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Non-minimality of spirals in sub-Riemannian manifolds


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Calculus of Variations

Non-minimality of spirals in sub-Riemannian manifolds

Roberto Monti1 ·Alessandro Socionovo1

Received: 26 January 2021 / Accepted: 2 August 2021 / Published online: 4 September 2021

© The Author(s) 2021


We show that in analytic sub-Riemannian manifolds of rank 2 satisfying a commutativity condition spiral-like curves are not length minimizing near the center of the spiral. The proof relies upon the delicate construction of a competing curve.

Mathematics Subject Classification 53C17·49K30·28A75·49K21

1 Introduction

The regularity of geodesics (length-minimizing curves) in sub-Riemannian geometry is an open problem since forty years. Its difficulty is due to the presence of singular (or abnormal) extremals, i.e., curves where the differential of the end-point map is singular (it is not sur- jective). There exist singular curves that are as a matter of fact length-minimizing. The first example was discovered in [12] and other classes of examples (regular abnormal extremals) are studied in [11]. All such examples are smooth curves.

When the end-point map is singular, it is not possible to deduce the Euler–Lagrange equations with their regularizing effect for minimizers constrained on a nonsmooth set.

On the other hand, in the case of singular extremals the necessary conditions given by Optimal Control Theory (Pontryagin Maximum Principle) do not provide in general any further regularity beyond the starting one, absolute continuity or Lipschitz continuity of the curve.

The most elementary kind of singularity for a Lipschitz curve is of the corner-type: at a given point, the curve has a left and a right tangent that are linearly independent. In [10]

and [4] it was proved that length minimizers cannot have singular points of this kind. These results have been improved in [14]: at any point, the tangent cone to a length-minimizing curve contains at least one line (a half line, for extreme points), see also [5]. The uniqueness

Communicated by A. Malchiodi.


Roberto Monti monti@math.unipd.it Alessandro Socionovo socionov@math.unipd.it

1 Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita”, Università di Padova, via Trieste 63, 35121 Padua, Italy


of this tangent line for length minimizers is an open problem. Indeed, there exist other types of singularities related to the non-uniqueness of the tangent. In particular, there exist spiral- like curves whose tangent cone at the center contains many and in fact all tangent lines, see Example2.6below. These curves may appear as Goh extremals in Carnot groups, see [8] and [9, Section 5]. For these reasons, the results of [14] are not enough to prove the nonminimality of spiral-like extremals. Goal of this paper is to show that curves with this kind of singularity are not length-minimizing.

LetM be ann-dimensional,n ≥3, analytic manifold endowed with a rank 2 analytic distribution DT M that is bracket generating (Hörmander condition). An absolutely continuous curveγAC([0,1];M) is horizontal ifγ˙ ∈ D(γ )almost everywhere. The length ofγ is defined fixing a metric tensorgonDand letting

L(γ )=

[0,1]gγ(γ ,˙ γ )˙ 1/2dt. (1.1) The curveγ is a length-minimizer between its end-points if for any other horizontal curve


γAC([0,1];M)such thatγ (¯ 0)=γ (0)andγ (¯ 1)=γ (1)we haveL(γ )L(γ )¯ . Our notion of horizontal spiral in a sub-Riemannian manifold of rank 2 is fixed in Definition 1.1. We will show that spirals are not length-minimizing when the horizontal distributionD satisfies the following commutativity condition. Fix two vector fields X1,X2Dthat are linearly independent at some pointpM. Fork ∈Nand for a multi-indexJ =(j1, . . . ,jk), with ji ∈ {1,2}, we denote byXJ = [Xj1,[. . . ,[Xjk−1,Xjk] · · · ]]the iterated commutator associated withJ. We define its length as the length of the multi-index J, i.e., len(XJ)= len(J)=k. Then, our commutativity assumption is that, in a neighborhood of the pointp,

[XI,XJ] =0 for all multi-indices with len(I),len(J)≥2. (1.2) This condition is not intrinsic and depends on the basisX1,X2of the distributionD. After introducing exponential coordinates of the second type, the vector fields X1,X2 can be assumed to be of the form (2.3) below, and the pointpwill be the center of the spiral.

A curve γAC([0,1];M) is horizontal if γ (t)˙ ∈ D(γ (t))for a.e. t ∈ [0,1]. In coordinates we haveγ =1, . . . , γn)and, by (2.3), theγj’s satisfy for j =3, . . . ,nthe following integral identities

γj(t)=γj(0)+ t


aj(γ (s))γ˙2(s)ds, t∈ [0,1]. (1.3) Whenγ (0)andγ1, γ2are given, these formulas determine in a unique way the whole hor- izontal curveγ. We callκAC([0,1];R2),κ = 1, γ2), the horizontal coordinates of γ.

Definition 1.1 (Spiral) We say that a horizontal curveγAC([0,1];M)is a spiralif, in exponential coordinates of the second type centered atγ (0), the horizontal coordinates κAC([0,1];R2)are of the form

κ(t)=teiϕ(t), t∈]0,1], (1.4)

whereϕC1(]0,1];R+)is a function, calledphaseof the spiral, such that|ϕ(t)| → ∞ and| ˙ϕ(t)| → ∞ast →0+. The pointγ (0)is called center of the spiral.

A priori, Definition1.1depends on the basisX1,X2ofD, see however our comments about its intrinsic nature in Remark2.5. Without loss of generality, we shall focus our attention on spirals that are oriented clock-wise, i.e., with a phase satisfyingϕ(t)→ ∞andϕ(t)˙ → −∞


ast→0+. Such a phase is decreasing near 0. Notice that ifϕ(t)→ ∞andϕ(˙ t)has a limit ast→0+then this limit must be−∞.

Our main result is the following

Theorem 1.2 Let(M,D,g)be an analytic sub-Riemmanian manifold of rank 2 satisfying (1.2). Any horizontal spiralγAC([0,1];M)is not length-minimizing near its center.

Differently from [4,5,10,14] and similarly to [13], the proof of this theorem cannot be reduced to the case of Carnot groups, the infinitesimal models of equiregular sub-Riemanian manifolds. This is because the blow-up of the spiral could be a horizontal line, that is indeed length-minimizing.

The nonminimality of spirals combined with the necessary conditions given by Pontryagin Maximum Principle is likely to give new regularity results on classes of sub-Riemannian manifolds, in the spirit of [1]. We think, however, that the main interest of Theorem1.2is in the deeper understanding that it provides on the loss of minimality caused by singularities.

The proof of Theorem1.2consists in constructing a competing curve shorter than the spiral. The construction uses exponential coordinates of the second type and our first step is a review of Hermes’ theorem on the structure of vector-fields in such coordinates. In this situation, the commutativity condition (1.2) has a clear meaning explained in Theorem2.2, that may be of independent interest.

In Sect.3, we start the construction of the competing curve. Here we use the specific structure of a spiral. The curve obtained by cutting one spire near the center is shorter. The error appearing at the end-point will be corrected modifying the spiral in a certain number of locations with “devices” depending on a set of parameters. The horizontal coordinates of the spiral are a planar curve intersecting the positivex1-axis infinitely many times. The possibility of adding devices at such locations arbitrarily close to the origin will be a crucial fact.

In Sect.4, we develop an integral calculus on monomials that is used to estimate the effect of cut and devices on the end-point of the modified spiral. Then, in Sect.5, we fix the parameters of the devices in such a way that the end-point of the modified curve coincides with the end-point of the spiral. This is done in Theorem5.1by a linearization argument.

Sections3–5contain the technical core of the paper.

We use the specific structure of the length-functional in Sect.6, where we prove that the modified curve is shorter than the spiral, provided that the cut is sufficiently close to the origin. This will be the conclusion of the proof of Theorem1.2.

We briefly comment on the assumptions made in Theorem1.2. The analyticity ofMand Dis needed only in Sect.2. In the analytic case, it is known that length-minimizers are smooth in an open and dense set, see [15]. See also [3] for aC1-regularity result whenMis an analytic manifold of dimension 3.

The assumption that the distributionDhas rank 2 is natural when considering horizontal spirals. When the rank is higher there is room for more complicated singularities in the horizontal coordinates, raising challenging questions about the regularity problem.

Dropping the commutativity assumption (1.2) is a major technical problem: getting sharp estimates from below for the effect produced by cut and devices on the end-point seems extremely difficult when the coefficients of the horizontal vector fields depend also on non- horizontal coordinates, see Remark4.3.

We thank Marco F. Sica for his help with the pictures and the referee for his comments that improved the exposition of the paper.


2 Exponential coordinates at the center of the spiral

In this section, we introduce inMexponential coordinates of the second type centered at a pointpM, that will be the center of the spiral.

LetX1,X2Dbe linearly independent atp. Since the distributionDis bracket-generating we can find vector-fields X3, . . . ,Xn, withn = dim(M), such that each Xi is an iterated commutator ofX1,X2with lengthwi =len(Xi),i =3, . . . ,n, and such thatX1, . . . ,Xn

atpare a basis forTpM. By continuity, there exists an open neighborhoodUofpsuch that X1(q), . . . ,Xn(q)form a basis forTqM, for anyqU. We callX1, . . . ,Xn a stratified basis of vector-fields inM.

LetϕC(U;Rn)be a chart such thatϕ(p)=0 andϕ(U)=V, withV ⊂Rn open neighborhood of 0 ∈ Rn. Then X1 = ϕX1, . . . ,Xn = ϕXn is a system of point-wise linearly independent vector fields inV ⊂Rn. Since our problem has a local nature, we can without loss of generality assume thatM=V=Rnandp=0.

After these identifications, we have a stratified basis of vector-fieldsX1, . . . ,Xn inRn. We say thatx=(x1, . . . ,xn)∈Rnare exponential coordinates of the second type associated with the vector fieldsX1, . . . ,Xnif we have

x=Xx11◦ · · · ◦xXnn(0), x∈Rn. (2.1) We are using the notationsX = exp(s X),s ∈R, to denote the flow of a vector-fieldX.

From now on, we assume without loss of generality thatX1, . . . ,Xnare complete and induce exponential coordinates of the second type.

We define the homogeneous degree of the coordinatexi ofRn aswi = len(Xi). We introduce the 1-parameter group of dilationsδλ:Rn →Rn,λ >0,

δλ(x)=w1x1, . . . , λwnxn), x ∈Rn,

and we say that a function f :Rn →Risδ-homogeneous of degreew∈Nif f(δλ(x))= λwf(x)for allx ∈Rn andλ >0. An example ofδ-homogeneous function of degree 1 is the pseudo-norm

x = n


|xi|1/wi, x∈Rn. (2.2)

The following theorem is proved in [6] in the case of general rank. A more modern approach to nilpotentization can be found in [2] and [7].

Theorem 2.1 LetD=span{X1,X2} ⊂T M be an analytic distribution of rank 2. In expo- nential coordinates of the second type around a point pM identified with0 ∈Rn, the vector fields X1and X2have the form

X1(x)=x1, X2(x)=x2+

n j=3

aj(x)∂xj, (2.3)

for xU , where U is a neighborhood of0. The analytic functions ajC(U), j = 3, . . . ,n, have the structure aj =pj+rj, where:

(i) pjareδ-homogeneous polynomials of degreewj−1such that pj(0,x2, . . . ,xn)=0;


(ii) rjC(U)are analytic functions such that, for some constants C1,C2 >0and for xU ,

|rj(x)| ≤C1xwj and |∂xirj(x)| ≤C2xwj−wi. (2.4) Proof The proof thataj= pj+rjwherepjare polynomials as in (i) and the remaindersrj

are real-analytic functions such thatrj(0)=0 can be found in [6]. The proof of (ii) is also implicitly contained in [6]. Here, we add some details. The Taylor series ofrjhas the form

rj(x)= =wj

rj (x)= =wj


cα xα,

whereA = {α ∈ Nn : α1w1 + · · · +αnwn = },xα = x1α1· · ·xnαn andcα ∈ Rare constants. Here and in the following,N= {0,1,2, . . .}. The series converges absolutely in a small homogeneous cubeQδ= {x ∈Rn : x ≤δ}for someδ >0, and in particular




|cα |<∞.

Using the inequality|xα| ≤ x forαA, forxQδwe get

|rj(x)| ≤C1xwj, withC1= =wj

δ −wj



The estimate for the derivatives ofrjis analogous. Indeed, we have

xirj(x)= =wj


αicα xα−ei,

whereα−eiA −wi wheneverαA. Above, ei =(0, . . . ,1, . . . ,0)with 1 at positioni is the canonicalith versor ofRn. Thus the leading term in the series has homogeneous degree wjwi and repeating the argument above we get the estimate|∂xirj(x)| ≤C2xwj−wi


When the distributionDsatisfies the commutativity assumption (1.2) the coefficientsaj appearing in the vector-fieldX2in (2.3) enjoy additional properties. In the next theorem, the specific structure of exponential coordinates of the second type will be very helpful in the computation of various derivatives. In particular, in Lemma2.3we need a nontrivial formula from [6, Appendix A], given in such coordinates.

Theorem 2.2 IfDT M is an analytic distribution of rank 2 satisfying (1.2)then the functions a3, . . . ,anof Theorem2.1depend only on the variables x1and x2.

Proof Let:R×Rn→Rnbe the map(t,x)=tX2(x),wherex∈Rnandt ∈R. Here, we are using the exponential coordinates (2.1). In the following we omit the composition sign

◦. Defining:R3×Rn →Rn as the mapt,x1,x2(p)=−(xX22+t)−xX11Xt2xX11xX22(p), we have

(t,x)=xX11xX22+tt,x1,x2xX33. . . Xxnn(0).

We claim that there exists aC >0 independent oftsuch that, fort→0,

|t,x1,x2sXjsXjt,x1,x2| ≤Ct2. (2.5)


We will prove claim (2.5) in Lemma2.3below. From (2.5) it follows that there exist mappings RtC(Rn,Rn)such that

(t,x)=xX11Xx22+txX33. . . Xxnnt,x1,x2(0)+Rt(x), (2.6) and such that|Rt| ≤Ct2fort →0.

By the structure (2.3) of the vector fieldsX1andX2and sincet,x1,x2is the composition ofCmaps, there existCfunctions fj = fj(t,x1,x2)such that


0,0,f3(t,x1,x2), . . . ,fn(t,x1,x2)

=exp n


fj(t,x1x2)Xj (0).

(2.7) By (1.2), from (2.6) and (2.7) we obtain

(t,x)=Xx11Xx22+texp n


(xj+ fj(t,x1,x2))Xj



x1,x2+t,x3+ f3(t,x1,x2), . . . ,xn+ fn(t,x1,x2)

+Rt(x), and we conclude that

X2(x)= d


t=0 =2+ n



dt fj(t,x1,x2)


Thus the coefficientsaj(x1,x2) = dtd fj(t,x1,x2)|t=0, j = 3, . . . ,n, depend only on the

first two variables, completing the proof.

In the following lemma, we prove our claim (2.5).

Lemma 2.3 LetDT M be an analytic distribution satisfying(1.2). Then for any j = 3, . . . ,n the claim in(2.5)holds.

Proof Let X = Xj for any j = 3, . . . ,n and define the mapTt,xX

1,x2;s = t,x1,x2sXsXt,x1,x2. Fort=0 the map0,x1,x2is the identity and thusT0,xX

1,x2;s =0. So, claim (2.5) follows as soon as we show that


1,x2;s =



1,x2;s=0, for anys∈Rand for allx1,x2∈R.

We first compute the derivative oft,x1,x2with respect tot. Lettingt,x1 =−xX11tX2Xx11

we havet,x1,x2 = −(xX2 2+t)t,x1xX22,and, thanks to [6, Appendix A], the derivative of t,x1att=0 is

˙0,x1 = ν=0



whereWν = [X1,[· · ·,[X1,X2] · · · ]]withX1appearingνtimes andcν,x1 =(−1)νx1ν/ν!. In particular, we havec0,x1=1. Then the derivative oft,x1,x2att=0 is

˙0,x1,x2 = −X2+dX2x2


= −X2+ ν=0






Wν(xX22) , because the term in the sum withν =0 isdX2x2


= X2. Inserting this formula for˙0,x1,x2into


1,x2;s = ˙0,x1,x2(sX)dsX(˙0,x1,x2), (2.8) we obtain








cν,x1d−xX22 Wν


=dsX ν=1


d−sX d−xX22



Wν(xX22) . In order to prove thatT˙0,xX

1,x2;svanishes for allx1,x2ands, we have to show that g(x2,s):=dXsd−xX22




=0, (2.9)

for anyν≥1 and for anyx2ands. From0X =id it follows thatg(x2,0)=0. Then, our claim (2.9) is implied by


∂sg(x2,s)=0. (2.10)

Actually, this is a Lie derivative and, namely, h(x2,s)= −dXs


Wν(Xx22) .

Notice thath(0,s)= −dXs[X,Wν] =0 by our assumption (1.2). In a similar way, for any k∈Nwe have


∂x2kh(0,s)=(−1)k+1dXs[X,[X2,· · · [X2,Wν] · · · ]] =0,

with X2 appearingk times. Since the functionx2h(x2,s)is analytic our claim (2.10)


We conclude this sections with some general remarks.

Remark 2.4 By Theorem2.2, we can assume thataj(x) =aj(x1,x2)are functions of the variablesx1,x2. In this case, formula (1.3) for the coordinates of a horizontal curveγAC([0,1];M)reads, for j=3, . . . ,n,

γj(t)=γj(0)+ t


aj1(s), γ2(s))γ˙2(s)ds, t∈ [0,1]. (2.11)


Remark 2.5 Definition1.1of horizontal spiral is stable with respect to change of coordinates in the following sense.

After fixing exponential coordinates, we have that 0 ∈ Rn is the center of the spiral γ : [0,1] →Rn, with horizontal projectionκ(t)as in Definition1.1.

We consider a diffeomorphismFC(Rn;Rn)such thatF(0) =0. In the new coor- dinates, our spiralγ isζ(t) = F(γ (t )). We define the horizontal coordinates ofζ in the following way: the setd0F(D(0)), whered0Fis the differential ofFat 0, is a 2-dimensional subspace ofRn =Im(d0F); denoting byπ :Rnd0F(D(0))the orthogonal projection, we define the horizontal coordinates ofζasξ(t)=π(F(γ (t)).

We claim thatξ, in the planed0F(D(0)), is of the form (1.4), with a phaseωsatisfying

|ω| → ∞and| ˙ω| → ∞. In particular, these properties ofξare stable up to isometries of the plane. Then, we can assume thatξ(t) =(F1(γ (t)),F2(γ (t))), withFi :Rn →Rof class C, fori =1,2. In this setting, we will show that| ˙ω| → ∞.

The functions(t)= |ξ(t)| = |(F1(γ (t)),F2(γ (t)))|satisfies

0<c0 ≤ ˙s(t)c1<∞, t(0,1]. (2.12) Define the functionωC1((0,1])letting ξ(t) = s(t)eiω(s(t)). Then differentiating the identity obtained inverting

tan ω(s(t))

= F2(γ (t))

F1(γ (t)), t(0,1], we obtain


s(t)ω(s(t))˙ = 1

s(t)2(γ (t)),γ (t),˙ t(0,1], (2.13) where the function(x) = F1(x)∇F2(x)F2(x)∇F1(x)has the Taylor development as x →0

(x)=∇F1(0),xF2(0)− ∇F2(0),xF1(0)+O(|x|2).

Observe that from (2.11) it follows that| ˙γj(t)| =O(t)forj≥3. Denoting by ¯∇the gradient in the first two variables, we deduce that ast→0+we have

(γ ),γ˙ = F1(γ )¯∇F2(γ )F2(γ )¯∇F1(γ ),κ +˙ O(t2) (2.14) with

F1(γ )¯∇F2(γ )F2(γ )¯∇F1(γ )= ¯∇F1(0), κ ¯∇F2(0)− ¯∇F2(0), κ ¯∇F1(0)+O(t2).

Inserting the last identity andκ˙ = eiϕ +i tϕe˙ iϕ into (2.14), after some computations we obtain

(γ ),γ˙ = ˙ϕt2det(d0F(0))¯ +O(t2),

where det(d0F¯(0)) = 0 is the determinant Jacobian at x1 = x2 = 0 of the mapping (x1,x2)(F1(x1,x2,0),F2(x1,x2,0)). Now the claim| ˙ω(s)| → ∞ass → 0+easily follows from (2.12), (2.13) and from| ˙ϕ(t)| → ∞ast→0+.

Example 2.6 An interesting example of horizontal spiral is the double-logarithm spiral, the horizontal lift of the curveκin the plane of the form (1.4) with phaseϕ(t)=log(−logt), t(0,1/2]. In this case, we have


ϕ(t)= 1

tlogt, t(0,1/2],


and clearlyϕ(t)→ ∞andϕ(˙ t)→ −∞ast→0+. In fact, we also have˙∈L(0,1/2), which means thatκand thusγis Lipschitz continuous. This spiral has the following additional properties:

(i) for any v ∈ R2 with |v| = 1 there exists an infinitesimal sequence of positive real numbersn)n∈Nsuch thatκ(λnt)/λntvlocally uniformly, asn→ ∞;

(ii) for any infinitesimal sequence of positive real numbersn)n∈Nthere exists a subsequence and av∈R2with|v| =1 such thatκ(λnkt)/λnktvask → ∞, locally uniformly.

This means that the tangent cone ofκatt=0 consists of all half-lines inR2emanating from 0.

3 Cut and correction devices

In this section, we begin the construction of the competing curve. Letγ be a spiral with horizontal coordinatesκas in (1.4). We can assume thatϕis decreasing and thatϕ(1)=1 and we denote byψ : [1,∞)→(0,1]the inverse function ofϕ. Fork∈Nandη∈ [0,2π) we definet(0,1]as the unique solution to the equationϕ(t)=2πk+η, i.e., we let t=ψ(2πk+η). The times

tk=tk0=ψ(2πk), k∈N, (3.1)

will play a special role in our construction. The pointsκ(tk)are in the positivex1-axis.

For a fixedk ∈N, we cut the curveκin the interval[tk+1,tk]following the line segment joiningκ(tk+1)toκ(tk)instead of the pathκ, while we leave unchanged the remaining part of the path. We call this new curveκkcutand, namely, we let

κkcut(t)=κ(t) for t∈ [0,tk+1] ∪ [tk,1], κkcut(t)=(t,0) for t∈ [tk+1,tk].

We denote byγkcutAC([0,1];M)the horizontal curve with horizontal coordinatesκkcut and such thatγkcut(0)=γ (0). Fort∈ [0,tk+1], we haveγkcut(t)=γ (t). To correct the errors produced by the cut on the end-point, we modify the curveκkcut using a certain number of devices. The construction is made by induction.

We start with the base construction. LetE = (h, η, ε)be a triple such that h ∈ N, 0 < η < π/4, andε ∈ R. Starting from a curve κ : [0,1] → R2, we define the curve D(κ;E): [0,1+2|ε|] →R2in the following way:










κ(t) t∈ [0,t]

κ(thη)+(sgn(ε)(tthη),0) t∈ [thη,thη+ |ε|]

κ(t− |ε|)+(ε,0) t∈ [thη+ |ε|,th+ |ε|]

κ(th)+(2ε+sgn(ε)(tht),0)t∈ [th+ |ε|,th+2|ε|]

κ(t−2|ε|) t∈ [th+2|ε|,1+2|ε|].


We denote by D;E)the horizontal curve with horizontal coordinates D;E). We let D(γ˙ ;E)= dtdD(γ;E)and we indicate by Di;E)the i-th coordinate of the corrected curve in exponential coordinates.

In the lifting formula (2.11), the intervals whereγ˙2=0 do not contribute to the integral.

For this reason, in (3.2) we may cancel the second and fourth lines, whereD˙2;E) =0,


and then reparameterize the curve on[0,1]. Namely, we define the discontinuous curve D(κ;E): [0,1] →R2as



κ(t) t∈ [0,thη] κ(t)+(ε,0)t(thη,th) κ(t) t∈ [th,1].


The “formal”ith coordinate of the curve D(κ;E)is given by Di;E)(t)=




The following identities withε >0 can be checked by an elementary computation



D(γ;E)(t) t∈ [0,t] D;E)(t+ε) t(t,th) D;E)(t+2ε)t∈ [th,1].



Whenε <0 there are similar identities. With this notation, the final error produced on the ith coordinate by the correction deviceE is

γi(1)−Di;E)(1+2|ε|)= 1




κ2(s)ds. (3.5) The proof of this formula is elementary and can be omitted.

We will iterate the above construction a certain number of times depending on a collections of triplesE. We first fix the number of triples and iterations.

Fori = 3, . . . ,n, letBi = {(α, β) ∈ N2 : α+β = wi −2}, wherewi ≥ 2 is the homogeneous degree of the coordinatexi. Then, the polynomials pi given by Theorem2.1 and Theorem2.2are of the form



cαβx1α+1x2β, (3.6)

for suitable constantscαβ ∈R. We set

= n i=3

Card(Bi), (3.7)

and we consider an( −2)-tuple of triplesE¯=(E3, . . . ,E)such thath <h −1<· · ·<

h3<k. Each triple is used to correct one monomial.

Without loss of generality, we simplify the construction in the following way. In the sum (3.6), we can assume thatcαβ=0 for all(α, β)Bi but one. Namely, we can assume that

pi(x1,x2)=x1αi+1x2βi with αi+βi =wi−2, (3.8) and withcαiβi =1. In this case, we have =nand we will usen−2 devices associated with the triplesE3, . . . ,Ento correct the coordinatesi=3, . . . ,n. By the bracket generating property of the vector fieldsX1andX2and by the stratified basis property forX1, . . . ,Xn, the pairsi, βi)satisfy the following condition

i, βi)=j, βj) for i= j. (3.9) In the general case (3.6), we use a larger number ≥nof devices, one for each monomial x1α+1x2β appearing in p3(x1,x2), . . . ,pn(x1,x2), and we correct the error produced by the cut on each monomial. The argument showing the nonminimality of the spiral will be the same. So, from now on in the rest of the paper we will assume that the polynomialspiare of the form (3.8) with (3.9).

Now we clarify the inductive step of our construction. LetE3 =(h3, η3, ε3)be a triple such thath3 <k. We define the curveκ(3)=D(κkcut;E3). Given a tripleE4 =(h4, η4, ε4) withh4 < h3 we then defineκ(4) = D(3);E4). By induction on ∈ N, given a triple E =(h , η , ε )withh <h −1, we defineκ( )=D(κ( −1);E). When =nwe stop.

We define the planar curve D(κ;k,E¯)AC([0,1+2¯ε];R2) as D(κ;k,E¯) = κ(n) according to the inductive construction explained above, whereε¯= |ε3|+· · ·+|εn|. Then we call D;k,E¯)AC([0,1+2ε];¯ M), the horizontal lift of D(κ;k,E¯)with D;k,E)(0)= γ (0), the modified curve ofγ associated withE¯and with cut of parameterk∈N. There is a last adjustment to do. In[0,1+2ε]¯ there are 2(n−2)subintervals whereκ˙2(n) =0. On each of these intervals the coordinates Dj;k,E¯)are constant. According to the procedure explained in (3.2)–(3.4), we erase these intervals and we parametrize the resulting curve on [0,1]. We denote this curve byγ¯=D(γ;k,E¯).


Definition 3.1 (Adjusted modification ofγ)We call the curveγ¯=D;k,E¯): [0,1] →M the adjusted modification ofγ relative to the collections of devicesE¯ =(E3, . . . ,En)and with cut of parameterk.

Our next task is to compute the error produced by cut and devices on the end-point of the spiral. Fori =3, . . . ,nand fort∈ [0,1]we let

γi(t)=ai(κ(t))κ˙2(t)ai(κ(¯ t))˙¯κ2(t). (3.10) Whent<tk+1ort>tkwe haveκ˙2= ˙¯κ2and so the definition above reads


ai(κ(t))ai(κ(¯ t))

˙ κ2(t).

By the recursive application of the argument used to obtain (3.5), we get the following formula for the error at the final timet¯=thn:

Eik,E¯=γi(¯t)− ¯γi(¯t)= t¯




Fkγi(t)dt+ n

j=3 Ajγi(t)dt+

Bjγi(t)dt .


In (3.11) and in the following, we use the following notation for the intervals:

Fk= [tk+1,tk], Aj = [thj−1,thjηj], Bj = [thjηj,thj], (3.12) withth2=tk. We used also the fact that on[0,tk+1]we haveγ = ¯γ.

On the intervalFkwe haveκ˙¯2=0 and thus


γi dt =




κ2dt. (3.13)

On the intervalsAjwe haveκ= ¯κand thus


γidt =0, (3.14)

because the functionsaidepend only onκ. Finally, on the intervalsBjwe haveκ¯1=κ1+εj

andκ2= ¯κ2and thus







(3.15) Our goal is to findk∈Nand devicesE¯such thatEik,E¯=0 for alli =3, . . . ,nand such that the modified curve D(γ;k,E¯)is shorter thanγ.

4 Effect of cut and devices on monomials and remainders

Letγ be a horizontal spiral with horizontal coordinatesκAC([0,1];R2) of the form (1.4). We prove some estimates about the integrals of the polynomials (3.8) along the curve κ. These estimates are preliminary to the study of the errors introduced in (3.11).


Forα, β ∈N, we associate with the monomial pαβ(x1,x2) =xα+1 1x2βthe functionγαβ

defined fort∈ [0,1]by γαβ(t)=


pαβ(x1,x2)d x2= t



Whenpi = pαβ, the functionγαβis the leading term in theith coordinate ofγin exponential coordinates. In this case, the problem of estimatingγi(t)reduces to the estimate of integrals of the form

Iωηαβ= tω


κ1(t)α+1κ2(t)βκ˙2(t)dt, (4.1) whereωηare angles,tω=ψ(ω)andtη=ψ(η). Forα, β ∈N,h∈Nandη(0, π/4) we also let



2hπ tϑα+β+2= th


tα+β+2| ˙ϕ(t)|dt, (4.2) where in the second equality we setϑ =ϕ(t).

Proposition 4.1 There exist constants0<cαβ <Cαβdepending onα, β∈Nsuch that for all h∈Nandη(0, π/4)we have

cαβjhαβη ≤ |I2hαβπ,2hπ| ≤Cαβjhαβη. (4.3) Before proving this proposition, we notice that the integralsIωηαβin (4.1) are related to the integrals

Jωηαβ= η

ω tϑα+β+2cosα(ϑ)sinβ(ϑ)dϑ. (4.4) Lemma 4.2 For anyα, β∈Nandωηwe have the identity

+β+2)Iωηαβ=tωα+β+2Dαβωtηα+β+2Dαβη+1)Jωηαβ, (4.5) where we set Dαβω =cosα+1(ω)sinβ+1(ω).

Proof Inserting intoIωηαβthe identitiesκ1(t)=tcos(ϕ(t)),κ2(t)=tsin(ϕ(t)), andκ˙2(t)= sin(ϕ(t))+tcos(ϕ(t))ϕ(t)˙ we get

Iωηαβ = tω


tα+β+1Dϕ(αβt)dt+ tω


tα+β+2cosα+2(ϕ(t))sinβ(ϕ(t))ϕ(˙ t)dt, and, integrating by parts in the first integral, this identity reads


tα+β+2Dαβϕ(t) α+β+2

tω tη

+ α+1 α+β+2



tα+β+2cosα(ϕ(t))sinβ+2(ϕ(t))ϕ(t˙ )dt

β+1 α+β+2



tα+β+2cosα+2(ϕ(t))sinβ(ϕ(t))ϕ(˙ t)dt +




Grouping the trigonometric terms and then performing the change of variableϕ(t)=ϑ, we get



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