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Wochenplan  6,  Thema:  Practice,  practice,  practice


Academic year: 2021

Aktie "Wochenplan  6,  Thema:  Practice,  practice,  practice"


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                                   Wochenplan  6,  Thema:  Practice,  practice,  practice    



Liebe 7c,

diese kürzere Woche werdet ihr vor allem digital arbeiten. Unter der euch schon bekannten Website https://padlet.com/stangeelisa/hr13ubkveyal (Passwort müsstet ihr haben, ansonsten bitte nochmal bei mir melden), stehen euch diverse Aufgaben zum Üben zur Verfügung. Bitte beachtet die jeweiligen Datumsangaben und wann ihr alles erledigen sollt. Wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, oder ihr das Padlet aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht nutzen wollt, schreibt mir bitte eine E-Mail, dann habe ich eine Alternative zum Arbeiten mit dem Padlet vorbereitet.

Alles Gute, Miss Stange Monday

27th April 2020 Aufgaben erledigt 

Ich fand es:


1. Hello. How are you this week? Please go to

https://padlet.com/stangeelisa/hr13ubkveyal and listen to the first listening comprehension

2. Please practice the simple past. Find the simple past forms and write the table into your homeschooling folder.

infinitive simple past infinitive simple past

can shower

awake sleep

flee do

have choose

or (oder für alle, die die Tabelle am Computer ausfüllen wollen) go to https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pakpx7ada20

Freiwillig: Please go to

https://padlet.com/stangeelisa/hr13ubkveyal and Write a text about your day

Tuesday 28th April 2020 Aufgaben erledigt 

Ich fand es:


1. Hi my dears. Please make a list of alle the tenses you have already learnt.

Welche Zeitformen haben wir schon gelernt/geübt?

(kleiner Tipp: Nutzt den Grammar File im Lehrbuch)

2. Please go to https://padlet.com/stangeelisa/hr13ubkveyal and do the task mixed tenses and do the exercises there.

Wednesday 29th April 2020 Aufgaben erledigt 

Ich fand es:


1. Almost done with this week =) We start with something easy. Go to https://padlet.com/stangeelisa/hr13ubkveyal and do the vocabulary task find the opposites.

2. Now it will be a little bit more difficult but I am sure you got this! Use the padlet again and do the task conditional sentences.




Thursday 30th April 2020 Aufgaben erledigt 

Ich fand es:


1. Yes, this week`s last day! Did you already solve the riddle? I will post the solution today!.

2. Today you will write an E-mail. Go to our padlet and do the writing tasks. Please Write an e-mail about the rules at home.

3. Have a nice weekend! You did good this week. Please hang in there!

Friday 1st May 2020 Aufgaben erledigt 

Ich fand es:


Go back to bed =) It is a holiday, that means no work for you!

Have a nice day and enjoy the time with your family =)




1 The idea and framework of this PPB came from discussions held during the Liberia Peacebuilding Reconciliation Forum hosted in Monrovia, Liberia between 23 and 25 April 2014,

• There are seven essential elements : context, actors, process design and sequencing, issues for negotiation, previous ne- gotiation processes, comparative practice, and

Support initiatives that adopt a long-term approach to peacebuilding, with particular reference to approaches developed under fragility spectrums conducted by g7+ countries as

Analyses of the experiences of women involved in mediation in southern Africa demonstrate that efforts have been made to include and support the involvement of women in peace

In order to promote the provision of coordinated and decentralised security and justice services which all Liberians can access, the government is rolling out regional justice

In response to the activities of the group, the Africa Union (AU), the United States of America (USA) government and the members of the International Conference on the Great

Kontakt: Cisco Networking Academy Deutschland Kurfürstendamm 22 · D-10719 Berlin. E-mail: netacad-deutschland@cisco.com

These guidelines will provide information on various aspects of telemedicine including information on technology platforms and tools available to medical practitioners