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A Focus+Context technique for Edge Exploration

Plug-In Visual Analytics

4.1 Visual Analytics on the Interaction Level

4.1.1 A Focus+Context technique for Edge Exploration

EdgeAnalyzer provides a lens-based visual metaphor for inspecting edges within a region. The lens can be resized for narrowing or widening the focus of interest.

Theoretically, arbitrary shapes are possible for this interaction mechanism, but throughout this section circular lens shapes are considered in text and images.

EdgeAnalyzer provides a three-stage process for detecting edges of a hovered area in a first step, optionally grouping edges in a second step, and providing alternative views of the second step’s outcome in the third step (see Figure4.2). Corresponding to these steps, separate modules with well-defined interfaces are provided in order to make the mechanisms for grouping and visualization exchangeable for users and extensible for new methods if they should be required.

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Figure 4.2 — The basic process for carrying out edge exploration with the EdgeAnalyzer approach.

Edge Exploration

In order to explore edges, analysts simply have to move the lens which is shown semi-transparently over an existing visualization that employs edges for depicting relational aspects. During movement as well as resizing of the lens, hovered edges are automatically and dynamically detected, grouped and visualized according to the user’s preferences. The mechanism takes into account edges intersecting the lens as well as fully covered edges. The detection mechanism itself is generic, given that underlying visualizations are able to provide geometric information on their edges via a predefined interface.

If many edges or bigger edge bundles are inspected in the lens area, showing details for all edges from the beginning makes it difficult to understand the situation quickly. In order to make larger sets of edges manageable, ways of grouping them according to a user’s needs are required. In the EdgeAnalyzer approach this is realized through organizing the edges supplied by the parent visualization in a flexible, internal data structure. After the detection of hovered edges is finished, internal grouping of edges is enabled through the corresponding module.

The grouping can be realized based on various edge properties. These proper-ties include geometric aspects, such as intersection angle of edges with the lens, intersection points, global edge direction, etc., and metadata properties of edges, which, in case of patent co-classification, for example, comprise years of application, applicants, designated countries, and so forth. Thereby, characteristics visualized by the parent view EdgeAnalyzer is applied to can be taken into account as well, if available. Naturally, this comprises geometrical aspectsand metadata. If metadata is to be included in the grouping process, another interface for accessing the parent visualization or the data it is based on has to be provided.

Grouping itself is realized through aggregation and clustering. The grouping can therefore be seen as a user-steered automated step in the process of exploration and selection, which is typical for visual analytics approaches. Using automated methods such as clustering (e.g. k-Means clustering) is especially helpful if large amounts of edges are explored and the user does not know beforehand, which criteria might be well suited for aggregating them. In a second step, the clustering might be refined by choosing different clustering parameters or by switching to an alternative grouping based on metadata characteristics of edges.

Depending on the task, different views for depicting the situation in focus can be beneficial. In order get an idea on the number of edges and bundles of them, (local) de-bundling strategies as shown in Figure 4.3 can be conducive. The different views can take into account the edges’ context outside the focused area, or ignore edges’ paths and present then in an abstract way, independent from the parent view. In either case, the visualization of edges relies on the selected grouping

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Figure 4.3 — EdgeAnalyzer’s lens applied to a patent co-classification edge bundle. No grouping is activated and the visualization mode is set to de-bundling.

Figure 4.4 — Different visualization modes are available for users to choose from.

In the left variant focused (groups) of edges are ‘de-bundled’. Similar with the right visualization. Here edges are shown as horizontal dashed lines instead. In the perspective in the middle, all edges are bundled together.

of the previous step. In order to keep users informed about the active grouping mechanism, an optional tooltip is provided. Another switchable tooltip summarizes the characteristics of the focused region by showing the number of edges, number of groups, as well as the id/label and additional information about the currently highlighted edge group (see Figure 4.5).

Browsing Groups of Edges

Browsing (groups of) edges is possible using the mouse wheel. On each wheel tick the next edge (group) is highlighted and details are depicted in the corresponding tooltip. By combining grouping and visual inspection of these groups, the browsing

Figure 4.5 — Components of an EdgeAnalyzer lens. Two arc wheels for iterative grouping/drill down are shown around EdgeAnalyzer’s lens, as well as tooltips, telling

mechanism enables analysts to filter those groups that are of specific interest to their tasks. In case of employing EdgeAnalyzer in the co-classification view of PatViz, this, for example, can be exploited to determine IPC groups where the patents under analysis are frequently co-classified in, because edges always relate to patent documents. If such a frequent co-classification exists, this insight enables analysts to broaden their search to IPC subclasses or groups that were not taken into account in previous analyses.

Although specialized views for depicting and browsing edge groups are available, depicting groups’ sizes to these views is problematic. Mapping size to edge width or color, for example, makes depicting edges’ contexts, e.g. in form of aligning them to their paths outside the focused area, difficult. Additionally the space inside the lens is limited, and views are shown on top of existing visualizations. Depicting various properties in parallel inside the lens can quickly result in additional visual clutter. In order to avoid this issue, the lens was extended with a visual mechanism that has been termed ‘arc wheel’.

The arc wheel is a circular structure displayed around the lens, which is partitioned into arcs representing the currently explored edge groups and sizes (see Figure 4.5).

An arc’s size thus depends on the number of edges within its group relative to the total number of focused edges. When users browse through edge groups,

4.1 ● Visual Analytics on the Interaction Level 89 the correspondingly selected arc is always located at the top of the wheel, while the wheel is rotated during browsing. All segments are colored according to an interpolated palette that fades from the edge group color to a medium gray, in order to indicate the wheel’s current position to the users. Furthermore, if a subgroup is selected by an analyst, grouping can again be applied to the subgroup according to a user’s needs. As a result, multiple arc wheels are stacked outwards, making complex filtering and iterative drill-down possible. In the patent co-classification scenario such a drill-down operation could, for example, consist of selecting a prominent bundle of edges connecting to specific IPC groups first, then exploring this bundle according to the patents’ applicants showing immediately the most important players who applied for patents classified in both IPC groups.

The approach of the arc wheel shows some similarities to the ‘Details Outside’

method described by Stasko and Zhang [2000], who suggest a focus+context interaction technique for exploring subhierarchies in sunburst visualizations. With the Details Outside method the focused subhierarchy is drawn around a sunburst overview depicted with reduced size in the visualization’s center. However, there are a number of significant differences to EdgeAnalyzer’s arc wheel. Firstly, the arc wheel does not directly reflect the hierarchical nature of any underlying space-filling view, but an edge grouping hierarchy instead. Secondly, in the case of stacked arc wheels, every sub-group is shown as a circle of arcs, representing the partitioning of the selected parent group as a whole and not as a fraction, as it is done with child nodes of the selection in the Details Outside method. And thirdly, the arc wheel is always shown relative to EdgeAnlyzer’s movable lens and not at a predefined location as in Stasko and Zhang’s approach.

Selection of single edges and edge groups is possible throughout the browsing process. In the case of EdgeAnalzer’s integration into the PatViz interface, this results in the constrained selection of (sets of) patent documents, that can be used both for highlighting and within the selection management technique. Selections are handled analogously to PatViz. They store the selections’ constraints with the selection of patent documents and can be directly used for query widening.

However, selection criteria are derived from the chosen grouping method and storing selection constraint is only possible if grouping is metadata based. In those cases where grouping is based on geometric constraints, only the patent documents are marked as selected.

Advanced Filtering

EdgeAnalyzer also facilitates the combination of multiple lenses. Either independent or dependent child lenses can be spawned by the user in order to address more complex analyses. In this context, independent means that restrictions of the first

Figure 4.6 — The architectural dependencies of EdgeAnalyzer, showing a part of the parent VA model in blue (see Section 2.4), EdgeAnalyzer’s model (turquoise), and the required interfaces (purple).

lens are not considered in grouping and filtering of the second lens. If independent lenses are used in a larger application context, both selections are combined accordingly with the Boolean OR operation. In the case of dependent lenses, the filter and drill-down operations of a child lens only apply to the selection of the parent lens. This is of particular benefit if the effects of one lens need to be observed in a spatially disjunct location, or if a target region is heavily cluttered with edges and pre-selection in a less cluttered region can overcome this issue. Dependent lenses can be seen as describing Boolean AND relations regarding the combination of their constraints. As mentioned above, the described focus+context interaction techniques require certain information from the visualization it is to be applied to.

Figure 4.6depicts these dependencies schematically. If the described interfaces can be provided, the technique can be flexibly employed with any edge or link based view.

Shortly after the publication of the EdgeAnalyzer approach a similar approach was presented with ‘MoleView’ by Hurter et al. [2011]. In contrast to EdgeAnalyzer, MoleView has been applied to a broader spectrum of visual primitives in addition to edges, including points, and image’s pixels. Similar to EdgeAnalyzer, it takes into account geometric properties as well as additional domain-related attributes of visually depicted data in focused regions. MoleView also facilitates mouse-wheel interaction resulting in changing the range of attribute values used as a constraint for filtering the underlying data. While MoleView is presented as a purely explorative method, EdgeAnalyzer has been designed to facilitate complex filtering and selection tasks required within larger application contexts. In addition,

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Figure 4.7 — Employing dependent lenses in the context of a parallel coordi-nates [Inselberg and Dimsdale, 1990] view. The upper image shows the situation with one applied lens, while the lower image depicts the situation after adding a dependent lens, restricting the edges to those intersecting both lenses.

EdgeAnalyzer enables analysts to drill down into underlying edges hierarchically, to step through (groups of) them, to choose from a set of automatic grouping methods, to switch visualization modes within the lens, and to apply multiple (in)dependent lenses for advanced explorative analysis.