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Meat quality of muscles with dilTerent t'unction in suckling calves as afl'ected by the


inclination of alpine pastures

Einfluss der Steilheit von alpinen Weiden auf die Fleisc:hqualitc)t von Mtr,skeln mit

tr n t ers t' h i ed I ic h e r Fu n kt io n b e i Mu t t e r ktr h kti I b er n

tr. D. M. Gangnat*, M. Kreuzer, P.- A. Dul'ey, Ir. Leibeq J. Bdrard - Zi.irich/Posieux/Fnck

Beef quality difTers between grazing cattle and grain- or maize silage-fed cattle, rnainly regarding meat colour, flavour and fatty acid profile. However, the diet may not be the only cause for the meat quality differences observed because physical activity of grazing cattle may affect muscle metabolisn-r which wor-r1d further influence meat quality. Furthermore, muscles having different f'unctions (posture vs. motion) may be differently alfucted. In the present experiment, the nanrral inclination ofmountain pastures was used to stimulate physical exercise in beef cattle while limiting thc effect of the diet. It is hypothesised that animals constrained t0 graze on inclined pastllres have a higher muscular load than animals on flat pastures, and therefore develop

a dillerent muscle metabolism which ultimately leads to dift-erent meat quality characteristics.

Methods: Twenty-fbur Angr-rs sired suckling calves (initially 185+22 kg live weight and 129+17 days old)

rvere distributed over two groups o1'twelve animals each balanced for live weight and age. All calves were kept with their clan-rs either on steep pastures (35% inclination on average; ST) or on flat pastures (00%

rnclination; FL) in a rotational grazing system. Animals left the pasture only when it was grazed off, which lorced the animals to graze also the steepest slopes. All pastures were located on the same site around 2000 m

a.s.l. at ETH Research Station Alp Weissenstein located in the Eastem Swiss Alps. Afier 2.5 months on their respective pastures, all calves were slaughtered and samples of the Lorgzssimus dorsi (LD) and Ihe Biceps fenoris (BF) were taken for meat quality analysis. Meat composition was assessed on fresh meat while meat colour (Minolta Chroma Meter), water-holding capacity (drip and cooking loss), and shear force (a measure lor tenderness; Stable Micro System Texture Analyser) were assessed after ageing the meat fbr


days at 4"C. The data were subjected to an analysis ofvariance testing fbr the ef}'ect ofpasture inclination.

Results: Contents of nitrogen, ash and gross energy in grass were similar for both groups but neutral detergent fibre content was higher for FL than for ST (541 vs. 487 g/kg DM; P<0.05) whereas acid detergent lignin content lower lor FL than for ST (45.7 vs. 55.8 g/kg DM; P<0.01). Even if these differences in grass composition basically could have an impact, it was likely minor because of the availability of the dam's milk to the calves. Average daily gains were lower for ST than for FL (1.21 vs. 1.35 kg/day; P<0.0i) but live weight at slaughter did not differ between groups (277+24 kg; P-0.2). Carcass weight (148+13 kg) and carcass classification (rnostly T3 on CHTAX classification, which corresponds to EUROP) were also similar in both groups. Ultirnate pH of the LD (5.8 for both groups) was within the dcsirable range fbr beef.

Chernical conrposition of LD and BF did not differ between groups (P>0. 1 ); fat content represented 1 .4270 olthe fresh weight of LD and2.35ok of the fresh weight of BF. Pasture inclination had no influence on water holding capacity and colour (P>0.05). Yet, LD tended to be brighter (P-0.08) and more yellow (P:0.07) for

ST than fbr FL (37.2 vs. 36.4 and 1.44 vs. 0.51, respectively). Wamer-Bratzler shear force of LD was similar for both groups (43.1+9.5 N; P:0.9) while that of BF was lower for ST than fbr FL (24.5 vs. 27.5 N;P<0.05).

Conclusion: Pasture inclination aflected growth rate but the duration of the stay on seasonal mountain pastures was not sulficiently long to result in major diff'erences in slaughter weight. Pasture inclination influenced the two muscles studied separately. Trends lbr meat colour differences were observed on the LD while tendemess difGrences were obsen'red on the BF. These results confinn an effect of rnuscular load on meat quality in a muscle-dependent manner. Further analysis on muscle metabolism such as fibre typing will

be necessary to fully understand the underlying mechanisms inflr.rencing colour and tendemess.

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*ETH Zurich. lnslitule ol Anirnal Screnccs. [Jnivcrsitaetstressc 2. ( ll-8092 Zurich (S$itzerland). D-mail: isabelle.gangnat(ousys.cthz.ch .I


A.LL 0.89*


Nut. I'hysiol. (20 I 4)


Proceedings of the

SocieU of I{utrition Physiology

Berichte der Gesellschuft fiir Erniihrungsphysiologie

Editor: Society of Nutrition Physiology

Herausgeber : Ges eIIs chaJi ftir Erncihrungsphys iologie

Volume 23,2014

Band 23,2014

68'h Conference 18'h - 20th March 2014 in Giittingen

68. Tagung vom 18. - 20.03.2014 in Gdttingen

Review (Ub ers ichtsreferat)

Abstracts (Kurzfassungen der Originalmitteilungen) Workshop Abstracts (Workshop Beitrcige)

Communications of the Committee for Requirement Standards of the Society of Nutrition Physiology (Mitteilungen des Auss chusses fiir B edarfsnormen)

Proc. Soc. Nulr. Physiol. (201,1)


Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Einheitsaufnahme

Die Deutsche tsibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografi sche Daten sind im Intemet tiber <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar.

rsBN 978-3-7690-4107






Dr. W. Staudacher, Silke Adrian Gesellschaft fiir Erniihrungsphysiologie

Eschbomer LandstraBe 122,60489 Frankfurt am Main Daniela Schirach, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main event lab. GmbH, Leipzig

L&W Druck. Bad Endbach


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change or time to forget the past events, are most influential on long-term diet

Die Formenwrlt der Renaiffance bafirt zwar zunächft auf den Ueberlieferungen der rg'ömischen Antike mit ihrer Struktur, ihren Säulenordnungenund ihrer Dekoration; hiebei aber geht

Eine ähnliche Entwickelung hat die Holzbekleidung der Renaiffance durchgemacht. Sie begann damit, dafs die Geräthe von der Wand losgelöft und wiederum zu »Mobilien« gemacht ‘

ficht fich eng an die römifche, namentlich die fpätrömifche Antike anfchliefsen, fo tritt doch der neue Stil in Bezug auf die Einrichtung und De—. koration des Wohnhaufes und

Die Formenwrlt der Renaiffance bafirt zwar zunächft auf den Ueberlieferungen der rg'ömischen Antike mit ihrer Struktur, ihren Säulenordnungenund ihrer Dekoration; hiebei aber geht

ständig bezahltes Loth wird als unbezahlt angesehen. Doch ist der Empfänger nicht verpflichtet, einen unvollständig bezahlten Brief zn empfangen, wenn er denselben

derö als unter Aufsicht der Kreisärzte auSuben, von ihnen die Lymphe nehmen und ihnen jeden zweifel- haften Fall bey der Operation unverzüglich anzeigen, auch von allen durch

Die Gefährdung erstreckt sich auch auf die seitlichen, unterhalb eines Wehres meist herzustellenden Ufersicherungsbauten, welche ebenfalls durch die Wirbelbewegung des Wassers und