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43075-01 Probabilistic Shape Modelling


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43075-01 Probabilistic Shape Modelling Exercise 1 Spring 2019

43075-01 Probabilistic Shape Modelling

Lecturers Assistants

Dr. Marcel L¨uthihmarcel.luethi@unibas.chi Dr. Ghazi Bouabenehghazi.bouabene@unibas.chi

Introduction 02. April 2019 Deadline 16. April 2019


The goal in this project is to complete the femur project, as described in the online course, Step 6.8. More precisely, you will build a femur model from a number of example datasets. The goal is to use this model to compute a reconstruction (completion) of a set of femur bones with missing parts.

Your tasks

Please follow the detailed instructions given in Step 6.8 on FutureLearn:



To submit your solution, please upload a zip file containing the following items to courses1:

• Data resulting from your work (i.e. the bone reconstructions, your model, ...)

• The Scala source code of your solution

• A short report (approximately 4 pages)

Our main source for grading your work will be the report. Please make sure that it is well written and clearly explains your methods and also discusses the results you obtained. (Please refer to the slides ”introduction to exercises / course project” for more information how to structure the report.


The same project is organized as a challenge, with international participation. We encourage you to participate in this challenge and compete with international researchers and former students of this course. To participate, simply upload your results to the SMIR for evaluation, as described in Step 6.8.

1External students, can also submit by e-mail (to ghazi.bouabene@unibas.ch)




Once your SMIR account is created, you can proceed to downloading the femur data, by following the instructions in step 5.11.. ”Femur project: data download

The goal in this project is to complete the femur project, as described in the online course, Step 6.8.. More precisely, you will build a femur model from a number of example

Statistical Shape model: A probability distribution of shapes, learned from example data.. Statistical

Once your SMIR account created, you can proceed to downloading the femur data and rigidly align it to the reference, by following the instructions in step 5.11: ”Femur project:

Evaluation: Before designing your Gaussian process, think about properties of the model, which allow you to decide whether your model is a good model of the femur shape or

In this hybrid form of data sharing, primary researchers and secondary analysts simultaneously use and re-use qualitative data thereby conserving the intersubjective nature of

• Global (static) data: The loader allocates a global data area (64 KB) and loads its address into register EDI. The first 8 bytes of the global data area hold the address- es of