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Spatial Research and Spatial PlanningOpen to new ideas. Since 1365.


Academic year: 2022

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Spatial Research and Spatial Planning

Open to new ideas. Since 1365. As a research university with high interna�onal visibility and a wide range of degree programmes, the University of Vienna is commi�ed to basic research open to applica�on and research-led teaching, as well as to career development of young researchers and to the dialogue with economy and society. That way, the University of Vienna contributes to the educa�on of future genera�ons and to the society’s ability to innovate.

The appointment of par�cularly qualified researchers to university professors is an important strategy of the University of Vienna. Become part of this vibrant and future-oriented organisa�on.

At the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy of the University of Vienna the posi�on of a University Professor


Spa�al Research and Spa�al Planning

(full �me, permanent posi�on) is to be filled.

We are looking for individuals who are outstanding interna�onally recognized scholars developing cu�ng-edge research that advances the field of spa�al planning and spa�al governance. A strong focus on sustainable regional development is welcome. Candidates are expected to have excellent publica�on, external funding and teaching records, and to be prepared to strengthen coopera�on within and across facul�es.) Teaching at all levels will be done mainly in Geography, with the op�on to contribute to Environmental Sciences and other neighbouring fields.

Successful candidates should have the following qualifica�ons:

· Doctoral degree/PhD and post-doctoral experience at a university or other research ins�tu�on

· Habilita�on (venia docendi) in a subject field relevant to this posi�on or an interna�onally accepted equivalent qualifica�on is desirable

· Outstanding achievements in research, excellent publica�on record, interna�onal reputa�on

· Experience in designing, procuring and managing large research projects, as well as the willingness and ability to lead research groups

· Enthusiasm for excellent teaching, teaching experience at universi�es as well as the ability and willingness to teach students in all phases of their studies (bachelor's, master's, or doctoral level), to supervise academic theses and to promo�ng young academic colleagues

The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for par�cipa�on in university commi�ees. In addi�on, the University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to be prepared to take over responsibility on the organisa�onal level of the Faculty and the University, if necessary.

We offer:

· a nego�able and a�rac�ve salary (classifica�on according to the Collec�ve Bargaining Agreement for University Staff, alloca�on to job group A1; sec�on 98 of the Universi�es Act 2002); the salary will be individually nego�ated under considera�on of the previous career development and the current income situa�on

· in addi�on to the statutory social insurance, the University of Vienna offers a pension fund to its employees

· a “start-up package”, in par�cular for the ini�a�on of research projects

· a dynamic research loca�on with well-established research funding provisions

· a�rac�ve working condi�ons in a city with a high quality of life

· comprehensive advice and support in rela�on to finding an accommoda�on, change of schools and dual career

· a wide range of support services offered by central service ins�tu�ons

The University of Vienna pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportuni�es, as well as diversity

(h�p://diversity.univie.ac.at). The University puts special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic posi�ons. Given equal qualifica�ons, preference will be given to female applicants.

Applica�on documents:

Spatial Research and Spatial Planning https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/en/jobs-recruiting/professorships/detai...

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Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie

· Applica�on le�er, including a brief descrip�on of:

· current research interests and research plans for the immediate future

· current and planned foci in academic teaching and the supervision of young researchers

· Academic curriculum vitae,

including informa�on about “esteem factors” (e.g. experience as a publisher, func�ons in research socie�es or programme commi�ees)

· List of publica�ons, including:

· specifica�on of five key publica�ons which the applicant considers par�cularly relevant to the adver�sed professorship

· provision of an Internet link for download or electronic submission of PDF versions of these five publica�ons

· informa�on about cita�ons and impact factors, depending on the common prac�ce in the relevant research area

· List of talks given,

including informa�on about invited keynote lectures at interna�onal conferences

· Third-party funds

list of acquired third-party funds (subject, dura�on, origin, volume) as well as, if applicable, of inven�ons/patents

· Overview of previous academic teaching and supervised theses, especially doctoral theses

· Teaching evalua�ons (if available)

· Copies of documents and cer�ficates

Applica�ons in English should be submi�ed by e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astonomy of the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petra Heinz, Althanstr. 14 / UZAII, A-1090 Vienna (dekanat.fgga@univie.ac.at).

Reference no.: FGGA/2020/01

The applica�on deadline is 17 February 2021.

Privacy Policy

Spatial Research and Spatial Planning https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/en/jobs-recruiting/professorships/detai...

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