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Relational Databases 2 Exercise Sheet I: System Architecture (until Tuesday 17.04.2012)


Academic year: 2021

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Relational Databases 2

Exercise Sheet I: System Architecture (until Tuesday 17.04.2012)

Exercises have to be turned in until Tuesday of each respective week and may be completed in teams of two students each. You may hand in your solutions on paper before the lecture or into the mailbox at the IFIS floor (Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 2nd floor). Please do not forget your “Matrikel- nummer” on your solutions. Please note, all exercises are optional.

Exercise 1

a. Briefly define the following terms:

 Database, DBMS, Schema, System Catalog, View, Transaction

b. Briefly discuss the main characteristics of DBMS and how they differ from plain file systems.

Exercise 2

a. Explain the difference between Internal-, Conceptual- and External schemas used in relational database architectures.

b. Explain the difference between Logical- and Physical Data Independence c. Explain briefly the tasks handled by:

 Storage Manager, Query Processor, and Transaction Manager



Exercises have to be turned in until Thursday of each respective week and must be completed in teams of two students each.. You may hand in your solutions either on paper before

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You may hand in your solutions on paper before the lecture or into the mailbox at the IFIS floor (Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 2nd floor).. Please do not

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“Matrikelnummer” on your solutions. Please note: all exercises are optional. Draw a canonical operator tree for following queries and denote the number of rows of the