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Variational time discretizations of higher order and higher regularity


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Variational time discretizations of higher order and higher regularity

Simon Becher1 ·Gunar Matthies1

Received: 10 March 2020 / Accepted: 4 February 2021 / Published online: 24 March 2021

© The Author(s) 2021


We consider a family of variational time discretizations that are generalizations of discontinuous Galerkin (dG) and continuous Galerkin–Petrov (cGP) methods. The family is characterized by two parameters. One describes the polynomial ansatz order while the other one is associated with the global smoothness that is ensured by higher order collocation conditions at both ends of the subintervals. Applied to Dahlquist’s stability problem, the presented methods provide the same stability properties as dG or cGP methods. Provided that suitable quadrature rules of Hermite type are used to evaluate the integrals in the variational conditions, the variational time discretization methods are connected to special collocation methods. For this case, we present error estimates, numerical experiments, and a computationally cheap postprocessing that allows to increase both the accuracy and the global smoothness by one order.

Keywords Discontinuous Galerkin·Continuous Galerkin–Petrov·Stability· Collocation method·Postprocessing·Superconvergence

Mathematics Subject Classification 65L05·65L20·65L60

1 Introduction

This paper deals with a family of variational time discretizations that generalizes discontinuous Galerkin (dG) and continuous Galerkin–Petrov (cGP) methods. For its definition, in addition to variational equations, collocation conditions are used.

Communicated by Rolf Stenberg.


Simon Becher

Simon.Becher@tu-dresden.de Gunar Matthies


1 Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany


The considered family is characterized by two parameters: the first one is the local polynomial ansatz order and the second parameter is related to the global smoothness of the numerical solution that is ensured by higher order collocation conditions at both ends of the subintervals. Note that a related approach, which also combines variational conditions and a certain number of other conditions, was considered in [12]. Since the test space for each family member is allowed to be discontinuous with respect to the time mesh, the discrete problem can be solved in a time-marching process, i.e., by a sequence of local problems on the subintervals.

With respect to their behavior when applied to Dahlquist’s stability problem, the family of variational time discretizations can be divided into two groups. While the first group shares its stability properties with the cGP method, the second group behaves like the dG method. These observations, presented in [10], imply that the considered methods are at least A-stable. This suggests that the whole family of methods is appropriate to handle stiff problems such as those arising, for example, from semi- discretizations of parabolic partial differential equations in space.

Various aspects of dG and cGP time discretization methods have already been studied in the literature. The a priori and a posteriori analysis of dG methods is well understood, see e.g. [15], [28, Chap. 12], and references therein. Moreover, dG methods are known to be strongly A-stable. Under certain conditions, dG schemes can preserve various versions of dissipativity, see [17] for details. For the cGP method a rigorous a priori and a posteriori error analysis in the context of ordinary differential equations is presented in [16]. Optimal error estimates and superconvergence results for the fully discretized heat equation, based on a finite element method in space and a cGP method in time, are given in [7]. For further investigations of the cGP method we refer to [27].

Therein, using energy arguments, also the A-stability of cGP methods of arbitrary order is shown. In addition, cGP methods provide an energy decreasing property for the gradient flow equation of an energy functional, see [27]. As shown in [18], the cGP schemes are also able to preserve certain energy properties such as Lyapunov functionals.

Postprocessing techniques for dG and cGP methods applied to systems of ordinary differential equations have been given in [24]. They allow to obtain an improved con- vergence by one order in integral-based norms. Furthermore, the postprocessed dG solution is continuous while the postprocessing of cGP solutions leads to continuously differentiable trajectories. This paper transfers and generalizes the postprocessing ideas to the whole family of variational time discretizations. The postprocessing technique applied to a numerical solution increases the global smoothness by one differentiation order and the local polynomial degree by one. This results in improved accuracy in integral-based norms, see [1,3,4,6,8,14,24]. Note that the postprocess- ing comes with almost no computational costs since just jumps of derivatives of the discrete solution are needed. Beside the improvements of accuracy and global smooth- ness, the postprocessing can be used to drive an efficient adaptive time step control, see [2].

As mentioned above, the variational time discretizations analyzed in this paper use collocation conditions at the end points of the time subintervals. We describe connec- tions between pure collocation methods and numerically integrated variational time discretizations provided a suitable quadrature rule of Hermite type is applied. Based


on these connections the existence and uniqueness of discrete solutions are shown.

Moreover, optimal error estimates follow. The connection between collocation meth- ods and postprocessed numerically integrated discontinuous Galerkin methods using the right-sided Gauss–Radau quadrature formulas was considered in [29]. Moreover, connections between collocation methods and the numerically integrated continu- ous Galerkin–Petrov methods (using interpolatory quadrature formulas with as many quadrature points as number of independent variational conditions) were shown in [21,22].

For affine linear systems of ordinary differential equations with time-independent coefficients, an interpolation cascade is presented that allows multiple postprocessing steps leading to very accurate solutions with low computational costs. Moreover, tem- poral derivatives of discrete solutions to affine linear systems with time-independent coefficients form also solutions of variational time discretization schemes. This rela- tion was used to prove optimal error estimates of stabilized finite element methods for linear first-order partial differential equations [14] and for parabolic wave equations [6,8].

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 some notation and the family of variational time discretizations are introduced. The general postprocessing technique is considered in Sect.3. The connection between collocation methods and numeri- cally integrated variational time discretizations is given in Sect.4. This connection is exploited to provide results on the existence of unique solutions and to obtain error estimates. Section5is devoted to affine linear ODE systems for which an interpolation cascade that enables multiple postprocessing steps is presented. Moreover, properties of derivatives of solutions to variational time discretization methods are discussed.

Numerical experiments supporting the theoretical results are presented in Sect.6.

2 Notation and formulation of the methods

We consider the initial value problem Mu(t)=F


, u(t0)=u0∈Rd, (2.1) whereM ∈Rd×dis a regular matrix andF, sufficiently smooth, satisfies a Lipschitz- condition with respect to the second variable. Furthermore, letI =(t0,t0+T]be an arbitrary but fixed time interval with positive lengthT. The valueu0att =t0is called the initial value in the following.

If the ODE system (2.1) originates from a finite element semi-discretization in space of a parabolic partial differential equation then Mis the mass matrix. Since in this context the computation ofM1is costly, usually a linear system withMis solved instead. By the explicit occurrence ofMwe can investigate where this is necessary.

To describe the vector-valued case (d>1) in an easy way, let(·,·)be the standard inner product and · the Euclidean norm onRd,d ∈ N. Also, letej be the jth standard unit vector inRd, 1≤ jd.

For an arbitrary interval J andq ∈ N, the spaces of continuous and p times continuously differentiableRq-valued functions on J are written asC(J,Rq)and


Cp(J,Rq), respectively. Furthermore, the space of square-integrableRq-valued func- tions is denoted byL2(J,Rq)or, for convenience, sometimes also byC1(J,Rq). For s ∈ N0we writePs(J,Rq)for the space ofRq-valued polynomials on J of degree less than or equal to s. Further notation is introduced later at the beginning of the sections where it is needed.

In order to describe the methods, we need a time mesh. Therefore, the intervalIis decomposed by

t0<t1<· · ·<tN1<tN =t0+T

intoN disjoint subintervalsIn:=(tn1,tn],n=1, . . . ,N. Furthermore, we set τn:=tntn1, τ := max

1nNτn. For any piecewise continuous functionvwe define by

v(tn+):= lim

ttn+0v(t), v(tn):= lim

ttn0v(t), [v]n:=v(tn+)v(tn) the one-sided limits and the jump ofvattn. Moreover, standard notation for the floor function is used, i.e., for any real numberxletxbe the greatest integer less than or equal tox.

In this paper C denotes a generic constant independent of the time mesh parameterτ.

2.1 Local formulation

Letr,k ∈ N0with 0≤kr. In order to numerically solve the initial value prob- lem (2.1), we introduce the family of variational time discretization methodsVTDrk with parametersrandk.

Using a standard time-marching strategy, the discrete solution is successively deter- mined onIn,n =1, . . . ,N, by local problems of the form

FindUPr(In,Rd)such that

U(tn+1)=U(tn1), ifk≥1, (2.2a) MU(i+1)(tn)= di




t=tn, ifk≥2,i =0, . . . ,k


−1, (2.2b)

MU(i+1)(tn+1)= di dti



t=tn−1+ , ifk≥3,i =0, . . . ,k1


−1, (2.2c) and

In MU, ϕ0,k


n1, ϕ(tn+1)

=In F(·,U(·)), ϕ

∀ϕ∈Prk(In,Rd) (2.2d)


whereU(t0)=u0andδi,jdenotes the Kronecker delta. Moreover, the integratorIn

represents either the integral over In or the application of a quadrature formula for approximate integration overIn. Details will be described later.

Note that the formulation can easily be extended to the casek=r+1. Then the variational condition (2.2d) must formally hold for allϕP1(In,Rd). This should be interpreted as “there is no variational condition”. Hence, only conditions at both ends of the intervalInare used.

The methodVTDrkcan shortly be described by trial space:Pr, ifk≥1:initial condition,

test space: Prk, ifk≥2:ODE(i)intn, i=0, . . . ,k


−1, ifk≥3:ODE(i)intn+1, i=0, . . . ,k1



The notation ODE(i)means that the discrete solution fulfills theith derivative of the system of ordinary differential equations. Obviously, the reduction of the test space fork≥ 1 is compensated by other conditions. For a somewhat related approach see [12, (3.3)].

Counting the number of conditions leads fork≥1 to dimPrk+1+k






while we have dimPr =r+1 conditions ifk=0. The number of degrees of freedom equals for all k to dimPr = r +1. Hence, in any case the number of conditions coincides with the number of degrees of freedom.

Remark 2.1 TheVTDrk framework generalizes two well-known types of variational time discretization methods. The methodVTDr0is the discontinuous Galerkin method dG(r)whereas the methodVTDr1equates to the continuous Galerkin–Petrov method cGP(r).

On closer considerations we see that methodsVTDrkwith evenkare dG-like since there are point conditions on thek


th derivative of the discrete solution but this derivative might be discontinuous. The methodsVTDrkwith oddkare cGP-like since there are point conditions up to thek


th derivative of the discrete solution and this derivative is continuous. We have in detail

VTDrk =







dG(r), k=0,

cGP(r), k=1, dG-C

k−1 2

(r), k≥2,keven, cGP-C

k1 2

(r), k≥3,kodd,

where we use and generalize the definitions and notation of [24]. Note that there is also another reason to name the methods this way. All methods with oddkshare their


A-stability with the cGP method while methods with evenkare strongly A-stable as the dG method, for more details see Remark5.3.

In order to obtain a fully computable discrete problem usually a quadrature formula Qnis chosen as integrator, i.e.,In = Qn. To indicate this choice, we simply write Qn-VTDrk. Moreover, we agree that integration overInis used if no quadrature rule is specified. We mostly use quadrature rules that are exact for polynomials of degree up to 2r−k. This ensures in the case of an affine linear right-hand sideF(t,u)= f(t)−Au with time-independentAthat alludepending terms in (2.2d) are integrated exactly.

The special structure of the method (2.2) motivates to use an associated interpolation operator that conserves derivatives at the end points of the interval up to a certain order. In detail, we define on the reference interval[−1,1]the interpolation operator Ikr :C

k 2

([−1,1])→ Pr([−1,1])that uses the interpolation points at the left end: derivatives up to orderk1


in−1+, at the right end: derivatives up to orderk



in the interior: zerostˆi(−1,1)of the(rk)t hJacobi-polynomial with respect to the weight(1+ ˆt)

k1 2


(1− ˆt)

k 2


. (2.3) Note that there is no point evaluation at the left end fork=0. In any case, the number of interpolation conditions is






and, thus, coincides with the dimension of Pr. The interpolation operatorIkr is of Hermite-type and provides the standard error estimates for Hermite interpolation.

In addition, we define by

Qrk[ ˆf] :=



(Ikr fˆ)(t)ˆ dtˆ

a quadrature rule on[−1,1]that is in a natural way assigned to the methodVTDrk. The quadrature rulesQrkare known in the literature as generalized Gauss–Radau and Gauss–Lobatto formulas, respectively, see e.g. [19,23]. The weights of the quadrature rule Qrk can be calculated by integrating the appropriate Hermite basis functions on [−1,1]. Finally, we obtain



ϕ(tˆ)dtˆ≈Qrk ϕ

= 1


(Ikrϕ)(t)ˆ dtˆ


k1 2






k 2




The quadrature ruleQrkis exact for polynomials up to degree 2r−k. It can be shown that all quadrature weights are different from zero, see [23]. More precisely, we have

wIj >0, wLj >0, (−1)jwRj >0,

so even the sign of the weights is known. Note that for k ≥ 2 not all weights are positive. Semi-explicit and recursive formulas for the weights of these methods can be found in [26].

Transferring the quadrature ruleQrkand the interpolation operatorIkr from[−1,1]

to the intervalIn, we obtainQrkandIkr where we skip the intervalInin the notation because this will be clear from the context. Hence, we have


ϕ(t)dt ≈Qrk ϕ

= τn

2 k−12









k 2






wheretn,i = 12


In,i =1, . . . ,rk. The factorsτn



originate from the chain rule.

Remark 2.2 The quadrature rule Qr0 is the well-known right-sided Gauss–Radau quadrature formula withr +1 points that is typically used for the discontinuous Galerkin method dG(r).Qr1is the Gauss–Lobatto quadrature rule withr+1 points that is often used together with the continuous Galerkin–Petrov method cGP(r).

Remark 2.3 For 1≤krtheVTDrkmethod with exact integration could be analyzed also in a generalization of the unified framework of [5] as we shall show below, see (2.5). Note that the dG method (k=0) has already been fitted in this framework, cf. [5].

We define fork≥1 a projection operatorPn :C

k 2


(In,Rd)Pr1(In,Rd) by

(Pnv)(i)(tn)=v(i)(tn), ifk≥2,i =0, . . . ,k


−1, (2.4a)

(Pnv)(i)(tn+1)=v(i)(tn+1), ifk≥3,i=0, . . . ,k1


−1, (2.4b)



Pnv(t), ϕ(t) dt =


v(t), ϕ(t)

dt ∀ϕ∈ Prk(In,Rd). (2.4c) Then an equivalent formulation of (2.2) with 1≤krand exact integration reads

FindUPr(In,Rd)with givenU(tn1)∈Rdsuch that MU(t)=PnF


tIn (2.5)



Indeed, ifU solves (2.2) thenMUPr1(In,Rd)obviously satisfies all condi- tions of (2.4) withv=F


. SincePnvis uniquely defined we directly get (2.5).

Otherwise letU solve (2.5). Since there are polynomials on both sides, we can differentiate the equation by any order. With (2.4a) and (2.4b) we have

MU(i+1)(˜t)= di dti



tt = di dti




fort˜=tnand alli =0, . . . ,k


−1 ifk≥ 2, as well as fort˜=tn+1and alli = 0, . . . ,k1


−1 ifk≥3, respectively. Hence, the conditions (2.2b) and (2.2c) hold.

Taking the inner product of (2.5) with an arbitraryϕPrk(In,Rd)and integrating overInyield together with (2.4c)


MU(t), ϕ(t) dt =


PnF t,U(t)

, ϕ(t) dt =



t,U(t) , ϕ(t)

dt which is (2.2d) with exact integration.

Note that certain numerically integrated versions ofVTDrk can also be written in the form (2.5) if appropriate projections are applied.

2.2 Global formulation

Fors∈N0we define the spaceYsof vector-valued piecewise polynomials of maximal degreesby

Ys :=

ϕL2(I,Rd) : ϕ|InPs(In,Rd),n =1, . . . ,N .

Studying the conditions (2.2a), (2.2b), and (2.2c) we see that the solutionU of In-VTDrkisk1


times continuously differentiable onIifFis sufficiently smooth.

Furthermore, the condition (2.2b) forUC

k1 2

(I)already implies (2.2c) forn≥2.

Consequently, the method could be reformulated as follows FindUYrC

k1 2

(I,Rd)such that

U(i)(t0+)=U(i)(t0), if k≥1,i=0, . . . ,k1


, (2.6a)

MU(i+1)(tn)= di dti



t=tn, if k≥2,i =0, . . . ,k


−1, (2.6b)

for alln=1, . . . ,N, and N


In MUF(·,U(·)), ϕ +δ0,k


n1, ϕ(tn+1)

=0 ∀ϕ∈Yrk



whereU(i)(t0) =u(i)(t0), 0 ≤ik


, which includes the initial valueu0in the problem formulation. We agree on definingu(j)(t0)recursively using the differential equation, i.e.,

u(0)(t0):=u0, Mu(2)(t0):=tF

t0,u(t0) +uF

t0,u(t0) u(1)(t0), Mu(1)(t0):= F


, Mu(j)(t0):= dj1 dtj1F


t=t0, j≥3. (2.7) The term dtdjj−11 F


t=t0 depends only onu(t0), . . . ,u(j1)(t0)and can be cal- culated using some generalization of Faà di Bruno’s formula, see e.g. [13,25]. IfFis affine linear inu, i.e.,F(t,u(t))= f(t)A(t)u(t), then we simply have

Mu(j)(t0):= dj1 dtj1F


t=t0 = f(j1)(t0)






for j≥1, by Leibniz’ rule for the(j−1)th derivative.

Note that since the test spaceYrkin (2.6c) allows discontinuities at the boundaries of subintervals, the problem can be decoupled by choosing test functionsϕsupported on a single time interval In only. Moreover, exploiting fork ≥ 1 thatUC

k1 2

as well as (2.6a) and (2.6b), we also obtain (2.2a) and (2.2c). Therefore, the global problem (2.6) can be converted back into a sequence of local problems (2.2) in time on the different subintervalsIn,n=1, . . . ,N.

3 Postprocessing

We present in this section a simple postprocessing that makes considerable use of the properties of the quadrature ruleQrkassociated toVTDrk.

Theorem 3.1 (PostprocessingQrk-VTDrk Qrk-VTDrk++12) Let r,k ∈ N0with0 ≤ kr and suppose that UYr solves Qrk-VTDrk. For every n =1, . . . ,N set


In =U

In +anϑn, ϑnPr+1(In,R),

whereϑnvanishes in all(r+1)quadrature points of Qrkand satisfiesϑ

k 2

+1 n (tn)= 1while the vector an∈Rdis defined by

an =M1


k 2


k 2




k 2



. (3.1)

Moreover, letU(t 0)=U(t0). ThenUYr+1solves Qrk-VTDrk++12.


Proof We have to verify thatUsatisfies all conditions forQrk-VTDrk++12where Qrkis the quadrature rule associated toVTDrk which is exact for polynomials up to degree 2r−k.

First of all we show an identity needed later. The special form ofϑn, the exactness ofQrk, and integration by parts yield

Qrk ϑnϕ



ϑn(t)ϕ(t)dt= −




= −Qrk ϑnϕ =0

−δ0,knϕ)(tn+1)= −δ0,knϕ)(tn+1) ∀ϕ∈Prk(In,R).

(3.2) Precisely, we used that bothϑnϕandϑnϕare polynomials of maximal degree 2r−k and thatϑnvanishes in all quadrature points, especially intnand fork≥ 1 also in tn+1.

Fork≥1 we haveϑn(tn+1)=ϑn(tn)=0. Therefore, the initial condition holds due toU(tn+1)=U(tn+1)=U(tn1)=U(t n1). Fork =0 it is somewhat more complicated to proveU(tn+1)=U(tn1), for details see (iii) below. The remaining

conditions can be verified as follows.

(i) Conditions attnfor 0≤ik+2




−1: From the definitions ofUandUwe obtain

MU(i+1)(tn)=MU(i+1)(tn)+Manϑ n(i+1)(tn)


= di dtiF



= di dtiF



since the derivatives ofUandUintncoincide up to orderk


due to the definition ofϑn.

(ii) Condition attnfori =k+2





Just like above we get, additionally using the definition ofan, MU

k 2



k 2



k 2


n (tn)



k 2


(tn)+ d

k 2


k 2




k 2



= d

k 2


k 2




= d

k 2


k 2






(iii) Variational condition:

We have to prove that Qrk (MU, ϕ)

= Qrk (F(·,U(·)), ϕ)

for all ϕP(r+1)−(k+2)(In,Rd). Actually, we can even test with functionsϕPrk(In,Rd).

We first study the casek ≥1. By the definitions ofUandU, the identity (3.2), and the fact thatUandUcoincide at all quadrature points we have


MU, ϕ"


MU, ϕ"


Manϑn, ϕ"


F(·,U(·)), ϕ"



Man, ϕ"

=0,since (Man,ϕ)∈Prk(In,R)


F(·,U(·)), ϕ "

∀ϕ∈ Prk(In,Rd).

Now letk=0. The same arguments as fork≥1 yield for allϕPr(In,Rd) Qr0!

MU, ϕ"


F(·,U(·)), ϕ"


n1, ϕ(tn+1)


Man, ϕ(tn+1) .

We study the last two terms. Using the definitions of the jump U

n1and ofU, we find


n1+anϑn(tn+1)=U(tn+1)U(tn1)= U

n1 (3.3) where we also exploited thatϑn1(tn1)=0. Hence, we have


MU, ϕ"

+ M U

n1, ϕ(tn+1)


F(·,U(·)), ϕ"


(3.4) Choosing the special test functionsϕjPr(In,Rd),j =1, . . . ,d, that vanish in therinner quadrature points ofQr0and satisfyϕj(tn+1)=ej as well as having in mind (ii), we find U

n1 = 0 component by component. Thereby, at once we have proven the initial condition and verified the needed variational condition since now also the jump term in (3.4) can be dropped.

(iv) Conditions attn+1for 0≤ik+21





With an argumentation similar to that in (i) we gain

MU(i+1)(tn+1)= MU(i+1)(tn+1)+Manϑn(i+1)(tn+1)


= di dtiF


t=tn+1 = di dtiF




(v) Condition attn+1fori =k+21




ifk≥1: It remains to prove that


k1 2


(tn+1)= d

k1 2


k1 2




We use the variational condition forUwith specially chosen test functionsϕjPrk(In,Rd), j =1, . . . ,d, that vanish at all inner quadrature points ofQrk, i.e.,

ϕj(tn,i)=0, i =1, . . . ,rk, and satisfy ϕj(tn+1)=ej. As shown in (iii) we have


MU, ϕj



F(·,U(·)), ϕ j


, j =1, . . . ,d,

sincek ≥1. The special choices ofϕj, the definition of the quadrature rule, and the already known identities from (i), (ii), and (iv) yield after a short calculation using Leibniz’ rule for theith derivative that


MU, ϕj



F(·,U(·)), ϕj


, j =1, . . . ,d,




k1 2


(tn+1)·ϕj(tn+1) =ej




k1 2


k1 2



t=tn+1·ϕj(tn+1) =ej

, j =1, . . . ,d,


k−1 2


(tn+1)= d

k1 2


k1 2


t,U(t )

t=tn+1. Note that we also used thatwLk1



Collecting the above arguments, we see thatUsolvesQrk-VTDrk++12. From the definition (3.1), it seems that a linear system with the mass matrixMhas to be solved in every time step in order to obtain the correction vectoran. However, the computational costs for calculatingancan be reduced significantly as we show now.

Proposition 3.2 The correction vectors an ∈Rddefined in(3.1)for the postprocessing presented in Theorem3.1can alternatively be calculated by

an= −1


k1 2

+1 n (tn+1)

# U

k1 2



k1 2




for n>1,



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