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In three treatments, player C could communicate with players A and B and withdraw points from each of them at the end of a round (punishment).. In one treatment Player C

In all operations, policies and strategies IMF should prioritize protection of civilians, especially vulnerable groups such as women and children; they should also work with the

This publication was replaced by DCDC Strategic Trends Programme Future Operating Environment 2035 published by DCDC in August 2015 This publication is no longer authoritative and

In order to counterbalance the dynamics of conflict escalation and to add to the constmctive transformation of conflicts, however, it is not sufficient that journalists

selfregulatory strategies of mental contrasting with two alternative self-regulatory strategies of goal setting: indulging (the self-regulatory strategy of only thinking about

Across all resolution treatments, the expenditure in rounds 11-25 is slightly higher in the One Prize Setting than in the Multiple Prizes Setting.. In rounds 26-50, contest

Just to revise, Simon effect is the difference in performance between congruent and incongruent conditions as measured in terms of reaction time and accuracy, and it

W 5.2 Incentives for identification with one’s own side’s (non-elite) actors, dehumanisation of the opponent’s actors and/or dehumanisation of those who strive for a