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Supporting Information Verdon et al. 10.1073/pnas.1302156110


Academic year: 2022

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Supporting Information

Verdon et al. 10.1073/pnas.1302156110

−2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 3000

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Depth (m)

tS - tP = 0.65s

tS - tP = 1s

Fig. S1. Loci of possible event locations based on differentialtS–tParrival times at the single functioning geophone. Loci fortS–tP=0.65 s andtS–tP=1 s are shown, corresponding to the mean arrival times of the main and secondary cluster, respectively. Possible loci describe a hemisphere, or“pudding bowl,” around the geophone. For the main cluster, the base of the bowl roughly corresponds to the depth of the reservoir. Given the small incidence angles for events from this cluster, it seems reasonable to suppose that they have originated from this area (rather than from shallower depths at greater lateral distance from the geophone). The second cluster, with higher incidence angles, is harder to constrain: events may have originated from above, in, or below the reservoir.

Verdon et al.www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1302156110 1 of 1



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a School of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Manchester, Brunswick Street, Manchester M13 9PL, England, b Department of Biology, University