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Mobbing and Violence


Academic year: 2022

Aktie "Mobbing and Violence"


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Mobbing and Violence



o Domestic violence o Juvenile violence

o Placing children in foster care

Families can be confronted by violence on different levels. It is important to get help as early as possible. We have listed some addresses of where to get help below.


Mobbing means that a member of a group is systematically and repeatedly

intimidated, humiliated or isolated over an extended period of time. It can occur at school, in a club, at work, in the

community or in the family. Originally, the term mobbing was used mainly in the context of the workplace. Recent studies have shown, however, that mobbing is a problem at schools as well, where up to 10% of pupils are affected. These boys and girls are bullied physically or emotionally by other pupils over an extended period of time. The effects of


mobbing are often serious and range from loss of self-esteem to addictions or even suicidal tendencies.

Mobbing situations tend to be complex and can rarely be resolved on one’s own.

Rather, it requires quick intervention and cooperation on the part of teachers, parents, social workers, the school board and the school psychological service.


Domestic violence

I felt trapped in a small, cruel world, and there was nobody there to get me out.» (Anita, 14 years old)

The term «domestic violence» generally refers to violence between adult partners.

However, children are just as affected by violence in the home, be it as direct targets or witnesses to the abuse of a parent. Violence is a traumatizing experience that interferes with a child’s healthy development. Children need to be protected and feel loved and cared for.

The intervention centre against domestic violence («Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt») of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft defines domestic violence as follows: «A case of domestic violence exists when a person uses or threatens the use of violence in an existing or separated family relationship, marriage or partnership, or towards involved third parties. Domestic violence can take the

form of physical, psychological or sexual violence.»

Domestic violence is no private matter, but concerns us all. You can take action, too:

• be alert, and don’t turn a blind eye break the silence

• be clear about what is right and wrong

• be informed

• confront offenders

• get help

• report it to the police

• advocate gender equality by setting a good example

How can domestic violence be prevented?

The many causes and risk factors make it difficult to identify simple answers and solutions. Of vital importance, however, is an attitude of zero tolerance towards violence in the home. Gender equality also plays a significant role. Where men and women have equal opportunities, violence loses its influence.

Persons who were victims or witnesses of violence in the family as a child are at risk of becoming abusers themselves. That is why stopping violence, protecting victims and making offenders accountable is so important to prevent violence in future generations.

If in distress, a person must not hesitate to call the emergency number 117 (or 112). If a person would like to receive counselling or report a case of domestic violence, the


local police station must be contacted. Every police security department is required to train a specialist in domestic violence. Inquire about the person responsible for your area at your local police station.

Juvenile violence

Juvenile delinquency has increased in the past few years. Social discrimination, parental negligence, problems at school or simple boredom can result in violent behaviour. The estimated number of unreported incidents is very high, as many victims are afraid to press charges.

Prevention plays an especially important role when it comes to juvenile violence.

Targeted education, counselling and training can do a lot to alleviate the causes mentioned above.

The brochure «Youth and Violence»

(«Jugend und Gewalt») offers information and advice to parents or guardians whose child is a victim of violence, as well as those who suspect that their child may be using violence. The brochure is available in German, French and English at every police station in Switzerland, or can be downloaded from the Internet as a pdf-file.

Placing children in foster care The decision to place children in foster care for shorter or longer periods of time instead of letting them grow up with their parents is normally preceded by high-risk situations, such as:

• children and teenagers whose parents can no longer cope with bringing up their children

• children and teenagers who have been neglected or abused or whose parents are unable to cope because they were victims of violence themselves as children

• children and teenagers whose parents are mentally ill or addicted to drugs

• children and teenagers in a household where one or both parents are serving a prison sentence

It is sometimes hard to say whether a child is placed in foster care for social or psychological reasons, of its own accord or by external constraints. Most often, there are several factors that lead to this painful measure. In order to find a suitable place for the child, a thorough and

responsible evaluation is necessary.

Unfortunately, in practice, the search for the best possible placement for the child is superseded by efforts to find a solution as soon as possible. In such a case, it can be helpful to aim for an interim solution (for example, providing intensive support measures for the family) or a temporary placement (SOS Children’s Village, observation homes). A temporary solution may benefit the child more than a

precipitated final placement.

The biological parents’ attitude to the child’s placement in foster care is extremely significant. It is important that


they eventually come to accept the proposed solution. Only when the parents (or the single mother or father)

demonstrate to the child that they approve of the solution, can the child settle into the new environment and establish

relationships with foster parents and siblings. In all cases, the child’s wishes should be taken into account as far as possible.

Available types of foster care:

• day-care parents

• day-care centre

• foster family

• therapeutic and remedial care groups

• children’s home

• adoptive family


Mobbing and Violence: addresses and links

Please note: Most of the described services and links are in German. If a service is explicitly offered in English this is marked by a *

Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn


Mobbing at the workplace http://www.mobbing- zentrale.ch/de/

Schweizerischer Verband für Mobbing-Prävention


Hilfe bei Mobbing


What parents can do against mobbing at school:

http://www.familienleben.ch/kin d/schule-ausbildung/mobbing- in-der-schule-tipps-fuer-eltern- 2485/2

Counselling by the

„Schulpsychologischer Dienst“

Aargau in regards to mobbing issues


aargau.ch/kanton/Unterstuetzu ng-

Beratung/spd/Pages/default.as px

Information by the Police Basellandschaft on mobbing https://www.baselland.ch/Mob bing.320027.0.html

The „schulpsychologischer Dienst Baselland“ helps in mobbing situations

https://www.baselland.ch/filead min/baselland/files/docs/ekd/s pd/no-


Gewaltprävention des

Erziehungsdepartments Basel- Stadt:

http://gesundheit.edubs.ch/the menbereiche/gewalt-1

Schulpsychologischer Dienst Basel

https://www.edubs.ch/dienste/s pd

Gewaltprävention in Schulen https://www.so.ch/verwaltung/d epartement-des-innern/amt- fuer-soziale-

sicherheit/praevention/gewaltp raevention/gewaltpraevention- in-schulen/

Schulpsychologischer Dienst Solothurn

https://www.so.ch/verwaltung/d epartement-fuer-bildung-und- kultur/volksschulamt/beratung/



Switzerland Aargau Basel-Landschaft Basel-Stadt Solothurn Domestic Violence / Juvenile Violence

Dachorganisation Frauenhäuser Schweiz www.frauenhaus-schweiz.ch

Stiftung Kinderschutz Schweiz, Tel. 031 398 10 10,

info@kinderschutz.ch www.kinderschutz.ch

Elternotruf Schweiz:


Kampagne Stopp Häusliche Gewalt der Schweizerischen Kriminalprävention.


520_kampagne_stopp_haeusli che_gewalt.php

Präventionsprogramm von Bund, Kantonen, Städten und Gemeinden zu Gewalt bei Jugendlichen

http://www.jugendundgewalt.c h/de.html

Fachstelle Intervention gegen häusliche Gewalt

https://www.ag.ch/de/dvi/ueber _uns_dvi/organisation_dvi/gen eralsekretariat/haeusliche_gew alt/haeusliche_gewalt.jsp

Frauenhaus Aargau-Solothurn http://www.frauenhaus-ag- so.ch/

Anlaufstelle häusliche Gewalt Aargau:


Hilfe für Gewaltausübende http://www.ahg-

aargau.ch/informationen/hilfe_f uer_gewaltausuebende/

In the Canton of Aargau the KESB is part of the family court: https://www.ag.ch/de/




Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt, Liestal, Tel.

061 552 62 38

Kanton Basel-Landschaft - Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt BL

Frauenhaus beider Basel, Tel.

061 681 66 33 (rund um die Uhr), info@frauenhaus- basel.ch


Fachstelle für Kindes- und Jugendschutz, Tel. 061 925 59 30, kindesschutz@bl.ch https://www.baselland.ch/Kind es-und-

Jugendschutz.273524.0.html Elternhilfe beider Basel, Tel.

061 423 96 50 www.elternhilfe.ch

Männerbüro Region Basel, Tel. 061 691 02 02 (anonyme Beratung) www.mbrb.ch

Fachstelle häusliche Gewalt:

http://www.jsd.bs.ch/ueber- das-departement/bereiche- abteilungen/generalsekretariat/

fachstelle-haeusliche- gewalt.html

Frauenhaus beider Basel Postfach 111, 4005 Basel, Tel.

061 681 66 33 (rund um die Uhr), info@frauenhaus- basel.ch


Elternhilfe beider Basel, Tel.

061 423 96 50 www.elternhilfe.ch

Männerbüro Region Basel, Tel. 061 691 02 02 (anonyme Beratung)


Beratung von Weggewiesenen nach häuslicher Gewalt http://www.bdm.bs.ch/Ueber- uns/Organisation/Amt-fuer-

Fachstelle für (Gewalt-) Prävention Kanton Solothurn:

http://www.so.ch/verwaltung/d epartement-des-innern/amt- fuer-soziale-

sicherheit/praevention/gewaltp raevention/

Frauenhaus Aargau-Solothurn http://www.frauenhaus-ag- so.ch/


Erwachsenenschutz (KESB) Solothurn:

https://www.so.ch/verwaltung/d epartement-des-innern/amt- fuer-soziale-sicherheit/kindes- und-erwachsenenschutz/


Beratungsstelle für

gewaltausübende Personen, Pratteln, Tel. 061 821 46 36 www.beratungsstelle- wegweisung.bl.ch

KESB Baselland http://www.kesb-bl.ch/

Justizvollzug/Bewaehrungshilf e/Weitere-

Dienste.html#page_section3_s ection1


Erwachsenenschutzbehörde Basel-Stadt (KESB)


Placing children in foster care Pflegekinder-Aktion Schweiz, Bederstrasse 105a, 8002 Zürich, Tel. 044 205 50 40, info@pflegekinder.ch www.pflegekinder.ch

Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendheime


Hometreatment Aargau- aufsuchende Familienarbeit http://www.hota.ch/

Fachstelle Pflegekind Kanton Aargau


Indikationssteller für

Fremdplatzierung von Kindern im Kanton Baselland


Pflegefamilien Baselland https://www.baselland.ch/Pfleg efamilien.317403.0.html

Wegwarte Basel-

Übergangsheim für Frauen und Mütter mit ihren Kindern in schwierigen Lebenslagen

http://www.wegwarte- basel.ch/home/

Familea can place children with foster families or in children homes

http://www.familea.ch/de/Kinde r-und-


Arkadis- Fachstelle für Pflegefamilien Kanton Solothurn

http://www.pflegefamilien- so.ch/


Book recommendations

Our book recommendations are generally for books that are available only in German. Where possible we’ve listed the English translation or an equivalent.

On the topic of mobbing

„Das Anti-Mobbing-Buch. Gewalt an der Schule – vorbeugen, erkennen, handeln“

Mustafa Jannan, Beltz-Verlag, 2008

„Mobbing erkennen, vorbeugen und erfolgreich zur Wehr setzen“

Angelika Tiefenbacher, Compact-Verlag, 2008



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