid days. This space saving technique does not work in a dynamic environment since the members of such an equivalence class of events have to be treated individually, as they will generally have different delays. We will show how a static time-expanded graph model can be extended to a dynamic graph model without undue increase in space consumption.

Related work. Independently of us, Delling et al. [DGWZ08] came up with ideas on how to regard delays in timetabling systems. In contrast to their work we do not primarily work on edge weights, but consider nodes with timestamps. The edge weight for time is the difference between head and tail node. Thus, it automatically updates with the timestamps of the nodes, whereas edge weights for transfers and cost do not change during the update procedures. This is important for the ability to do multi-criteria search.

Due to a number of low-level optimizations we achieve a considerable speed-up over the preliminary work in Frede et al. [FMS08].

A related field of current research is disposition and delay management. Gatto et al. [GGJ+04, GJPS05] have studied the complexity of delay management for different scenarios and have developed efficient algorithms for certain special cases using dynamic programming and minimum cut computations. Various policies for delays have been dis-cussed, for example by Ginkel and Sch¨obel [GS07]. Sch¨obel [Sch07] also proposed integer programming models for delay management. Stochastic models for the propagation of delays are studied, for example, by Meester and Muns [MM07]. Policies for delays in a stochastic context are treated in [APW02].

Overview. The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 7.2, we will discuss primary and secondary delays. We introduce our system architecture in Section 7.3, and describe its two main components afterwards. First, we explain our dependency graph model and the propagation algorithm for delays (in Section7.4). Then, we present the update of the search graph (in Section 7.5). A major issue for a real system, the correct treatment of days of operation, will be discussed in Section7.6. Next, we provide our experimental results in Section 7.7. Finally, we conclude and give an outlook.