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A new approach to Lipschitz spaces of periodic integrable functions


Academic year: 2022

Aktie "A new approach to Lipschitz spaces of periodic integrable functions"


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Miguel A. Jimenez

Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Abstract:

The usual de nition of Lipschitz subspaces ofLp2 ,1 p <1 is modi ed in order to obtain homogeneous Banach spaces and a Hilbert space for p = 2: In the latter case it is shown that the trigonometric system is an orthogonal basis.

1. Introduction

To introduce the Lipschitz spaces we have restricted ourselves to the linear space F2 , of all real Lebesgue measurable 2;periodic functions dened on the real space IR with the usual identication of points modulo 2:

The continuous functions in F2 , form a particular space denoted by C2 , which becomes a Banach space under the sup-normkk1: This is also the space of all continuous real functions on the interval 02 equipped with the metric (1:1) 8xy202 d(xy) := minfjx;yj2;jx;yjg:

The other well known Banach spaces Lp2 , 1 p < 1, consist of all functions f for which

Partially supported by CONACyT project 3749P-E9608 and SNI, Mexico and DAAD grant A-98-0265, Germany


Key words: Homogeneous Banach space, Lipschitz (or Holder) space, Fourier series, best approximation.



(1:2) kfkp := 1 2R


jf (x)jpdx

! 1p


Here, as usual, two functions that are equal a.e. (i.e. equally Lebesgue almost everywhere) are identied.

For a function f, we denote

(1:3) 4t(fx) := f (x + t);f (x) t > 0

and for 0 < 1 1 p 1 , the Lipschitz space Lipp is the class of all functions f 2Lp2 , if 1 p <1 or f 2C2 if p = 1 such that

(1:4) 'p(f) := supnt;k4t(fx)kp :t > 0o<1:

For > 1 and each p1, the only functions that (1:4) holds for are constant.

Since Lipp is a linear space and 'p is a semi-norm, a natural norm on Lipp

is usually given by

(1:5) kfkp :=kfkp+ 'p(f):

Then one proves that Lipp is a Banach space.

Now, let us denote by Tn the nite dimensional linear space of all trigono- metric polynomials of degree n

(1:6) Tn(x) := a20 +Pnk=1(akcoskx + bksinkx):

For any Banach space B such that nTn B F2 we denote the best approximation off 2B to Tn in the norm ofB, by

(1:7) En(f) := En(fB) := inf fkf;TnkB :Tn2Tng:

In the above frame, withk:kB =k:kp 1 p 1 a series of typical problems in Approximation Theory have been well studied for functions in Lipp and, at present, they form an important part of the basis of Approximation Theory. Here we only quote the representative advanced books 2], 4], 6], 7].

When k:kB=k:kp , the main trouble is that translations are not continuous operators with respect to the parameter. To explain this situation and for further use let us recall (c. f. 10] and 14] for instance) that a Banach space B L12 is homogeneous if there exits a constant C > 0 such that kfk1 CkfkB for every f 2B and if the following two conditions concerning translations are satised



(H1) f 2B and h2R imply f (x + h)2B and kf(x + h)kB =kf(x)kB (H2) f 2B, hh0 2R and h !h0 imply kf(x + h);f(x + h0)kB ;!0.

Many good properties of approximation by Fourier series have been proved for homogeneous Banach spaces. However, Lipp are not homogeneous because they do not satisfy (H2) and this is no good news. In particular, the sequence En(fLipp) does not always converge to zero.

With this bad property at hands, the researches have been organized follow- ing several directions. We only quote here a few representative papers which together with the already mentioned books, give an idea of the State-of-the-Art in a neighbourhood of our subject (c.f. 1], 3], 5], 8], 9], 11], 12], 13]).

However, we will see in this paper that an appropiate modication of the denition of Lipschitz spaces for 1 p < 1 , provides us homogeneous Banach spaces. Moreover, for p = 2 the corresponding version leads to a Hilbert space where the trigonometric system

(1:8) 12 cos(x)sin(x)cos(kx)sin(kx) is orthogonal and complete.

Then several questions on Fourier series and on best approximation by trigono- metric polynomials in these spaces could be viewed in a frame similar to this one in Lp2 spaces. This is the goal of the paper.

I am indebted to my colleague Jorge Bustamante, who has supported me with valuable advice.

2. The spaces B

p1 p <1

Our rst objective is to extend the functiond on 012, given by (1:1), to the whole plane. We dene

(2:1) 8xy202, 8jk 2ZZ, d(x + 2jy + 2k) = d(xy).

It is easy to prove the following result which is a corner stone for our purposes:

Proposition 1

The function d is a pseudometric that is 2;periodic in each of its two variables and translation invariant, i.e.



(2:2) 8xyh2IR, d(x + hy + h) = d(xy):

In the following we assume that > 0 is xed and denote byF(2 )2 the space of all real Lebesgue measurable functions on IR2 that are 2;periodic in each variable. We dene the translation operator on F(2 )m m = 12 by

(2:3) (Thf)(x) = f(x+h) and (Thf)(xy) = f(x+hy +h), h 2IR respectively. Then Th denotes two dierent linear operators.

We introduce the operator F : F2 ;!F(2 )2 by

(2:4) (Ff)(xy) = f(dx();xyf)(y) x6=y mod (2) (or 0 ifx = y mod (2)) A simple but important remark is that F is linear and antisymmetric. This property means that

(2:5) 8xy2IR, 8f 2F2 , (Ff)(xy) =;(Ff)(yx)

Proposition 2

The operators Th and F commute in the following sense:

(2:6) 8f 2F2 , 8xyh2IR, F(Thf)(xy) = Th(Ff)(xy).


We use proposition 1. For x6=y mod (2)

F(Thf)(xy) = Thf(dx();xyT)hf(y) = f(dx(+x+h);hyf+(hy+)h) =Th(Ff)(xy) LetLp(2 )2 be the Banach spaces of functions f2F(2 )2 for which (2:7) kfkp := 12 2R

0 2



jf (xy)jpdxdy


p <1 1 p < 1

Denition 1

Fix 1 p <1and > 0:The spaceBp is the class of all functions f 2Lp2 for which Ff 2Lp(2 )2:

Clearly,kF(:)kp is a semi-norm onBp: Then Bp is a normed space with 4


(2:8) kfkp :=kfkpp+kF(f)kpp1=p:

We will prove in Remark 1 after formula (2:23) that \>1Bp is reduced to constant functions for every 1 p < 1. This is the only reason for which we restrict ourselves to the bound 1.

Theorem 1

For every 1 p <1 and0< 1the spaceBp is a homogeneous Banach Space.


We begin with the proof that the space is complete.

Let (fn) be a Cauchy sequence inBp: In particular, (fn) is a Cauchy sequence in Lp2 : Then there exists f 2Lp2 such that

(2:9) kfn;fkp ;!0, if n ;!1. We need to prove that f 2Bp and that

(2:10) kF(fn;f)kp ;!0 if n ;!1.

Since f 2 Lp2 and kFfkp kF(fn;f)kp+ kFfnkp the assertion that f 2Bp automatically follows from (2:10):

To prove this last property, observe that (Ffn) is also a Cauchy sequence in Lp(2 )2: Then there is a g 2Lp(2 )2 such that

(2:11) kFfn;gkp ;!0, if n;!1:

On the other handkF(fn;f)kp =kFfn;Ffkp: So we only have to prove that

(2:12) Ff = g a.e.

By (2:9), there exists a subsequence (fnj) converging to f a.e. on 02 and by (2:11), another sub-sequence (Ffnjk) converges to g a.e. on 022: Then (2:12) holds.

To prove the properties (H1) and (H2) inBp, we will utilize the fact that both of them are satised in Lp(2 )m m = 12, as well as proposition 2. Let f 2Bp be given and h > 0: Then



kThfkpp= kThfkpp+kF(Thf)kpp =kThfkpp+kTh(Ff)kpp

=kfkpp+kFfkpp =kfkpp

So (H1) holds inBp. Further, it is enough to consider the caseh0 = 0 in (H2):

kThf;fkpp =kThf;fkpp+kF(Thf ;f)kpp =kThf ;fkpp+kTh(Ff);Ffkpp that converges to 0 if h tends to 0.

Corollary 1

For each f 2Bp and each summability kernel of 2;periodic con- tinuous functions (Kn) in L12 , one has

(2:13) kKnf ;fkp ;!0, if n;!1. In particular, the Fejer's sums of the Fourier series (2:14) a20 +P1n=1(ancosnx + bnsinnx) of f where

(2:15) an:= 1 2R


f(t)cosnt dt and bn := 1 2R


f(t)sinnt dt n = 012 converge tof in the normkkpand the trigonometric polynomials are everywhere dense in Bp:


See paragraph 2, Chapter 1, of 10], that also includes the denition of summability kernels.

Now one might wish to simplify the double integrals that appear in our ap- proach. We dene the domains:

D : = 022

D1 : = f(xy)2D : 0 x and x + y 2g D2 : = f(xy)2D : 0 x 2 and x y x + g D3 : = f(xy)2D : (yx)2D2g

D4 : = f(xy)2D : (yx)2D1g

D5 : = f(xy)2R2 : x 2 and 2 y x + g Then, for everyf 2L1(D) = L1(2 )2 we have



(2:16) RD f =iP4

=0 R


and using (2:5), for g = jFfjp if f 2 Bp or g = Fu Fv if u 2 Bp and v 2Bq 0 < 1, 1=p + 1=q = 1 :

(2:17) RD2D3 g = 2RDi g, i = 23 (2:18) RD1D4 g = 2RDi g, i = 14

Now, sinceg is 2;periodic in each variable, it follows from (2:16;17;18) that

(2:19) RD g = 2RD2D5g.

With techniques of Measure Theory, one can write

(2:20) RD2D5f =R0 hR02 f (xx + t)dxi dt for f 2L1(D2D5).

Then, from (2:19;20), we rediscover the most familiar formulas (2:21) 2R

0 2



jFf (xy)pjdx dy = 2R0 R02 f(x);tf(x+t)pdxdt (2:22) 2R

0 2



Fu(xy)Fv (xy)dxdy = 2R

0 2




t + dxdt

if u2Bp ,v 2Bq 0 < 1 < pq <1 and 1=p + 1=q = 1 Finally we also has

(2:23) hRD =RD2D3 =RD1D4iFf = 0, for f 2B1

Remark 1

The equation (2:21) above shows that Bp is not necessarily reduced to constant functions when > 1: In fact, from this equality and under the optimal assumption on f that there exists a constant C := C(f) > 0 such that j4t(fx)j C t for every t > 0 we deduce that Ff 2 Lp(2 )2 whenever < (p + 1)=p. However, since (p + 1)=p ;! 1 if p tends to 1 , we have that 1 represents the common case for every 1 p < 1: In other words, if f is not a constant function and > 1 , then there exists p <1 such that f =2Bp:



Proposition 3

For every 0 < 1 and 1 p < 1, the classical Lipschitz spaces Lipp de ned in Section 1 are continuously embedded in Bp by the identity operator.


For any positive nite measure space (X ) and 1 p < 1 there exits a constant C := Cp > 0 such that k:kp Ck:k1: On the other hand, the semi-norm'p in (1:4) could be equivalently dened with 0 < t (see Sec. 4.1 of 2]). Then, the proposition follows from (2:22):

Proposition 4

For every 0< 1 and 1< p < 1 the spaces Bp are strictly convex.


Let fg2Bp be such that kfkp =kgkp = 1. It follows that

kf + gkp =kf + gkpp +kF(f) + F(g)kpp1=p

kfkp +kgkpp+ kFfkp+kFgkpp1=p

kfkpp +kF(f)kpp1p +kgkpp+kF(g)kpp1=p= 2:

Then kf + gkp = 2 is possible only iff = g a. e.

As a consequence we have the non-trivial result:

Corollary 2

For every f 2Bp , 0< 1 , 1< p < 1 andn = 12:: there is a unique polynomial of best approximation of f to Tn in Bp.

3. The Hilbert Space B

In this section we usually write B instead of B2: We shall prove that the trigonometric system is an orthogonal basis of this space. In fact, one easily proves:

Proposition 5

The bilinear functional

(3:1) (f jg) := (f j g)L22 + (Ff jFg)L2

(2)2 fg 2B 8


is an inner product whose associated norm kfk = (f jg)12 is equal to kfk2: Here

(f jg)L22 = 1 R02 f(x)g(x)dx (Ff jFg)L2

(2)2 = 12 R02 R02 Ff(xy)Fg(xy)dxdy:

Then the general results of Hilbert spaces hold inB:

Theorem 2

The trigonometric system (1:8) is an orthogonal basis of B whose elements have the norms:

(3:2) 12 = 1 , kcos(kx)k2 =ksin(kx)k2 =N(k)2 = 1 + 4 R0 1;cos(t2 mt)dt for k = 12


The trigonometric system is a set of B whose nite linear combinations (i. e. the trigonometric polynomials) are everywhere dense in B as we stated in Corollary 4. In order to prove that is an orthogonal basis, we only need to check the orthogonality condition. But this, as well as (3.2), are straightforward tasks accomplished by means of (2.21-22) and using that (1.8) is an orthonormal basis in L22 :

I have not found any reference to the following striking result. Then the proof is given here:

Theorem 3

Let H be any Hilbert space, with inner product (j)H and norm

k:kH . Let F be a linear subspace of H that becomes a Hilbert space under the inner product (j)F and such that k:kH k:kF on F. If fuj :j = 12::g is an orthonormal basis of H that simultaneously is an orthogonal basis of F then for every f 2F, the Fourier series of f are formally equal for both spaces.


Put Cj := kujkF. Since the Fourier series Pj

f j CujjF Cujj converges to f ink:kF , it also converges to f in H due to the hypothesis on the norms. Then (f juj)H = C12j (f juj)F for j = 12:::



Corollary 3

For every f 2B , the Fourier series of f in this space is given by (3:3) f(x) = a20 +P1n=1 (an cos(nx) + bnsin (nx))

where an and bn , n = 0,1,2, are calculated in the usual form remembered in (2:15) !

Then a function

f (x) = A2o +P1n=1(Ancos(nx) + Bnsin(nx))2L22 is in B if and only if




Combine the last two theorems .

Corollary 4

For every f 2B and n = 12:: the polynomials of best approxi- mation of f to Tn in B are the partial sums of the Fourier series of f given by (3:3) and

En(fB)2 =k P1



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Author's Address:

Apartado Postal J-27 Colonia San Manuel Puebla 72571, Pue., Mexico e. mail: mjimenez@fcfm.buap.mx

fax: (22) 33 24 03




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