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We interpret our findings as showing that the psychological changes around ovulation that occur for naturally cycling women are suppressed completely by hormonal contraceptives. To a lesser extent the same holds true for the

psychological changes around menstruation. If mate preferences and choices varied because of the hormonal changes surrounding ovulation, they would probably also be suppressed. However, our findings shed doubt on claimed mate preference variation around ovulation. In our study, several measures of the partner’s attractiveness did not moderate the changes in sexual desire. Another recently published large study also challenges previous reports of ovulatory changes in preferences for masculinity (Jones et al., 2017). We think this is an important area for future research. Although preferences for masculinity and short-term

attractiveness may not change across the cycle, other mate preferences might.

Furthermore, if certain theoretical predictions in the literature are correct, ovulatory changes might be strongest in extra-pair desire (Gangestad et al., 2015). If the pill made women more monogamous by inhibiting an ovulatory increase in extra-pair desire, this would be an important side effect to know about, both for the user and for

34 contraceptives. Our data show some initial evidence of these interindividual

differences, but more research is needed to show that these differences are stable and can be measured reliably.

6. Conclusion

In this dissertation, I showed that research on mutation-selection-balance can answer exciting basic research questions while at the same time speaking to worries about societal and demographic trends. We found evidence that selection prevents a build-up of mutations, but sexual selection did not seem to play an especially

important role in this. Moreover, we found that selection continues to act against mutations in 20th-century Sweden, but we could not rule out with certainty that it has relaxed slightly. We also found evidence running counter to the notion that hormonal contraception alters mate choice, and thus sways sexual selection, but we only examined one aspect of mate preferences.

Our research cannot fully allay worries about relaxed selection, delayed

reproduction, and altered mate choices, but we reported evidence that, given proper context and comparisons, these changes do not seem drastic. The balance between mutation and selection may not be as fragile as some have predicted, but it is clearly a topic worth examining. We call for further careful and empirical examination of this topic and the many other factors that may affect strength and efficacy of selection.

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Appendix A.

Manuscript 1 (Evolutionary Genetics)

Chapter 45 Evolutionary
