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Chapter 1. Background Material: Group Theory


Academic year: 2021

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The aim of this chapter is to introduce formally two constructions of the theory of groups: semi-direct products and presentations of groups. Later on in the lecture we will relate semi-direct products with a 1st and a 2nd cohomology group. Presentations describe groups by generators and relations in a concise way, they will be useful when considering concrete groups, for instance in examples.


[Hum96] J. F. H��������,A course in group theory, Oxford Science Publications, The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.

[Joh90] D.L. J������,Presentations of groups, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, vol. 15, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.

1 Semi-direct Products

The semi-direct product is a construction of the theory of groups, which allows us to build new groups from old ones. It is a natural generalisation of the direct product.

Definition 1.1 (Semi-direct product)

A groupG is said to be the (internal or inner) semi-direct product of a normal subgroup N ú G by a subgroupH §G if the following conditions hold:

(a) GNH; (b) NXH “ t1u.

Notation: GN¸H. Example 1

(1) A direct product G1 ˆG2 of two groups is the semi-direct product of N :“ G1 ˆ t1u by H :“ t1u ˆG2.

(2) GS3 is the semi-direct product of NC3 “ xp1 2 3qyúS3 und HC2 “ xp1 2qy§S3. HenceS3C3¸C2.

Notice that, in particular, a semi-direct product of an abelian subgroup by an abelian subgroup need not be abelian.



(3) More generallyGS(�•3) is a semi-direct product ofNAúSbyHC2 “ xp1 2qy.

Remark 1.2

(a) If G is a semi-direct product of N byH, then the 2nd Isomorphism Theorem yields G{NHN{N–H{HXNH{t1u –H

and this gives rise to a short exact sequence

1݄N ݄G݄H ݄1

Hence a semi-direct product ofN byH is a special case of an extension ofN by H.

(b) In a semi-direct productGN¸H of N byH, the subgroup H acts by conjugation on N, namely@�PH,

θ: N ›Ñ N

fiÑ ���´1,

is an automorphism of N. In addition θ��1θ˝θ1 for every �� �1 PH, so that we have a group homomorphism

θ: H ›Ñ AutpNq

fiÑ θ.

Proposition 1.3

With the above notation, N�H andθ are sufficient to reconstruct the group law on G.

Proof : Step 1. Each PGcan be written in a unique way as��wherePN,PH: indeed by (a) and (b) of the Definition, if��11 with�� �1PN,�� �1PH, then

´11�p�1q´1PNXH“ t1u hence1 and1.

Step 2. Group law: Let1 11� �2 22 PG with1� �2PN,1� �2PH as above. Then

12 11221loooomoooon12p�´11


1q�2“ r�1θ1p�2qs ¨ r�12s

With the construction of the group law in the latter proof in mind, we now consider the problem of constructing an "external" (or outer) semi-direct product of groups.

Proposition 1.4

LetNandH be two arbitrary groups, and letθ:H ›ÑAutpNq� �fiÑθbe a group homomorphism.

SetG:“NˆH as a set. Then the binary operation


¨: ` GˆG ›Ñ G p�1� �1q�p�2� �2

fiÑ p�1� �1q ¨ p�2� �2q:“ p�1θ1p�2q� �12q

defines a group law onG. The neutral element is1G “ p1N1Hqand the inverse ofp�� �q PNˆH isp�� �q´1 “ pθ´1p�´1q� �´1q.

FurthermoreG is an internal semi-direct product of N0 :“Nˆ t1u –N byH0 :“ t1u ˆHH.

Proof : Exercise 1, Exercice Sheet 1.

Definition 1.5

In the context of Proposition 1.3 we say thatG is theexternal (or outer) semi-direct product ofN byH w.r.t. θ, and we writeGN¸θH.

Example 2

Here are a few examples of very intuitive semi-direct products of groups, which you have very prob- ably already encountered in other lectures, without knowing that they were semi-direct products:

(1) IfH acts trivially on N (i.e. θ “IdN @PH), then N¸θHNˆH. (2) Let K be a field. Then

GLpKq “SLpKq ¸ diagpλ�1� � � � �1q PGLpKq |λPKˆ(

wherediagpλ�1� � � � �1q is the diagonal matrix with (ordered) diagonal entriesλ�1� � � � �1.

(3) Let K be a field and let B:“

˚ ˚

0 ... ˚


PGLpKq +

p “ upper triangular matricesq�




0 1


PGLpKq +

p “ upper unitriangular matricesq�

T :“


1 0

0 ... λ


PGLpKq +

p “ diagonal matricesq�

Then B is a semi-direct product ofT byU.

(4) Let C “ x�yand C “ x�y (�� �PZ•1) be finite cyclic groups.

Assume moreover that PZ is such that”1 pmod �q and set θ: C ›Ñ AutpCq

fiÑ pθq, whereθ:C ›ÑC� �fiÑ. Then

qp�q “ pθq�´1p�q “ pθq�´2p�2q “� � �

since�p�q “�and”1 pmod�q. Thusq“IdC and θ is a group homomorphism. It follows that under these hypotheses there exists a semi-direct product ofC byC w.r.t. toθ.

Particular case: •1, “ 2 and “ ´1 yield the dihedral group D2� of order 2� with generators (of order�) and�(of order 2) and the relation θp�q “���´1´1.


The details of Examples (1)-(4) will be discussed during the Präsensübung on Wednesday, 11th of April.

2 Presentations of Groups

Idea: describe a group using a set of generators and a set of relations between these generators.

Examples: p1q C “ x�y “ x�| “1y 1generator: 1relation: “1 p2q D2�C¸θC2 (see Ex. 2(4)q 2generators: �� �

3relations: “1� �2 “1� ���´1´1

p3q Z“ x1Zy 1generator: 1Z

no relation (ù"free group") To begin with we examine free groups and generators.

Definition 2.1 (Free group / Universal property of free groups)

LetX be a set. A free group of basisX (orfree group onX) is a groupF containingX as a subset and satisfying the following universal property: For any group G and for any (set-theoretic) map

:X ›ÑG, there exists a unique group homomorphism˜ :F ›ÑG such that˜�|X, or in other words such that the following diagram commutes:






Moreover,|X|is called therank ofF. Proposition 2.2

IfF exists, thenF is the unique free group of basisX up to a unique isomorphism.

Proof : Assume F1 is another free group of basisX.

Let:X ãÑF be the canonical inclusion ofX inF and let1:X ãÑF1 be the canonical inclusion of X inF1.

X F1 F

1 D!˜

D! ˜1 By the universal property of Definition 2.1, there exists:

- a unique group homomorphism˜1:F ÑF1 s.t. 1˜1˝�; and - a unique group homomorphism˜:F1ÑF s.t. ˜˝1.




IdF Thenp˜�˝˜1q|X �, but obviously we also haveIdF|X �. Therefore, by uniqueness, we have˜˝˜1IdF.

A similar argument yields ˜1˝˜ IdF1, hence F and F1 are isomorphic, up to a unique isomorphism, namely˜with inverse˜1.


Proposition 2.3

IfF is a free group of basisX, then X generates F.

Proof : Let H :“ xXy be the subgroup of F generated by X, and let H :“ X ãÑ H denote the canonical inclusion ofXinH. By the universal property of Definition 2.1, there exists a unique group homomorphism

rH such that rH˝H :




ö D!rH

Therefore, lettingκ:HãÑF denote the canonical inclusion ofHinF, we have the following commutative diagram:



H κ

rH IdF


Thus by uniquenessκ˝rH IdF, implying thatrH:HÑF is injective. Thus F ImpIdFq “Impκ˝rHq “ImprHqÑH and it follows thatF H. The claim follows.

Theorem 2.4

For any setX, there exists a free groupF with basis X.

Proof : Set X :“ t�α |α PIuwhereI is a set in bijection with X, set Y :“ t�α |α PIuin bijection withX but disjoint fromX, i.e. XXY “ H, and letZ :“XYY.

Furthermore, setE:“î8

�“0Z, whereZ0 :“ tp qu(i.e. a singleton), Z1 :“Z,Z2:“ZˆZ,� � � ThenE becomes a monoid for the concatenation of sequences, that is

p�1� � � � � �q looooomooooon


¨ p�looooomooooon11� � � � � �1q


:“ p�loooooooooooomoooooooooooon1� � � � � �� �11� � � � � �1q


The law¨is clearly associative by definition, and the neutral element is the empty sequencep q PZ0. Define the followingElementary Operations on the elements ofE:

Type (1): add in a sequencep�1� � � � � �qtwo consecutive elementsα� �α and obtain p�1� � � � � �� �α� �α� ��`1� � � � � �q

Type (1bis): add in a sequencep�1� � � � � �qtwo consecutive elementsα� �α and obtain p�1� � � � � �� �α� �α� ��`1� � � � � �q

Type (2): remove from a sequencep�1� � � � � �qtwo consecutive elementsα� �α and obtain p�1� � � � � �ˇαˇα� ��`1� � � � � �q

Type (2bis): remove from a sequencep�1� � � � � �qtwo consecutive elementsα� �α and obtain p�1� � � � � �ˇαˇα� ��`1� � � � � �q

Now define an equivalence relationonE as follows:

two sequences inE are equivalent :ñ the 2nd sequence can be obtain from the 1st sequence through a succession of Elementary Operations of type (1), (1bis), (2) and (2bis).

It is indeed easily checked that this relation is:


– reflexive: simply use an empty sequence of Elementary Operations;

– symmetric: since each Elementary Operation is invertible;

– transitive: since 2 consecutive sequences of Elementary Operations is again a sequence of Elementary Operations.

Now setF :“E{ „, and writer�1� � � � � �sfor the equivalence class ofp�1� � � � � �qinF E{ „.

Claim 1: The above monoid law onE induces a monoid law on F.

The induced law onF is: r�1� � � � � �s ¨ r�11� � � � � �1s “ r�1� � � � � �� �11� � � � � �1s.

It is well-defined: ifp�1� � � � � �q „ p�1� � � � � �qandp�11� � � � � �1q „ p�11� � � � � �1q, then p�1� � � � � �q ¨ p�11� � � � � �1q “ p�1� � � � � �� �11� � � � � �1q

„ p�1� � � � � �� �11� � � � � �1q via Elementary Operations on the 1st part

„ p�1� � � � � �� �11� � � � � �1q via Elementary Operations on the 2nd part

“ p�1� � � � � �q ¨ p�11� � � � � �1q

The associativity is clear, and the neutral element isrp qs. The claim follows.

Claim 2: F endowed with the monoid law defined in Claim 1 is a group.

Inverses: the inverse of r�1� � � � � �s P F is the equivalence of the sequence class obtained from p�1� � � � � �qby reversing the order and replacing eachα withα and eachα withα. (Obvious by definition of„.)

Claim 3: F is a free group onX.

LetG be a group and :XÑGbe a map. Define

p: E Ñ G

p�1� � � � � �q fiÑ �p�1q ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨p�q, where is defined onY byp�αq:“p�α´1qfor every αPY.

Thus, ifp�1� � � � � �q „ p�1� � � � � �q, thenp�p�1� � � � � �q “pp�1� � � � � �qby definition of onY. Hence

induces a map

rp: F Ñ G

r�1� � � � � �s fiÑ p�1q ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨p�q,

By constructionp is a monoid homomorphism, therfore so isrp, but sinceF and Gare groups,rp is in fact a group homomorphism. Hence we have a commutative diagram





where:X ÑF� � fiÑ r�sis the canonical inclusion.

Finally, notice that the definition ofrp is forced if we wantrp to be a group homorphism, hence we have uniqueness ofrp, and the universal property of Definition 2.1 is satisfied.

Notation and Terminology

¨ To lighten notation, we identify r�αs P F with α, hence r�αs with α´1, and r�1� � � � � �s with

1¨ ¨ ¨ inF.

¨ A sequence p�1� � � � � �q P E with each letter (1 § § �) equal to an element α P X or

α´1 is called a word in the generators t�α | α P Iu. Each word defines an element of F via:


p�1� � � � � �qfiÑ1¨ ¨ ¨PF. By abuse of language, we then often also call 1¨ ¨ ¨PF a word.

¨ Two words are calledequivalent :ñ they define the same element of F.

¨ Ifp�1� � � � � �q PZÑE (�PZ•0), then is called thelength of the word p�1� � � � � �q.

¨ A word is said to bereducedif it has minimal length amongst all the words which are equivalent to this word.

Proposition 2.5

Every group G is isomorphic to a factor group of a free group.

Proof : Let S :“ t�α P G | α P Iu be a set of generators for G (in the worst case, take I G). Let X :“ t�α |α PIube a set in bijection withS, and let F be the free group onX. Let :X ãÑF denote the canonical inclusion.


F F{kerp˜q


���� �����

ö D!p˜

By the universal property of free groups the map : X ãÑ G� �α fiÑ α

induces a unique group homomorphism ˜ : F Ñ G such that ˜ ˝ . Clearly ˜ is surjective since the generators ofG are all Imp˜q. Therefore the 1st Isomorphism Theorem yieldsGF{kerp˜q.

We can now consider relations between the generators of groups:

Notation and Terminology

Let S :“ t�α P G | α P Iu be a set of generators for the group G, let X :“ t�α | α P Iu be in bijection with S, and letF be the free group on X.

By the previous proof,GF{N, whereN :“kerp˜�q (�α ØααN via the homomorphismp˜).

Any wordp�1� � � � � �qin theα’s which defines an element ofF inNis mapped inGto an expression of the form

1¨ ¨ ¨“1G where :“image of inG under the canonical homomorphism.

In this case, the word p�1� � � � � �q is called a relation in the groupG for the set of generators S.

Now let R:“ t�β|βPJu be a set of generators ofN as normal subgroup of F (this means thatN is generated by the set of all conjugates of R). Such a setR is called aset of defining relations ofG.

Then the ordered pair pX�Rq is called a presentationof G, and we write G “ xX |Ry “ xt�αuαPI | t�βuβPJy

The group G is said to befinitely presented if it admits a presentation G “ xX |Ry, where both

|X|�|R|†8. In this case, by abuse of notation, we also often write presentations under the form G “ x�1� � � � � �|X||1“1� � � � � �|R|“1y


Example 3

The cyclic group C “ t1� �� � � � � ��´1u of order PZ•1 generated by S :“ t�u. In this case, we have:

X “ t�u R“ t�u

F “ x�y – pC8¨q C8 ˜

ÑC� �fiÑhas a kernel generated by as a normal subgroup. ThenC “ xt�u | t�uy.

By abuse of notation, we write simplyC“ x� |yor alsoC “ x� | “1y.

Proposition 2.6 (Universal property of presentations)

Let G be a group generated by S “ t�α |α P Iu, isomorphic to a quotient of a free group F on X “ t�α |α PIuin bijection with S. Let R :“ t�β |βPJu be a set of relations inG.

Then G admits the presentation G “ xX | Ry if and only if G satisfies the following universal property:




For every group H, and for every set-theoretic map : X ݄ H such that

˜�p�βq “ 1H @ β P R, there exists a unique group homomorphism : G ›Ñ H such that ˝�, where : X ›Ñ G� �α fiÑ α, and˜ is the unique extension of to the free group F onX.

Proof : "ñ": Suppose that G “ xX | Ry. Therefore G F{N, where N is generated by R as normal subgroup. Thus the condition˜p�βq “1H @ β PR implies thatNÑkerp˜q, since

˜�p��β´1q “˜�p�qloomoon˜p�βq


˜p�q´1 1H @β PR�@PF

Therefore, by the universal property of the quotient, ˜ induces a unique group homomorphism

:G F{N Ñ H such that ˝π ˜, where π : F Ñ F{N is the canonical epimorphism.

Now, if:XÑF denotes the canonical inclusion, then π˝�, and as a consequence we have


"": Conversely, assume that G satisfies the universal property of the statement (i.e. relatively to X�FR). SetN:“R for the normal closure ofR. Then we have two group homomorphisms:

: F{N Ñ G

α fiÑ α

induced by˜ :F ÑG, and

ψ: G Ñ F{N

α fiÑ α

given by the universal property. Then clearly ˝ψp�αq “ �p�αq “ α for each α P I, so that

˝ψIdG and similarlyψ˝IdF{R. The claim follows.

Example 4

Consider the finite dihedral groupD2� of order 2� with 2§†8. We can assume that D2� is generated by

:“ rotation of angle 2π

and:“ symmetry through the origin inR2


Then x�y –CÑG,x�y –C2 and we have seen that D2�“ x�y ¸ x�y with three obvious relations

“1,2 “1, and���´1´1.

Claim: D2� admits the presentation x�� �|“1� �2 “1� ���´1´1y.

In order to prove the Claim, we let F be the free group on X :“ t�� �u, R :“ t�� �2� ���´1u, NúF be the normal subgroup generated byR, andG :“F{N so that

G“ x�� �|“1� �2 “1� � � �´1 “1y By the universal property of presentations the map

: t�� �u ›Ñ D2�



induces a group homomorphism

: G ›Ñ D2�


ބ ,

which is clearly surjective sinceD2�“ x�� �y. In order to prove that is injective, we prove that G is a group of order at most 2�. Recall that each element of G is an expression in �� �� �´1� �´1, hence actually an expression in �� �, since ´1�´1 and ´1�. Moreover, ���´1´1 implies��´1�, hence we are left with expressions of the form

with 0§§´1and 0§§1 Thus we have|G|§2�, and it follows that is an isomorphism.

Notice that if we remove the relation “1, we can also formally define aninfinite dihedral group D8 via the following presentation

D8:“ x�� �|2 “1� ���´1´1y Theorem 2.7

Let G be a group generated by two distinct elements, and �, both of order 2. Then GD2�, where 2§§8. Moreover,is the order of �� inG, and

G“ x�� � |2“1� �2“1�p��q“1y (�“ 8simply means "no relation".)

Proof : Set:“�� and letbe the order of�.

Firstly, note that 2, since 1 ñ �� 1 ñ ´1 as 2 1. Secondly, we have the relation���´1 ´1, since

���´1 loomoon�p�


�q�´1��´1´1´1 “ p��q´1´1 ClearlyG can be generated byand as�� and so ��.


Now,H:“ x�y –C andH úG since

���´1´1PH and ���´1PH (or because|G:H| “2) SetC:“ x�y –C2.

Claim: RH.

Indeed, assumingPH yields “ p��q for some0§§´1. Hence 12 �p��q “ p��q�´1“ p��looomooon¨ ¨ ¨q


p��looomooon¨ ¨ ¨�q


so that conjugating by�, then�, then� � �, then, we get1�, contradicting the assumption that�p�q “2.

The claim follows.

Therefore, we have proved that GHC and HXC “ t1u, so that G H¸C D2� as seen in the previous section.

Finally, to prove thatGadmits the presentationx�� �|2 1� �21�p��q1y, we apply the universal property of presentations twice to the maps

: t�� �u Ñ x�� �|2 1� �2 1�p��q1y


fiÑ ��


: t�� �u Ñ G“ x�� �|1� �21� ���´1 1y


fiÑ �� .

This yields the existence of two group homomorphisms

:G“ x�� �|1� �21� ���´1 1yÑ x�� �|21� �2 1�p��q1y and :x�� �|21� �21�p��q1yÑG“ x�� �|1� �21� ���´1 1y such that�� Idand��Id. (Here you should check the details for yourself!)



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