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Higher Green’s functions for modular forms


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Erlangung des Doktorgrades (Dr. rer. nat.) der

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at der

Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit¨at Bonn

vorgelegt von Anton Mellit

aus Kiew

Bonn 2008


1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Don Zagier 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. G¨unther Harder

Tag der Promotion: 23.06.2008

Diese Dissertation ist auf dem Hochschulschriftenserver der ULB Bonn http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/diss online elektronisch publiziert.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009



Introduction 6

1 Modular forms 13

1.1 Notations . . . 14

1.1.1 Representations of SL2(R) . . . 14

1.1.2 Differential operators . . . 15

1.1.3 CM points and quadratic forms . . . 17

1.2 Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian . . . 17

1.3 Integrating modular forms . . . 21

1.4 Local study of Green’s functions . . . 25

1.5 Global study of Green’s functions . . . 28

2 Higher Chow groups and Abel-Jacobi maps 35 2.1 Notation . . . 35

2.2 The Hodge theory . . . 36

2.3 Higher Chow groups . . . 37

2.4 The Abel-Jacobi map . . . 38

2.4.1 Abel-Jacobi for the ordinary Chow group . . . 38

2.4.2 Abel-Jacobi for the first higher Chow group . . . 39

2.5 Special values of the Abel-Jacobi map . . . 43

2.5.1 Construction of the fundamental class . . . 46

2.5.2 Dolbeault local cohomology . . . 49

2.5.3 A proof using relative cohomology . . . 50

3 Derivatives of the Abel-Jacobi map 53 3.1 Hypercovers . . . 55

3.1.1 Abstract cell complex . . . 55

3.1.2 Hypercover . . . 56

3.1.3 Hypersection . . . 56

3.1.4 Hyperchain . . . 58

3.1.5 Integration . . . 60

3.1.6 Hodge filtration . . . 61

3.1.7 Products . . . 61

3.1.8 Residues . . . 62

3.1.9 Construction of nice refinements . . . 62

3.1.10 Flags of subvarieties . . . 65 4


3.1.11 Decomposition of the residue according to flags . . . 67

3.1.12 Relation with iterated residues . . . 69

3.1.13 Gauss-Manin . . . 74

3.2 The Abel-Jacobi map for products of curves . . . 76

3.2.1 Triangulations . . . 76

3.2.2 Using hypercovers . . . 77

3.2.3 Differentiating the Abel-Jacobi map . . . 79

3.2.4 Extensions ofD-modules . . . . 80

3.2.5 Products of elliptic curves . . . 83

3.2.6 Analytic computations . . . 84

4 Cohomology of elliptic curves 90 4.1 Certain power series . . . 90

4.2 Periods of differentials of second kind . . . 92

4.3 Derivations on modular forms . . . 94

4.4 Representing cohomology classes . . . 96

4.4.1 Hyperforms . . . 96

4.4.2 The class [ω]. . . 97

4.4.3 The class [η] . . . 98

4.4.4 Gauss-Manin derivatives . . . 99

4.4.5 Computation of the Poincar´e pairing . . . 99

5 Examples 101 5.1 Examples of higher cycles . . . 101

5.1.1 Notations . . . 102

5.1.2 The first cycle . . . 102

5.1.3 The second cycle . . . 103

5.1.4 Equivalence of the first and the second cycles . . . 104

5.2 Computation of the Abel-Jacobi map . . . 106

5.2.1 General remarks . . . 106

5.2.2 Some Laurent series expansions . . . 107

5.2.3 The hyperformθ1 . . . 108

5.2.4 The hyperformθ2 . . . 109

5.2.5 The extension ofD-modules . . . 109

5.2.6 Green’s function . . . 110

5.2.7 Special values of the Green function . . . 112

5.3 The torsion . . . 115

Bibliography 117

Abstract 119



The subject of the present thesis is higher Green’s functions. For any integerk >1 and subgroup Γ⊂P SL2(Z) of finite index there is a unique function GH/Γk on the product of the upper half planeHby itself which satisfies the following conditions:

(i) GH/Γk is a smooth function on H×H\ {(τ, γτ) Γ, τ H} with values in R.

(ii) GH/Γk1τ1, γ2τ2) =GH/Γk1, τ2) for allγ1, γ2Γ.

(iii) ∆iGH/Γk =k(1−k)GH/Γk , where ∆i is the hyperbolic Laplacian with respect to the i-th variable, i= 1,2.

(iv) GH/Γk1, τ2) = mlog1−τ2|2+O(1) when τ1 tends to τ2 (m is the order of the stabilizer ofτ2, which is almost always 1).

(v) GH/Γk1, τ2) tends to 0 when τ1 tends to a cusp.

This function is called the Green function. It is necessarily symmetric, GH/Γk1, τ2) =GH/Γk2, τ1).

Such functions were introduced in paper [GZ86]. Also it was conjectured in [GZ86] and [GKZ87] that these functions have “algebraic” values at CM points. A particularly simple formulation of the conjecture is in the case when there are no cusp forms of weight 2kfor the group Γ:

Conjecture (1). Suppose there are no cusp forms of weight 2kfor Γ. Then for any two CM pointsτ1, τ2 of discriminants D1,D2 there is an algebraic number α such that

GH/Γk1, τ2) = (D1D2)1−k2 logα.

The main result of this thesis is a general approach for proving this conjecture and an actual proof for the case Γ =P SL2(Z),k= 2,τ2= i1. The numberα in the latter case is represented as the intersection number of a certain higher Chow cycle on the elliptic curve corresponding to the pointτ1 and an ordinary algebraic cycle which has a certain prescribed cohomology class.

The general approach can be formulated as follows. For an elliptic curveE we consider the higher Chow groupCHk(E2k−2,1) on the product ofE by itself 2k2

1We use “i” to denote

−1 and “i” for other purposes.



times. The elements of this group are represented by so-called “higher cycles”, which are formal linear combinations X


(Wi, fi),

whereWi is a subvariety ofE2k−2 of codimensionk−1 andfi is a non-zero rational function on Wi such that the following condition holds in the group of cycles of

codimensionk: X


divfi= 0.

Denote the abelian group of higher cycles byZk(E2k−2,1), so thatCHk(E2k−2,1) is its quotient (the relations definingCHk(E2k−2,1) will be explained in Section 2.3).

We have the Abel-Jacobi map

AJk,1 :CHk(E2k−2,1)−→ H2k−2(E2k−2,C)

FkH2k−2(E2k−2,C) + 2πiH2k−2(E2k−2,Z), and there is a canonical cohomology class [θ] H2(E2,C), namely the one repre- sented by the form

θ= ω⊗ω¯+ ¯ω⊗ω R

Eω∧ω¯ ,

where ω is a holomorphic differential 1-form on E. On may notice that for any element [x]∈CHk(E2k−2,1) there is a perfectly defined number




´ .

So we hope that for those cases for which the conjecture above is formulated, for a fixed CM pointτ2, there exists a family of higher cycles{xs}s∈S,xs∈CHk(Es2k−2,1) for a family of elliptic curves {Es}s∈S (S is an algebraic variety over C) which

“computes” the values of the Green function in the way described above. This approach appeared from an attempt to understand the discussion of the algebraicity conjecture in [Zha97].

To be more specific I introduce the following 3 classes of functions.

Let A be a subgroup of C (we will usually take A =Z, A= Qor A = ik−1R).

Consider a holomorphic multi-valued function f on the upper half plane which is allowed to have isolated singularities and is defined up to addition of polynomials of τ with coefficients in 2πiA of degree not greater than 2k2. This means that for a small disk U which does not contain the singularities off one has an element of Oan(U)/2πiV2k−2A , whereV2k−2A is the abelian group of polynomials with coefficients in A of degree not greater than 2k2. Suppose f transforms like a modular form of weight 22k with respect to Γ, i.e. f ≡f|2−2kγ mod 2πiV2k−2A for any γ Γ.

Denote the abelian group of all such functions by M2−2kA (Γ). Note that if we put some growth condition on f near the singularities, it will imply that the singularity of f at a pointτ0 will be of the form F(τ) log(τ −τ0) for F ∈V2k−2A .


Similarly, let M0,kA (Γ) be the space of multi-valued functions f with isolated singularities satisfying ∆f = k(1−k)f, almost holomorphic (expressible as poly- nomials of τ−¯1τ with holomorphic coefficients), invariant (in weight 0) with re- spect to Γ, defined up to addition of functions of the form P2k−2

i=0 αiri(τ), where αi 2πii!(2k−2−i)!

(k−1)! A and theri are defined by the equation



ri(τ)Xi =

µ(X−τ)(X−τ¯) τ −τ¯

k−1 .

Finally, letM2kA(Γ) be the space of (single-valued) holomorphic functionsf with isolated singularities which transform like modular forms of weight 2k with respect to Γ and the V2k−2C -valued differential form ωf = f(τ)(X−τ)2k−2 satisfies the following two conditions:

(i) If we integrate ωf around a singularity we obtain an element of the abelian group 2πi(2k2)!V2k−2A .

(ii) The cohomology class [ωf]∈H1(Γ, VC/2πi(2k−2)!A

2k−2 ) of ωf is trivial.

Then there is a commutative diagram:

M2−2kA (Γ) δk−1 //

(dL)L2k−1LLLLLLLLM%% 0,kA(Γ)




Here the horizontal arrow is the operatorδ−2· · ·δ2−2kand the vertical one isδ2k−2· · ·δ0w = d +τ−¯wτ). Also the horizontal arrow is an isomorphism and the vertical one is surjective with kernel the finite group (V2k−2/V2k−2A )Γ. In particular ifA isQorR, then the vertical arrow is also an isomorphism. WhenA=Rwe also have a fourth group in our system. Denote by C0,kω (Γ) the space of real-analytic (single-valued) functions with isolated singularities satisfying the same differential equation as for the spaceM0,kA (Γ) and invariant (in weight 0) with respect to the action of Γ. Then the following diagram is commutative and all its arrows are isomorphisms:

M2−2kik−1R(Γ) δk−1//






M2kik−1R(Γ) C0,kω (Γ)



Now we give two ways to construct elements of the spaces above. The first way takes the Green function as input. Fix a point τ0 H. The function GH/Γk (τ, τ0) belongs to the spaceC0,kω (Γ). Therefore our construction produces elements in the spacesM2−2kik−1R(Γ),M0,kik−1R(Γ),M2kik−1R(Γ). Denote by gτ0 =gτH/Γ0,k the corresponding element inM2kik−1R(Γ). We prove thatgτ0 is meromorphic, zero at the cusps, and its


principal part atτ0ism(−1)k−1(k−1)!Qτ0(τ)−k(we denoteQτ0(X) = (X−ττ0)(X−¯τ0)

0−¯τ0 ).

The integral aroundτ0ofωgτ0 =gτ0(τ)(X−τ)2k−2 is 2πi(2k−2)!(k−1)!Qτ0(X)k−1. There- fore the product (k1)!D0k−12 gτ0 satisfies all the requirements of M2kZ(Γ) except, possibly, the last one. The last requirement is automatically satisfied in the case S2k(Γ) ={0}, at least up to torsion, i.e. there exists an integer N1 (depending only on k and Γ) such that N1D0k−12 gτ0 M2kZ(Γ). The lift of N1D0k−12 gτ0 to M2−2kZ (Γ) andM0,kZ (Γ) is defined up to a finite group, therefore its product with certain integer numberN2(which depends only on Γ andk) is perfectly defined. LetN =N1N2. We see that the construction canonically gives a function GbH/Γk,τ0 N1D01−k2 M0,kZ (Γ) such thatδkGbH/Γk,τ0 =gτ0. If, moreover,τ is a CM point of discriminantD, thenGbH/Γk,τ0(τ) is defined up to 2πiN1(D0D)1−k2 Z. This is called “the lifted value of the Green function”

and we conjecture that it equals N1(D0D)1−k2 logα for some α Q×. We empha- size that the Green function produces elements of spaces M2−2kik−1R(Γ), M0,kik−1R(Γ), M2kik−1R(Γ), and only if τ0 is a CM point we can “lift” these elements to spaces M2−2kZ (Γ),M0,kZ (Γ),M2kZ(Γ).

There is another way to obtain functions as above, which always produces ele- ments of spaces M2−2kZ (Γ), M0,kZ (Γ), M2kZ(Γ). Suppose we have a family of elliptic curves{Es}s∈S over an algebraic varietyS defined overCand an algebraic family of higher cyclesx={xs ∈Zk(Es2k−2,1)}s∈S. Letxs=P

i(Wi,s, fi,s) (the dimension of Wi,s isk−1 and P

idivfi,s= 0). Suppose also a map ϕ:S H/Γ is given which is dominant, i.e. its image is H/Γ without a finite number of points, and suppose that ϕmakes the following diagram commutative (j is the j-invariant):

S ϕ //





H/P SL2(Z).

Definition. A tripleX= ({Es}s∈S,{xs}s∈S, ϕ) as above is calledmodular if for any two pointss1, s2 such thatϕ(s1) =ϕ(s2) there exists an isomorphismρ:Es1 →Es2 with the following properties:

(i) ρ2k−2(Wi,s1) =Wi,s2,

(ii) ρ2k−2(fi,s1) =βifi,s2 for βiC×.

If we have a modular triple then we construct an element ofM2−2kZ (Γ) as follows.

Letτ Hbe such that its projection toH/Γ belongs to the image ofϕ, sayτ =ϕ(s).

Choose a differential formωon Esand suppose its period lattice is generated by Ω1 and Ω2 with 2

1 =τ. Then put AX(τ) = 1

2k−21 hAJk,1[xs],[ω⊗2k−2]i.

In this case the Abel-Jacobi map reduces to the following integral:

AX(τ) = 2πi 1 Ω2k−21





where ξ is a smooth 2k2-chain whose boundary is P

ifi,s [0,∞] and [0,∞] is a path from 0 to on CP1. It is clear that AX(τ) thus defined does not depend on the choice ofswithϕ(s) =τ, and AX ∈M2−2kZ (Γ). We will show that

δk−1AX(τ) = (2k2)!



´k−1 hAJk,1[x],[ω⊗k−1sym ω⊗k−1]i.

If τ is a CM point with minimal equation 2 + +c = 0, D = b2 4ac and ϕ(s) =τ, then there are endomorphisms ofEswhich act on the tangent space as the multiplications by anda¯τ. Denote their graphs byY andYτ correspondingly.

Then one can check that the Poincar´e dual cohomology class of the differenceY Yτ is represented by the form−2√

D ω

symω R

Esω∧ω. Therefore we can construct a variety whose Poincar´e dual class is represented by

(−1)k−1Dk−12 (2k2)!



´k−1 ω⊗k−1sym ω⊗k−1,

namely, we take the product ofk−1 copies of Y −Yτ for each possible splitting of the product Es2k−2 into pairs and add them up. Note that there are precisely


(k−1)!2k−1 such splittings. Denote the variety obtained in this way byZs. Then we obtain

δk−1AX(τ) = (−1)k−1D1−k2 log (xs·Zs), where the intersection numberxs·Zs is defined as

xs·Zs = Y





ifZs does not intersect the divisors offi,s, singularities of Wi,s and intersects Wi,s properly. If this is not the case one can still define the intersection number, for example, by “shifting”Zs using the the addition law.

The second construction gives examples of functions inM0,kZ whose values at CM points are “algebraic”. We prove that for such AX, obtained via the second con- struction, the derivative ¡d


AX(τ) is meromorphic. In fact we give a method to compute this derivative purely algebraically.

Definition. A meromorphic modular formfwhich belongs toM0,kZ is calledgeomet- rically representableiffd


AX(τ) for some modular triple ({Es}s∈S,{xs}s∈S, ϕ) with{Es},ϕand {xs} are defined overQ.

Then we have

Lemma. Suppose Γ is a congruence subgroup, k >1 and f ∈M0,kZ (Γ) is such that (−1)k−1N1δkf, for some integer N1, is geometrically representable by a modular triple ({Es}s∈S,{xs}s∈S, ϕ). Suppose τ H is a CM point which belongs to the image of ϕ. Let D be the discriminant of τ. Then Dk−12 f(τ) N1

1 logα mod 2πiN , whereα is an algebraic number, which can be computed as the intersectionxs·Zs as above withϕ(s) =τ. HereN2 is the exponent of the groupH0(Γ, V2k−2Q/Z),N =N1N2.


In particular, if a multiple of D0k−12 gk,τ0 is geometrically representable, then the conjecture is true forτ1 =τ0and τ2 — any other CM point except, possibly, a finite number of points (those which do not belong to the image ofϕ). We give an example when this occurs. Let Γ = P SL2(Z), k = 2. Let S be the open subset of C×C of pairs (a, b) satisfying 4a3+ 27b2 6= 0 and b6= 0. Let {Es}s∈S be the Weierstrass family, which is defined by the projective version of the equation y2 =x3+ax+b.

LetWsbe the subvariety ofEs×Eswhich consists of (x1, y1, x2, y2) withx1+x2= 0.

Let fs be the function y1iy2. It is easy to check that (Ws, fs) ∈Z2(Es×Es,1).

Let ϕ be the j-invariant. One can verify that this gives a modular triple. Denote it by X−4 (since the discriminant of the point τ = i, which is the only point which does not belong to the image ofϕ, is −4). We prove

Theorem. Consider the following modular form of weight 4:

1 2

√−4δ2GH/P SL2 2(Z)(τ,i) = (2πi)2

−4 432E4(τ) j(τ)1728. This form is geometrically representable by the modular triple X−4.

This implies the conjecture for GH/P SL2 2(Z)(τ,i) (keep in mind that G= 2<G),b namely

Corollary. For any CM pointτ which is not equivalent to i one has

√−4DGbH/P SL2 2(Z)(τ,i)2 log ((Ws, fs)·(Y −Yτ)) mod πiZ,

where s= (a, b), the curve y2 =x3+ax+b corresponds to τ, Y and Yτ are the graphs of the endomorphisms of this curve which act on the tangent space asAτ and A¯τ, 2++C is the minimal equation ofτ with A >0, and D=B24AC.

As an example we verify Corollary.

GH/P SL2 2(Z)

µ−1 +√

−7 2 ,i

= 8

7log(83 7).

The text is organized in five chapters. Each chapter is provided with a more detailed introduction and reading the introduction is highly recommended for un- derstanding the chapter, especially in the case of Chapter 3. We briefly discuss contents of each chapter here. The first chapter studies various functions on the upper half plane and differential operators. The main result of this chapter is the lifting of the values of the Green function at CM points from real numbers to the elements of

C/2πi(D1D2)1−k2 Q,

and, related to this, the refined version of the algebraicity conjecture (see Corol- lary 1.5.6 and Conjecture (2)). Also in this chapter we prove that the k-th non- holomorphic derivative of GH/Γk is a meromorphic modular form characterized by


certain properties (Theorem 1.5.3) and discuss ways to compute the Green function from this modular form (see the discussion in the end of Section 1.5). The results of this chapter where known to experts but do not exist in print.

The second chapter contains a definition of the higher Chow groups and a con- struction of the Abel-Jacobi map as in [GL99] and [GL00], as well as a proof that the definition of the Abel-Jacobi map is correct. We prove a formula (Theorem 2.5.1) which in certain cases relates the value of the Abel-Jacobi map with certain intersection number which takes values in the multiplicative group.

The third chapter provides a way to compute the derivative of the Abel-Jacobi map (by this we mean¡d


AX(τ)) for a family of higher cycles. The answer is expressed as a certain extension ofD-modules. The result is more general than we need and works for any families of products of curves. In the case of the power of a family of elliptic curves we obtain an invariant of this extension which for modular triples coincides with¡d


AX(τ) and is a meromorphic modular form.

In the fourth chapter we study various objects on the Weierstrass family of elliptic curves. We provide representatives for cohomology classes which are necessary for later computations.

The fifth chapter contains the main result, namely, the construction of a family of higher cycles which computes the values of the functionGH/Γ2 (τ,i) and the proof of the algebraicity conjecture in this case (Theorem 5.2.1). There we show that the meromorphic modular form (2πi)2

−4j(τ)−1728432E4(τ), which equals12

−4δ2GH/Γ2 (τ,i), is geometrically representable.

The construction of the family of higher cycles used in the proof was inspired by other constructions of higher cycles on products of elliptic curves in [GL99], [GL00].

It seems, however, that our family (see Section 5.1.3 and the construction of X−4 above) was not known before, though its construction is surprisingly simple.

This text is submitted as a PhD thesis to the University of Bonn. The work was done at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics. The author is grateful to the institute for hospitality and good working atmosphere. Also I wish to thank S.

Bloch, J. Bruinier, N. Durov, A. Goncharov, G. Harder, D. Huybrechts, C. Kaiser, Yu. Manin, R. Sreekantan with whom I had interesting discussions on the subject of this thesis. Special thanks to M. Vlasenko who read drafts of this text and made useful remarks, and to D. Zagier who introduced me to number theory, proposed the problem, provided me with inspiration and support, and was a very good supervisor.


Modular forms

In this chapter we first fix some notation for the representations of SL2(R) on the space of functions on the upper half plane. We obtain a representation for each integerwwhich is called “weight”. We introduce three differential operators on these representations which are intertwining: the non-holomorphic derivative δ or the

“raising operator”, the “lowering operator”δand the Laplacian ∆. We also recall the construction of the standard finite-dimensional representations Vm of SL2(R) and vectors in these representations which correspond to complex multiplication (CM) points. This is done in Section 1.1.

Next, in Section 1.2, we study in more detail functions which are eigenfunctions for the Laplacian with eigenvalue of the form k(1−k), k∈ Z. The situation with these particular eigenvalues is special. In particular, to each eigenfunction f with such eigenvalue corresponds a certain “extended function”fewhich is harmonic, but takes values in the space V2k−2. The derivatives of these extended functions are proportional to holomorphic functions of weight 2kwhich we also call “derivatives”.

In Section 1.3 we study the inverse problem of recovering fefrom its derivatives in the case when they are invariant under the action of a congruence subgroup of P SL2(Z). We obtain that the obstructions to solving this problem lie in certain cohomology groups.

Then, in Section 1.4, we define the Green functionsGHk for the upper half plane (without a congruence subgroup), the so-called “local Green functions”. These are defined as functions of two variablesz1,z2in the upper half plane which areSL2(R)- invariant (diagonal action) eigenfunctions for the Laplacian with eigenvalue k(1− k) and have only a logarithmic singularity on the diagonal. We show how these functions can be explicitly written using Legendre’s functions. We also evaluate the actions of powers of the operatorδon them. We obtain particularly nice expressions for thek-th power which also gives formulae for the derivatives of the corresponding extended Green functions.

Section 1.5 studies the “global Green functions”GH/Γk for a quotient of the upper half plane. Since these Green functions can be obtained by averaging the local ones, results of Section 1.4 give us information about the singularities of the global Green functions and their derivatives. We obtain a characterisation of the derivativegH/Γk,z

0 of the extended global Green function as a meromorphic modular form with described



type of poles and having trivial class in a certain Eichler-Shimura cohomology group.

Then the original Green function can be obtained from the modular form using the integration procedure described in Section 1.3.

We suppose that there are no cusp forms of weight 2k for the group Γ. Then being applied to CM points the integration procedure allows us to lift the value of the Green function, which is real, to a complex number defined up to an algebraic multiple of 2πi (see Corollary 1.5.6). This supports and refines the algebraicity conjecture formulated in papers [GZ86] and [GKZ87], which says that in this case the value must be an algebraic multiple of the logarithm of an algebraic number (see Conjectures (1) and (2)). In the end of the section we discuss ways to compute the lifted Green function, and we show that it is a period (Theorem 1.5.7).

1.1 Notations

We will consider the groupSL2(R). Elements of this group will be usually denoted byγ, and matrix elements bya,b,c,d:

γ =

µa b c d


This groups acts on the upper half planeH.

1.1.1 Representations of SL2(R)

The groupSL2(R) naturally acts on the following linear spaces:

V =C2 — the space of column vectors of length 2,

Vm — the symmetric m-th power of V.

We explain the way we view elements of Vm. Let e1, e2 be the natural basis on V. Then Vm is the space of homogeneous polynomials ine1,e2 of degreem. If we substitute e1 by a new variable X and e2 by 1 we obtain a non-homogeneous polynomial in one variable of degree less or equal m. We represent elements ofVm as polynomials in the variableX of degree less or equalm, i.e.

p∈Vm, p(X) = p0+p1X+· · ·+pmXm. The group acts onVm on the right by

(pγ)(X) = (p|−mγ)(X) = p(γX)(cX+d)m, γ =

µa b c d


There is the corresponding action on the left

(γp)(X) = (pγ−1)(X) = p(γ−1X)(−cX+a)m.

Now consider the dual space to Vm, Vm. Any v Vm is a functional on Vm. Suppose its value onpis

v0p0+v1p1+. . . vmpm,


then we representvas a raw vector (v0, v1, v2, . . . , vm). For any two numbersx, y∈C we form a vector

vx,y = (ym, ym−1x, ym−2x2, . . . , xm)∈Vm. Then for any p∈Vm

(vx,y, p) = p µx


ym =:p(x, y), hence

γvx,y = vγ(x,y) = vax+by,cx+dy.

In this way the action of SL2(R) is given on a subset ofVm which spans Vm. The isomorphism betweenVmandVm can be given as follows. Define an invariant pairing between elements of the formvx,y ∈Vm:

(vx,y, vx0,y0) = (xy0−x0y)m = Xm


(−1)i µm



Since it is a homogeneous polynomial of degree m in each pair of variables, this induces an equivariant linear map from Vm toVm

(v0, v1, . . . , vm)7→



(−1)i µm



This is an isomorphism of representations. It induces invariant pairings onVm à m



piXi, Xm




= Xm






and on Vm

((vi),(vi0)) = Xm


(−1)i µm


vivm−i0 .

The pairings above are symmetric formeven and antisymmetric formodd. The following identities hold:

((z−X)m, p) = p(z) = (p,(X−z)m) (p∈Vm, z∈C).

1.1.2 Differential operators

LetSbe a discrete subset of the upper half planeHandf(z) be a function onH−S with values inCand w∈Z. Define differential operators

δwf = ∂f

∂z + w z−z¯f, δwf = (z−z)¯2∂f


wf = (z−z)¯2


∂¯zf + w(z−z)¯



We think about w as the weight, attached to the function f. The weight will be always clear from context, so we will omit the subscriptw. We will follow the following agreement: the operatorδ increases weight by 2, the operatorδdecreases weight by 2 and the operator ∆ leaves weight untouched. Taking into account this agreement the following identities can be proved:

δδ δ δ = w, δ δ = ∆,

δδ = ∆ + w.

Let the group SL2(R) act on functions of weight w by the usual formula:

(f|wγ)(z) = f(γz)(cz+d)−w.

This is a right action. We also define the corresponding left action (γf)(z) = (f|wγ−1)(z) = f−1z)(−cz+a)−w.

Note that this action commutes with the operators δ, δ, ∆, it maps functions defined onH−S to functions defined on H−γS.

It is also convenient to modify the complex conjugation for functions with weight to make it commuting with the action of the group. Forf of weight wwe put

f(z) = (z−z)¯ wf(z).

Assign tof weight −w. We can check that f∗∗ = (−1)wf, δ(f) = (δf), δ(f) = (δf),

∆(f) = ((∆ +w)f), γ(f) = (γf).

We remark that for the weight 0 the operator is the usual complex conjugation, the operatorδ is the usual ∂z , and the operator ∆ is the usual Laplace operator for the hyperbolic metric−y2(∂x22 +∂y22).

We list several formulae, which are convenient to use in computations. We assume that the constant function 1 has weight 0. Consider the functions

X−z, X−z¯ z−¯z,

which are thought as functions inzwith values inV of weights−1 and 1 respectively.



δ1 = δ1 = 0, (X−z) = X−z¯


µX−z¯ z−z¯

= −(X−z), δ(X−z) = −X−z¯

z−z¯, δX−z¯ z−z¯ = 0, δ(X−z) = 0, δX−z¯

z−z¯ = X−z, δ



µX−z¯ z−z¯


= −a(X−z)a−1

µX−z¯ z−z¯

b+1 , δ



µX−z¯ z−z¯


= b(X−z)a+1

µX−z¯ z−z¯

b−1 ,

∆ Ã


µX−z¯ z−z¯


= −b(a+ 1)(X−z)a

µX−z¯ z−z¯

b .

1.1.3 CM points and quadratic forms We will frequently use the following notation:

Qz = (X−z)(X−z)¯ z−z¯ .

As a function of z Qz is a function with values inV2 of weight 0.

A CM point is a point z H which satisfies a quadratic equation of degree 2 with integer coefficients. Letz be a CM point. Write the minimal equation forz:

az2+bz+c = 0, a, b, c∈Z, a >0.

The discriminant of the minimal equation Dz =b24ac is called the discriminant of z. An elementary computation gives

Qz = aX2+bX+c

√D .

It is clear that a point z H is a CM point if and only if Qz is proportional to a polynomial with integer coefficients.

1.2 Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian

We consider functions on H−S for discrete subsets S H. For integers k, w we denote by Fk,w the space of functions of weight wsatisfying

∆f = (k(1−k) +w(w−2)4 )f.

It is easy to check the following properties of the spaces Fk,w:


Proposition 1.2.1. (i) The spaceFk,w is invariant under the action of the group SL2(R) (meaning, of course, that γ∈SL2(R) changes S to γS).

(ii) The operator∗ maps Fk,w to Fk,−w.

(iii) The operatorδmapsFk,wtoFk,w+2. It is invertible for all values ofw, except, possibly, 2k2 and−2k with the inverse given by

δw−1 = 4

(w+ 2k)(w2k+ 2)δw+2.

(iv) The operator δ maps Fk,w to Fk,w−2. It is invertible for all values of w, except, possibly, 2k and 22kwith the inverse given by

w)−1 = 4

(w2k)(w+ 2k2)δw−2.

We will occasionally use negative powers of δ and δ when they can be defined using this proposition.

Next we state some basic facts

Proposition 1.2.2. For integer numbersk, l we have (X−z)k−l−1

µX−z¯ z−z¯


∈Fk,2l⊗V2k−2. Proof. Use the formulae listed in the end of Section 1.1.2.

Proposition 1.2.3. Forf, g in Fk,0 and 1−k≤l≤k−1 we have δ−lf δlg = (δ)lf)−lg.

Proof. Note that

)lf = (−1)l(k+l−1)!

(k−l−1)! δ−lf, and analogously

δlg = (−1)l(k+l−1)!

(k−l−1)! (δ)−lg, which implies the required identity.

Let us introduce the following operation. For two functions f, g from Fk,0 we put

f∗g =



δ−lf δlg,

which has weight 0. Note that the previous proposition implies f ∗g =






f ∗g = f∗g.

It is also easy to see that

∂z(f ∗g) = (−1)k−11−kf δkg + δkf δ1−kg).

Consider the function Qk−1z . By Proposition 1.2.2

Qk−1z ∈Fk,0⊗V2k−2 as a function ofz.

One can compute that for 1−k≤l≤k−1 δlQk−1z = (−1)l(k1)!(X−z)k−1−l


µX−z¯ z−z¯


(1−k≤l≤k−1), δkQk−1z = 0.

For f ∈Fk,0 we denote fe = (−1)k−1

µ2k2 k−1

f ∗Qk−1z

= (−1)k−1(2k2)!




(X−z)k+l−1 (k+l−1)!

µX−z¯ z−z¯

k−l−1 δlf.

It is easy to check that

γff = γfe forγ ∈SL2(R),

where γ acts on feby the simultaneous action on z in weight 0 and X in weight 22k. Also

fe = (−1)k−1ef .

One can compute the scalar product of δiQk−1z and δjQk−1z as follows:

Lemma 1.2.4.

iQk−1z , δjQk−1z ) =

(0, if i6=−j (−1)k−1−i¡2k−2



if i=−j.

Proof. We prove by induction on istarting from 1−k. Since δ1−kQk−1z = (−1)k−1 (k1)!

(2k2)!(X−z)2k−2, for any polynomial p∈V2k−2 we have

1−kQk−1z , p) = (−1)k−1 (k1)!



Hence (δ1−kQk−1z , δjQk−1z ) is not zero only for j=k−1 and in this case (δ1−kQk−1z , δk−1Qk−1z ) =

µ2k2 k−1

−1 .

If the statement is true for ithen for any j, taking into account that the weight ofiQk−1z , δjQk−1z ) is 2i+ 2j,

0 = δ(δiQk−1z , δjQk−1z ) = (δi+1Qk−1z , δjQk−1z ) + (δiQk−1z , δj+1Qk−1z ).


i+1Qk−1z , δjQk−1z ) = −(δiQk−1z , δj+1Qk−1z ).

We see that ifi+j 6=−1, this is zero. Ifi+j=−1, this equals exactly


µ2k2 k−1

−1 .

Therefore the original function f can be recovered fromfeas f = (f , Qe k−1z ).

Note also that ∆fe= 0. This is true because

δδkf = (∆ + 2k2)δk−1f = 0.

Let us summarize.

Theorem 1.2.5. Let f ∈Fk,0 fork≥1. Then the function fesatisfies the following properties (note thatF0,0 is the space of harmonic functions):

fe F0,0⊗V2k−2, f = (f , Qe k−1z ), δlf = (f , δe lQk−1z ),


∂z = (X−z)2k−2(−1)k−1δkf (k1)! ,


∂¯z = (X−z)¯ 2k−2 ¯δkf

(k1)! (¯δg:=δ¯g).

In the opposite way, if g∈ F0,0⊗V2k−2 is such that ∂g∂z is divisible by (X−z)2k−2 and ∂g∂¯z is divisible by (X−z)¯ 2k−2, then the function f(z) = (g(z), Qk−1z ) satisfies f ∈Fk,0 and g=fe.

Proof. It is only not clear how to prove the “opposite way” part of the statement.

Supposeg satisfies the conditions above. Consider the function g0 = (g, δk−1Qk−1z ).



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