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The spectrum of simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds


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https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-021-00647-6 ORIGINAL PAPER

The spectrum of simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds

Nicolaus Heuer1·Clara Löh2

Received: 5 November 2020 / Accepted: 10 August 2021 / Published online: 3 September 2021

© The Author(s) 2021


We show that, in dimension at least 4, the set of locally finite simplicial volumes of oriented connected open manifolds is[0,∞]. Moreover, we consider the case of tame open manifolds and some low-dimensional examples.

Keywords Simplicial volume·Non-compact manifolds Mathematics Subject Classification 57N65

1 Introduction

Simplicial volumes are invariants of manifolds defined in terms of the1-semi-norm on singular homology [9].

Definition 1.1 (simplicial volume) Let M be an oriented connected d-manifold without boundary. Then thesimplicial volume of Mis defined by


|c|1cCdlf(M;R)is a fundamental cycle ofM ,

whereClfdenotes the locally finite singular chain complex. IfMis compact, then we also writeM := Mlf. Using relative fundamental cycles, the notion of simplicial volume can be extended to oriented manifolds with boundary.

Simplicial volumes are related to negative curvature, volume estimates, and amenability [9]. In the present article, we focus on simplicial volumes ofnon-compactmanifolds. Only few concrete results are known in this context: There are computations for certain locally symmetric spaces [3,12,15,16] as well as the general volume estimates [9], vanishing results [8,9], and finiteness results [9,14].


Clara Löh

clara.loeh@mathematik.uni-r.de http://www.mathematik.uni-r.de/loeh Nicolaus Heuer



1 DPMMS, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

2 Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany


Letd ∈N, let M(d)be the class of all oriented closed connectedd-manifolds, and let Mlf(d) be the class of all oriented connected manifolds without boundary. Then we set SV(d):=

MMM(d) and SVlf(d):=

MlfMMlf(d) .

It is known that SV(d)is countable and that this set has no gap at 0 ifd≥4:

Theorem 1.2 [10, Theorem A]Let d∈N≥4. ThenSV(d)is dense inR≥0and0∈SV(d).

In contrast, if we allow non-compact manifolds, we can realiseall non-negative real numbers:

Theorem A Let d∈N≥4. ThenSVlf(d)= [0,∞].

The proof uses the no-gap theorem Theorem1.2and a suitable connected sum construction.

If we restrict to tame manifolds, then we are in a similar situation as in the closed case:

Theorem B Let d ∈ N. Then the setSVlftame(d) ⊂ [0,∞] is countable. In particular, the set[0,∞] \SVlftame(d)is uncountable.

As an explicit example, we compute SVlf(2) and SVlftame(2)(Proposition4.2) as well as SVlftame(3)(Proposition4.3). The case of non-tame 3-manifolds seems to be fairly tricky.

Question 1.3 What is SVlf(3)?

As SV(4)⊂SVlftame(4), we know that SVlftame(4)contains arbitrarily small transcendental numbers [11].

From a geometric point of view, the so-called Lipschitz simplicial volume is more suit- able for Riemannian non-compact manifolds than the locally finite simplicial volume. It is therefore natural to ask the following:

Question 1.4 Do TheoremAand TheoremBalso hold for the Lipschitz simplicial volume of oriented connected open Riemannian manifolds?

Organisation of this article

Section2contains the proof of TheoremA. The proof of TheoremBis given in Sect.3. The low-dimensional case is treated in Sect.4.

2 Proof of TheoremA

Letd∈N≥4and letα∈ [0,∞]. Because SV(d)is dense inR≥0(Theorem1.2), there exists a sequencen)n∈Nin SV(d)with

n=0αn =α.

2.1 Construction

We first describe the construction of a corresponding oriented connected open manifoldM:

For eachn∈N, we choose an oriented closed connectedd-manifoldMnwithMn =αn. Moreover, forn>0, we set

Wn :=Mn\(Bn,−Bn,+),


W0 W1 W2 W3

. . .

Fig. 1 The construction ofMfor the proof of TheoremA

whereBn,−=in,−(Dd)andBn,+=in,+(Dd)are two disjointly embedded closedd-balls inMn. Similarly, we setW0:=M0\B0,+. Furthermore, we choose an orientation-reversing homeomorphism fn:Sd−1Sd−1. We then consider the infinite “linear” connected sum manifold (Fig.1)

M:=M0#M1#M2#. . .

=(W0W1Wn. . . )/∼, where∼is the equivalence relation generated by



for alln∈Nand allxSd−1Dd; we denote the induced inclusionWnMbyin. By construction,Mis connected and inherits an orientation from theMn.

2.2 Computation of the simplicial volume

We will now verify thatMlf =α: Claim 2.1 We haveMlfα.

Proof The proof is a straightforward adaption of the chain-level proof of sub-additivity of simplicial volume with respect to amenable glueings.

In particular, we will use the uniform boundary condition [19] and the equivalence theorem [2,9]:

UBC The chain complexC(Sd−1;R)satisfies(d−1)-UBC, i.e., there is a constantKsuch that: For eachc ∈imdCd1(Sd−1;R), there exists a chainbCd(Sd−1;R) with

db=c and |b|1K· |c|1.

EQT Let N be an oriented closed connectedd-manifold, let B1, . . . ,Bk be disjointly embeddedd-balls inN, and letW :=N\(B1. . . ,∪Bk). Moreover, let∈R>0. Then

N =inf

|z|1zZ(W;R), |∂dz|1 ,

whereZ(W;R)⊂Cd(W;R)denotes the set of all relative fundamental cycles ofW.

Let ∈ R>0. By EQT, for eachn ∈ N, there exists a relative fundamental cyclezn


|zn|1αn+ 1

2n · and |∂dzn|1≤ 1 2n ·.


We now use UBC to construct a locally finite fundamental cycle of M out of these relative cycles: For n ∈ N, the boundary parts Cd−1(in;R)(∂dzn|Bn,+) and

Cd−1(in+1;R)(∂dzn+1|Bn+1,−) are fundamental cycles of the sphere Sd1 (embedded viainin,+andin+1in+1,−intoM, which implicitly uses the orientation-reversing home- omorphism fn). By UBC, there exists a chainbnCd(Sd−1;R)with

dCd(inin,+;R)(bn)= Cd−1(in;R)(∂dzn|Bn,+) + Cd1(in+1;R)(∂dzn+1|Bn+1,−) and

|bn|1K·1 2n + 1

2n+1 ·K · 1 2n−1 ·. A straightforward computation shows that





is a locally finited-cycle onM. Moreover, the local contribution onW0 shows thatcis a locally finite fundamental cycle ofM. By construction,

|c|1 n=0

|zn|1+ |bn|1


αn+ 1

2n ·+K· 1

2n1 ·




Thus, taking→0, we obtainMlfα.

Claim 2.2 We haveMlfα.

Proof Without loss of generality we may assume thatMlf is finite. LetcCdlf(M;R) be a locally finite fundamental cycle of M with |c|1 < ∞. For n ∈ N, we consider the subchaincn := c|W(n) ofc, consisting of all simplices whose images touchW(n) :=


k=0ik(Wk)M. Becausecis locally finite, eachcnis a finite singular chain and(|cn|1)n∈N

is a monotonically increasing sequence with limit|c|1.

Let∈R>0. Then there is ann∈N>0that satisfies|c−cn|1andαn

k=0αk. Let


be the map that collapses everything beyond stagen+1 to a single pointx. Thenz :=

Cd(p;R)(cn)Cd(W,{x};R)is a relative cycle and

|∂dz|1≤ |∂dcn|1 ≤ |∂d(ccn)|1(d+1)· |c−cn|1(d+1)·. Becaused>1, there exists a chainbCd({x};R)with

db=dz and |b|1≤ |∂dz| ≤(d+1)·. Then



is a cycle onW; becausezandzhave the same local contribution onW0, the cyclezis a fundamental cycle of the manifold

W ∼=M0#· · ·#Mn.

Asd>2, the construction of our chains and additivity of simplicial volume under connected sums [2,9] show that

|c|1≥ |cn|1≥ |z|1≥ |z|1− |b|1

≥ W −(d+1)·= n k=0



Thus, taking→0, we obtain|c|1α; hence,Mlfα.

This completes the proof of TheoremA.

Remark 2.3 (adding geometric structures) In fact, this argument can also be performed smoothly: The constructions leading to Theorem1.2can be carried out in the smooth setting.

Therefore, we can choose the(Mn)n∈N to be smooth and equip M with a corresponding smooth structure. Moreover, we can endow these smooth pieces with Riemannian metrics.

Scaling these Riemannian metrics appropriately shows that we can turnMinto a Riemannian manifold of finite volume.

3 Proof of TheoremB

In this section, we prove TheoremB, i.e., that the set of simplicial volumes of tame manifolds is countable.

Definition 3.1 A manifoldMwithout boundary istameif there exists a compact connected manifoldWwith boundary such thatMis homeormorphic toW:=W\∂W.

As in the closed case, our proof is based on a counting argument:

Proposition 3.2 There are only countably many proper homotopy types of tame manifolds.

As we could not find a proof of this statement in the literature, we will give a complete proof in Sect.3.1below. TheoremBis a direct consequence of Proposition3.2:

Proof of TheoremB The simplicial volume · lfis invariant under proper homotopy equiv- alence (this can be shown as in the compact case). Therefore, the countability of SVlf(d) follows from the countability of the set of proper homotopy types of tame d-manifolds


Remark 3.3 Letd ∈ N3. Then∞ ∈ SVlftame(d): Let N be an oriented closed connected hyperbolic(d−1)-manifold and letM:=N×R. ThenMis tame (as interior ofN× [0,1]) andN>0 [9, Section 0.3] [23, Theorem 6.2]. Hence, by the finiteness criterion [9, p. 17]

[14, Theorem 6.4], we obtain thatMlf= ∞.


3.1 Counting tame manifolds

It remains to prove Proposition3.2. We use the following observations:

Definition 3.4 (models of tame manifolds)

• Amodelof a tame manifoldMis a finite CW-pair(X,A)(i.e., a finite CW-complexXwith a finite subcomplexA) that is homotopy equivalent (as pairs of spaces) to(W, ∂W), where Wis a compact connected manifold with boundary whose interior is homeomorphic toM.

• Two models of tame manifolds areequivalentif they are homotopy equivalent as pairs of spaces.

Lemma 3.5 (existence of models) Let W be a compact connected manifold. Then there exists a finite CW-pair(X,A)such that(W, ∂W)and(X,A)are homotopy equivalent pairs of spaces.

In particular: Every tame manifold admits a model.

Proof It should be noted that we work with topological manifolds; hence, we cannot argue directly via triangulations. Of course, the main ingredient is the fact that every compact manifold is homotopy equivalent to a finite complex [13,22].

Hence, there exist finite CW-complexesAandY with homotopy equivalences f: A

∂W andg:YW. Let j := gif, wherei:∂W W is the inclusion andgis a homotopy inverse ofg. By construction, the upper square in the diagram in Fig.2is homotopy commutative.

As next step, we replace j: AY by a homotopic map jc: AY that is cellular (second square in Fig.2).

The mapping cylinderZofjchas a finite CW-structure (asjcis cellular) and the canonical map p: ZY allows to factorjcinto an inclusionJ of a subcomplex and the homotopy equivalencep(third square in Fig.2).

We thus obtain a homotopy commutative square



i W





where the vertical arrows are homotopy equivalences, the upper horizontal arrow is the inclusion, and the lower horizontal arrow is the inclusion of a subcomplex.

Using a homotopy betweenif andFJ and adding another cylinder toZ, we can replaceZby a finite CW-complexX(that still containsAas subcomplex) to obtain astrictly commutative diagram

∂W i W




whose vertical arrows are homotopy equivalences and whose horizontal arrows are inclusions.

Because the inclusions∂W W(as inclusion of the boundary of a compact topological manifold) andAX(as inclusion of a subcomplex) are cofibrations, this already implies that the vertical arrows form a homotopy equivalence(X,A)(W, ∂W)of pairs [18,

Chapter 6.5].




i W



f j




A jc Y



Fig. 2 Finding a model

Lemma 3.6 (equivalence of models) If M and N are tame manifolds with equivalent models, then M and N are properly homotopy equivalent.

Proof AsM andN admit equivalent models, there exist compact connected manifoldsW andV with boundary such that M ∼= W andN ∼= V and such that the pairs(W, ∂W) and(V, ∂V)are homotopy equivalent (by transitivity of homotopy equivalence of pairs of spaces). Let(f,f):(W, ∂W)(V, ∂V)and(g,g):(V, ∂V)(W, ∂W)be mutually homotopy inverse homotopy equivalences of pairs.

By the topological collar theorem [5,6], we have homeomorphisms M∼=W∂W

∂W× [0,∞) N ∼=V∂V

∂V× [0,∞) ,

where the glueing occurs via the canonical inclusions∂W ∂W× [0,∞)and∂V

∂V× [0,∞)at parameter 0.

Then the maps fand f×id[0,∞)glue to a well-defined proper continuous mapF: MNand the mapsgandg×id[0,∞)glue to a well-defined proper continuous mapG:NM.

Moreover, the homotopy of pairs between(fg, fg)and(idV,id∂V)glues into a proper homotopy betweenFG and idM. In the same way, there is a proper homotopy betweenGFand idN. Hence, the spacesMandN are properly homotopy equivalent.

Lemma 3.7 (countability of models) There exist only countably many equivalence classes of models.

Proof There are only countably many homotopy types of finite CW-complexes (because every finite CW-complex is homotopy equivalent to a finite simplicial complex). Moreover, every finite CW-complex has only finitely many subcomplexes. Therefore, there are only countably many homotopy types (of pairs of spaces) of finite CW-pairs.

Proof of Proposition3.2 We only need to combine Lemma3.5, Lemma3.6, and Lemma3.7.

4 Low dimensions 4.1 Dimension 2

We now compute the set of simplicial volumes of surfaces. We first consider the tame case:


Example 4.1 (tame surfaces) LetW be an oriented compact connected surface withg∈N handles andb∈Nboundary components. Then the proportionality principle for simplicial volume of hyperbolic manifolds [9, p. 11] (a thorough exposition is given, for instance, by Fujiwara and Manning [7, Appendix A]) gives




(g−1)+2·b if g>0

b−4 ifg=0 andb>1

0 ifg=0 andb∈ {0,1}.

Proposition 4.2 We haveSVlf(2)=2·N∪ {∞}andSVlftame(2)=2·N.

Proof We first prove 2·N⊂SVlftame(2)⊂SVlf(2)and∞ ∈SVlf(2), i.e., that all the given values may be realised: In view of Example4.1, all even numbers occur as simplicial volume of some (possibly open) tame surface.


M:=T2#T2#T2#. . .

be an infinite “linear” connected sum of toriT2. CollapsingMto the firstg∈Nsummands and an argument as in the proof of Claim2.2shows that

Mlfg =4·g−4 for allg∈N≥1. Hence,Mlf= ∞.

It remains to show that SVlf(2)⊂2·N∪{∞}: LetMbe an oriented connected (topological, separable, Hausdorff) 2-manifold without boundary. ThenMadmits a smooth structure [20]

and whence a proper smooth map p:M →R. Using suitable regular values of p, we can thus writeMas an ascending union




of oriented connected compact submanifolds (possibly with boundary)Mn that are nested viaM0M1. . .. Then one of the following cases occurs:

1. There exists an N ∈ Nsuch that for alln ∈ N≥N the inclusionMn Mn+1 is a homotopy equivalence.

2. For eachN ∈Nthere exists ann∈NN such that the inclusionMn Mn+1isnota homotopy equivalence.

In the first case, the classification of compact surfaces with boundary shows thatM is tame. HenceMlf ∈2·N(Example4.1).

In the second case, the manifold M isnot tame (which can, e.g., be derived from the classification of compact surfaces with boundary). We show thatMlf = ∞. To this end.

we distinguish two cases:

a. The sequence(h(Mn))n∈Nis unbounded, whereh(·)denotes the number of handles of the surface.

b. The sequence(h(Mn))n∈Nis bounded.

In the unbounded case, a collapsing argument (similar to the argument forT2#T2#. . . and Claim2.2) shows thatMlf= ∞.

We claim that also in the bounded case we haveMlf = ∞: Shifting the sequence in such a way that all handles are collected inM0, we may assume without loss of generality that


the sequence(h(Mn))n∈Nis constant. Thus, for eachn ∈N, the surfaceMn+1is obtained fromMnby adding a finite disjoint union of disks and of spheres with finitely many (at least two) disks removed; we can reorganise this sequence in such a way that no disks are added.

Hence, we may assume thatMnis a retract ofMn+1for eachn∈N. Furthermore, because we are in case 2, the classification of compact surfaces shows (with the help of Example4.1) that

n→∞lim Mn = ∞.

LetcC2lf(M;R)be a locally finite fundamental cycle ofMand letn ∈N. Becausec is locally finite, there is ak ∈Nsuch thatc|Mn is supported onMn+k; the restrictionc|Mn

consists of all summands ofc whose supports intersect with Mn. Because Mn is a retract ofMn+k, we obtain fromc|Mna relative fundamental cyclecnofMnby pushing the chainc|Mn

toMnvia a retractionMn+kMn. Therefore,

|c|1≥ |c|Mn|1≥ |cn|1≥ Mn.

Takingn→ ∞shows that|c|1= ∞. Taking the infimum over all locally finite fundamental cyclescofMproves thatMlf= ∞.

Moreover, Example4.1shows that∞∈/SVlftame(2).

4.2 Dimension 3

The general case of non-compact 3-manifolds seems to be rather involved (as the structure of non-compact 3-manifolds can get fairly complicated). We can at least deal with the tame case:

Proposition 4.3 We haveSVlftame(3)=SV(3)∪ {∞}.

Proof Clearly, SV(3)⊂SVlftame(3)and∞ ∈SVlftame(3)(Remark3.3).

Conversely, letW be an oriented compact connected 3-manifold and letM := W. We distinguish the following cases:

• If at least one of the boundary components ofWhas genus at least 2, then the finiteness criterion [9, p. 17] [14, Theorem 6.4] shows thatMlf= ∞.

• If the boundary ofWconsists only of spheres and tori, then we proceed as follows: In a first step, we fill in all spherical boundary components ofWby 3-balls and thus obtain an oriented compact connected 3-manifoldV all of whose boundary components are tori.

In view of considerations on tame manifolds with amenable boundary [12] and glueing results for bounded cohomology [9] [2], we obtain that

Mlf= W = V.

By Kneser’s prime decomposition theorem [1, Theorem 1.2.1] and the additivity of (relative) simplicial volume with respect to connected sums [2,9] in dimension 3, we may assume thatV is prime (i.e., admits no non-trivial decomposition as a connected sum). Moreover, becauseS1×S2 =0, we may even assume thatVis irreducible [1, p. 3].

By geometrisation [1, Theorem 1.7.6], thenVadmits a decomposition along finitely many incompressible tori into Seifert fibred manifolds (which have trivial simplicial volume [23, Corollary 6.5.3]) and hyperbolic piecesV1, . . . ,Vk. As the tori are incompressible,


we can now again apply additivity [2,9] to conclude that

V = k



Letj∈ {1, . . . ,k}. Then the boundary components ofVjareπ1-injective tori (as the inte- rior ofVjadmits a complete hyperbolic metric of finite volume) [4, Proposition D.3.18].

Let S be a Seifert 3-manifold whose boundary is a π1-injective torus (e.g., the knot complement of a non-trivial torus knot [21, Theorem 2] [17, Lemma 4.4]). Filling each boundary component ofVj with a copy of S results in an oriented closed connected 3-manifoldNj, which satisfies (again, by additivity)

Nj = Vj +0= Vj.

Therefore, the oriented closed connected 3-manifoldN :=N1#· · ·#Nksatisfies

N = k


Nj = k


Vj = V.

In particular,Mlf= V = N ∈SV(3).

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