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Zooming into temperature conditions in the city of Leipzig: How do urban built

4.4 Applicability and challenges

conclusion that landscape metrics are more useful in predicting noise and PM10 exposure levels, both independently as well as together, than structural parameters such as construction height, total area or percentage of built area.

In residential urban structure types, evening surface temperatures decrease with increasing distance from the city centre (research paper 3, Figure 4). Distance from the city centre was not found to be related to morning and evening surface temperatures in residential areas, but had a strong influence on the nocturnal cooling. Considering all urban structure types, the morning and evening surface temperatures decrease with an increasing distance from the city centre. A residential area’s temperature difference between morning and evening is strongly positively correlated with its mean distance from the city centre. In combination with such structural parameters as construction height, percentage of built area and distance from city centre, landscape metrics are suitable for predicting temperature conditions. The morning and evening surface temperatures increase with increases in such metrics as the area-weighted mean shape index, the area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness index.

Additionally, landscape metrics identify vulnerable and affected areas efficiently, easily and reliably (research paper 1, Table S2). Patch density, edge density, area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness are particularly useful metrics for predicting the noise exposure levels of individual structure types. Mean shape index is the most useful for predicting the PM10 exposure levels of individual structure types. Patch density, edge density, area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness index are useful in predicting noise exposure levels for solely residential structure types. Patch density, edge density, area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness index are the most useful in predicting PM10 exposure levels of individual structure types. High values of these landscape metrics are associated with high levels of noise and PM10 exposure. Noise and emission maps, which are needed for this type of landscape metrics-based assessment, are usually available from the environmental agencies of cities because they are required by law. The software FRAGSTATS, which can be used to calculate landscape metric values, is available free of charge, which appears to be a considerable advantage.

4.4 Applicability and challenges


Leipzig’s maps of noise and PM10 exposure as well as its urban climate map have been analysed.

Analogous maps are required for different study areas. Additionally, a land use map and an urban structure map are also necessary. This dissertation used the common urban land-use classification system proposed by Haase and Nuissl (2007), which enables its findings to be compared to other German or European cities with urban land-use structures and degrees of compactness comparable to those of Leipzig. Other study sites should be similar in size, urban structure, and air and surface temperatures.

Because of the European Noise Directive, almost all large cities in Europe should already have traffic noise maps. Similarly, large European cities have established maps of particulate matter exposure (European Environment Agency, 2014). Urban climate maps are not always available, but provide a useful complement. However, the analysis of urban areas on the basis of traffic noise and PM10 should be possible. Thus, additional cost-intensive measurements and spot inspections can be reduced in frequency or even eliminated.

Supporting instrument for urban land-use planning - landscape metrics?

The influence of structural differences can be detected and quantified using landscape metrics. These metrics can be used to predict noise levels, PM10 exposures and surface temperatures as well as identify possible urban heat islands. Edge density, mean shape index, area-weighted mean shape index, mean patch fractal dimension, area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness index are particularly informative metrics for residential urban structure types. Moreover, current and future changes in urban land use/cover can be assessed in this way. A new planning tool has been developed to identify urban quarters that are heat-vulnerable, highly disturbed by noise and highly polluted by fine particulate matter. This tool can be used to optimize prospective urban planning and development plans. The tool may thereby help to develop effective adaptation measures to climate change for urban areas.

The dissertation has shown that it is possible to provide a preliminary “quick and dirty” assessment of noise and PM10 exposure, as well as surface temperatures, in a given area as a function of the construction heights in that area and the proportion of that area that is built. A high proportion of built area is a good predictor of high noise exposure. The construction height has a significant impact on the level of noise exposure. Furthermore, in residential areas, the height of construction has a significant impact on the level of PM10 exposure. Similarly, the proportion of built area has a significant impact on level of PM10 exposure.

Landscape metrics are very useful for the prediction of noise and PM10 exposure as well as temperature conditions, individually and in combination, for people in urban structures. Particularly meaningful metrics are area-weighted mean shape index, area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension, Shannon’s diversity index and Shannon’s evenness index. Structural parameters, such as the height of construction, the percentage of built area and the distance from the city centre also need to be considered. The building density and height especially dictate the value of PM10 and surface temperature in the city.

Using the European guidelines for traffic noise and air pollution and globally accepted concepts of landscape metrics, the results of this study have import for other cities with similar structure types and a similar pattern of development of the city area, such as many German and other central European cities. Although the correlations may differ from those for central European cities, landscape metrics may still be a powerful tool for the assessment of noise and PM10 exposure as well as surface temperatures, more specifically temperature conditions, in other cities worldwide as well. The type of analysis presented for Leipzig could be repeated in the future to confirm the validity of the results and perhaps detect changes over time. Further evaluation of both the capacity and usability of landscape metrics based on comparisons of different European cities is highly recommended and needed. In addition, future changes in land use and housing estate structures (e.g., abridgement, gap filling and demolition) can be assessed in terms of their likely effects on noise, pollutant and climate exposure.

Leipzig is ideal for urban ecology research. The urban area of Leipzig has experienced many ongoing changes over the last 20 years. Furthermore, the future brings more changes with it. Leipzig offers a high density of research institutions conducting geographical and biological research, including the

University of Leipzig, the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography.

Landscape metrics are being discussed in many research papers and scientific books. New applications of landscape metrics in the spheres of noise and air pollution, as well as climate change monitoring, provide a wide field for future research and offer new perspectives on the use of existing maps in the urban planning process.


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