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Quantum Mechanics 1 Lecture 5: The Harmonic Oscillator


Academic year: 2021

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Quantum Mechanics 1

Lecture 5: The Harmonic Oscillator

Massimiliano Grazzini

University of Zurich



Analytic solution

Algebraic solution

Coherent states

- Hermite polynomials

- Correspondence with classical theory

- Zero point energy


Harmonic Oscillator

The Hamiltonian of the classical harmonic oscillator with mass and

frequency is

ω m

H = p2

2m + 12 2x2 V(x)


which can be rewritten as

Corresponds to a “force”

with ω = k/m F = kx

The classical equation of motion is

mx··(t) = kx(t)

and its generic solution is

x(t) = A sin ωt + B cosωt

x(t) = C cos(ωt + c)




p(t) = mx(t) =· − mωC sin(ωt + c) T + V = 1

2 2C2 (cos2(ωt + c) + sin2(ωt + c)) = 1

2 2C2

and the energy is

··x(t) =ω2x(t)


Harmonic Oscillator

The Hamiltonian of the classical harmonic oscillator with mass and

frequency is

ω m

H = p2

2m + 12 2x2 V(x)


Since the potential is not bounded from above, there is only a discrete spectrum with

n = Enψn

The time-independent Schrödinger equation reads

− ℏ2

2m ψ(x)′′+ 1

2 2x2ψ(x) = (x)

There are two methods to solve this equation, and we will discuss them in turn

Corresponds to a “force”

with ω = k/m F = kx


Analytic solution

We start from the time-independent Schrödinger equation

− ℏ2

2m ψ′′(x) + 1

2 2x2ψ(x) = (x)

and we define the dimensionless variable

ξ = mω/x x/x0

characteristic length of the problem

x0 = mω

The equation becomes

− ℏ2


ψ′′(ξ) + 1

2 2

ξ2ψ(ξ) = (ξ) ψ′′(ξ) − ξ2ψ(ξ) + 2E

ℏω ψ(ξ) = 0

In the limit

ξ ± ∞

the term proportional to can be neglected and we get

E ψ′′(ξ) − ξ2ψ(ξ) = 0

This equation is approximately solved by

ψ(ξ) = Ae−ξ2/2 + Beξ2/2

We have to drop this term in order to obtain ψ L2[−∞,∞]


Indeed and

as is large


exp{±ξ2/2} = ± ξexp{±ξ2/2}


2 exp{±ξ2/2} = ξ2 exp{±ξ2/2} ± exp{±ξ2/2} ∼ ξ2 exp{±ξ2/2} ξ

We can then look for a solution in the form

ψ(ξ) = H(ξ)exp{−ξ2/2}

Plugging this ansatz in the differential equation we find

ψ′(ξ) = exp{−ξ2/2}(H′(ξ) − ξH(ξ))

ψ′′(ξ) = exp{−ξ2/2}((−ξ)(H′(ξ) − ξH(ξ)) + (H′′(ξ) − ξH′(ξ) − H(ξ))) H′′(ξ) − 2ξH′(ξ) + (λ − 1) H(ξ) = 0

This is the Hermite equation and can be solved by using the Frobenius method (recall MMP1 !)

H(ξ) = ξs


ckξk = c0ξs + c1ξs+1 + c2ξs+2 + . . . H′(ξ) = c0s−1 + c1(s + 1)ξs + c2(s + 2)ξs+1 + . . .

H′′(ξ) = c0s(s − 1)ξs−2 + c1(s + 1)sξs−1 + c2(s + 2)(s + 1)ξs . . . . c0 ≠ 0 s ≥ 0 λ = 2E



Plugging these expressions in the differential equation the coefficients of each power of have to vanish


c0s(s − 1)ξs−2 + c1(s + 1)sξs−1 + c2(s + 2)(s + 1)ξs . . . .

−2c0s − 2c1(s + 1)ξs+1 − 2c2(s + 2)ξs+2 + . . . . . +(λ − 1)(c0ξs + c1ξs+1 + c2ξs+2 + . . . ) = 0

s(s − 1)c0 = 0 s(s + 1)c1 = 0

(s + 1)(s + 2)c2 − (2s + 1 − λ)c0 = 0


(s + k + 2)(s + k + 1)ck+2 − (2s + 2k + 1 − λ)ck = 0


c0 0

from the first equation we must have either

s = 0


s = 1

The second equation tells us that either

s = 0


c1 = 0

or both

The third equation gives us in terms of and so on

c2 c0

Since the Hamiltonian

is invariant under the parity transformation

V(−x) = V(x)

P : x → − x

we can choose eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian with definite parity

− 2ξH′ (ξ) H′ ′ (ξ)

+(λ − 1)H (ξ) = 0


In order for the function to be well behaved at infinity the series has to terminate beyond a given

ψ(ξ) = H(ξ)exp{−ξ



This requires the condition

λ = 2s + 2k + 1

to be integer

E = ℏω (n + 1 2 )

The functions


are the Hermite polynomials encountered in MMP1

, ,


H0 = 1 H1 = 2ξ H2 = 4ξ2 − 2

They form a basis of with the



2[−∞, ∞]


n = 0,1,2....

H(ξ) = ξs



Since we have seen that or we can

consistently set all odd coefficients to zero

s = 0 s = 1 c2k+1 = 0

: even

s = 0 H(x) = c0 + c2x2 + . . . . .

: odd

s = 1 H(x) = x(c0 + c2x2 + . . . )

At large the relation between and is and it is at least as bad as for the expansion of

k exp{ξ2}

thus spoiling the boundary condition we have set

ck+2 ck ck+2/ck 2/k

ck+2/ck ∼ 2/k

This means

λ 1 = 2E


ℏω − 1 = 2n



Correspondence with classical theory

The classical motion satisfies

We can compare the quantum mechanical results with what happens for a classical oscillator

x = q0 sinωt

and the energy is

E = 1

2 2q02

We can define a classical position probability

Wclass(x)dx = dt


Where is the amount of time spent within and is the oscillation period

dt dx T T = 2π/ω

We have

dx = q0ω cos(ωt)dt= q0ω 1 (x/q0)2dt

Comparing with the definition of


we find

Wclass(x) = 1

2πq0 1 − (x/q0)2

To compare the classical and quantum results we have to compute from

q0 E

For example:

E1 = (3/2)ℏω

E10 = (21/2)ℏω

q0 = 3ℏω

2 = 3x0 q = 21ℏω = 21x



2πq0 1 − (x/q0)2 = dt T


Correspondence with classical theory

Wclass Wclass

q0/x0 q0/x0 x/x0






The classical motion is confined within the range while the quantum probability distribution, although exponentially suppressed, extends to the entire real axis

[−q0/x0, q0/x0]

In the large limit the quantum probability distribution approaches the shape of the classical distribution, despite the rapid oscillations


The classical and quantum probability distributions look quite different


Algebraic solution

We want to represent the Hamiltonian as a square of an operator: we thus define using the dimensionless variable the non-hermitian


ξ = x/x0 = mω/x

a = 1

2 (ξ + ∂ξ) = 1

2 ( x

x0 + x0x

) = ωmx + ip

2mωℏ a = ωmxip


Inverting these relations we find

x = ℏ

2ωm (a + a) p = − i ℏωm

2 (aa)

By using

[x, p] = iℏ

we find

[a, a] = 12mωℏ (ωm(−i)[x, p] + imω[p, x]) = 1

Replacing the expressions for and in the Hamiltonian we find

x p

H = − ℏωm

2 (a2 + (a)2aaaa) 1

2m + ℏ

2mω (a2 + (a)2 + aa + aa) 1

2 2

p2 x2


Algebraic solution

We want to represent the Hamiltonian as a square of an operator: we thus define using the dimensionless variable the non-hermitian


ξ = x/x0 = mω/x

a = 1

2 (ξ + ∂ξ) = 1

2 ( x

x0 + x0x

) = ωmx + ip

2mωℏ a = ωmxip


Inverting these relations we find

x = ℏ

2ωm (a + a) p = − i ℏωm

2 (aa)

By using

[x, p] = iℏ

we find

[a, a] = 12mωℏ (ωm(−i)[x, p] + imω[p, x]) = 1

Replacing the expressions for and in the Hamiltonian we find

x p

H = 1

2ℏω (aa + aa) = ℏω (aa + 12)

using [a,a] = 1


The problem is thus reduced to the one of finding the eigenvalues of the hermitian operator

N = a a

Let us denote with the eigenfunction of with eigenvalue

ψν N ν

ν = νψν

We have

ν⟨ψν|ψν = ⟨ψν|aa|ψν = |a|ψν|2 0 ν 0

The lowest possible eigenvalue is thus

ν = 0


ν = 0

from the previous equation we have

a|ψν=0 = 0

( x

x0 + x0x

) ψ0 = 0

Therefore the function fulfils the first order differential



The normalised solution of this equation is

ψ0(x) = ( πx0)−1/2 exp{ 1

2 ( x x0)


} (2)


The remaining eigenfunctions can be obtained by exploiting the commutation relations

[N, a] = aaaaaa = a [N, a] = aaaaaa = − a

which stem from

[a, a] = 1

We can use these relations to evaluate




We have

Naψν = [N, aν + aν = aψν + νaψν = (ν + 1)aψν



is an eigenvector of with eigenvalue

N ν + 1

We have

Naψν = [N, a]ψν + aNψν = aψν + νaψν = (ν 1)aψν



is an eigenvector of with eigenvalue

N ν 1

For these reasons the operators and are called raising and lowering operators

a a

We also have

|aψν|2 = ⟨ψν|aa|ψν = ⟨ψν|(aa + 1)|ψν = (ν + 1)|ψν|2

So if and

ψν ψν+1

are normalised to unity we have

aψν = ν + 1ψν+1


Analogously we can show that

ν = νψν−1

Starting from we can thus construct and infinite set of states


ψn = 1

n aψn−1 = 1

n! (a)nψ0 N

Is there anything else ?

Are there eigenstates of with non-integer eigenvalues ?


Let us suppose that there exist an eigenvector with eigenvalue with

integer and

ψν ν = n + α

n 0 < α < 1


N(anψν) = α(anψν) N(an+1ψν) = (α − 1)(an+1ψν)

But (recall Eq. ) the norm of is non-vanishing: we would then have an eigenvector of with finite norm and negative eigenvalue, contradicting the positivity of the eigenvalues shown before

(2) an+1ψν



Zero-point energy

The infinite sequence of levels has the equal spacing

postulated by Planck, which is in agreement with what one would find with the old quantum theory (recall Lecture 1)

En = ℏω(n + 1/2)

The finite value of the ground state energy is called zero-point

energy is instead a genuine characteristic of quantum mechanics and is related to the uncertainty principle, as it happens for the lowest energy level for the square well with perfectly rigid walls

E0 = ℏω/2

Classically the lowest level of the harmonic oscillator is

E = 0

To see this we compute the product


For the average values we have

⟨x⟩ = ⟨ψn|x|ψn⟩ ∼ ⟨ψn|a + a|ψn = 0

p⟩ = ⟨ψn|p|ψn⟩ ∼ ⟨ψn|aa|ψn⟩ = 0

For the position and momentum uncertainties we get


(Δx)2 = ⟨x2⟩ = ℏ

2mω ⟨ψn|a2 + aa + aa + (a)2|ψn⟩ (Δp)2 = ⟨p2⟩ = − ℏωm

2 ⟨ψn|a2aaaa + (a)2|ψn

But we have seen that

n = nψn−1


aψn = n + 1ψn+1

We find

(Δx)2 = x02(n + 1/2)


(Δp)2 = 2

x02 (n + 1/2)

recall that x0 = ℏ/


⟨ψn|aa|ψn = n + 1


⟨ψn|aa|ψn = n

And for the uncertainty product we obtain

ΔxΔp = (n + 1/2)ℏ

This expression is minimum for the ground state

ψ0(x) = ( πx0)−1/2 exp{ 1

2 ( x x0 )



The wave function is not concentrated at but it has a spacial extension

of order and a corresponding uncertainty

x0 x = 0


We can also derive a condition on the zero-point energy by using the uncertainty relation

ΔxΔp ≥ ℏ/2


⟨x⟩ = p⟩ = 0

this relation implies

⟨p2⟩⟨x2⟩ ≥ ℏ2/4


⟨E⟩ = ⟨p2

2m + 12 2⟨x2⟩ ≥ ⟨p2

2m + 12 22

4 1


Differentiating with respect to


and setting to zero we obtain


2m − 22

8 1

p22min = 0

That is

⟨p2min = mℏω


The energy then has the lower bound That is

E mℏω

4m + 12 22

4 4

mℏω = ℏω 2

The zero-point energy is the smallest energy eigenvalue

which is consistent with the uncertainty principle


Coherent states

The general solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation is (

En = ℏω(n + 1/2)

) The position expectation value vanishes for

the stationary states of the harmonic oscillator


These states, therefore, individually seem to have

nothing in common with the classical oscillatory motion

ψ(x, t) =


cnψn(x)e−iEnt/ℏ = e−iωt/2



Thus, apart from the phase factor the function is periodic with the classical period


−iωt/2 ψ(x, t) T = 2π/ω

This suggests that it might be possibile to find a solution of the Schrödinger

equation in the form of a wave packet whose center of gravity oscillates with the period of the classical motion

To construct it we look for eigenstates


of the annihilation operator


a|β⟩ = β|β⟩ β ∈ ℂ

(recall: is not hermitian !)





Expanding over the stationary states we obtain

a|β⟩ = ∑


a|ψn⟩⟨ψn|β⟩ = ∑


n |ψn−1⟩⟨ψn|β⟩ =


n + 1|ψn⟩⟨ψn+1|β⟩

send n n + 1

a|β⟩ = β





is eigenstate of


Since the above expressions for must be

equal the coefficients of


must also be equal

a|β⟩ β⟨ψn|β⟩ = n + 1 ⟨ψn+1|β⟩

It follows that

⟨ψn|β⟩ = β

n ⟨ψn−1|β⟩ = β n


n − 1 ⟨ψn−2|β⟩ . . . = βn

n! ⟨ψ0|β⟩

We can thus write

|β⟩ = ∑


|ψn⟩⟨ψn|β⟩ =


|ψn βn

n! ⟨ψ0|β⟩

Recalling that

ψn = 1

we find

n! (a)nψ0

|β⟩ = ∑ (βa)n

n! |ψ0⟩⟨ψ0|β⟩ = eβa|ψ0⟩⟨ψ0|β⟩


The normalisation of this state can be fixed as follows

⟨β|β⟩ = |⟨ψ0|β⟩|2



n!m! = |⟨ψ0|β⟩|2


|β|2n n!



= |⟨ψ0|β⟩|2e|β|2

⟨ψ0|β⟩ = e−|β|2/2


|β⟩ = e−|β|2/2 eβa|ψ0

The states that we have constructed were studied by Schrödinger already in 1926 and are called coherent states


To understand their properties, we compute the expectation values of position and momentum over these state

⟨β|x|β⟩ = ℏ

2mω⟨β|a + a|β⟩ = ℏ

2mω (β + β*)

Because |β⟩ is eigenvector of with eigenvalue a β

⟨β|p|β⟩ = i ℏmω

2 ⟨β|a a|β⟩ = − i ℏmω

2 (ββ*)

For the uncertainties we have to evaluate:

(Δx)2 = ⟨β|(x − ⟨x⟩)2|β⟩

(Δp)2 = ⟨β|(p − ⟨p⟩)2|β⟩

Relevant in optics for the representation of light waves


Proceeding as above we find

(Δx)2 = ⟨β|(x − ⟨x⟩)2|β⟩ = ℏ

2mω (Δp)2 = ⟨β|(p − ⟨p⟩)2|β⟩ = ℏmω 2 (Δx)2(Δp)2 = ℏ2/4

The coherent states are thus states characterised by a minimal uncertainty and fully identified by the complex number


The most interesting properties of coherent states, which justify their name, emerge when we consider their time evolution

A state

|β⟩ = e−|β|2/2

prepared at becomes at time



n! t = 0 t

ψβ(x, t) ∼ |β; t⟩ = e−|β|2/2



n! e−iω(n+1/2)t = e−|β|2/2−iωt/2



n! e−iωnt

= e−|β|2/2−iωt/2



n! = e−iωt/2|β(t)⟩


β(t) βe−iωt


We thus see that the time evolution of a coherent state can be expressed by the time dependence of the parameter that characterises it

that is a complex number that rotates along the circumference of modulus in the

complex plane


β(t) = βe−iωt

This implies that a coherent state remains coherent with time evolution, but it is characterised by a different


In particular, this means that its uncertainty remains constant, and equal to the minimum allowed by the uncertainty principle

We can now compute the average value of the position at time


⟨x(t)⟩ = ℏ

2mω (β(t) + β*(t))

and setting

β = |β|e

we get

= 2x0|β|cos(ωt − δ)

The expectation value of the position evolves as the classical oscillation !



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