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Appendix C: Bifurcation analysis

C.1 Cortex

Here, we give the model definition of the cortex for xppaut. Note there is an additional linebreak due to editing, in Napump that might cause problems for the parser.

# Cortical model description for xppaut

# Bifurcation parameter parameter g_KNa = 0 parameter sigma_p = 4

# Membrane capacity

!C_m = 1

# Membrane time constant

!tau = 30

# Weights/conductivities

!g_AMPA = 1

!g_GABA = 1

# Reversal potentials

!E_L = -64

!E_K =-100

!E_AMPA = 0

!E_GABA = -70

# Sigmoid parameters

# Maximal firing rates

!Qmax_p = 0.03

!Qmax_i = 0.06

# Inhibitory slope

!sigma_i= 6

# Firing threshold

!theta = -58.5

# Scaling parameter for sigmoidal mapping


# Synaptic time constants



# Sodium parameters

!Na_eq =9.5


!tau_Na = 1.3

!R_pump =0.09

70 C.1. CORTEX

Napump(Na)= Rpump * ( Na*Na*Na / (Na*Na*Na + 3375) - Naeq*Naeq*Naeq / (Naeq*Naeq*Naeq + 3375))

# Firing rate functions

Na’ = (alphaNa * Qp(Vp) -Napump(Na))/tauNa s_ep’ = x_ep

C.2 Thalamus

Here, we give the model definition of the thalamus for xppaut. Note there are additional linebreaks due to editing, in Vt’ and Vr’ that might cause problems for the parser.

# Thalamic model description for xppaut

# Bifurcation parameters param g_LK=0.02

param g_h=0.06

# Membrane capacity

!C_m = 1

# Membrane time constant


# Weights/conductivities





# Reversal potentials

!E_L =-70

!E_K =-100

!E_Ca =120

!E_h =-40



# Sigmoid parameters

# Maximum firing rate


# Slope for sigmoid


# Sigmoid threshold


# Scaling parameter for sigmoidal mapping


# PSC rise time in ms^-1



# Calcium dynamic





# Parameters of h-current

!k1 = 2.5E_7

!k2 = 4E-4

!k3 = 1E-1

!k4 = 1E-3

!n_P = 4

!g_inc= 2

# Connectivities




# Functions

# Firing rates

Qt(Vt)=Q_max/(1+exp(-C*(Vt-theta)/sigma)) Qr(Vr)=Q_max/(1+exp(-C*(Vr-theta)/sigma))

# Activation functions

m_inf_T_t(Vt)=1/(1+exp(-(Vt+59)/6.2)) m_inf_T_r(Vr)=1/(1+exp(-(Vr+52)/7.4)) h_inf_T_t(Vt)=1/(1+exp((Vt+81)/4)) h_inf_T_r(Vr)=1/(1+exp((Vr+80)/5))

tau_h_T_t(Vt)=(30.8+(211.4+exp((Vt+115.2)/5))/(1+exp((Vt+86)/3.2)))/3^1.2 tau_h_T_r(Vr)=(85+1/(exp((Vr+48)/4)+exp(-(Vr+407)/50)))/3^1.2



# Synaptic currents

I_AMPA(V,s)= g_AMPA * s * (V - E_AMPA) I_GABA(V,s)= g_GABA * s * (V - E_GABA)

# Leak currents I_L(V)=(V-E_L)


# Calicum current

I_T_t(Vt,h_T_t)=g_T_t*m_inf_T_t(Vt)*m_inf_T_t(Vt)*h_T_t*(Vt-E_Ca) I_T_r(Vr,h_T_r)=g_T_r*m_inf_T_r(Vr)*m_inf_T_r(Vr)*h_T_r*(Vr-E_Ca)

# h-current


# Protein binding


# System equation


-1/C_m*(I_LK(Vt)+I_T_t(Vt,h_T_t)+I_h(Vt,m_h,m_h2)) Vr’=-(I_L(Vr)+I_AMPA(Vr,s_er)+I_GABA(Vr,s_rr))/tau


Ca’=(alpha_Ca*I_T_t(Vt,h_T_t)-(Ca-Ca_0)/tau_Ca) h_T_t’=(h_inf_T_t(Vt)-h_T_t)/tau_h_T_t(Vt) h_T_r’=(h_inf_T_r(Vr)-h_T_r)/tau_h_T_r(Vr)

m_h’=((m_inf_h(Vt)*(1-m_h2)-m_h)/tau_m_h(Vt)-k3*P_h(Ca)*m_h+k4*m_h2) m_h2’=(k3*P_h(Ca)*m_h-k4*m_h2)

s_er’=x_er s_rt’=x_rt s_rr’=x_rr

x_er’=gamma_t*gamma_t*(N_er*Qt(Vt)-s_er)-2*gamma_t*x_er x_rt’=gamma_r*gamma_r*(N_rt*Qr(Vr)-s_rt)-2*gamma_r*x_rt x_rr’=gamma_r*gamma_r*(N_rr*Qr(Vr)-s_rr)-2*gamma_r*x_rr

# Initial parameters

init Vt=-70,Vr=-70,Ca=2.4E-4

# XPPAUT settings

@ total=3000,dt=1,meth=rungekuta

@ YLO=-80,YHI=-40,XLO=0,XHI=3000

@ parmin=0,parmax=0.2

@ autoxmin=0,autoxmax=0.2,autoymin=-100,autoymax=0

@ ds=1e-2,dsmin=1e-5,dsmax=0.5

@ nmax=400,npr=0,ntst=600,epsl=1e-9,epss=1e-7,epsu=1e-7 done



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