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In Vivo and In Vitro Effects of Glucocorticoids on Lymphocyte Proliferation in Depression


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Archives of 1 ~ y Ik.lllOl.lkl.

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9 Springer-Verlag 1991

In Vivo and In Vitro Effects of Glucocorticoids on Lymphocyte Proliferation in Depression

Rainer Rupprecht 1'2, Norbert Wodarz 1, Johannes Kornhuber 1, Klaus Wild 1, Bernhard Schmitz 1, Hans Ulrich Braner 1, Otto Albrecht Miiller 3, Peter Riederer 1, and Helmut Beckmann 1

1Department of Psychiatry, University of Wtirzburg, Wfirzburg, Federal Republic of Germany 2Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

3Department of Internal Medicine, Unviversity of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany Received November 11, 1990

Summary. Twelve severely depressed patients and 13 healthy controls were studied under baseline, metyrapone and metyrapone plus dexamethasone pretreated condi- tions. Lymphocyte proliferation data were obtained by concanavalin A, phytohaemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulation. There was a decrease in PWM-induced B-cell proliferation and an increase in in- hibition of spontaneous leucocyte proliferation by dexa- methasone added in vitro following metyrapone admin- istration in vivo, in healthy controls, which was not pre- sent in the depressed patients. These data support the concept of a decreased functional plasticity of the gluco- corticoid receptor in depression also at the cellular level.

Key words: Leucocyte proliferation - Glucocorticoids - Depression - Immunity


Recent interest has focused on the neuroendocrine-im- mune interaction in affective disorders. A variety of studies have investigated lymphocyte subsets (Schleifer et al. 1989), natural killer cell activity (Irwin et al. 1988;

Schleifer et al. 1989), and the mitogen response to vari- ous lectins (Kronfol et al. 1983; Schleifer et al. 1984, 1985; Cosyns et al. 1989). Although initial studies re- ported a decreased mitogen-induced leucocyte prolifera- tion in depressed patients (Kronfol et al. 1983; Schleifer et al. 1984), this could not be consistently reproduced in later investigations (Schleifer et al. 1985). Instead, other variables, such as age and severity of depression, seemed to play a key role for the lectin-induced blastogenesis (Schleifer et al. 1989).

Offprint requests to." R. Rupprecht, Max-Planck-Institute for Psy- chiatry, Kraepelinstrasse 10, W-8000 Munich 40, Federal Republic of Germany

Depressed patients exhibit a quite remarkable hyper- cotisolaemia during depressive illness (Linkowski et al.

1985, 1987) and several lines of evidence suggest an im- portant link between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and the immune system (Fauci and Dale 1974; Cupps and Fauci 1982). Glucocorticoids have been shown to inhibit interleukin-1 (IL-1) (Snyder and Unanue 1982) and IL-2 production with subsequently impaired lection-induced blastogenesis (Gillis et al. 1979; Cupps and Fauci 1982). Moreover, depletion of glucocorticoids by metyrapone (MET) resulted in a decrease in poke- weed mitogen (PWM)-induced leucocyte proliferation in normal volunteers, which was reversed by dexametha- sone (DEX) administration (Rupprecht et al., submit- ted).

As human lymphocytes contain glucocorticoid recep- tors (GRs) (Lippman and Barr 1977; Schlechte et al.

1982; Junker 1983), the present study was designed to explore the effects of depletion of endogenous glucocor- ticoids by MET and subsequent replacement by DEX in vivo on lymphocyte proliferation characteristics in vitro in depressed patients, when compared with healthy sub- jects, as a functional probe for the glucocorticoid recep- tor in depression.

Subjects and Methods


Three male and nine female subjects with unipolar major depressive disorder or bipolar depression aged between 18 and 66 years (mean + SD, 48.7 + 15.1 years) with a mean (+ SD) body weight of 72.5 + 13.4kg and three male and ten female healthy controls aged between 33 and 57 years (mean + SD, 47.6 + 6.2 years) with a mean (+ SD) body weight of 69.2 + 8.6kg were studied. All subjects were carefully screened for any medical illness


Table 1. Demographic data, antidepressants applied prior to the washout period and diagnostic description of the depressed patients

Patient Age Sex DSM-III-R HRS-D Drug-free Treatment before Depressive

no. (years) period drug-free period episodes


1 44 F Bipolar disorder, depressed 33 > 28 3

2 66 F MDD, recurrent, with melancholia 36 > 28 2

3 61 F MDD, recurrent, with melancholia, 28 > 28 3

mood congruent psychotic

4 64 F MDD, recurrent, with melancholia 28 > 28 4

5 39 F MDD, recurrent 25 7 Amitriptyline 100 mg 3

6 60 M MDD, recurrent, with melancholia 24 5 Amitriptyline 100 mg 3

7 60 M MDD, recurrent, with melancholia 28 5 Maprotiline 150 mg 3

8 34 F MDD, recurrent, with melancholia 28 4 Maprotiline 100 mg 3

9 54 F Bipolar disorder, depressed 33 > 28 6

10 18 F MDD, single episode 26 > 28 1

11 53 M MDD, recurrent 26 > 21 2

12 34 F MDD, recurrent 39 5 Amitriptyline 150 mg 3

MDD, Major depressive disorder

that might influence pituitary-adrenal function by medi- cal history, physical examination and routine laboratory tests. F o u r female depressives and four female controls were tested during the midluteal phase of the cycle; the other females were postmenopausal.

DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association 1987) diagnoses were m a d e on all patients by the consensus of two psychiatrists, who were blind to laboratory results.

Severity of depression was assessed by the 21-item Hamil- ton Rating Scale for Depression ( H R S - D ) (Hamilton 1960). The mean ( + SD) H R S - D score of the patients was 29.5 + 4.7, ranging from 24 to 39. Patients were studied after a drug-free period of at least 72 h. Details of clinical and demographic data of the patients and the medication given before the drug-free interval are shown in Table 1.

Controls had no history of psychiatric disorder and were medication free for at least 4 weeks.

Study design

A f t e r the nature of the study had been fully explained, written informed consent was obtained from patients and controls. T h e test protocol was approved by the ethical committee of the University of Wfirzburg and the requirements of the revised version of the Helsinki Dec- laration were strictly adhered to. All subjects were ad- mitted to a sleep laboratory unit at least l h prior to drug administration or blood sampling.

F o r determination of lymphocyte proliferation para- meters, glucocorticoid binding characteristics, and hor- m o n e data, 50 ml blood was collected at 4 p.m. into pre- chilled plastic tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraace- tic acid ( E D T A ) on 3 consecutive days. On day 1 base- line values were obtained. On day 2 the subjects were p r e t r e a t e d with 1.5 g M E T at 9 a.m., administered orally with milk to avoid severe gastric symptoms. A dose of l m g D E X was given orally at l l p . m . On day 3 adminis- tration of 1.5 g M E T was p e r f o r m e d as described for the

day before. O f the subjects 80% experienced a transient dizziness and a hot flush after M E T administration, which disappeared spontaneously within 45-60 rain.


Chemicals. [3H]Thymidine (specific activity 25 Ci/mmol) was obtained from A m e r s h a m (Buckinghamshire, UK).

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was obtained from Boeh- ringer ( M a n n h e i m , F R G ) . Concanavalin A (Con A ) , phytohemagglutinin A ( P H A ) , P W M and sodium metri- zoate-Ficoll were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo.), and Rotiszint 22 was obtained from Roth (Karlsruhe, F R G ) . The culture medium consisted of RPMI medium (Boehringer, Mannheim, F R G ) containing 2 m M L-glu- tamate (Biochrom, Berlin, F R G ) and 0.1mg/ml genta- micin (Biochrom) with 8% fetal calf serum (Biochrom) added.

Preparation of cells. A m o n o n u c l e a r cell fraction was p r e p a r e d u n d e r sterile conditions by sodium metrizoate- Ficoll density gradient centrifugation ( B o y u m 1968).

Cells were washed two times in PBS for 10 rain and incu- bated for 60 min at 37~ to allow sufficient dissociation of endogenous h o r m o n e followed by a third washing procedure. T h e final concentration of cells was deter- mined using a Coulter Counter (Model $5, Coulter Elec- tronics, UK). Viability of cells exceeded 95%, as judged from their ability to exclude trypan blue. Contamination by erythrocytes was less than 10%; contamination by granulocytes and monocytes was less than 8% and did not differ between the 3 test days and b e t w e e n patients and controls.

Lymphocyte proliferation tests. L y m p h o c y t e prolifera- tion experiments were carried out in plastic microtiter plates in a total volume of 0.22 mL. A quantity of 25,000 cells was incubated in culture medium for 60 h to evalu- ate Con A- and P H A - g e n e r a t e d T-cell mitogenesis and


for 120h to evaluate PWM-generated B-cell prolifera- tion and glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of spontane- ous mitogenesis in a sterile incubator at 37~ in a humid- ified atmosphere with 5% CO2. Concentrations of 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 gg/ml were used to evaluate the dose/response curves of Con A- and PWM-induced ef- fects, and concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 gg/ml for determination of the effects of PHA on lym- phocyte proliferation. In vitro glucocorticoid effects were assessed by increasing concentrations ranging from 10 -l~ to 10-7M DEX on baseline lymphocyte prolifera- tion. A quantity of 0.5 pCi [3H]thymidine was added 5 h prior to termination of the incubation period. Incorpo- rated [3H]thymidine was separated from free nucleotide by rapid filtration through Whatman GF/B filters with a Titertek cell harvester by an ll-s wash with distilled water at room temperature. The filters were transferred into plastic vials, 5ml of a toluene-based scintillation cocktail was added (Rotiszint 22) and they were moni- tored for tritium in a Beckman LS 5000TD counter at about 54% efficiency. All samples were assayed in tripli- cate with a variation within a single experiment of less than 15%.

Glucocorticoid receptor assay. Binding characteristics of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) (receptor sites per cell and Kd) were determined using saturation experiments by [3H]dexamethasone as described previously (Rup- precht et al. 1990). One part of the mononuclear cell fraction comprising T- and B-lymphocytes was assayed for GR content immediately after preparation, and the other was used for proliferation experiments in culture.

Hormone assays. The adreno-corticotrophic hormone (ACTH) was measured by an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) supplied by the Nichols Institute (San Juan Capistrano, Calif.), which does not require extraction procedures (Raft and Findling 1989). A soluble sand- wich complex is formed by a 125I-labelled monoclonal antibody directed against N-terminal ACTH and a biotin- coupled polyclonal antibody against C-terminal ACTH.

The sandwich complexes are bound by adding avidin- coated plastic beads. Unbound components are washed away and the radioactivity bound to the solid phase is monitored in a gamma counter. The lower detection limit was 1.5 pmol/1, and the intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were 3% and 6.8%, respectively. Values below the detection limit were recorded as 1.5 pmol/1.

Cortisol was measured by a direct radio-immunoas- say (RIA) (Stalla et al. 1981). The lower detection limit was 25 nmol/1, and the intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were 5% and 9%, respectively. As there was a cross-reactivity of our cortisol antibody with 11-deoxy- cortisol of about 15%, determinations of cortisol values following MET administration would not be accurate and were excluded from further analysis.

Data analysis

Lymphocyte proliferation was expressed in terms of a stimulation index defined by the ratio thymidine uptake

(DPM) of stimulated/unstimulated leucocytes. The area under the dose/response curves (AUC) (stimulation index

* lectin concentrations) was determined using trapezoi- dal integration.

The results are expressed as the mean + SD, and as the mean + SE in the figures. Data were analysed using the t-test for paired samples and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements for comparisons within groups, and ANOVA followed by post hoc com- parison with Student's t-test for comparisons between groups. Correlation data were obtained by Pearson's product-moment correlation. All significance levels are two-tailed.


Administration of MET provoked a marked increase in ACTH in patients and controls, which was avoided by DEX pretreatment (Table 2). ACTH values did not dif- fer between patients and controls following MET admin- istration, indicating an equal amount of 11-[3 hydroxy- lase inhibition in both groups. There was a significant in- crease in GR sites per cells following MET administration in healthy controls, which was not present in depressives (Table 3).

DPM of the unstimulated thymidine uptake of pa- tients and controls are given in Table 4. Depletion of en- dogenous cortisol by MET and subsequent replacement by DEX did not alter Con A- and PHA-induced mito- genesis in patients and controls (Table 5), and there was no significant difference between the two groups on ei-

Table 2. Mean + SD adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) lev- els (pmol/1) of patients during depression (n = 12) and of healthy controls (n = 13) under baseline, metyrapone (MET), and MET + dexamethasone (DEX) pretreated conditions, and baseline cor- tisol values (nmol/1)

ACTH Patients Controls

Mean SD Mean SD

Baseline 4.2 1.5 3.5 0.8

MET 24.9 19.4 26.4 19.5

MET + DEX 4.0 0.2 1.5 0.1

Cortisol 273.1 104.8 225.7 77.3

Table 3. Mean _+ SD glucocorticoid receptor (GR) sites per cell of patients during depression (n = 12) and controls (n = 13) under baseline, MET and MET + DEX pretreated conditions

Patients Controls

Mean SD Mean SD

Baseline 3 219 1173 3 290 787

MET 3110 1114 5495* 2488

MET + DEX 2735 1080 3863 2117

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements (* P <



Table 4. Mean + SD DPM of unstimulated leucocytes (stimulation index = 1) for the dose/response curves for concanavalin A (Con A) and pbytohaemagglutinin (PHA) after 60 h culture and for poke- weed mitogen (PWM) and spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation 9 after 120 h culture



Baseline 1012 + 440 1077 _+ 464 2 54i + 1208 MET a 908 +_ 571 992 _+ 528 2753 + 2465 MET + D E X b 932 + 735 1026 _+ 675 2181 + 2054 Controls

Baseline 828 + 528 1023 _+ 767 2928 _+ 1408 MET 835 + 396 919 • 318 3573 + 2661 MET + DEX 851 + 373 845 _+ 302 2236 + 2178 a Metyrapone

b Dexamethasone

The DPM are given for the depressed patients and the normal con- trols

Table 5. Mean + SD areas under the stimulation curves for Con A (AUCco~ A)) and for PHA (AUCp~A) induced leucocyte prolifera- tion of patients during depression (n = 12) and of healthy controls (n = 13) under baseline, MET, and MET + DEX pretreated con- ditions

Patients Controls

Mean SD Mean SD

Con A

Baseline 208.2 116.7 267.8 178.1

MET 269.6 203.5 232.2 157.7

MET + DEX 361.0 330.0 272.0 188.6


Baseline 413.9 266.3 456.3 266.6

MET 362.2 197.4 348.1 204.8

MET + DEX 381.7 204.2 389.9 214.4

ther test day. While P W M - g e n e r a t e d B-cell mitogenesis (AUCpwM) was significantly lower following M E T ad- ministration w h e n c o m p a r e d to baseline or M E T + D E X p r e t r e a t e d conditions in controls (Fig. 1) ( F = 6.3, P <

0.03; F = 5 . 3 , P < 0 . 0 5 ) , a c o m p a r a b l e effect was not p r e s e n t in depressives (Fig. 2) ( F : 1.7, P < 0.2; F = 1.9, P < 0.2).

D E X added in vitro suppressed s p o n t a n e o u s l y m p h o - cyte proliferation in a d o s e - d e p e n d e n t m a n n e r in pa- tients and controls (Figs. 3, 4). This effect (AUCD~x) was m o r e m a r k e d after 11-[3 hydroxylase inhibition by M E T w h e n c o m p a r e d with baseline or M E T + D E X p r e t r e a t e d conditions in controls (Fig. 3) ( F = 6.5, P <

0.03; F = 12.9, P < 0.006), but not in depressives (Fig. 4) ( F = 0.7, P < 0.4; F = 3.4; P < 0.1).

T h e r e w e r e no significant associations b e t w e e n age, sex, n u m b e r of depressive episodes, length of the washout period, t r e a t m e n t prior to the washout period, A C T H , cortisol and G R concentrations and any leucocyte prolif- eration p a r a m e t e r s .

6 0 ^

5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 10





~ I O

baseline M E T M E T § D E X


_ _ J _ i i i i 9

0 10 20 30 40 50

PWM (~g/mL)

Fig. 1. Mean dose/response curves for pokeweed mitogen (PWM)- generated lymphocyte proliferation at 1600 h on 3 consecutive days under baseline (o), metyrapone (MET) (+) and metyrapone plus dexamethasone (MET+ DEX) (*) pretreated conditions in heal- thy controls (n = 13). SEs are omitted for clarity of presentation.

The inset shows the mean + SE areas under the curves (AUC) of the three dose/response curves. The asterisk indicates a significant difference between MET pretreated values when compared with baseline or MET + DEX pretreated values

D i s c u s s i o n

W e could detect neither a significant difference with re- gard to Con A-, P H A - , or P W M - i n d u c e d leucocyte pro- liferation n o r in inhibition of s p o n t a n e o u s leucocyte pro- liferation by in vitro added D E X b e t w e e n depressed pa- tients and n o r m a l controls. T h e higher D P M following P W M stimulation in depressed patients did not reach even trend level. O u r results differ f r o m several observa- tions reporting a clear-cut a t t e n u a t e d m i t o g e n response following administration of various lectins in depressed patients (Kronfol et al. 1983; Schleifer et al. 1984; Co- syns et al. 1989). H o w e v e r , the mitogen-induced blasto- genesis has recently b e e n attributed m o r e to factors such as age, severity of depression, and hospitalization effects than to the diagnosis itself (Schleifer et al. 1989). It seems likely that the conclusion that there is an i m p a i r e d lym- p h o c y t e function in depression has b e e n p r e m a t u r e . W e could not dichotomize into subjects with a d e q u a t e and inadequate D E X suppression test results as done by L o w y et al. (1988), as our subjects were depleted of en- dogenous cortisol by M E T .


" b a s e l i n e M E T M E T § DEX 40

35 x 30



.- 25

g 20

u ~ ] 0

10 20 30 40 50

PWM (vg/mL)

Fig. 2. Mean dose/response curves for PWM-generated lympho- cyte proliferation at 1600 h on 3 consecutive days under baseline (o), metyrapone (MET) (+) and metyrapone plus dexamethasone (MET + DEX) (*) pretreatcd conditions in depressed patients (n = 12). SEs are odmitted for clarity of presentation. The inset shows the mean + SE areas under the curves (AUC) of the three dose/re- sponse curves





. . . DEX 120

% ._~ 100

Q . 80

O =o 60


h5 4 0 E a= 2 0

i i i r I J

-10 -9 -8 -7

log DEX [M]

Fig. 4. Mean dose/response curves for dexamethasone (DEX) in- duced inhibition of spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation at 4 p.m.

on 3 consecutive days under baseline (o), metyrapone (MET) (+) and metyrapone plus dexamethasone (MET + DEX) (*) pretreated conditions in depressed patients (n = 12). SEs are omitted for clar- ity of presentation. The inset shows the mean + SE areas under the curves (AUC) of the three dose/response curves

- b a s e l i n e M E T M E T + D E X 120

% .~_ 100 o 8 0


.~ 6 0

t -

~_ 40

E > ,

" 2 0

L ~ q i i i

-10 -9 -8 -7

log DEX [M]

Fig. 3. Mean dose/response curves for dexamethasone (DEX)-in- duced inhibition of spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation at 4 p.m.

on 3 consecutive days under baseline (o), metyrapone (MET) (+) and metyrapone plus dexamethasone (MET + DEX) (*) pretreated conditions in healthy controls (n = 13). SEs are omitted for clarity of presentation. The inset shows the mean + SE areas under the curves (AUC) of the three dose/response curves. The asterik indi- cates a significant difference betwen MET pretreated values when compared with baseline or MET + DEX pretreated values

T h e r e was a decrease in P W M - i n d u c e d B-cell prolif- eration following M E T administration in healthy con- trols which was reversed by D E X administration. As cortisol is an i m p o r t a n t co-factor for the expression of IL-1 receptors (Akahoshi et al. 1988) and IL-1 plays a m a j o r role in the proliferation of B-cells and antibody production, the impaired lymphocyte response to P W M following M E T administration might reflect the lack of endogenous glucocorticoids. H o w e v e r , such an effect on M E T was not present in the depressed patients. More- over, depressed patients did not exhibit the enhanced ef- fect of in vitro administered D E X following M E T ad- ministration as o b s e r v e d in n o r m a l controls ( R u p p r e c h t et al., submitted). Differences in the rate of 11-13 hy- droxylase inhibition by M E T b e t w e e n patients and con- trols cannot account for these results, as A C T H and l l - deoxycortisol levels ( R u p p r e c h t et al. 1991) are not dif- ferent b e t w e e n groups following M E T administration.

O u r observations support the hypothesis of a decreased functional plasticity of the glucocorticoid r e c e p t o r at the cellular level. Previous investigations showed b o t h an at- tenuated action of glucocorticoid h o r m o n e s on various endocrine systems in depressed patients ( R u p p r e c h t et al. 1987, 1988, 1989) and a diminished autoregulatory p o t e n c y of the glucocorticoid r e c e p t o r on leucocytes it- self ( R u p p r e c h t et al. 1991). In s u m m a r y , several lines of evidence point to an a t t e n u a t e d action of glucocorticoids at the h u m o r a l and cellular level, which might be impor- tant for a potential disturbance of the i m m u n e - e n d o c r i n e connection in depression. Since IL-1 i m m u n o r e a c t i v e


f i b r e s h a v e r e c e n t l y b e e n i d e n t i f i e d in t h e p a r a v e n t r i c u - l a r n u c l e u s o f t h e h u m a n h y p o t h a l a m u s ( B r e d e r et al.

1988), a n d I L - 1 is c a p a b l e o f i n c r e a s i n g A C T H l e v e l s a n d p r o o p i o m e l a n o c o r t i n m R N A in t h e A t T - 2 0 cell ( F u - k a t a e t al. 1989), it m a y b e c o n c l u d e d t h a t t h e r e is a c l o s e f u n c t i o n a l a n d n e u r o - a n a t o m i c a l l i n k b e t w e e n t h e h y p o - t h a l a m i c - p i t u i t a r y - a d r e n a l axis a n d t h e i m m u n e s y s t e m w h i c h p o s s i b l y is a f f e c t e d d u r i n g d e p r e s s i v e d i s o r d e r .


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The results of this last study demonstrated that, although the different strategies of sexual differentiation of zebrafish and fathead minnow influence the response of

Fig 1 summarizes three factors involved in the cardiac remodeling process, which will be the focus of the present work: tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), insulin-like

TABLE 1 Average and maximum C stocks in living and dead volumes for forest registered as managed and unmanaged in Germany, based on plot data from the national forest

There is a wealth of evidence that hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) orchestrate most of the important events in liver fibrogenesis.. After liver injury, HSCs become activated to a

The results revealed that flavonoids, which are considered as natural phytoestrogens, fatty acids, a precursor for lipid peroxidation, and steroids can effectively inhibit

For glycolysis in the presence of 2 mM SHAM, despite the presence of atmospheric C02, no end products other than pyruvate and glycerol are necessary to account for the

ILAP and LLAP mediated a significant increase (p &lt; 0.001) in insulin secretion from BRIN-BD11 cells compared to the glucose control, while MAGVDHI had no insulinotropic activity