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Appendix 2: Call types and more detailed breeding stages

Supplementary Materials

17.2. Appendix 2: Call types and more detailed breeding stages

To find out in more detail how the relative usage of vocalisation types might change during which part of the breeding cycle, we examined the effects of sex and of the seven detailed breeding stages on the proportion of vocalisations for each vocal-isation type, i.e. the number of vocalvocal-isations of a specific vocalvocal-isation type during a recording divided by the number of all vocalisation types during the same re-cording period. Here, we found an interaction between sex and breeding stage for all vocalisation types except for distance calls (Fig. 20). In males and females, distance calls were used less in all other breeding stages than when birds were


“unpaired”. In females, they also occurred more frequently when birds were dur-ing the “no nest” stage (paired but without own nest) than durdur-ing “nest-builddur-ing”

and “female egg-laying” (Fstage = 8.60, Fsex = 0.29, R2marginal = 0.32,R2conditional

= 0.40). Tets showed two peaks during the breeding stages for females: one when birds were paired without own nest (“no nest”) and one during “egg-laying”

(Fstage = 2.69, R2marginal = 0.08, R2conditional = 0.20). In males, tets occurred at intermediate levels during the “unpaired” and “no nest” stages, reached a peak during “nest inspection” and then decreased again (Fstage = 5.36, R2marginal = 0.22, R2conditional = 0.39). Female stacks occurred frequently during “unpaired”,

“territorial” and “nest inspection” and were reduced during “no nest” and “nest-building” which was followed by another increase (Fstage = 2.27,R2marginal= 0.09, R2conditional = 0.16). For males, the proportion of stack calls was lower than for females and showed less prominent differences between breeding stages: there was a decrease over the course of the breeding stages. The highest peak, how-ever, was at “female egg-laying” (Fstage = 2.09,R2marginal= 0.08,R2conditional= 0.34).

Females used cackles least when they were “unpaired” and most during “nest-building” (mean estimate lay on the higher credible interval of “egg-laying”) (Fstage

= 4.12,Rmarginal2 = 0.30,R2conditional= 0.41). In males, the number of cackles gradu-ally increased over the breeding stages until “territorial” and “nest-building” was reached, and then gradually decreased back to “unpaired” values (Fstage = 4.67, R2marginal= 0.11,R2conditional= 0.52). A similar pattern was found for whines in fe-males (Fstage = 1.96, R2marginal = 0.35, R2conditional = 0.11) and in males (Fstage = 3.16,R2marginal= 0.05,R2conditional= 0.63): there was an increase in the proportion of whines over the breeding stages, reaching maximum values at “territorial” and

“nest-building”, followed by a decrease back to “unpaired” levels (Fig. 20).

Video 1Zebra finches behaving freely with on-bird microphones (http://dx.doi.


Example video and external audio recording of Zebra finches behaving freely in-side aviary (partial view) on the day of nest material. In the video, note the small white objects on the birds’ backs (microphone backpacks) that allow normal be-haviours, e.g. flight and collection of nest material. In the audio, note the soft, overlapping vocalisations, and wing beat sounds (see Fig. 17).

BehaviourDescriptionCount/durationType DisplacementFocalbirdarrivesatanotherbird’slocationforcingittoleavecountAgonistic FightingE.g.bill-fight,fullbodyfight,chasingcount ClumpingBirdssitindirectphysicalcontactwitheachotherdurationAffiliative AllopreeningOnebirdpreensanotherbirddurationorsexual Cop.solicitationFemalefanstailatmalecountbehaviour CopulationMalemountsfemalecount EnternestboxBirdsenterthesamenestboxwithoutfightingcount ForagingBirdisforagingonground,feeding,drinkingdurationNeutral PreeningBirdisself-preeningduration FlyingBirdfliesaroundinaviarycount IncubatingBirdsittinginsidenestboxwitheggsduration

Table 4. Overview and short description of different agonistic, af-filiative or sexual, and neutral behaviours and whether they were measured as occurrences (count) or every two minutes (duration)


BreedingstageDescriptionNeststage UnpairedBirddoesnotshowincreasedprosocialbehaviourPre-nesting towardsspecificindividual NonestPairedbutwithoutnest TerritorialPairdefendingnestsitewithoutnestmaterialEarlynesting NestinspectionPairinspectingdifferentnestboxes NestbuildingPairbringingnestmaterialtonestbox LayingPair’sfemalelayingeggsLaternesting IncubationPairmembersincubating

Table 5. Overview and short description of breeding stages and nest stages

Figure 18. Group housing. Overview of experimental room includ-ing aviary and technical set-up.


Figure 19. Differences in steroid hormone concentrations at baseline levels and the three nest stages. Boxplots of testosterone (TESTO), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and progesterone (P4) concen-trations with natural log-transformed values at baseline (Base) and the three nest stages Pre-, Early and Later Nesting, analysed sep-arately for the 16 females (red, nBase = 16, nPre = 11, nEarly = 5, nLater = 13) and 16 males (blue, nBase = 15, nPre = 12, nEarly = 5, nLater = 12) from four trials. Bayesian estimates are plotted as coloured points, and 95 % credible intervals as coloured lines. For an explanation of abbreviations, lines and symbols see Fig. 4. For methods, detailed results and discussion of hormones in relation to nest stages see Appendix 1.

Figure 20. Changes in call repertoire at more detailed breeding stages. Boxplots of the proportion of call types (y-axis) for females (top, nfemales = 12) and males (bottom, nmales = 10) over the de-tailed breeding stages (x-axis, UP: Unpaired, NN: No nest, Inspec:

Nest inspection, Terr: Nest defence, Build: Nest building, Lay: Egg-laying, Incub: Incubation). Sample sizes during different breeding stages were 10, 14, 8, 12, 18, 10 and 7 data points coming from 7, 7, 6, 8, 12, 7 and 5 different females, and 10, 13, 6, 12, 15, 6 and 5 data points coming from 7, 6, 4, 8, 10, 5 and 3 different males. Bayesian estimates and CrI are plotted as coloured points and vertical bars (red: females, blue: males). For further explanations and abbrevi-ations see Fig. 4. Note the different scale and missing Bayesian stat-istics for “whines” (right), as these consisted a comparably small part of the repertoire and included many zero values, especially at the earlier breeding stages. A table showing all Bayesian estimates and credible intervals can be found in Appendix 2.


Figure 21. Increasing specificity of within-pair vocal interactions.

Vocal activity (number of distance, tet, stack, cackle and whine calls, green points = means, green lines = standard errors) and spe-cificity of vocal interactions within pairs (red bars) and with non-pair members (grey bars) over the breeding stages (UP: Unnon-paired, NN: No nest, Inspec: Nest inspection, Terr: Nest defence, Build:

Nest-building, Lay: Egg-laying, Incub: Incubating). Note that the pair specificity of vocal interactions increased across breeding stages, and after birds had paired, they always shared more interactions with their partner than with other group members. Also note that for this graph, only trials II and III (n = 16 birds) were included due to the missing values in trial I (would allow investigation of within-pair interactions but not of vocal interactions from the en-tire colony). Sample sizes were thus 16, 25, 12, 14, 22, 12 and 10 observations coming from 10, 8, 8, 12, 16, 10 and 6 focal birds.


On-bird sound recordings: automatic acoustic recognition of activities and contexts


Dan Stowell*, Emmanouil Benetos, Lisa F. Gill




We introduce a novel approach to studying animal behaviour and the context in which it occurs, through the use of microphone backpacks carried on the backs of individual free-flying jackdaws (Corvus monedula). These sensors are increas-ingly used by animal behaviour researchers to study individual vocalisations of freely behaving animals, even in the field. However such devices may record more than an animal’s vocal behaviour, and have the potential to be used for investigat-ing specific activities (movement) and context (background) within which vocalisa-tions occur. To facilitate this approach, we investigate the automatic annotation of such recordings through two different sound scene analysis paradigms: a scene-classification method using feature learning, and an event-detection method us-ing probabilistic latent component analysis (PLCA). Results are comparable with the state of the art in sound scene analysis; we find that the current recognition quality level enables scalable automatic annotation of audio logger data, given partial annotation, but also find that individual differences between animals and/or their backpacks limit the generalisation from one individual to another. we con-sider the interrelation of ‘scenes’ and ‘events’ in this particular task, and issues of temporal resolution.



Studying the behaviour of animals in real time and in their natural environments is becoming more and more feasible through the use of animal-borne loggers or other remote sensing technology (Wilmers et al., 2015). These technologies have provided insight into different aspects of physiology and behaviour, such as heart-beat (Laske et al., 2011) or migratory routes (Schofield et al., 2010; Newman et al., 2012), which in turn can help us understand basic mechanisms up to evolutionary drivers, as well as support decision-making processes in nature conservation or disease management.

To reconstruct daily activity patterns, many remote-sensing studies have used methods that provide information on the location of an animal in space (today most commonly GPS: Global Positioning System). To get more fine-scale informa-tion, spatial data have been combined with accelerometry which can shed more light on the actual activities of an animal (Shamoun-Baranes et al., 2012; Wilmers et al., 2015). However, the immediate causes or related contexts of specific animal behaviours were often not identifiable through these technologies, and required additional information sources.

Recently, microphone backpacks have become useful tools to investigate different aspects of vocal behaviour in naturalistic contexts, even in small animals (Hiryu et al., 2008; Ilany et al., 2013; Couchoux et al., 2015; Gill et al., 2016). By picking up the vocal sounds close to their production origin, researchers are now able to record and identify vocalisations from the signal-emitting individuals, even in physically or acoustically challenging environments. But in small animals, unlike for example in whales (Stimpert et al., 2015), it is often not (yet) possible to apply tags that provide multiple channels of information simultaneously, due to weight limitations—especially in birds. Thus, placing vocal behaviour into relevant con-text can be limited to specific situations in which a simultaneous collection of fur-ther data is possible.

Because an on-board microphone moves along with its bearer, most microphone backpacks do not exclusively record vocalisations, but also other sounds. Firstly, depending on their sensitivity, the microphones have the potential to pick up a

variety of background sounds. Secondly, specific movement patterns of the imal resulting in characteristic sound patterns might reveal aspects of the an-imal’s behaviour, e.g. “running” or “self-scratching” (noted by Ilany et al., 2013;

Couchoux et al., 2015). But, to date, this has not been investigated in detail.