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P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.

P233 Keep container tightly closed.

P240 Ground and bond container and receiving equipment.

P241 Use explosion-proof [electrical/ventilating/lighting/...] equipment.

P242 Use non-sparking tools.

P243 Take action to prevent static discharges.

P260 Do not breathe dusts or mists.

P260D Do not breathe vapors.

P261 Avoid breathing (dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray).

P261sh Avoid breathing dust/vapors. P280sh Wear protective gloves/eye protection.

P264 Wash (hands) thoroughly after handling.

P264W Wash with water thoroughly after handling.

P270 Do no eat, drink or smoke when using this product.

P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.

P273 Avoid release to the environment.

P280 Wear (protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection).

P280sh Wear protective gloves/eye protection.

P285 In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection.

P301+310 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.

P301+312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.

P301+330+331 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.

P302+352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.

P303+361+353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.

Rinse skin with water [or shower].

P304+340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.

P304+340+310 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.

P304+341 IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.

P305+351+338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.

P305+351+338+310 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.

P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.

P308+313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical attention/advice.

P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.

P312 Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/... if you feel unwell.

P314 Get medical attention/advice if you feel unwell.

P321 Specific treatment (see ... on this label).

P330 Rinse mouth.

P332+313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.



P333+313 If skin irritation or rash occurs, seek medical advice/attention.

P337+313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.

P342+311 If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor.

P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.

P391 Collect spillage.

P405 Store locked up.

P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.

Physical and health hazards pictograms

GHS02: Flammable GHS05: Corrosive GHS06: Toxic

GHS07: Harmful GHS08: Health hazard GHS09:

Environmental hazard

158 Acknowledgments

For the past three years and four months, I have had the honor and fortune to work in the team of Prof. Dr. Walter Fiedler and PD Dr. Jasmin Wellbrock. Professor Fiedler, I owe you my gratitude for your sincere and selfless help and kindness during these years. Thank you for finding time for me, for taking care of me, in addition to all your responsibilities at the clinic.

Your cheerful spirit has always given me hope for successful completion of my doctorate. I owe a great deal of gratitude to Jasmin, without whom this thesis would not have been possible to finish. Jasmin, thank you for the detailed organization and for your willingness to always answer my questions. Thank you for allowing me to learn techniques and methods that I did not know until now. I am especially grateful for your time given for useful advice and words of consolation when the experiments did not go as planned. Apart from science stuff, I must not forget the parties of our group at your home, including one of the best masquerades I have ever attended.

To Dr. Lena Behrmann and PD Dr. Sabine Hoffmeister-Ullerich I am thankful for every advice given during gene expression analyses. Sabine, thank you for every moment spent to answer my numerous questions during difficult times and for agreeing to participate as a member of the examination committee.

I also owe a great deal of gratitude to professor Wolfgang Maison, who, in addition to all his obligations, agreed to be the evaluator of this doctoral thesis. I am also very grateful to co-supervisor of this doctorate, Prof. Dr. Elke Oetjen for all her understanding, support and constructive comments in moments when things did not go according to the plan and when I wasn’t as organized as I should have been. Thank you for your willingness to always help. Also, help from the student service of MIN Faculty, Department of Chemistry, has never been lacking thanks to Ms. Waltraud Wallenius. Ms. Wallenius, thank you for making everything more comfortable and for always finding a way to overcome difficulties.

I am especially grateful to professor Lejla Kapur-Pojskić and professor Hans Joachim Seitz, who, through joint efforts, made it possible for me to come to Hamburg. Yet, none of this would have been possible without my dear friend Dr. Jasmina Hindija. Jasmina, I'm sure I can't thank you enough for your constant support all these years, starting from the time we worked together on my diploma thesis. Thank you for initiating all this, for contacting me at the right time.

Thank you for your trust. During our numerous conversations, I could always sense your


positivity, no matter how difficult the situation was at the time. Thank you for your understanding, which I sometimes missed during my doctorate.

Thanks to the technical staff of our lab, Gabi, Antonia, Vanessa, Jana, for every helpful advice.

Without you, it would not be possible to perfect the methods necessary for this doctorate. I owe the greatest gratitude to Gabi and Antonia, who were helping me until the very end of the doctorate. Thank you so much for your support when my time for experiments was limited.

Antonia and Gabi, despite all obligations, you were also there for me. It was a great pleasure working with you.

This doctorate has spawned some wonderful friendships in my life. Frauke, Alex, it was an honor and joy to work with you. Thank you for sharing your good and bad moments with me.

Thank you for sharing not only the space in the lab, but also sharing your Ph.D. life with me.

Every piece of advice and comfort after every experiment conducted, successful or unsuccessful, came from you. Thank you for every lunch we had together around 2 pm, especially for Pizza-Thursdays, full of calories. I will remember all of our jokes which made our work atmosphere more than pleasant. You have so often been responsible for the smile on my face. Alex, thank you for understanding every joke that few could understand. Thank you for refreshing and sticking my corner of the office with amusing stickers. Not to forget – thanks to you, I always had the latest information from the world of rap music. To Frauke, my Ph.D.

sister and a great friend, I am immensely grateful for all given advice and suggestions during these years. Thank you for your patience and selfless sharing of your knowledge. Thank you for all the good news over the years. Your friendly support and understanding when it was the hardest is something that few could do and cannot be easily forgotten. In the middle of all the science stuff we were dealing with, we always managed to talk about our general life plans, travel plans… Simply, talking to you has always been positively refreshing. Thank you for allowing me to discover you both as a person and as a researcher.

I owe immense gratitude to some of the most brilliant minds in our clinic, Dr. Stefan Horn and Prof. Dr. Jakob Körbelin. Stefan, without your technical support, everything would have been much more difficult. Thank you for all your help in the organization of the mouse experiments, especially for your help when I was not in the lab. It was a pleasure working with you.

Jakob, you have been there all these years and you always had interesting and inspiring comments during our conversation. Thank you for always being full of patience, compassion and goodwill to listen. Thank you for every word of support and understanding in very difficult


moments. Thank you for your great optimism and for spreading scientific enthusiasm; for pointing out that every result, in addition to being bad, also has a good side. I am happy to have had such support.

Jelena Ivanković, Aleksandra Spasojević, Aljoša Šljuka, Ana Šipikovjanović, Daniela Bajdevska, Nina Matić thank you for your friendly support at all times. Aljoša, your programming ability was of great help in this doctorate. Aleksandra, thank you for always finding time to talk about the difficult path to our doctorates. We shared the same view on so many life questions... Our coffee breaks have always been the reason for additional brainstorming. Ana, thank you for all your optimism and for endless goodwill. Daniela, despite all your commitments and the difficult period you had, you always found time for me. Thank you for your cordial help in analyzing IHC samples and for the countless questions you have always been ready to answer. Nina, your words were always full of hope. Our audio messages will surely hold a record in length for a long time. Jelena, Jeca, what would I do without our ice cream gourmet moments, full of positivism?

Vladimir Lakić, Dejana Kulina, Ivana Parađina, Srđan Čegar, thank you for your optimism, jokes, thank you for your interest in everything I have done in the past years. Jovana Gajović, it would be difficult to endure without your enthusiasm in the days when I needed help. Thank you all for maintaining our friendship despite me being away from you. Veca, Goga... Without you, there would be no spiritual in me. Thank you for every message full of good feelings and kindness. Veca, thank you for the surprise cake every time I visit you. Goga, our tea parties have become a tradition.

Dr. Vuk Vuković is someone who left an indelible mark in my life. Someone who made me a better person, a better scientist. Who helped me to keep the faith. Our correspondence, our stories until late at night, is something that will not be forgotten. Thank you for being there when I wasn’t on the right track. Thank you for not forgetting me when I needed help so much.

Thank you for helping in the most difficult moments when I doubted myself. Your goodness, as a mountain spring, is infinite.

Flávia Oliveira Geraldes, thank you for every thoughtful advice given during this doctorate.

Your willingness to help was always there. Thank you for understanding my jokes, for our cooperation in scientific projects in Russia and long lasting friendship.

I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone by now.


After all, I want to thank the people to whom I dedicate this doctoral thesis – my family, my loved ones. My family is the reason I'm here where I am. Although we were often so far from each other, I always felt you with me. Thank you for always being light in the dark. Dragan, Anna, don't be surprised that I put your names here. You are my family. You have always been there, from my beginning. Anna, thank you for the words of comfort when it was so hard to start a new life. Dragan, your optimism and support is something that kept me going forward.

To family Nastav I am grateful for every positive thought given. Although we haven't seen each other over the years, I could feel your support in every moment. Dear aunt Ružica, thank you for supporting me in such difficult times of my life.

The Grabovac, Marić and Stojanović families, thank you for never forgetting me. Aunt Ljubinka, Uncle Savo, I am so proud to have had you by my side.

My dear grandmothers, unfortunately, left us near the end of this doctorate. Baka Bosa, Baka Vuka, thank you for your true goodness. Thank you for not hiding your happiness every time we see each other. I hope you would have been proud of me. I am proud of you.

You deserve special credit for this doctorate, Adri. I am here because of you. Your incredible patience over the years is something that is rarely found. Thank you for your words of comfort when it was the hardest. Thank you for every trip, for every dinner you made, for the inexhaustible optimism and above all, for your infinite kindness. Thank you for encouraging me, for making my life better every day. And I am blessed that you are always here and will be, you and Nukli. You have been that necessary firefly.

My mother Gospa and my father Velimir are the reason for my every success. Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for every support. Thank you for reminding me to eat regularly, to have more sleep (even when it wasn’t physically possible), and above all for your patience. It wasn’t easy being physically separated from you, that’s for sure. Thank you for the assurance that I will successfully complete this Ph.D. I want to thank my big brother Goran for his eternal support and for every well-intentioned criticism. Thank you for understanding the moments when I felt hopeless. Thank you for every good thought and good word.

My loved ones, I want you to know that I am immensely grateful to have you. You are the pillars of my life, you are my inspiration and my safety. Without you, I would be left in the dark to wander aimlessly. Every thought of you creates a warm feeling around my heart, the same feeling I experience when I come to my mountain Jahorina. Your support is everything.


Thank you, reader of this thesis, for your interest. I hope you will found the thesis useful.