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The relation between the Baum-Connes Conjecture and the Trace Conjecture


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Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s002220200215

The relation between the Baum-Connes Conjecture and the Trace Conjecture

Wolfgang Lück

Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Ein- steinstr. 62, 48149 Münster, Germany


http://www.math.uni-muenster.de/u/lueck) Oblatum 10-IV-2001 & 18-X-2001

Published online: 2002 –Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract. We prove a version of the L2-index Theorem of Atiyah, which uses the universal center-valued trace instead of the standard trace. We construct for G-equivariant K-homology an equivariant Chern character, which is an isomorphism and lives over the ringZ ⊂ ΛG ⊂ Qobtained from the integers by inverting the orders of all finite subgroups ofG. We use these two results to show that the Baum-Connes Conjecture implies the modified Trace Conjecture, which says that the image of the standard traceK0(Cr(G))→ Rtakes values inΛG. The original Trace Conjecture predicted that its image lies in the additive subgroup of R generated by the inverses of all the orders of the finite subgroups of G, and has been disproved by Roy [15].

0. Introduction and statements of results

Throughout this paper letG be a discrete group. TheBaum-Connes Con- jecture for Gsays that the assembly map

asmbG :K0G(EG)K0(Cr(G))

from the equivariant K-homology of the classifying space for proper G- actionsEGto the topological K-theory of the reducedC-algebraCr(G)is bijective [3, page 8], [5, Conjecture 3.1]. In connection with this conjecture Baum and Connes [3, page 21] also made the sometimes so called Trace Conjecture. It says that the image of the composition

K0(Cr(G))−→i K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):19L47, 19K56, 55N91


is the additive subgroup ofQgenerated by all numbers |H1|, where HG runs though all finite subgroups ofG. HereN(G)is the group von Neumann algebra,i the change of rings homomorphism associated to the canonical inclusionCr(G)→ N(G)and trN(G) is the map induced by the standard von Neumann trace trN(G) :N(G)→C. Roy has construced a counterex- ample to the Trace Conjecture in this form in [15] based on her article [16].

She constructs a group Γ, whose finite subgroups are all of order 1 or 3, together with an element inK0G(EG), whose image under trN(Γ)i◦asmb is −11059 . The point is that 3· 11059 is not an integer. Notice that Roy’s example does not imply that the Baum-Connes Conjecture does not hold for Γ. Since the group Γcontains a torsionfree subgroup of index 9 and the Trace Conjecture for torsionfree groups does follow from the Baum- Connes Conjecture, the Baum-Connes Conjecture predicts that the image of trN(Γ)i : K0(Cr(Γ)) →Ris contained in{r ∈R|9·r ∈Z}. So one could hope that the following version of the Trace Conjecture is still true.

Denote by

ΛG :=Z 1


(0.1) the ringZ ⊂ΛG ⊂Qobtained fromZby inverting all the orders|H|of finite subgroups ofG. For Roy’s groupΓthis is{m·3n |m,n∈Z,n ≥0} and obviously contains−11059 .

Conjecture 0.2 (Modified Trace Conjecture for a groupG).The image of the composition

K0(Cr(G))−→i K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R is contained inΛG.

The motivation for this paper is to prove Theorem 0.3. The image of the composition

ΛGZK0G(EG)−−−−−→idasmbG ΛGZK0(Cr(G))

−→Λi GZK0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R isΛG.

In particular the modified Trace Conjecture 0.2 holds for G, if the assembly mapasmbG : K0G(EG)K0(Cr(G))appearing in the Baum- Connes Conjecture is surjective.

In order to prove Theorem 0.3 (actually a generalization of it in Theorem 0.8), we will prove a slight generalization of Atiyah’s L2-Index Theorem and construct an equivariant Chern character for equivariant K-homology


of properG-CW-complexes, which is bijective and defined after applying ΛGZ−.

LetMbe a closed Riemannian manifold andD =(D,d)be an elliptic complex of differential operators of order 1 onM. Denote by index(D)∈Z its index. LetMMbe aG-covering. Then one can liftDto an elliptic G-equivariant complexD. Using the trace trN(G) :N(G)→CAtiyah [1]

defines itsL2-indexindexN(G)(D)∈Rand shows index(D) = indexN(G)(D).

Let EGBG be the universal G-covering. The L2-index theorem of Atiyah implies that the composition

K0G(EG)−−−→asmbG K0(Cr(G))−→i K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R agrees with the composition

K0G(EG)−−−−→indG→{1} K0(BG)−−−→K0(pr) K0(∗)−−−→asmb{1} K0(Cr({1}))



Since for a torsionfree groupG the spaces EG and E G agree, the Baum- Connes Conjecture for a torsionfree group G does imply that the image of K0(Cr(G)) −→i K0(N(G)) −−−→trN(G) RisZ[3, Corollary 1 on page 21].

Instead of using the the standard von Neumann trace trN(G) :N(G)→C, one can use the universal center-valued trace truN(G) :N(G)→Z(N(G)) to define an index


which takes values in the center Z(N(G)) of the group von Neumann algebraN(G). Thus we get additional information, namely, for any element gG, whose conjugacy class (g) is finite, we get a complex number.

However, it turns out that the value at classes(g)with g = 1 is zero and that the value at(1)is the index of D. Namely, we will show in Sect. 1 Theorem 0.4. Under the conditions above we get inZ(N(G))

indexuN(G)(D) = index(D)·1N(G).

As an illustration we discuss the special case, whereGis finite,Mis an oriented closed 4k-dimensional manifold with free orientation preserving G-action and Dis the signature operator. Then Theorem 0.4 reduces to the well-known statement that the equivariant signature

signG(M):= [H2k(M)+] − [H2k(M)] ∈RepC(G)


is equal to sign(G\M)· [CG]for sign(G\M)∈Zthe (ordinary) signature ofG\M. We mention that this implies sign(M)= |G| ·sign(G\M). Theo- rem 0.4 is a special case of Theorem 5.4 but we will need it in the proof of Theorem 5.4 and therefore will have to prove it first.

The second ingredient is a variation of the equivariant Chern character of [13] for equivariant K-homology of proper G-CW-complexes. Recall that proper means that all isotropy groups are finite. The construction in [13] works for equivariant homology theories with a Mackey structure on the coefficient system in general, but requires to invert all primes. The con- struction we will give here works after applyingΛGZ? and has a different source.

Denote for a properG-CW-complexXbyF(X)the set of all subgroups HG, for which XH = ∅, and by

ΛG(X):=Z 1


(0.5) the ringZ⊂ΛG(X) ⊂ΛG obtained fromZby inverting the orders of all subgroups H∈F(X). Denote by

JG resp. JG(X) (0.6)

the set of conjugacy classes(C)of finite cyclic subgroupsCGresp. the subset JG(X)JG of conjugacy classes (C) of finite cyclic subgroups CG, for which XC is non-empty. Obviously ΛG = ΛG(EG) and JG = JG(EG)sinceE Gis characterized up toG-homotopy by the property thatE GHis contractible (and hence non-empty) for finiteHGand empty for infinite HG. LetCGbe a finite cyclic subgroup. LetCGCbe the centralizer andNGCbe the normalizer ofCG. LetWGCbe the quotient NGC/CGC. We will construct an idempotentθC ∈ΛCZRepQ(C)which acts onΛCZRepC(C). We will see in Lemma 3.4 (b) that the cokernel of

DC,D=CindCD: ⊕DC,D=CZ 1


ZRepC(D)→Z 1


ZRepC(C) is isomorphic to the image of the idempotent endomorphism

θC :Z 1


ZRepC(C)→Z 1



After introducing and proving some preliminary results about modules over a category and representation theory of finite groups in Sects. 2 and 3, we will prove in Sect. 4

Theorem 0.7. Let X be a proper G-CW -complex. Put Λ = ΛG(X)and J = JG(X). Then there is for p = 0,1 a natural isomorphism called


equivariant Chern character chGp(X): ⊕(C)∈J Λ⊗ZKp






Notice that the equivariant Chern character of Theorem 0.7 reduces to the obvious isomorphism K0(G\X)ZRepC({1}) −→= K0G(X), if G acts freely on X. In the special case, whereGis finite,Xis the one-point-space {∗}andp=0, the equivariant Chern character reduces to an isomorphism

(C)∈JG Z 1


Z 1



θC:Z 1



→Z 1




−→Z 1



This is a strong version of the well-known theorem of Artin that the map induced by induction

(C)∈JG Q⊗ZRepC(C)→Q⊗ZRepC(G)

is surjective for any finite group G. Artin’s theorem is the reason why it does suffice rationally to consider all finite cyclic subgroups ofG instead of all finite subgroups in Theorem 0.7. One might expect (and has to do integrally) in view of the Baum-Connes Conjecture and the fact that EG involves all finite subgroups that one has to take all finite subgroups into account.

Theorem 0.7 gives a computation ofΛGK0G(EG), namely






Another construction of an equivariant Chern character using completely different methods can be found in [4]. However, it works only after applying C⊗Z−and therefore cannot be used for our purposes here.

In Theorem 5.4 we will identify the composition of the Chern character of Theorem 0.7 with the map

ΛGZ K0G(EG)−−−−−→idasmbG ΛGZK0(Cr(G))−−→idi ΛGZK0(N(G)) with an easier to understand and to calculate homomorphism, whose image is obvious from its definition. This will immediately imply


Theorem 0.8. Let ΛG resp. JG be the ring resp. set introduced in(0.1) resp.(0.6). Then the image of the composition

ΛGZK0G(EG)−−−−−−→idZasmbG ΛGZK0(Cr(G))−−−→idZi ΛGZK0(N(G)) is the image of the map given by induction

(C)∈JG id⊗indGC : ⊕(C)∈JG ΛGZRepC(C)→ΛGZ K0(N(G)).

Now Theorem 0.3 follows from Theorem 0.8.

The change of rings and K-theory mapl:K0(CG)K0(Cr(G))from the algebraic K0-group of the complex group ring CG to the topological K0-group ofCr(G) is in general far from being surjective. There is some evidence that it is injective after applyingΛ⊗Z? (see [13, Theorem 0.1]).

Theorem 0.8 gives some evidence for the conjecture that the image of ΛGZ K0(Cr(G)) −−−→idZi ΛGZ K0(N(G)) agrees with the image of the composition ΛGZ K0(CG) −→l ΛGZ K0(Cr(G)) −−−→idZi ΛGZ


Alain Valette pointed out to the author that the Modified Trace Conjec- ture 0.2 implies the following conjecture of Farkas [8, p. 593]

Conjecture 0.9 (Farkas).If the rational number m/n is in the image of the composition

K0(CG)K0(Cr(G))K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R

and the prime p divides n but not m, then G has an element of order p.

Notice that the Modified Trace Conjecture 0.2 implies that the image of the composition

K0(Cr(G))K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R

is contained inQwhich is not known to be true in general. Some evidence for this claim comes from the theorem of Zalesskii that the image of the composition

K0(CG)K0(Cr(G))K0(N(G))−−−→trN(G) R is contained inQ. For its proof see [6, Sect. 3], [19].

The paper is organized as follows 1. TheL2-index theorem 2. Modules over a category

3. Some representation theory for finite groups 4. The construction of the Chern character

5. The Baum-Connes Conjecture and the Trace Conjecture References


The author wants to thank the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Bonn for the hospitality during his stay in January and February 2001, when parts of the paper were written. Moreover, he wants to thank the referee for its very detailed and helpful report.

1. TheL2-index theorem

In this section we prove a slight generalization of theL2-index theorem of Atiyah [1]. Let Mbe a Riemannian manifold (without boundary) together with a cocompact free proper action of G by isometries. In other words, M = G\Mis a closed Riemannian manifold, the projection p: MM is a G-covering and M is equipped with the Riemannian metric induced by the one ofM. Let D =(D,d)be an elliptic complex of differential operators dp : DpDp+1 of order 1 acting on the space of sections Dp = C(Ep)of vector bundles EpM. Define Ep by pEp and Dp byL2C(Ep). ThenGacts onEpandDp. Since differential operators are local operators, there is a unique lift of each operatordpto aG-equivariant differential operator dp : C(Ep)C(Ep+1). We obtain an elliptic G-complex(C(E),d). Letdp:DpDp+1be the minimal closure of dpwhich is the same as its maximal closure [1, Proposition 3.1].

Since D is elliptic, each cohomology module Hp(D) := ker(dp)/

im(dp1)is a finitely generated C-module. Hence we can define theindex of the elliptic complex Dby



(−1)p·dimC(Hp(D)) ∈Z. (1.1)

Next we want to define an analogous invariant for the lifted complexD. The group von Neumann algebraN(G)ofGis the∗-algebra B(l2(G))G of all bounded G-equivariant operators l2(G)l2(G), where we equip l2(G)with the obvious leftG-action. Let

trN(G):N(G)→C (1.2) be thestandard von Neumann trace, which sends f ∈N(G)=B(l2(G))G to f(e),el2(G), where e denotes the element in l2(G) given by the unit element inGl2(G). Denote byZ(N(G))the center ofN(G). There is the universal center-valued trace [9, Theorem 7.1.12 on p. 462, Proposition 7.4.5 on p. 483, Theorem 8.2.8 on p. 517, Proposition 8.3.10 on p. 525, Theorem 8.4.3 on p. 532]

truN(G):N(G)→Z(N(G)) (1.3) which is uniquely determined by the following two properties:


(a) truis a trace with values in the center, i.e. truisC-linear, fora∈N(G) with a ≥ 0 we have tru(a) ≥ 0 and tru(ab) = tru(ba) for all a,b ∈ N(G);

(b) tru(a)=afor allaZ(N(G)).

The map truhas the following further properties:

(c) truis faithful;

(d) tru is normal. Equivalently, tru is continuous with respect to the ultra- weak topology onN(G);

(e) ||tru(a)|| ≤ ||a||fora∈N(G);

(f) tru(ab)=atru(b)for allaZ(N(G))andb∈N(G);

(g) Let pandqbe projections inN(G). Then pandqare equivalent, i.e.

p=vvandq=vv, if and only if tru(p)=tru(q);

(h) Any linear functional f :N(G)→C, which is continuous with respect to the norm topology onN(G)and which is central, i.e. f(ab)= f(ba) for alla,b∈N(G), factorizes as

N(G)−→tru Z(N(G))−−−−−→f|Z(N(G)) C.

In particular trN(G)◦truN(G)=trN(G).

AHilbertN(G)-module Vis a Hilbert spaceVtogether with aG-action by isometries such that there exists a Hilbert space Hand a G-equivariant projection p:Hl2(G)Hl2(G)with the property thatV and im(p) are isometrically G-linearly isomorphic. Here Hl2(G) is the tensor product of Hilbert spaces and G acts trivially on H and onl2(G) by the obvious left multiplication. Notice that pis not part of the structure, only its existence is required. We callV finitely generatedif Hcan be chosen to be finite-dimensional.

Our main examples of HilbertN(G)-modules are the Hilbert spacesDp which are isometricallyG-isomorphic toL2(C(Ep))l2(G). This can be seen using a fundamental domainF for theG-action on Mwhich is from a measure theory point of view the same asM. A morphism f :VWof HilbertN(G)-modules is a densely defined closedG-equivariant operator.

The differentialsdpare morphisms of HilbertN(G)-modules.

Let f : VV be amorphism of Hilbert N(G)-modules which is positive. Choose a G-projection p : Hl2(G)Hl2(G) and an isometric invertibleG-equivariant operatoru :im(p)V. Let{bi |iI} be a Hilbert basis for H. Let f be the composition

Hl2(G)−→p im(p)−→u V −→f V −→u−1 im(p) Hl2(G).

Define thevon Neumann traceof f :VV by trN(G)(f):=


f(bie),bieHl2(G) ∈ [0,∞]. (1.4)


This is indeed independent of the choice of p, u and the Hilbert basis {bi |iI}. IfVis finitely generated and fis bounded, then trN(G)(f) <∞ is always true. Define the von Neumann dimension of a Hilbert N(G)- moduleV by

dimN(G)(V):=trN(G)(id:VV) ∈ [0,∞]. (1.5) IfVis a finitely generated HilbertN(G)-module, we define theuniversal center-valued von Neumann dimension

dimuN(G)(V):=truN(G)(id:VV) ∈Z(N(G)) (1.6) analogously to dimN(G)(V) replacing trN(G) by truN(G). Given a finitely generated Hilbert N(G)-module V, we have trN(G)(dimuN(G)(V)) = dimN(G)(V).

Define the L2-cohomology H(p2)(D) to be ker(dp)/clos(im(dp1)), where clos(im(dp1))is the closure of the image ofdp1. Define the p-th Laplacian by ∆p = (dp)dp+dp1(dp1). By the L2-Hodge-deRham Theorem we get a G-equivariant isometric isomorphism ker(∆p) −→= H(p2)(D).Thus H(p2)(D)inherits the structure of a HilbertN(G)-module.

Moreover, it turns out to be a finitely generated HilbertN(G)-module. This can be deduced from the results of [14], where an index already overCr(G) is defined and the problem of getting finitely generated modules overCr(G) is treated. Namely, one can deduce from [14] after passing to the group von Neumann algebra, that there are finitely generated HilbertN(G)-modules U1, U2, V1 andV2 and Hilbert N(G)-modules W1 and W2 together with a morphism v : V1V2 and isomorphisms of Hilbert N(G)-modules w:W1


−→W2,u1 : DpU1


−→V1W1andu2: DpU2



such thatu2(∆p⊕0)=(vw)u1. Obviously the kernel ofvand hence the kernel of∆pare finitely generated HilbertN(G)-modules.

Define thecenter-valued L2-indexand theL2-index indexuN(G)(D):=




∈Z(N(G));(1.7) indexN(G)(D):=




∈R. (1.8)

The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 0.4

Notation 1.9. Denote bycon(G)c f the set of conjugacy classes(g)of elem- ents gG such that the set(g)is finite, or, equivalently, the centralizer CG(g) = {gG | gg = gg}has finite index in G. For c ∈ con(G)c f

let Ncbe the element

gcg∈ CG. In the sequel Lcresp. Lgdenotes left multiplication with Ncresp. g for c∈con(G)c f resp. gG.


Notice for the sequel thatNc ∈ Z(N(G))andLc isG-equivariant and commutes with allG-operators.

Lemma 1.10. Consider a∈Z(N(G)). Then we have a=0if and only if trN(G)(Nca)=0holds for any c∈conc f(G).

Proof. Consider a ∈ N(G) = B(l2(G))G which belongs to Z(N(G)).

Write a(e) =

gGλg·gl2(G). Since aRg = Rga holds for gG andRg:l2(G)l2(G)given by right multiplication withgG, we get λg =λhgh1forg,hG. This implies thatλg =0 if the conjugacy class (g)is infinite. On easily checks for an elementgwith finite(g)

Do you mean On or One?

|(g)| ·λg = trN(G)(N(g−1)a).

Lemma 1.11. We get under the conditions above.




Proof. TheL2-index theorem of Atiyah [1, (1.1)] says indexN(G)(D) = index(D).

We have trN(G)
















Next we want to prove

Lemma 1.12. Consider an element c∈con(G)c f with c=(1). Then trN(G)


= 0.

Proof. In the sequel we denote by prp : DpDp the projection onto the kernel of the p-th Laplacianp=(dp)dp+dp1(dp1). By theL2- Hodge-deRham Theorem we get a G-equivariant isometric isomorphism im(prp)−→= H(p2)(D).This implies

















. (1.13)

The operatoretp :DpDpis a boundedG-equivariant operator and has a smooth kerneletp(x,y): ExpEypforx,yM. Thusetp(ω) applied to a section ω is given at yM by

Metp(x,y)(ω(x))dvolx. The operator Lcetpis also a boundedG-equivariant operator and has a smooth kernel(Lcetp)(x,y)satisfying


(x,y) =



IfF is a fundamentl domain for theG-action, then [1, Proposition 4.6].




Lcetp (x,x)






Lgetp(x,g1x) dvolx.

(1.14) where trCis the trace of an endomorphism of a finite-dimensional complex vector space. We have

limt0 sup

||etp(x,g1x)|| |x∈F

=0, (1.15)

where ||etp(x,g1x)|| is the operator norm of the linear map etp(x,g1x)of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. This follows from the finite propagation speed method of [7]. There only the standard Laplacian on 0-forms is treated, but the proof presented there carries over to the Lapla- cian∆passociated to the liftDto theG-coveringMof an elliptic complex D of differential operators of order 1 on a closed Riemannian manifold M in any dimension p. The point is thatM has bounded geometry,∆p is essentially selfadjoint and positive so that

pmakes sense, andt22+∆p

is strictly hyperbolic. Now one applies the results of [7, Sect. 1] and uses the estimate in [11, p. 475], where the special case ofDbeing the deRham complex is treated.


Since trC

Lgetp(x,g1x) ≤ dimC(Ep)· ||etp(x,g1x)||

andF is relative compact, we conclude from (1.14) and (1.15)

limt0trN(G)(Lcetp)=0. (1.16) Since the trace trN(G) is ultraweakly continuous and limt→∞etp = prp in the weak topology, we get

tlim→∞trN(G)(Lcetp)=trN(G)(Lc◦prp). (1.17) We conclude from (1.13) and (1.17)



= lim





. (1.18)

We have d dt



Lcetp: DpDp










= −







= −







= −









= −








= −








=0. (1.19)

Here are some justifications for the calculation above. Recall that Lc

is a bounded G-operator and commutes with anyG-equivariant operator.

We can commute trN(G) anddtd since trN(G) is ultraweakly continuous. We concludeetp+1dp=dpetpfrom the fact that∆p+1dp=dp◦∆p

holds onC(Ep1). We have used at several places the typical trace relation trN(G)(AB)=trN(G)(B A)which is in each case justified by [1, section 4].

In order to be able to apply this trace relation we have splitted etp into e2tpe2tpin the calculation above.




is independent of tand we conclude from (1.18)







Lcetp :DpDp

. (1.20)

Now Lemma 1.12 follows from (1.16) (1.20).

Finally Theorem 0.4 follows from Lemma 1.10, Lemma 1.11 and Lemma 1.12.

2. Modules over a category

In this section we recall some facts about modules over the categorySub= Sub(G;F(X))for a properG-CW-complex Xas far as needed here. For more information about modules over a category we refer to [12].

Let Sub := Sub(G;F(X)) be the following category. Objects are the elements of the set F(X)of subgroups HG, for which XH = ∅. For two finite subgroups H and K inF(X) denote by conhomG(H,K) the set of group homomorphisms f : HK, for which there exists an element gG with gHg1K such that f is given by conju- gation with g, i.e. f = c(g) : HK, hghg1. Notice that



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