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Alignment of full-lenght human. mitoRNAP sequence and structure with T7 RNAP

Figure 23. Alignment of human mitoRNAP with T7 RNAP.

Sequence alignment and structural conservation of human mitoRNAP and T7 RNAP (using PBD 1QLN for secondary structure allocation). Shown are mitoRNAP res. 218-1230 and full length T7 RNAP. Secondary structure elements are indicated above and under the sequences for mitoRNAP and T7 RNAP, respectively (cylinders for -helices, arrows for -strands, lines for loops) with colours in mitoRNAP blue for PPR domain, silver for N-terminal domain, and gray for C-terminal core and in T7 RNAP salmon for N-C-terminal domain, and lightpink for C-C-terminal core.

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