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Health and diet


Academic year: 2022

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Health and diet

A healthy weight

Healthy snacks

Dental care

Health checks


Our child is different

Children with disabilities

Children in hospital

Intoxication emergencies

Children with chronic diseases

Being ill at home

Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz

Child and adolescent psychiatric service

A balanced diet and running around in the fresh air are vital for the healthy

development of children. Both are necessary from the beginning.

Sitting down at the family table and eating a meal together is important for families. It helps children develop a sense of

community and well-being. Playing and running around outdoors is equally important for their health. If you support your child’s natural urge for moving and exercising, it will learn to feel happy within its body and grow up to be confident and strong. Running around and playing also helps children do better in school.

Sometimes, adolescent rebellion against parents involves food and exercise:

Teenagers assert themselves by eating too much or refusing food, by doing too much or no sport at all. At the same time, adolescents imitate their peer group or


famous idols. Health, beauty, fitness and power are important issues for them. Talk to your child about them, and about what a healthy lifestyle means.

A healthy weight

More and more people are overweight, and obesity is a problem in all

industrialised countries. Secondary

diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and arthritis are also increasing.

In the long run, obesity leads to a higher mortality rate and increasing health costs.

The most alarming development is the increase in child and adolescent obesity.

In Switzerland, every fifth child is overweight.

Obesity is a consequence of the changing lifestyle in industrialised countries. We eat too much and get too little exercise. If we don’t act soon, obesity will continue to rise.

At the same time, more and more children – mostly girls – try hard to keep their weight down at a very young age.

They are in danger of developing severe eating disorders. 10% of all children in Switzerland are underweight or control their eating behaviour.

Public health strategies focus on the prevention of obesity. It is important that parents be good role models for their children and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Day-care centres, schools and business canteens are other important target groups.


Ask your pediatrician or GP for help.

Eating disorders

Please see the addresses at the end of this chapter.

Healthy snacks

Time may be short in the morning, but make sure you pack a healthy snack for school. A mid-morning snack will recharge your children’s batteries and help them stay alert through the day.

Children love a little variety: bread, cheese and radishes, carrots, almonds and

crispbread, plain, unsweetened yoghurt with fresh berries. Don’t let them eat muesli bars, chocolate, cakes or sweets of any kind, croissants, salty snacks, meats and soft drinks at schools.

Dental care

Prevention of caries is important before a baby is even teething. As a basic

measure, make sure you never suck your baby’s comforter or clean it in your mouth.

You will risk transmitting your bacteria to your child. Never let the baby use the bottle as a substitute comforter, and don’t let him or her drink soft drinks or sweet tea.

Once your baby is teething, the Swiss Dentists’ Association recommends the following measures:

• no snacks with added sugar

• if you buy sweets, look out for the

«tooth friendly» label

• brush the baby’s teeth twice daily, using a soft children’s toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste


Brushing teeth is a daily struggle in many families. The rules are simple: Brush your teeth for three minutes after every meal, no sweet snacks or soft drinks in-between meals. Getting your children used to this routine is a long process.

Health checks

Paediatricians recommend 12 health checks in the first 16 years of a child’s life.

They help diagnose any physical,

intellectual or psychological deficits at an early stage. Don’t miss these regular checks, they are always a good opportunity to talk about anything that might worry you. You can find more information on the following websites:

• www.praxispaediatrie.ch

• www.swiss-paediatrics.org TIP: Make sure your health insurance covers all recommended health checks.

If you haven’t found a paediatrician yet, ask your friends or your midwife. It is important that you find a doctor you can trust.


Vaccinations protect children from all kinds of diseases. The Federal Office of Public Health recommends the following

vaccinations: diphteria, hepatitis B, meningitis, laryngitis caused by

haemophilus influenzae, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, and tetanus. Talk to your paediatrician about possible side effects.

Ticks can transmit a variety of diseases, predominantly borreliosis and early summer meningoencephalitis (ESME) or tick-borne meningitis. Borreliosis is caused

by bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics. By contrast, ESME is a viral disease that can only be prevented by vaccination. Ask your paediatrician.

In 2007, the Federal Office of Public Health recommended a vaccination

against cervical cancer and other diseases caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) for all adolescent girls between the age of 11 and 14. Ask your GP, paediatrician or gynaecologist for more information.

Our child is different

Every child is different – an individual human being. There is a lot of literature about the different stages in a child’s development. But you should never forget that these are just guidelines. Your child will have its own pace and develop skills whenever it is ready for them. It will learn some things sooner and some things later than other children. Don’t let these

differences unsettle you. If you worry about your child and would like a professional opinion, check with your publichealth nurse or your paediatrician.

Children with disabilities

You have gone through months of joyous anticipation and a tiring birth. All you wanted was to hold your healthy baby in your arms. But now you learn that your baby has a disability. Only time will tell how your child will cope with his or her condition. You will probably ask yourself:

«Why has this happened to me?» In most cases there is no clear answer. But one thing is certain: it is not your fault! You have a very special child now. It needs your love and affection as much as any child. And it will give you a lot of love in


return. Your child is a gift – more than you can imagine in the beginning.

Parents need time to come to terms with the fact that their child has been born with a disability. In this first phase, parents are very vulnerable and often withdraw from family and friends. But in fact, they need all the support they can get. Doctors, relatives and friends are indispensable.

Parents’ groups are very helpful. Other more experienced parents in the same situation have a lot of useful information and provide social and emotional support.

Of course, you will need special care and education for your child, but do not make hasty decisions. It is always good to get as much information as possible. You will learn to judge what is best for you and your child, and where to get the

professional support that suits you best.

Children in hospital

Staying in hospital is hard for children, because it means they are away from their parents. Luckily, hospital stays are much shorter than they used to be, usually no more than one or two days. Take your time and prepare your child carefully.

At the «Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel» (UKBB, Paediatric Hospital Basel- Stadt and Basel-Landschaft) children and their parents can visit the hospital prior to an operation and talk to a social

pedagogue. The children get to see a hospital room, try out a few things, and meet doctors and nurses. These visits are very helpful for children and parents alike.

They take away the children’s fear and relieve the parents.

Intoxication emergency

Tox Info Suisse operates the emergency number 145. Give them a call if

somebody shows symptoms of intoxication. Doctors as well as other qualified medical staff offer advice around the clock 365 days a year in cases of poising through chemicals, medication, poisonous plants, mushrooms or animals as well as drugs and much more.

Chronically ill children

Caring for a child with a chronic disease raises many questions and places parents under a lot of strain. On the website below, you will find a number of self-help groups, parents’ associations and information centres focusing on children with chronic diseases.


There are also foundations which offer parents of chronically ill children support and respite. Other foundations grant wishes to terminally or chronically ill children. You can find their addresses at the end of this chapter.

Being ill at home

Many diseases are harmless and can be treated at home. When in doubt, consult your paediatrician. Sometimes it helps to call one of several medical 24-hour hotlines run by health insurances.

Paediatricians treat children and adolescents up to the age of 20.

The Red Cross offers short-term help if your child is sick at home. Call them the evening before, if possible.


Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz

«Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz» is an organisation supporting families with ill or handicapped children. Qualified nurses visit the families and provide professional care at home, supporting parents and providing some basic medical training.

This approach guarantees the best possible care for the children and takes into account the situation of the whole family. «Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz» is available around the clock, seven days a week.


Child and adolescent psychiatric service

The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services in the cantons offersupport and therapy for children and adolescents.

Parents can contact the service if their child suffers from learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder or sleep deficit. Of course, the service also supports families in difficult situations, for example if there are unresolved conflicts within the family.

You can find out more about the therapies offered on the websites of the cantonal child-and adolescent psychiatric service.


Health and diet: addresses and links

Please note: Most of the described services and links are in German. If a service is explicitly offered in English this is marked by a *

Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn

A healthy weight

Essstörungen Schweiz ENES, www.netzwerk-



Essstörungen AES, www.aes.ch

Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz www.gesundheitsfoerderung.ch

Advice on diet and exercise for children, parents and teachers: : www.suissebalance.ch

Special consultation for children with eating disorders:

https://www.pdag.ch/diagnos e-

behandlung/sprechstundegru ppenangebote/spezialsprechs tunden-kinderjugendliche/

Projects in the Canton of Aargau on healthy weight:

https://www.ag.ch/de/dgs/ges undheit/gesundheitsfoerderun gpraevention/ernaehrungbew egung/projekteangebote/Proj ekteAngebote.jsp

Kinder- und

Jugendpsychiatrischer Dienst KJPD

http://www.pbl.ch/home/kinder- und-jugendpsychiatrie/

Psychotherapeutische Station für weibliche Jugendliche mit schweren Essstörungen (Psychotherapeutic station for female adolescents with severe eating disorders) Goldbrunnenstrasse 14, 4410 Liestal, Tel. 061 927 75 50

«aktion gesundes körpergewicht»,

Gesundheitsförderung BL, Rheinstrasse 22, 4410 Liestal, Tel. 061 552 62 87,


Special consultation for children with eating disorders:


ambulantes-angebot/kinder- und-jugend/allgemeine- sprechstunde/Seiten/default.as px

Projects in the Canton of Basel-Stadt on healthy weight:

http://www.gesundheit.bs.ch/u eber-

uns/programme/gesundes- koerpergewicht.html

Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Solothurn:

https://www.so- h.ch/psychiatrische-

dienste/institute/kinder-und- jugendpsychiatrie.html

Project „Gesundes Körpergewicht“ (healthy weight)

https://www.so.ch/verwaltung/d epartement-des-

innern/gesundheitsamt/gesund heitsfoerderung-praevention/

Platform about nutrition and exercise for pregnant women,

parents and their 0 to 3 year old children:



Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Healthy snacks

Some ideas for healthy snacks


http://www.migesplus.ch/en/pu blications/diet-

exercice/show/healthy- morning-and-afternoon- snacks/

Dental care Schweizerische Zahnärztegesellschaft:



Zahnarztgesellschaft Aargau:


You can find a list of all dentists in the region of Basel under: http://www.basler- zahnaerzte.ch/

You can find a list of all dentists in the region of Basel under: http://www.basler- zahnaerzte.ch/

Schweizerische Zahnarztgesellschaft Solothurn:


Health check-ups

www.praxispaediatrie.ch www.swiss-paediatrics.ch Article on swissmom.ch about the routine check-ups:


medizinisches/beim- kinderarzt/die-



Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Vaccinations

Recommended vaccinations for children:

www.bag.admin.ch >

Krankheiten und Medizin >


Swiss vaccination schedule for children:

http://www.bag.admin.ch/impfi nformation/06311/index.html?l ang=de

Vaccination against cervical cancer

http://www.bag.admin.ch/impfi nformation/12041/index.html?l ang=de

Our child is different

Average development steps/goals for children aged 1-6 years.

http://www.stiftungnetz.ch/entw icklung_des_kindes.html

Mütter-und Väterberaterinnen Aargau

http://www.muetterberatung- aargau.ch/

Mütter- und Väterberaterinnen Region Basel


Mütter- und Väterberaterinnen Region Basel


Mütter-und Väterberatung Solothurn:

http://www.muetterberatung- so.ch/


Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Children with disabilities

Konferenz der Vereinigungen von Eltern behinderter Kinder - KVEB


Eltern blinder, seh- und mehrfachbehinderter Kinder:


Procap- Für Menschen mit Handicap:

http://www.procap.ch/Kinder- mit-Behinderung.178.0.html

Schulbesuch behinderter Kinder:

https://www.ch.ch/de/schulbes uch-behinderter-kinder/

Verein Du bist dran- für Geschwister von behinderten oder schwer kranken Kindern http://www.dubistdran.ch/

Zeka Zentren für

Körperbehinderte Aargau:

www.zeka-ag.ch/angebote- für-kinder.html

Entlastungsdienst Aargau- Solothurn:



Pro Infirmis Aargau-Solothurn:

http://www.proinfirmis.ch/de/ka ntonale-angebote/aargau- solothurn.html

Angebote für behinderte Kinder und ihre Eltern im Raum Aarau:

http://www.kindundfamilie- aarau.ch/xml_5/internet/de/app lication/d3579/f3590.cfm

Beratungsstelle für Behinderte BL und Eltern von Kindern mit einer Behinderung

Wiedenhubstrasse 57, 4410 Liestal, Tel. 061 926 89 00, info@stiftungmosaik.ch

Insieme baselland, Im Dienste von Menschen mit einer Behinderung

Fischmarkt 13, 4410 Liestal, Tel. 061 923 98 93


Behindertenforum Region Basel:

http://www.behindertenforum.c h/

Selbsthilfegruppen Zentrum Selbsthilfe

Feldbergstrasse 55, 4057 Basel, Tel. 061 689 90 90

www.zentrumselbsthilfe.ch >

Selbsthilfegruppen >


Behindertenforum Region Basel:

http://www.behindertenforum.c h/

Pro Infirmis Basel:

http://www.proinfirmis.ch/en/ka ntonale-angebote/basel- stadt.html

Pro Infirmis Aargau-Solothurn:

http://www.proinfirmis.ch/de/ka ntonale-angebote/aargau- solothurn.html

Entlastungsdienst Aargau- Solothurn:



Zentrum für Körper- und Sinnesbehinderte Kinder:



Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Children in hospital

Information for parents and children for when a child needs to stay in hospital:


Klinik für Kinder und

Jugendliche am Kantonsspital in Aarau:

http://www.kinderklinik.ksa.c h/

The KSA has a special website for children, with information and games to prepare them for their stay in hospital:


The association BELOP supports parents during the operation of their child:

http://www.ukbb.ch/de/elter nbesucher/weitere-

dienstleistungen/operationsbe gleitung-belop.html

The UKBB has a special website for children, with information and games http://www.ukbb.ch/fileadmin/u kbbkids/

Private day clinic for children in Liestal:

http://www.kindertagesklinik.ch /

The association BELOP supports parents during the operation of their child:

http://www.ukbb.ch/de/elter nbesucher/weitere-

dienstleistungen/operationsbe gleitung-belop.html

The UKBB has a special website for children, with information and games http://www.ukbb.ch/fileadmin/u kbbkids/

Im Kanton Solothurn gibt es kein eigenes Kinderspital.

Intoxication emergency

Tox Info Suisse provides free 24-hour medical advice in case of poisoning or suspected poisoning. You can reach by dialing 145.

More information can be found on their website * (available in English):



Schweiz Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Chronically ill children

Elternnetz offers information for parents of chronically ill children


Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz http://www.kinderkrebshilfe.ch/

Kinderkrebs Schweiz http://www.kinderkrebs- schweiz.ch/

The “Stiftung Kind und Familie”

aids parents with chronically or terminally ill children


Stiftung Sternschnuppe (grants wishes to terminally or

chronically ill children or children with a disability) http://www.sternschnuppe.ch/h ome/


Schweiz Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Being ill at home

Childcare at home (when a child is sick and parents need to go to work)




Childcare at home (when a child is sick and parents need to go to work)


baselland.ch/familienentlastun g

Childcare at home (when a child is sick and parents need to go to work)


basel.ch/angebote/familienentl astung.htm

Childcare at home (when a child is sick and parents need to go to work)



Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz

www.spitexkinder.ch www.spitexkinder.ch www.spitexkinder.ch www.spitexkinder.ch www.spitexkinder.ch

Children- and adolescent psychiatric services

Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie der Psychiatrischen Dienste Aargau AG (PDAG) :

https://www.pdag.ch/diagnose- behandlung/kinder-und- jugendpsychiatrie/


Jugendpsychiatrischer Dienst Baselland:

http://www.pbl.ch/home/kinder- und-jugendpsychiatrie/

Kinder und

Jugendpsychiatrische Klinik (KJPK) Basel:


ambulantes-angebot/kinder- und-jugend/Seiten/default.aspx

Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Solothurn:

https://www.so- h.ch/psychiatrische-

dienste/institute/kinder-und- jugendpsychiatrie.html


Book recommendations

Our book recommendations are generally for books that are available only in German. Where possible we’ve listed the English translation or an equivalent.

On the topic of healthy weight

Schnitz und Drunder has put together an informative guide on healthy nutrition

https://www.baselland.ch/fileadmin/baselland/files/docs/vsd/gefoe/agk/agk_grundlagen.pdf On the topic of check-ups and stays in hospital

„Ich werde untersucht, aber wie? Kindern Untersuchungen erklären“

Von Mechthild Hoehl, Gisela Dürr, Thieme Verlag, 2006.

„Was passiert im Krankenhaus- Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Die Sachbuchreihe Für Kindergartenkinder“

Von Andreas Erne, Ravensburger Verlag 2015.



Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Premature birth.

Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Music schools. Vereinigung aargauischer

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