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载护林情痴大山 愿倾余生栽种“桃源” (A couple spends 18 years protecting the forest, loving

Elizabeth Baran

夫妻 18 载护林情痴大山 愿倾余生栽种“桃源” (A couple spends 18 years protecting the forest, loving

the mountains –willing to spend the rest of their lives planting in “paradise”)

5. Sentiment Phrase Annotation

We utilize Lexalytics’ POS-taggers for Italian and Chinese, as well as the possible-sentiment-phrase method to retrieve phrases that match certain POS patterns for both Italian and Chinese.

For Italian we built a dictionary from scratch. We gathered 91,474 possible sentiment phrases using the above method call and distributed them to five native

Italian speakers. The annotators were provided with guidelines instructing them on how to annotate each phrase. They could choose from “very negative”,

“negative”, “has negative undertones”, “neutral”, “has positive undertones”, “positive”, “very positive”, or “odd grammar/not meaningful”. These labels corresponded to phrase scores of -0.9, -0.6, -0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and

“null” respectively. This annotation procedure in total produced 28,314 polar phrases.

In order to increase phrase coverage, we took our initial set of annotated polar phrases and extracted single words that appeared consistently under the same polarity regardless of context. This allowed us to extract general and very polar sentiment words that might otherwise have been missed. For example, if our dictionary contained

“very happy”, “happy person”, and “very sad person”, which are positive, positive, and negative respectively, we should be able to deduce that “happy” is most likely positive. After extracting these single words, we again gave them to annotators to weed out any incorrect polarity tags. These final words were added to the phrase dictionary. In the end, our Italian phrase dictionary consisted of a total of 32,470 positive and negative phrases.

The procedure for Chinese differed since Salience already shipped with a sentiment phrase dictionary. Instead, we had two annotators annotate these existing phrases to help refine past sentiment scores. We extracted another 5,151

phrases for annotation using the

possible-sentiment-phrase method on data from the news domain. We gave these new phrases to three annotators to score according to the same 7-tier sentiment model that was used for Italian. After annotation, 2,007 new polar phrases were added to the dictionary.

6. Sentiment Tests

For both Italian and Chinese, we observed the relationship between predicted improvements to sentiment dictionaries and the correlation of the Salience document-level sentiment score with emotional response vote distributions per article. We used the following formula to measure correlation:

𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑋, 𝑌) = ∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)(𝑦 − 𝑦)

√∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)2∑(𝑦 − 𝑦)2 Here, X is the set of vote proportions, where 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1 , across all articles for a single emotion. Y is the corresponding set of document-level sentiment scores from Salience for each article, where −1 ≤ 𝑦 ≤ 1.

6.2 Italian

We tested Italian in seven rounds, where each round marked an increase in size of the sentiment dictionary.

Phrases were added in equal amounts and at random to the sentiment dictionary at each round. We performed document-level sentiment analysis using the Salience Engine and each of these dictionaries to obtain a sentiment score for each article at each round. The correlation between Salience scores and the percentage of

votes per emotion was calculated. Following our discussions in Section 4, we also measured the sum of the distribution of votes for the positive emotions of amused and satisfied for a separate positive correlation, and the negative emotions of angry, sad, and worried for a negative correlation. This mimics the polarity annotation framework that we typically see for document-level sentiment. The correlation between Salience and the polled emotional response distributions for Italian are shown in Table 1.

In Figure 1, we see the clear distinction between positive and negative emotions as evidenced by the positive and negative correlations, respectively. All emotions except

for “amused” show clear increases in magnitude in their predicted directions.

When the emotions are grouped according to positive and negative polarity as in Figure 2, the increase in magnitude is much more predictable. Going from a phrase dictionary that is less than 5,000 phrases to one that is a little less than 35,000 phrases we see the correlation with Salience increase in magnitude by 83%, from .177 to .325 for positive sentiments, and -.177 to -.325 for negative sentiments.

6.3 Chinese

We evaluated Chinese in three rounds. First, we tested the original dictionary. Second, we did a round of pruning to clean the current dictionary and improve phrase scoring.

And in the third round we added some more phrases to the dictionary. From round to round, the size of the sentiment dictionary did not undergo significant changes in size as the Italian dictionary had. The correlations are illustrated as bars in Figure 3.

With only a small addition of phrases to the sentiment dictionary for Chinese, the change in correlation by round is less informative than its Italian counterpart.

Furthermore, it was difficult to categorize the emotions that existed for polling in Chinese into absolute groups of positive and negative as we showed in 4.2. Given these factors, we did not attempt to group the Chinese emotions into positive and negative groups as we did in Italian.

In Figure 3, we see that more intuitively positive emotions, i.e. funny, joyful, and happy, show clear positive correlations with document sentiment scores from our engine. Conversely, more intuitively negative emotions, i.e. sad, angry, showed negative correlations with document sentiment scores from our engine. Bored, shocked, and moved all showed very low correlations. It is not clear whether these emotions are evoked by positive or negative sentiments and therefore these were also the emotions that posed the biggest challenge when attempting to categorize the individual emotions into polar groups.

The scores for our system reflect the ambiguity or lack thereof with respect to each of these emotions.

Table 1: Correlation measures between Salience document sentiment scores and emotional response types as the size of the hand-scored sentiment phrase dictionary increases.

Figure 1: Correlation of each emotional response type to the Salience sentiment scores as the size of the sentiment

dictionary increases.

Figure 2: Correlation of positive and negative groupings of polled emotions to the salience sentiment score as the size

of the sentiment dictionary increases.

Figure 3: Correlations between Salience and each emotion type for Chinese.

7. Conclusion

We demonstrate a novel way to measure the performance of systems that identify document-level sentiment by measuring the correlation between Salience document-level sentiment scores and third-party naïve sentiment data extracted from web polls. We argue that since sentiment is inherently subjective and opinions vary across individuals and cultures, measuring sentiment should reflect this irregularity, instead of adhering to absolute, binary measures of right and wrong. We measure correlation against size increases and modifications to the phrase dictionary that underlies our system.

For Italian, we show a positive correlation between Salience scores and the polled emotions that were positive and a negative correlation between Salience scores and the polled emotions that were negative. Furthermore, with the addition of phrases to our sentiment dictionary, this correlation increases in magnitude.

In Chinese, we show that emotions identified as having polarity follow our intuitions about positive and negative emotions, and mimic this polarity through corresponding directional correlations. However, we see that emotions such as bored, shocked, and moved show minimal correlation with our engines document sentiment scores and may not be suitable for a polarity task.

By looking at sources in both Italian and Chinese and showing predictable polarity correlations for both, we show that this method of evaluation works cross-linguistically. For Italian, we saw significant improvements to correlation scores with the addition of sentiment phrases to the underlying sentiment dictionary.

8. Future Work

We engage in a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic comparison of web content that has been annotated with emotional responses from naïve readers. Although the emotional responses show adherences to foundational and universal principles of human emotion, the type or polarity of the emotion can differ immensely with regards to certain contextual factors. In our data, we have seen these factors to be current geopolitical situations, cultural relevance to the reader, value systems, and even geospatial proximity.

If we continue to pursue sentiment in terms of negative and positive polarity, more analysis should be carried out to discover emotions that can act as polarity beacons. For example, we show evidence that “angry” correlates with negative sentiment, and “happy” correlates with positive sentiment. If we gather documents that have higher vote distributions for these two emotions, we can construct a polar data set quickly and efficiently.

We can also use this type of emotional response data to extend the capability of our sentiment analysis engines past polarity to more fine-grained levels of sentiment. We found articles that were “funny”, “shocking”, or “boring”

difficult to categorize in terms of polarity, but they could prove interesting for other sorts of sentiment tasks such as the detection of irony (Reyes & Rosso, 2012).

Finally, after analyzing emotional responses from readers in two very different languages, it is difficult to ignore the amount of cultural bias that exists in the data and even more difficult to factor it out of the sentiment equation completely. The question of perspective comes to the

forefront when we brainstorm ways to improve current sentiment analysis techniques. For example, if we are building sentiment analysis for Chinese in mainland China, we may want to consider incorporating more phrases or features that embody the culture, even if they are biased in relation to other cultures. Building sentiment analysis engines using knowledge and data from the language and culture for which it is built may be crucial in unveiling truly accurate and complete understandings of sentiment.

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