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Table 8: Constructs and items of the main survey

Construct Items Based on

Intention INT1 I intend to purchase renewable energy generation or storage systems for my household within the upcoming 3-5 years.

Fishbein and Ajzen (2010), Webb et al.

(2014) INT2 I would like to purchase renewable energy generation or storage

systems for my household within the upcoming 3-5 years.

Attitude ATT1 I find RE generation and storage systems for households are reasonable. ATT2 I consider RE generation and storage systems for households to be

a good idea.

Subjective norm

SN1 Most people (friends, family, colleagues) who are important to me would approve my purchasing RE systems for my household.

Ajzen (2002), Fishbein and Ajzen (2010), Zhang et al.

(2014) SN2 Most people whose opinions I value think that it is reasonable to

purchase RE systems for private households.

Perceived behavioral control (PBC)

PBC1 For me purchasing RE systems for my household is under my control. PBC2 If I really want I can purchase RE systems for my household.

Environmental awareness

ENV1 I am concerned about the environment. Bang et al.

(2000), Römer et al. (2014) ENV2 I am concerned about environmental pollution.

ENV3 I am concerned about water and air pollution.

Perceived financial benefits

FB1 I find RE systems for my household serves as a financial provision for old age.

Korcaj et al.

(2015), Park et al. (2014), Scott et al. (2014) FB2 I find RE systems for my household is a secure financial


FB3 I find that purchasing a RE system for my household is a profitable investment in the long run.

Table 9: Constructs and items of the main survey (continued)

Construct Items Based on

Perceived autarky benefits

AUT1 I find I can compensate for rising energy prices with a RE generation or storage system.

Korcaj et al.

(2015), Römer et al. (2014) AUT2 I find a RE system allows me to secure part of my energy provision.

AUT3 I find a RE system gives me more control over my energy provision.

AUT4 I find a RE system enables me to become independent of energy providers.

AUT5 For me it is important to be self-sufficient concerning my energy provision.

Perceived overall costs

COS1 I find the costs attached to RE systems for households too high compared to the benefits.

Dany and Römer (2014), Korcaj et al. (2015), Park et al. (2014) COS2 I find that RE systems for my household result in high effort and

costs for me.

COS3 I think that purchasing and maintaining a RE system for my private household is associated with too high costs.

Technology affinity

AFF1 I like trying out and using new technologies. Dany and Römer (2014), Gagnon et al. (2012) AFF2 I am interested in renewable energy technologies and follow

respective news.

AFF3 I see myself as open to new technologies (e.g. technologies in general and renewable energy technologies in particular).

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5 Conclusion

The goal of my dissertation was to support policy makers, the industry, and researchers with their aim of transforming the energy system towards a decentralized renewable energy generation.

Therefore, I shed light on drivers, barriers, and opportunities for renewable energy business models and, in particular, on energy self-sufficiency, as one promising business model opportunity, and tendency in some industrialized countries. As Müller et al. (2011, p. 5802) describe,

“decentralization increases producers’ and consumers’ freedom regarding their technological choice and opens up opportunities for local innovations.” In the following conclusion, first, I will summarize the findings of the papers, second, elaborate on the main contributions, third, describe implications for future research, and, finally, provide an overview of general implications for the policy maker.