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numerical approximation in riemannian manifolds by karcher means


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inauguraldissertation über die

numerical approximation in riemannian manifolds

by karcher means

(numerische approximation in riemannschen mannigfaltigkeiten mithilfe des karcher'schen schwerpunktes)

zur erlangung des grades eines doctoris rerum naturalium

dem fachbereich

mathematik und informatik der freien unversität berlin

im november 2013 vorgelegt


diplom-mathematiker stefan wilhelm von deylen


rotenburg (wümme)


Konrad Polthier, Freie Universität Berlin (Erstgutachter) Max Wardetzky, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Martin Rumpf, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Hermann Karcher, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Datum der mündlichen Prüfung:

10. Juni 2014

Diese Dissertation wurde in den Jahren 201013, gefördert durch ein Stipendium der Berlin Mathematical School (bms), in der Arbeitsgruppe für Mathematische Geome

trieverarbeitung angefertigt und von Professor Dr. Konrad Polthier betreut.




This dissertation treats questions about the denition of simplices inside Riemannian manifolds, the comparison between those simplices and Euclidean ones, as well as Galerkin methods for variational problems on manifolds.

During the last three years, the Riemannian centre of mass technique described by Karcher (1977) has been successfully employed to dene the notion of a simplex in a Riemannian manifoldM of non-constant curvature by Rustamov (2010), Sander (2012) and others. This approach constructs, for given vertices pi ∈ M, a uniquely dened barycentric mapx: ∆→M from the standard simplex∆into the manifold, and callsx(∆)the Karcher simplex with verticespi.

However, the question whetherxis bijective and hence actually induces barycentric coordinates onx(∆) remained open for most cases. We show that under shape regu

larity conditions similar to the Euclidean setting, the distortion induced byxis of the same order as for normal coordinates: dx is almost an isometry (of course, this can only work if∆is endowed with an appropriately-chosen Euclidean metric), and ∇dx almost vanishes. The estimate ondx could have already been deduced from the work of Jost and Karcher (1982), but it is the combination with the∇dxestimate which paves the ground for applications of Galerkin nite element techniques.

For example, the construction can be employed to triangulateM and solve problems like the Poisson problem or the Hodge decomposition on the piecewise at simplicial manifold instead ofM. This leads to analogues of the classical estimates by Dziuk (1988) and subsequent authors in the eld of surface pde's (we only mention Hilde- brandt et al. 2006 and Holst and Stern 2012 at this point), but as no embedding is needed in our approach, the range of the surface nite element method is extended to abstract Riemannian manifolds without modication of the computational scheme.

Second, one can approximate submanifoldsS inside spaces other than Rm(for exam

ple, minimal submanifolds in hyperbolic space), for which the classical normal height map or orthogonal projection construction from the above-mentioned literature di

rectly carries over, and the error term generated by the curvature ofM is dominated by the well-known error from the principal curvatures ofS.

Apart from classical conforming Galerkin methods, there are other discretisation ideas, e. g. the discrete exterior calculus (dec, see Hirani 2003) in which variational problems such as the Poisson problem or the Hodge decomposition can be solved without any reference to some smooth problem. Convergence proofs are less developed in this area, mainly because albeit there are interpolation operators from discrete k-forms to L2k, these interpolations do not commute with the (diering) notions of exterior derivative on both sides. We re-interpret dec as non-conforming Galerkin schemes.


Let (M, g)be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold. Concerning the simplex de

nition and parametrisation problem, we obtained the following (for German readers, we also refer to the ocial abstract on page 113):

<1> For given points p0, . . . , pn ∈ M inside a common convex ball, we consider the barycentric mapping x : ∆ → M from the standard simplex into M dened by the Riemannian centre of mass technique. Its images:=x(∆)is called the (possibly degenerate) n-dimensional Karcher simplex with verticespi. If∆ is equipped with a at metricgedened by edge lengthsd(pi, pj)≤h, wheredis the geodesic distance in (M, g), and if vol(∆, ge)≥αhn for some α >0 independent ofh(shape regularity), we give a estimate for the dierence ge−xg between the at and the pulled-back metric of order h2, as well as a rst-order estimate for the dierence ∇ge − ∇xg between the Euclidean and the pulled-back connection (6.17, 6.23).

<2> We give estimates for the interpolation of functionss→R and s→N, whereN is a second Riemannian manifold (7.4, 7.15).

<3> Starting from the already existing theory of Voronoi tesselations in Riemannian manifolds by Leibon and Letscher (2000) and Boissonnat et al. (2011), we dene the KarcherDelaunay triangulation for a given dense and generic vertex set (8.8).

<4> Concerning the Poisson problem on the space of weakly dierentiable real-valued functionsH1(M,R), weakly dierentiable real-valued dierential formsH1k(M), and weakly dierentiable mappings into a second manifold H1(M, N), we prove error es

timates for their respective Galerkin approximations (10.13, 10.17, 13.14). The same method gives estimates for the Hodge decomposition inH1k(M)if appropriate trial spaces as in Arnold et al. (2006) are chosen (10.15).

<5> We give proximity and metric comparison estimates for the normal height map or orthogonal projection map between a smooth submanifold and its Karcher-simplicial approximation, which is the classical tool for nite element analysis on surfaces in R3, but this time for submanifolds inside another curved manifold (11.3, 11.18).

<6> We show that the dierential of a Karcher simplex' area functional with respect to variations of its vertices is well-approximated by the area dierential of the at simplex (∆, ge)withgeas above (12.12).

Concerning the convergence analysis of discrete exterior calculus schemes for a simpli

cial complex:

<7> We dene a (piecewise constant) interpolation ik : Ck → P−1k from discrete dierential forms to a subspace of L2k, which turns the discrete exterior derivative into a dierential d:P−1k →P−1k+1 with Stokes' and Green's formula for sim

plicial domains. This reduces convergence issues for dec from simplicial (co-)chains to approximation estimates between the non-conforming trial space (P−1k, d) and (H1k, d). We estimate the approximation quality ofP−1 forms in H1k (9.19, 9.20) and compare the solutions of variational problems in P−1k andH1k (10.2628).


Structure and Method

All the thesis is divided into three parts, one of which introduces notation, the main constructions another, its applications to standard problems in numerical analysis of geometric problems and surfaces pde's (changing the usual setting from embedded surfaces to abstract (sub-)manifolds) the third. Having in mind that the introduction of numbers as coordinates [...] is an act of violence (Weyl 1949, p. 90), we try to stay inside the absolute Riemannian calculus as far as possible. Our main tool are Jacobi elds, which naturally occur when taking derivatives of the exponential map and its inverse. Whereas the standard situation for estimates on a Jacobi eldJ(t)are given values J(0) and J(0)˙ , see e. g. Jost (2011, chap. 5), we will deal with Jacobi elds with prescribed start and end value, which is convered by (fairly rough, but satisfying) growth estimates 6.6 and 12.4.


We owe thanks to people who accompanied and supported the development of this dissertation: To our advisor Prof. Dr Konrad Polthier, members of his work group (Dipl.-Mathh. Konstantin Poelke, Janis Bode, Ulrich Reitebuch, B. Sc. Zoi Tokoutsi and all others) as well as other Berlin doctoral students (rst and foremost Dipl.-Math.

Hanne Hardering), our bms mentor Prof. Dr Günter M. Ziegler, the co-authors of the corresponding journal publication (von Deylen et al. 2014), Pro. Dr'es David Glickenstein (Arizona) and Max Wardetzky (Göttingen), furthermore to Pro. Dr'es Hermann Karcher (Bonn) and Ulrich Brehm (Dresden) for helpful advices. In a more global perspective, we are indepted to our academic teachers Pro. Dr'es Matthias Kreck and Martin Rumpf (both Bonn).

We know that this thesis, as a time-constraint human work, will be full of smaller or larger mistakes and shortcomings. We strongly hope that none of them will destroy main arguments. For all others, we keep in mind the words of an academic teacher, concerning exercise sheets: Do not refuse an exercise in which you have found a mis

take, but try to nd the most interesting and correct exercise in a small neighbourhood of the original one.


We listed here those symbols which occur in several sections without being introduced every time. Symbols with bracketed explanation are also used with a dierent meaning, which then will be dened in the section. Where it is useful, we added a reference to the denition.

M manifold,M g is shortcut for(M, g)

m dimension ofM

g Riemannian metric onM

P parallel transport (beside in section 3) R curvature tensor ofM (1.3)

Γ Christoel symbols (1.2), Christoel operator (1.14) d geodesic distance function inM

Xp gradient of 12d(p,·)(1.22) x barycentric mapping (5.4)

inj,cvr injectivity and convexity radius (5.2) C0,C1 global bound for||R|| and||∇R|| resp.

h mesh size

ϑ fullness parameter (3.3) C0,1 :=C0+hC1

C0,10 :=C0,1ϑ−2

K simplicial complex (4.1)

n dimension ofK

e,f,s,t elements, facets, simplices

r (realisation operator for simplicial complexes, 4.2) . ≤up to a constant that only depends onn

∆ standard simplex, LaplaceBeltrami operator ei Euclidean basis vector

1n = (1, . . . ,1)∈Rn

1 unit matrix

Br(U) set of points with distance< rfrom U d dierential, exterior derivative

δ (exterior coderivative, Kronecker symbol)

∂ partial / coordinate derivative, boundary of sets

∇ covariant derivative

D covariant derivative along curves (except section 3) L (weak Laplacian, 2.7), curve length functional

| · |`2 canonical Euclidean norm of Rn

| · | pointwise norm on bundles induced byg, volume of sets

|| · || pointwise operator norm (1.1)

· integrated (or supremum) pointwiseg-norm (2.3)

· integrated (or supremum) pointwise operator norm

· operator norm in function spaces (10.3)


Ck k-times continuously dierentiable functions Lr functions whose r'th power is Lebesgue-integrable Wk,r functions that have kcovariant dierentials inLr (2.3) Hk :=Wk,2 (except section 13)

Hk0 etc. functions inHk etc. with vanishing trace on the boundary H1,0,H0,1 forms αwith weak dαorδαof classL2 resp.

H1,1 forms αwith weak dαandδαof classL2 H1+1 forms with weakdαandδαof classH1,1

P polynomial forms (9.6), functions (10.3), vector elds (12.7) X vector elds of classC

k dierentialk-forms of classC

kt, Ωkn di. forms with vanishing tangential/normal trace on the boundary L2Xetc. vector elds of classL2etc.

S submanifold

T M|S vector bundle overS with bresTpM T S normal bundle ofS inM

ν normal on S inM

π projection


projection onto normal part


projection onto tangential part

Φ normal height mapp7→exppZ for normal vector eldZ Φt geodesic homotopy p7→expptZ


A. Preliminaries 1

1. Riemannian Geometry . . . 1

Curvature . . . 1

Second Derivatives . . . 3

Scalings . . . 5

The Exponential Map and Special Coordinates . . . 7

The Distance and the Squared Distance Function . . . 9

Submanifolds . . . 10

2. Functional Analysis and Exterior Calculus . . . 11

Laplace Operator and Dirichlet Problem . . . 13

Hodge Decompositions . . . 15

Mixed Form of the Dirichlet Problem inΩk . . . 17

3. Geometry of a Single Simplex . . . 18

The Unit Simplex . . . 19

The Standard Simplex . . . 22

4. Simplicial Complexes and Discrete Riemannian Metrics . . . 25

Non-Oriented Complexes . . . 25

Oriented Complexes . . . 28

Barycentric Subdivision . . . 29

B. Main Constructions 33 5. The Karcher Simplex: Denition . . . 33

6. Approximation of the Geometry . . . 36

Estimates for Jacobi Fields . . . 36

Estimates for Normal Coordinates . . . 39

Approximation of the Metric . . . 41

Approximation of Covariant Derivatives . . . 43

7. Approximation of Functions . . . 44

Approximation in the Preimage . . . 44

Approximation in the Image . . . 48

8. The KarcherDelaunay Triangulation . . . 53

9. A Piecewise Constant Interpolation of dec . . . 55

Discrete Exterior Calculus (dec) . . . 56

Piecewise Constant Dierential Forms . . . 57

Connection to the bv Derivative . . . 60

Approximation Estimate forP−1k. . . 63


C. Applications 67

10. Real-Valued Variational Problems . . . 67

The Dirichlet Problem for Functions . . . 67

Variational Problems in Ωk . . . 70

Dirichlet Problems with Curved Boundary . . . 71

Heat Flow . . . 74

Discrete Exterior Calculus . . . 75

11. Approximation of Submanifolds . . . 77

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Karcher Triangulation . . . 77

General Properties of Normal Graphs . . . 79

Geometric Distortion by the Graph Mapping . . . 82

The Weak Shape Operator . . . 86

12. Variation of Karcher Simplex Volume . . . 87

Variation of Karcher Triangulations . . . 87

Discrete Vector Fields . . . 90

Area Dierentials . . . 91

Area Gradients . . . 92

13. The Manifold-Valued Dirichlet Problem . . . 93

The General Galerkin Approach . . . 93

Approximation Properties of Karcher Triangulation Variations . . . 98

D. Outlook 101


A. Preliminaries

Let us briey recapitulate basic notions and concepts of the concerned mathematical elds: Riemannian manifolds and variational problems on these, simplex geometry and simplicial complexes. For the quick reader with experience in numerics on surfaces, a short look on the simplex metric in barycentric coordinates (3.11) and our denition of simplicial complexes (4.2) might be of interest.

1. Riemannian Geometry

For this section, we will keep close to the notations of Jost (2011) and Lee (1997).

Let(M, g)orM gfor short be anm-dimensional Riemannian manifold. We writehX, Yi orghX, Yiinstead ofg(X, Y)forX, Y ∈TpM, mainly to prevent the use of too many round brackets. Whereas charts map open sets in M into Rm, we will mostly use coordinates (U, x), i. e. maps x from open sets U ⊂ Rm into M that are locally homeomorphisms.

Throughout this thesis, we apply Einstein convention for computations in local co

ordinates or any other upper-lower index pair. Only when it explicity helps to clarify our statements, we note the evaluation of a vector eldX or the metricgat a specic pointp∈M as X|p or g|p respectively.

1.1 Tangent Bundle and Norms. Coordinates(U, x)aroundpgive rise to a basis ∂xi or shortly∂iofTpM, and a dual basisdxionTpM. The tangent-cotangent isomorphism is denoted by[and its inverse by]. The natural extension ofgtoTM has coecients gij with gijgjkki (Kronecker symbol). On higher tensor bundles,g also naturally induces scalar products byghv⊗¯v, w⊗wi¯ :=ghv, wigh¯v,wi¯ and similar for covector and mixed tensors. The space of smooth vector elds is denotes asX, the spaces of smooth alternatingk-forms asΩk. With·, we denote the Euclidean scalar product in Rn.

We will denote the norm on all these bundles simply by| · | or| · |g, because we do not see ambiguity here. However, it diers from the operator norm of a tensor denoted as|| · ||. Both are equivalent,|| · ||g≤ | · |g≤c|| · ||g with a constantcthat only depends on the dimensionm and the rank of the tensor (Golub and van Loan 1983, eqn.

2.2-9). In particular, operator and induced norm agree on1-forms.


In local coordinates (U, x), the metric g is a smooth eld of positive denite m× 1.2 m-matrices over U. A connection ∇ on M g is given in local coordinates by some


Christoel symbolsΓkij = Γkji via

ij = Γkijk, ∇XY = (XiiYk+XiYjΓkij)∂k (1.2a) for vector eldsX, Y aroundpwith coordinatesX =XiiandY =Yiirespectively.

It naturally induces a connection on higher tensor bundles, e. g. on the bundle of linear maps A : TpM → TpM, by (∇VA)(W) = ∇V(AW)−A(∇VW). There is a unique connection that is symmetric and compatible with g, the LeviCività connection ofM g, whose Christoel symbols can be computed by

Γkij=gk`(∂jgi`+∂igj`−∂`gij). (1.2b) T

1.3 he Riemann curvature tensorRofM g is dened by

R(X, Y)Z=∇XYZ− ∇YXZ− ∇[X,Y]Z. (1.3a) In local coordinates, it has coecients

R`ijk=∂iΓ`jk−∂jΓ`ik+ ΓnjkΓ`ni−ΓnikΓ`nj, R(∂i, ∂j)∂k =R`ijk` (1.3b) and obeys the following (anti-)symmetries:

hR(X, Y)Z, Wi=−hR(Y, X)Z, Wi, hR(X, Y)Z, Wi=−hR(X, Y)W, Zi, hR(X, Y)Z, Wi=hR(Z, W)X, Yi.


Let us agree that ∇ and D bind weaker than linear operators, so DtAW as above always meansDt(AW), not(DtA)W = ˙AW.


1.4 long smooth curves c : [a;b] → M, t 7→ c(t), any connection uniquely induces a covariant dierentiation Dtalongcby

V˙(t) :=DtV(t) = ( ˙Vk+ ˙ciVjΓkij)∂k. (1.4a) A geodesic is a curve with vanishing covariant derivative, i. e. Dtc˙ = 0 or, slightly inprecise,∇c˙c˙= 0. In coordinates,

ck,tt=−c˙ijΓkij (1.4b) (note that we use the symbol ¨c only for the covariant derivative of c˙, and we denote the coordinate derivative by a comma-separated subscript). If the parametrisation does not matter, we denote a curve c with endpointsp, q∈M as c :p;q. The geodesic distanced(p, q)is the length of the shortest geodesicp;q. A Riemannian manifold is complete if any two points can be joined by a geodesic. For some neighbourhoodB of p, we say thatBis convex if each two pointsq, r∈B have a unique shortest geodesic q;rinM which lies inB (Karcher 1968).

Along a geodesic c : [a;b] →M, there is a parallel translation Pt,s: Tc(s)M → Tc(t)M for everys, t∈[a;b], dened byPt,sV =W(t)for the vector eldW alongγ


1. Riemannian Geometry withW(s) =V andW˙ = 0. Parallel translation is an isometry, as dtd|W|2=hW , W˙ i= 0. The derivative ofP with respect to a variation ofc is computed in 7.8.

As geodesics are unique inside a convex ballB, we will also writePq,pforq, p∈B. The unintuitive order of the evaluation points is inspired by the fact that some vector inTpM enters on the right, and a vector in TqM comes out on the left.We remark that in generalPr,qPq,p6=Pr,p, but insteadPp,rPr,qPq,pis the holonomy of the loop p;q;r;p.

1.5 Assumption. Throughout the whole thesis, we will assume that M g is a compact smoothm-dimensional manifold (without boundary, if not specied) with curvature bounds||R|| ≤C0 and ||∇R|| ≤C1 everywhere. To keep denitions together, we give a forward declaration: When a radius (or a mesh size)rand a fullness parameter ϑ are dened, we will also useC00 :=C0ϑ−2 andC0,1:=C0+rC1, analogouslyC0,10 (C10 will not be used).

Remark. Up to a factor of43, the bound||R|| ≤C0is the same as requiring that the sectional curvature is bounded, because if all sectional curvatures are bounded by±K, then||R|| ≤ 43K (Buser and Karcher 1981, 6.1.1), which is the usual assumption in the works of Karcher, Jost et al. Of course, on the other handK≤C0.

Second Derivatives

LetN γαβ and M gij be two smooth Riemannian manifolds with coordinates uα and vi respectively and f :N →M be a smooth mapping. Its rst derivative is, at each p∈N, a linear mapdpf :TpN →Tf(p)M. Of course, the Levi Civita connections of M and N induce a unique way to dene the Hessian ∇df. For this purpose, df has to be considered as a section in E := TN ⊗fT M, a bundle over N with bres Ep=TpN×Tf(p)M. We want to give a coordinate expression for this.

Denition. LetM andN be two Riemannian manifolds,f :N →M smooth. The Hessian off is∇Edf, a section ofTN⊗TN⊗fT M.

1.6 Fact. The connection on the cotangent bundleTN is dened by

d ω(X)

=ω(∇T MX) + (∇TMω)(X) forω∈Ω1(N),X∈X(N), cf. Jost (2011, eqn. 4.1.20). This gives

0 =d duα(∂β)

(∂γ) =duα(∇γβ) + (∇γduα)(∂β)

=duαδβγδ) + (∇γduα)(∂β),

and withduα(∂δ) = 1 ifα=δand0else, this gives that∇γduα maps a vector∂βto

−Γαβγ, so

γduα=−Γαβγduβ. (1.6a) Vector elds V on M pull back to vector elds fV by (fV)|p = V|f(p). The connection∇T M then induces a connection onfT M by

fXT MfV =fT Mdf XV. (1.6b)


Let us abbreviate∂α:= ∂uα as before, and additionally∂i :=f∂vi, and fi := ∂u∂fαi. For example, the usual coordinate representation ofdf isdf(∂α) =fi ∂vi. Therefore,

fT M

αj=f(∇T Mfi


j) =f(fi Γkij∂vk) =fi Γkijk. (1.6c) The connections onTN andfT M induce a connection on the product bundle, cf.

Jost (2011, eqn. 4.1.23):

E(ω⊗V) = (∇TNω)⊗V+ω⊗(∇fT MV) forω∈Ω1(N),V ∈fX(M). (1.6d) 1.7 Lemma. Let f :N →M be a smooth mapping between Riemannian manifolds, and let V, W ∈ TpN. Then consider a variation of curves γ(s, t) in N with ∂tγ = W,

sγ = V and Dstγ = 0 (everything is evaluated at s = t = 0). Let c := f ◦γ be the corresponding variation of curves in M. Then ∂tc = df V, ∂sc = df W and (∇Edf)(V, W) =Dstc. If df V 6= 0 this is

(∇Edf)(V, W) =∇T Mdf Wdf V,

whereV andW are extended such that ∇WV = 0. Proof. Insertingdf=fi duα⊗∂i in 1.6d, we have

Eβdf=∇TβN(fi duα)⊗∂i+fi duα⊗ ∇fT M

βi. By 1.6a,

TβNfi duα=f,αβi duα−fi Γαβγduγ and together with 1.6c, this gives


βdf= (f,αβi duα−fi Γαβγduγ)⊗∂i+fi duα⊗fjΓkijk

(cf. Jost 2011, eqn. 8.1.19). We conclude that∇df, taken as bilinear mapTpN×TpN→ Tf(p)M, acts on vectors ∂β and∂δ as

∇df(∂β, ∂δ) = [f,αβi duα(∂δ)−fi Γαβγduγ(∂δ)]∂i+fi duα(∂δ)fjΓkijk

= (f,δβi −fi Γαβδ)∂i+fifjΓkijk

= (f,δβi −fi Γαβδ+fjfkΓijk)∂i.

This is, as it should be, symmetric in β and δ by the symmetry of f,βδi and the Christoel symbols.

On the other hand, let us compute Dstc. The derivatives of γ are given by∂tγ = γ,tαα and∂sγ=γ,sββ. By the chain rule,∂tc=ci,ti,tαfαii and∂sc=γ,sβfβjj. By 1.4a,

Dstc= (γα,tfi ),s,tαfj γβ,sfkΓijk



1. Riemannian Geometry Now (γ,tαfk),s = γ,tsα fkα,tf,αβk γ,sβ again by the chain rule. As we have assumed Dstγ= 0, we getγ,tsα =−γ,tβγδ,sΓαβδ for everyα, so

Dstc= (−fi γ,tβγ,sδΓαβδ+f,αβi γ,tαγ,sβ,tαfj γ,sβfkΓijk)∂i,

=VδWβ(−fi Γαβδ+f,δβi +fjfkΓijk)∂i,

q. e. d.

1.8 Corollary (Jost 2011, eqns. 4.3.48, 4.3.50). IfM =R, then the Hessian of a function f : N →R, applied twice to the tangent of a geodesic γ, is the second derivative of f◦γ, and it holds

∇df(V, W) =h∇V gradf, Wi=h∇Wgradf, Vi=V(W f)−df(∇VW). (1.8a) Scalings

In most situations, we will try to prove scale-aware estimates, i. e. estimates for co

ordinate expressions or absolute terms where both sides of the inequality scale similar when the coordinates or the diameter of the manifold is scaled (if both sides of the inequality even remain unchanged under rescaling, we call the estimate scale-invari

ant). Therefore, we will need to know the scaling behaviour of vectors and tensors.

1.9 Coordinate change, xed absolute manifold. First, consider the case where the abstract (absolute) geometry ofM gis xed and only coordinates are changed. A useful application is when coordinates(U, x)are given and the eigenvalues of the matrixgiju lie betweenϑ2µ2 andµ2, but one would like to have eigenvalues in the order of1(i. e.

betweenϑ2 and1). This is achieved by coordinates yi=µxi, ∂yα = 1



Components of vectors always scale like the coordinates: If W = wi,x ∂∂xi =wi,y ∂∂yi, thenwi,y=µwi,x. This scaling indeed fullls our requirements:



= 1 µ2g


= 1 µ2gijx

The inverse matrix obviously scales with(gij)y2(gij)x.The Christoel symbols and the components of the curvature tensor scale with

kij)y= 1

µ(Γkij)x, (R`ijk)y= 1



1.10 Fixed coordinates, manifold scaling. Consider a new Riemannian manifoldM¯g with g¯ =µ2g. Then diam(Mg) =¯ µdiam(M g) and d(p, q) =¯ µd(p, q). The norm of a tensor that is covariant of rankk and contravariant of rank`scales withµ`−k. For example, a vectorW, a linear form ωand the curvature tensor Rscale with

|W|g¯=µ|W|g, |ω|g¯= 1

µ|ω|g, ||R||g¯= 1 µ2||R||g.

If coordinates (U, x) remain the same, then ¯gij = µ2gij and g¯ij = µ12gij, and the Christoel symbols and tensor components remain xed:

Γ¯kij = Γkij, R¯`ijk=R`ijk. (1.10a) Now suppose two manifolds M g and N γ with a mapping f :N →M. Consider a scalingµforM andν forN. Asdfcan be regarded as a linear form on T N, resulting in a vector inT M, it is natural that the norm of df and∇df scale as


ν||df||γ,g, ||∇df||γ,¯¯g= µ

ν2||∇df||γ,g. (1.10b) The scaling behaviour of ||R|| is the reason why we never suppress curvature bounds as hidden constants. In fact, most of our results could be simply worked out in balls of radius1, and their scaling behaviour could be recovered from the curvature bounds and the scaling behaviour of left- and right-hand side operator norms.

1.11 Coordinate change with manifold scaling. It might also be useful to use coordi

nates for(M, µ2g)where the components gij remain unchanged, for example because they had previously been normalised to have eigenvalues in the order of1. If a chart (U, x) is known, such coordinates are given by yi =µxi, because vector components also scale aswα,v =µwα,u and then


as it should. The Christoel symbols and curvature tensor components scale as (¯Γγαβ)v = 1

µ(Γγαβ)u, ( ¯Rδαβγ)v= 1


If two manifoldN γαβandM gijare scaled with factorsµandνin this way, resulting in coordinate expressionsvα=νuαforNandyi=µxiforM, then the coordinate form off, which was a mappingUu→Ux, becomes a mappingf¯:νUu→µUx, v7→µf(v/ν), so by chain rule

i = µ

νfi , f¯,αβi = µ ν2f,αβi for the components in

df=fi duα∂xi, df¯= ¯fi dvα∂yi

and∇df= (f,δβi −fi Γαβδ+fjfkΓijk)duβ⊗duδ∂xi as in the proof of 1.7.


1. Riemannian Geometry The Exponential Map and Special Coordinates

On a point p ∈ M (interior, if M has boundary), there is, at least for some small intervall[−ε;ε], a unique geodesic for each initial velocity X ∈TpM. As the geodesic equation 1.4b is homogenous and the unit ball inTpM is compact, this is equivalent to the fact that for some small ballBε around0∈TpM, the geodesiccX with initial velocity X ∈ Bε exists on [−1; 1]. As the unit sphere in TpM is compact, there is some ε that works for any direction X. The exponential map is dened to map Bε→ M,expp(X) :=cX(1). From this mapping, normal and Fermi coordinates can be constructed. The former construction can be found in every Riemannian geometry textbook (e. g. Lee 2003, p. 78).

1.12 Normal coordinates aroundp∈M are coordinates(U, x)withx(0) =pin which

straight linest7→tvare geodesics (arclength-parametrised for|v|`2= 1), which implies gij(0) =δij, ∂kgij(0) = 0andΓkij(0) = 0for alli, j, k.

Lemma. Any orthonormal basisEiofTpM induces normal coordinates(Bε, x)around pviax: (u1, . . . , um)7→expp(uiEi), where εmust be so small that geodesics through pare unique.

Proof. By homogenity of the geodesic equation 1.4b, the geodesic starting with initial velocityc(p) =˙ V withV =Eivi has coordinates

ck(t) =tvk, so c˙k(t) =vk and ck,tt(t) = 0

for all t in the denition interval of c. At the same time, ck,tt = −c˙ijΓkij. As both equalities must hold for every V ∈TpM, this already implies Γkij = 0. The correspon

dence between Γkij and ∂kgij is linear and of full rank, so the latter have to vanish,

too, q. e. d.

1.13 Corollary. dexpp= id at0∈TpM, that meansd0(expp)V =V.

Proof. Consider a geodesic c starting from p with velocity V. As the dierential operator d(expp) applied to V can be computed as tangent of this integral curve,

d(expp)V = ˙c(0) =V, q. e. d.

1.14 Observation. Then the metricgij in the parameter domain is

gij|u=hdx ei, dx eii=hdU(expp)Ei, dU(expp)Eji, (1.14a) whereU =uiEi. Likewise, the Christoel operatorΓ : (v, w)7→Γkijviwjk (which is bilinear, but does not behave tensorial under coordinate changes) is computable as pull-back of the connection to the parameter domain: The coordinate expression

vw = ∇euclv w+ Γ(v, w) given in 1.2a can be understood as pull-back ∇xg of the connection onto Rm (not to be confused with the connection xg on xT M from 1.6b), and such a pull-back is dened bydx(∇xvgw) =∇dx vdx w. The right-hand side was identied to be∇dx(v, w)in 1.7, and so we have

dU(expp)(Γ(ei, ej)) =∇dU(expp)(Ei, Ej). (1.14b)


1.15 Jacobi Fields. Let c(s, t) be a smooth variation of geodesics t 7→ c(s, t). Denote T := ∂tc = ˙c and J := ∂sc. As T and J are coordinate vector elds, [J, T] = 0, so

JT =∇TJ or, in other words,Dstc=Dtsc. Dierentiating the geodesic equation Dtc˙=∇TT = 0gives, by 1.3a,

0 =∇JTT =∇TJT+R(J, T)T =∇TTJ+R(J, T)T, which is the dening equation for Jacobi elds:

J¨=R(T, J)T (1.15a)

Conversely, every vector eld J along c fullling 1.15a gives rise to a variation of geodesics by

c(s, t) := expexpsJ(0)t(Pc(0) +˙ sPJ(0)),˙ (1.15b) whereP is the parallel transport fromc(0)toexpsJ(0)(Jost 2011, thm. 5.2.1).

1.16 Proposition (cf. Karcher 1989, eqn. 1.2.5). Let c : I → M be a smooth curve and Z be a vector eld along c. Then the mapϕt : s 7→ expc(s)tZ(s) has derivative


ϕt(s) = J(t) for a Jacobi eld J with initial values J(0) = ˙c(s), J˙(0) = ˙Z(s). In particular, dV(expp)W is the value J(1) of a Jacobi eld along t 7→ expptV with initial values J(0) = 0 andJ˙(0) =W.

Proof. c(s, t) := ϕt(s) is a variation of geodesics t 7→ c(s, t) for every xed s, so

sc = ˙ϕt is a Jacobi eld, and the values fort = 0 areJ(0) = ∂sc(s,0) = ˙c(s), and J˙(0) =Dtsc(s,0) =Dstc(s,0) =DsZ(s)again by 1.13, q. e. d.

1.17 Fermi Coordinates. Let c : ]a;b[ → M be an arclength-parametrised geodesic.

Then Fermi or geodesic normal coordinates alongcare an open neighbourhoodU of 0∈Rn−1 and coordinatesx: ]a;b[×U →M, in which x(t,0) =c(t) and straight liness7→c(t) +sv with rst componentv0= 0are geodesics (arclength-parametrised for|v|`2 = 1) perpendicular toc. This implies

gij(t,0) =δij, Γkij(t,0) = 0 for allt∈]a;b[. (1.17a) If c is not a geodesic, then one can still nd coordinates withgij(t,0) = δij, but the Christoel symbols cannot be controlled. In classical surface geometry, those are called parallel coordinates alongc (we will not use them).

1.18 Lemma. Letc: ]a;b[→M be a geodesic inM. Any orthonormal basis E2, . . . , Emof


c(0) induces Fermi coordinates alongc by x: (t, u2, . . . , um)7→expc(t) (uiPt,0Ei). Proof. xis injective because the orthogonal projection ontocis well-dened in a small tube around c, and if a point q ∈ M projects to c(t), then the connecting geodesic c(t);qdetermines the componentsu2, . . . , umby use of normal coordinatesc(t)˙ → M.

By denition of normal coordinates, the claimgijijandΓkij= 0along(t,0, . . . ,0) is clear fori, j, k≥2. Becausecis arclength-parametrised,g11= 1, the orthogonality of


candEiat everyc(t)givesg1i= 0for alli. BecausePt,0is parallel,∇1i =∇c˙Ei= 0 proves the vanishing of the remaining Christoel symbols, q. e. d.


1. Riemannian Geometry 1.19 Corollary. If P is the parallel transport along a geodesic in M g running through p ∈ M, then for any vector V ∈ TpM and a vector eld W around p, we have P∇VW = ∇P VP W, and for a vector eld V along a geodesic t 7→ c(t), the fun

damental theorem of calculus holds:

V(t) =Pt,0V(0) + ˆt


Pt,rV˙(r) dr. (1.19a)

The Distance and the Squared Distance Function

The following properties already occur in Karcher (1989) and Jost and Karcher (1982), but sometimes only hidden inside their proofs. For the same calculations in coordinates, see Ambrosio and Mantegazza (1998).

The geodesic distanced(·, p)is a smooth convex function in some small neighbour 1.20 hoodB ofp, excluded in pitself. It therefore has a gradientYp, and its length is the Lipschitz constant ofd(·, p), namely1everywhere. Additionally,

0 =VhYp, Ypi= 2h∇VYp, Ypi= 2h∇YpYp, Vi for allV ∈TqM, q∈B, by symmetry 1.8a of the Hessian∇dd, soYp is autoparallel everywhere. The integral curves ofYp are hence geodesics emanating frompwith dd( ˙γ) = 1, sod(γ(t), p) =t for each such curve. On the other hand,d(·, p)is constant on the distance spheres ofp, soYp is perpendicular to them (Gauss Lemma). In normal coordinates(u1, . . . , um) aroundp, we haved(·, p) =|u|`2 and hence

d(·, p)Yp=uii.

1.21 Observation. Base and evaluation point can be reversed, and the vector eld only changes sign:Yp|q =−Pq,pYq|p, because both are velocities of the arclength-parametri- sed geodesicp;qorq;prespectively.

1.22 Lemma. In a small neighbourhood ofp,

Xp:= grad12d2(p,·) =d(p,·)Yp

is an everywhere smooth vector eld, its integral lines are (quadratically parametrised) geodesics emanating fromp, andexpq(−Xp|q) =p, equivalently

−Xq|p=Pp,qXp|q= (expp)−1q

for all q in a convex neighbourhood of p. Loosely speaking, one also writes this as P Xp= exp−1p.

Proof. Letc be the arclength-parametrised geodesic withc(0) =pand c(τ) =q. By denition ofexp, we haveexppc(0) =˙ q, as well as c(t) =˙ Pt,0c(0)˙ and c(t) =˙ Yp|c(t)

for allt by the Gauss lemma. The switch of base and evaluation point is justied by

1.21, q. e. d.


1.23 Lemma. ForV ∈TqM, whereqis in a convex neighbourhood ofp, letJ be the Jacobi eld along p;qwith J(0) = 0 andJ(τ) =V. Then

VXp=τJ˙(τ), ∇2V,VXp=τ DsJ˙(τ).

In particular, if V is parallel toXp, then∇VXp=V and∇2V,VXp= 0.

Proof. Lets7→δ(s)be a geodesic withδ(0) =q andδ(0) =˙ V. Dene a variation of geodesics by

c(s, t) := expp t(expp)−1δ(s) .

Then ∂tc is an autoparallel vector eld and J :=∂sc a Jacobi eld along t 7→c(s, t) for everyswith boundary valuesJ(s,0) = 0andJ(s,1) = ˙δ(s). Thet-derivative is

tc(s, t) =Pt,0(expp)−1δ(s) =Pt,1Xp|δ(s)

and hence J˙(t) = Dtsc(0, t) = Dstc(0, t) = DsXp|c(0,t) =∇J(t)Xp. Dierentiating this once more gives the claim for the second derivative. If V is parallel toXp, then

use∇YY = 0, q. e. d.

Remark. <a> Variations ofXpwith respect to the base pointpwill be considered in 12.3.

<b> Analogously to (expp)−1 = P Xp, the derivatives of Xp and expp correspond:

VXp is the derivative of some Jacobi eld with prescribed start and end value, whereasdV(expp)W =J(1)for a Jacobi eld withJ(0) = 0 andJ(0) =˙ W.

<c> AlthoughYpis not dierentiable atp, we have∇Xp= idatp, similar tod0expp= id.

<d> In the notation of Grohs et al. (2013), our vector eldXpand its derivative areXp|a= log(a, p)and∇Xp|a=∇2log(a, p).


1.24 Extrinsic Curvature. For a smooth k-dimensional submanifold S ⊂M, we treat TpS as a linear subspace ofTpM, denote the orthogonal projectionTpM →TpS as


and the projection onto the normal space TpS as


. The bundle overS with bres TpM is denoted asT M|S =T S⊕T S(meaning a bre-wise sum of vector spaces). The Weingarten map or shape operator with respect to a normal eldν isWν:=∇ν, that meansU 7→ ∇Uν. The second fundamental form with respect toν is

IIν(U, V) :=−hWνU, Vi=h∇UV, νi (1.24a) because hν, Vi= 0and henceUhν, Vi= 0. In particular,IIν(U, V)is in fact tensorial in ν, U and V. Sometimes II(U, V) :=


UV is also called the second fundamental form in the literature, although it is a bilinear map, not a form. If the orthonormal parallel normal eldsνk+1, . . . , νm locally spanT S, it holdsII(U, V) =νiIIνi(U, V). The covariant derivative induced byg|S is∇S =


, henceII =∇ − ∇S.


2. Functional Analysis and Exterior Calculus 1.25 Generalised Fermi or Graph Coordinates. The tubular neighbourhood theo

rem states that a small neighbourhood Bε(S)of S is dieomorphic to S×Bε with an open ε-ball Bε ⊂ Rm−k around 0 (Bredon 1993, thm. II.11.4). By explicitely constructing this dieomorphism, upper bounds onεcan be derived: Fort∈[0; 1], let Φt: T S →M, (p, Z)7→expptZ. (1.25a) Ifpmoves with velocityp˙, we know by 1.16 thatdΦt( ˙p) =J(t)for a Jacobi eld with J(0) = ˙p,J˙(0) =∇p˙Z.

The case where Z = ν is parallel along p is particularly interesting. Then Φt

parametrises the level sets of the distance function from S; we have J˙(0) = Wνp˙, and the parallel transport ofν alongtis normal to the image ofΦt, so the whole curve fullls J˙=WνJ. Therefore, the pull-back metric Φtg( ˙p,p)˙ changes with respect tot as dtdΦtghp,˙ pi˙ = 2ghJ,Ji˙ = 2ghJ, WνJi, see Karcher (1989, eqn. 1.2.7). Hence the maximal eigenvalue ofWν overν∈Sm−k⊂T Sand overtboundsε. We will pursue this more explicitely in 11.8. ByJ¨= dtd(W J) = ˙W J+WJ˙= ˙W J +W2J, one then obtains a Riccati-type equation for the Weingarten map (Karcher 1989, eqn. 1.3.1)

W˙ =Rν−W2 for Rν =R(ν,·)ν. (1.25b) Generally, a tangent vectorU ∈T(p,Z)T S is induced by a curves7→expp(s)tZ(s), wherep˙ is tangential toS andZ˙ =




Z˙. The above-mentioned Jacobi eldJ can be split into two Jacobi eldsJp(s) +Jν(t)with initial values

Jp(0) = ˙p Jν(0) = 0

p(0) =


Z˙ J˙ν(0) =


Z.˙ (1.25c)

The part


Z˙ is in fact


p˙Z (if we assumeZ to be extended parallel alongt), so it is uniquely determined byp˙, and thus U has the representation( ˙p,


Z)˙ in the chartΦt. Letψbe the orthogonal projection Bε(S)→S. As Jacobi elds with orthogonal initial values and velocities stay orthogonal, we have an orthogonal splittingV =Vp+Vν for V ∈TpM,p∈Bε(S), withVp =Jp(1),Vν =Jν(1). This gives a simple representation ofdψ, namelydψ(Vν) = 0anddψ(Vp) = ˙p. The geometric interpretation of the splitting is



Pψ(p),pV, Vν =Pp,ψ(p)


Pψ(p),pV, (1.25d) that meansVpandVνare the orthogonal projections ontoP T SandP T Srespectively.

This is proven by dtd22hJp, Zi = 0 (if Z is extended parallel along t) and the initial conditionshJp(0), Zi= 0andhJ˙p(0), Zi= 0.

2. Functional Analysis and Exterior Calculus

We will quickly review the Dirichlet problem and the Hodge decomposition in this section. All proofs are reformulations from Schwarz (1995), but we tried to take special care that not the vector bundle structure ofΩk, but only its functional analytical nature has been use (the only exception is 2.16).


Notation. <a> We have denedXandΩk as the spaces of smooth vector elds and k-forms onM. The pointwise scalar productgon all tensor products ofT M andTM naturally induces anL2 product on them:

hhhv, wiii:=



ghv, wi

The completionXwith respect to theL2norm will be calledL2X, analogouslyL2kfor the dierential forms. The notationhhh ·,· iiiwill only be used for theL2 scalar product, so all indices likehhh ·,· iiiL2,hhh ·,· iiiL2(M g)andhhh ·, · iiiL2Xorhhh ·,· iiiL2k are only added for ease of reading.

<b> Let M have a boundary∂M. The projections




from T M|∂M ontoT ∂M andT ∂M pull backk-forms as


v(V1, . . . , Vk) =v(


V1, . . . ,


Vk)and similarly


ω. The spaces of k-forms with vanishing tangential part on∂M are calledΩkt.

Together with the usual exterior derivatived, theΩkform the smooth de Rham cochain complex

0→ · · · →Ωn→0

The exterior coderivative δ is, for forms with appropriate boundary conditions, adjoint todwith respect to theL2 scalar product:

hhhv, dwiiiL2k+1=hhhδv, wiiiL2k for allv∈Ωk+1, w∈Ωkt

and allv∈Ωk+1n , w∈Ωk (2.1) The image and the kernel ofdinΩk are called the spaces of boundaries and cycles, Bk := imd|k−1 and Ck := kerd|k. The space of harmonic forms is Hk := Ck∩ d(Ωk−1t ). For δ, we have Bk and Ck dened analogously, so Hk = Ck ∩Ck by 2.1.


Lap(v, w) :=hhhdv, dwiii+hhhδv, δwiii, Dir(v) := Lap(v, v). (2.2) 2.3 Denition. Dene the following six norms on eachΩk:

v 2H1,0 := v2L2 + dv2L2

v 2H0,1 := v2L2 + δv 2L2

v 2H1,1 := v2L2 + dv2L2 + δv 2L2= v 2L2+ Dir(v) v 2H1+1:= v2H1,1+ dδv2L2+ δdvL2

v 2H1 := v2L2 + ∇v2L2

v 2H2 := v2H1 + ∇2v 2L.2

Let H1,0k etc. be the completion ofΩk with respect to these norms. The Lr, W1,r andW2,r norms are the usual modication of theL2,H1 andH2norms for exponents r6= 2.

2.4 Observation. <a> (H1,0Ω, d)is a cochain and(H0,1Ω, δ)is a chain Hilbert complex, that means that d or δ are bounded linear operators with d2 = 0 or δ2 = 0 respec

tively (to be notationally precise, a Hilbert complex requiresdor δonly to be closed operators).



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