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H-MUSEUM The H-Net Network for Museum Professionals


Academic year: 2022

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H-MUSEUM The H-Net Network for Museum Professionals

H-Net Announce Professionals

ANNOUNCING H-MUSEUM: The H-Net Network for Museum Professionals Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences On-line, Michigan State University


-- English H-Museum (ISSN 1618 - 0534) is a moderated mailing list and information forum. This means that texts are reviewed by an editorial panel, revised if necessary and only then transmitted. The manager of the list will ensure that the contents meet academic standards and prevent their use for commercial, non-academic or non- relevant purposes. The editorial team is supported by an advisory board.

The mailing list addresses themes and questions primarily relating to museums and memorial places, but is also intended to be

interdisciplinary, so that archaeological, historical, cultural and artistic information can be posted alongside other more established, central spheres of activity. Articles relating to the activities and news of archives and libraries will also be listed. A particular feature is the emphasis on museums and the internet. You will also find accounts and discussions of exhibitions, reviews of books and other communication media, as well as reports of conferences and calls for papers.

Subscription applications are solicited from scientists in museums, universities, libraries, archives and other academic institutions, as well as from graduate students of the arts, cultural sciences,

museology and history. The languages are mainly English and German, but Italian, French and Dutch too.

-- German H-Museum (ISSN 1618 - 0534) ist eine moderierte Mailingliste und ein redaktionell betreutes, international

ausgerichtetes Informationsforum. Dies bedeutet, dass die Beitraege von einem Redaktionsteam gesichtet, ggf. bearbeitet und erst dann




gesendet werden. Durch die Moderation der Beitraege soll

gewaehrleistet werden, dass die Inhalte wissenschaftlichen Standards entsprechen und eine Nutzung fuer kommerzielle,

nichtwissenschaftliche oder nichtzugehoerige Zwecke verhindert wird.

Die Redaktion wird von einem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat unterstuetzt.

H-Museum wendet sich in erster Linie an MitarbeiterInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen in Museen, Universitaeten und Institutionen sowie an fortgeschrittende Studierende der Geistes- und

Kulturwissenschaften, aber auch an Lehrkraefte im Schuldienst und in Bildungseinrichtungen. Der geographische Schwerpunkt liegt

gleichermassen auf dem deutschsprachigen und internationalen Raum. Es handelt sich folglich um keine ausschliesslich "deutsche" Diskussions- und Museumsliste, sondern um ein international fokussiertes Forum, in dem Veranstaltungshinweise, Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen von Ausstellungen und Literatur, fundierte Diskussionsbeitraege, usw.

auch aus dem deutschen Museumsbereich veroeffentlicht werden. Die Zusammensetzung der Subskribenten ist international. Aus diesem Grund ist H-Museum grundsaetzlich auch zweisprachig angelegt (deutsch / englisch), wobei auch Beitraege in italienischer, franzoesischer und niederlaendischer Sprache publiziert werden. Fuer die Anmeldung benutzen Sie bitte das spezielle Formular.

H-Museum behandelt im wesentlichen Themen und Fragestellungen im musealen Kontext. Zugleich sind die Beitraege interdisziplinaer

angelegt, so dass besonders auch archaeologische, historische, kunst- und kulturgeschichtliche Informationen sowie im Umfeld des

Museumswesens angesiedelte Arbeitsbereiche (z.B. Restaurierung, Denkmalpflege), thematische Aspekte (z.B. Kulturpolitik und ihre

Auswirkungen auf das Museumswesen, Personalentwicklung in Museen) und Institutionen (z.B. Gedenkstaetten, Archive, Bibliotheken) von

Interesse sind. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet der Bereich "Museen und Medieneinsatz". Daneben werden Ausstellungsbesprechungen, Rezensionen von Buechern und Medien sowie Tagungsberichte und 'Call for Papers' veroeffentlicht.

Like all H-Net lists, H-MUSEUM is moderated to edit out material that, the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or violates evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. H-Net's procedure for resolving disputes over list

editorial practices is Article II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at:

http://www.h-net.msu.edu/about/by-laws.html H-MUSEUM is co-edited by:




Ralf Blank, M.A. <ralf.blank@historisches-centrum.de>

Michle C.D. Jacobs, B.A., M.A. <jacobsmichele@hotmail.com>

Stephanie Marra, M.A. <marra@dx1.hrz.uni-dortmund.de>

Ralf Wolz, M.A. <ralfwolz@ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE>

Like all H-Net lists, H-MUSEUM is moderated to edit out material that, in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or violates evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. H-Net's procedure for resolving disputes over list

editorial practices is Article II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at:


Logs and more information can also be found at the H-Net Web Site, located at:

http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~museum -or-


To join H-MUSEUM, please send a message from the account where you wish to

receive mail, to:


(with no signatures or styled text, word wrap off for long lines) and only this text:

sub h-MUSEUM firstname lastname, institution Example: sub h-MUSEUM Leslie Jones, Pacific State U Follow the instructions you receive by return mail. If you have questions or experience difficulties in attempting to subscribe, please

send a message to:


H-Net is an international network of scholars in the humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities and social science teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources, and is




hosted by Michigan State University. For more information about H- Net, write to H-Net@H-net.msu.edu, or point your web browser to:


We look forward to hearing from you!

H-Museum Editors


ANN: H-MUSEUM The H-Net Network for Museum Professionals. In: ArtHist.net, Jun 2, 2002 (accessed Feb 27, 2022), <https://arthist.net/archive/25052>.



H-Net, Humanities &amp; Social Sciences On-line, Michigan State University ABOUT H-UTOPIA.. H-Utopia, like the 25-year-old Society for Utopian Studies, is devoted to discussion

Subject: ANN: Announcing H-EarlySlavic: H-Net List on Early Slavic Studies ANNOUNCING H-EARLYSLAVIC: H-NET LIST ON EARLY SLAVIC STUDIES Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities &amp;

University of Otago - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Visual Culture/Film and Media Studies (New

ANNOUNCING H-LUSO-AFRICA: H-Net Network on Lusophone African Studies Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities &amp; Social Sciences On-line, Michigan.. State

The following 27 reviews were posted to the H-Net web site between 08 Sep 2003 and 15 Sep 2003.. Reviewed for H-Levant by Eric

http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/announce/show.cgi?ID=135690 Title: XIIth David Nichol Smith Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference 20-22 July 2004: Canberra; Australia..

sexual subcultures; geographies of sexuality; prostitution; sexually transmitted disease; HIV/AIDS and sexuality; representations of sexuality (e.g., pornography, erotica, safer

distributed, but on behalf of the H-NET Editors, Officers and Council members, I'd like to urge you - our readers - to join us and support H-NET yourselves, with a donation. If