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A know Iedgements

Im Dokument the North (Seite 131-136)

I am very greatful to Prof. Dr. Eberhard Ruprecht for supervising this thesis, and for continously supporting my scientific interests from the very beginning.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge Michael Hilmer, Dr. Carsten Eden, and Dr. Sergcy Gulev for very fruitful discussions and collaborations - the imprints, which arc evident throughout the whole manuscript.

It was a pleasure to graduate in parallel with Renate Hagedorn, who kept company in many scientific and private affairs during numerous unconventional working hours. I am grcatful to my family and my friends for staying in contact with a "workaholic" .

.\ly colleagues of the Department of Meteorology provided a stimulating atmosphere.

The work of Kai Grunau and Dr. Jiirgen Kielmann in maintaing high computer standards at the IfM is very much acknowledged. Oliver Timm, Torben Kahl, and Sandy Ubl provided valueable technicial support.

Dr. P. D. Jones kindly provided SLP time series from the Azores, Gibraltar, and Iceland.

Data from the control run of the ECHAM4/0PYC3 model were provided by Drs. E. Roeck-ncr, M. Esch, and J. M. Oberhuber. Thanks go to Dr. U. Ulbrich for making available to me sea level pressure data from the scenario run of the coupled ECHAM4/0PYC3 model.

NCEP /NCAR reanalysis data were provided through the NOAA Climate Diagnostic Cen-ter. The ocean general circulation model was kindly provided through the FLAME group.

The German Research Foundation provided financial support in the framework of the Sonderforschungsbereich 460 "Dynamics of Thermohaline Circulation Variability".

BERICHTE AUS OEM INSTITUT FOR MEERESKUNDE Verzeichnis der veroffentlichten Arbeiten

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Im Dokument the North (Seite 131-136)