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Geometry of the Stable Ruled Surface Over an Elliptic Curve


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Geometry of the Stable Ruled Surface Over an Elliptic Curve

Arame Diaw1

Received: 28 February 2019 / Accepted: 17 July 2020 / Published online: 3 August 2020

© The Author(s) 2020


We consider the stable ruled surfaceS1over an elliptic curve. There is a unique foliation onS1transverse to the fibration. The minimal self-intersection sections also define a 2-web. We prove that the 4-web defined by the fibration, the foliation and the 2-web is locally parallelizable.

Keywords Elliptic curve·Ruled surface·Riccati foliation and Singular web


1 Introduction . . . 645

2 Preliminaries . . . 646

2.1 Some Properties on An Elliptic Curve . . . 646

2.2 Ruled Surface Over An Elliptic Curve . . . 647

3 Geometry of the Ruled SurfaceS1 . . . 650

3.1 Study of Special Leaves of the Riccati FoliationR. . . 653

3.2 The Geometry of the 4-WebW . . . 654

4 Geometry of 4-WebWAfter Elementary Transformations . . . 655

4.1 The Riccati Foliation onS1After Elementary Transformations . . . 657

4.2 The 2-Web After Elementary Transformations . . . 658

4.3 Geometry of the 4-webW4 . . . 660

References. . . 662

1 Introduction

LetC be an elliptic curve on C. In 1955, Atiyah proved in Atiyah (1955) that, up to isomorphism, there are only two indecomposable ruled surfaces overC: the semi- stable ruled surfaceS0Cand the stable ruled surfaceS1C. In this article, we

A. Diaw: supported by ANR-16-CE40-0008 Project “Foliage”.


Arame Diaw


1 Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRMAR - UMR 6625, 35000 Rennes, France


study the geometry of the stable ruled surface. In fact, the surfaceS1can be seen as the suspension overC of the unique representation onto the dihedral group<z,1

z >

(see Loray and Pérez2009, p. 23). Thus, we have a Riccati foliationRonS1such that the generic leaf is a cover of degree 4 overCand it is the unique foliation transverse to the fibration. On the other hand, the holomorphic sectionσ:CS1have self- intersectionσ.σ ≥1 and those having exactlyσ.σ =1 form a singular holomorphic 2-webW. Finally, taking into account the fibration we have a singular holomorphic 4-web onS1. The aim of this article is to study the geometry of this 4-web composed by the Riccati foliation, the 2-webWand theP1-fibrationπ: S1C.

Our first result is the following:

Proposition 1.1 The discriminantof the2-webWdefined by the+1self-intersection sections on S1is a leaf of the foliationR.

Using the isomorphism between the curveCand its jacobian, we have the main result :

Theorem 1.2 There exists a double coverϕ:C ×CS1ramified onon which the lifted4-webWis parallelizable.

Firstly, we show these results using only the properties of an elliptic curve and its jacobian and after we use the theory of birational geometry to illustrate our results with computations on a trivializationS1C×P1.

This paper is part of my thesis work under the direction of Frank Loray and Frédéric Touzet.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Some Properties on An Elliptic Curve LetC =

(x,y)∈C2,y2=x(x−1) (xt)

∪ {p},wheret ∈ C\ {0,1}be an elliptic curve. The set of points ofCforms an abelian group withpas the 0 element and the pointspi =(i,0)wherei =0,1,t,are the points of order 2 onC.Note that the map

I:CC (x,y)(x,y)

is an automorphism ofCwhich fixes the points of order 2: it is the standard involution of the curveC.

If we denoteJ ac(C), the jacobian ofC, we have:

Lemma 2.1 There exists a group isomorphism between C and its jacobian defined by this following map:

C −→ J ac(C) p −→ [p] − [p]


From now on, we will use this isomorphism between the additive group structure of (C,p)and the group structure of its jacobian.

2.2 Ruled Surface Over An Elliptic Curve LetCbe a smooth curve onC.

Definition 2.2 A ruled surface overCis a holomorphic map of two dimensional com- plex varietySonto: SCwhich makesSaP1-fibration overC.

Example 2.3 The fiber bundle associated to a vector bundle of rank 2 overCis a ruled surface. We denote itP(E).

Conversely, we have the following theorem whose detailed proof is in Hartshorne (1977):

Theorem 2.4 Letπ:SC be a ruled surface over C:

1. there exists a vector bundle E of rank2over C such that S=P(E);

2. there exists a section, i.e. a mapσ:CS such thatπσ =i d;

3. P(E)∼=P(E)if and only if there is a holomorphic line bundle L over C such that E∼=EL.

Definition 2.5 A ruled surfaceP(E)is decomposable if it has two disjoint sections.

The following Lemma whose proof is in (Maruyama1970, p. 16) shows the rela- tionship between the ruled surfaceS =P(E)and the vector bundleE.

Lemma 2.6 There exists a one-to-one correspondance between the line subbundles of E and the sections of S. Futhermore, ifσL is the section related to the line subbundle L then:

σLL =degE−2 degL wheredegE is the degree of the determinant bundle of E.

Notation 2.7 We recall that the notation σLL means the self-intersection of the sectionσL.

Remark 2.8 By Lemma2.6,P(E)is decomposable if and only ifEis decomposable, i.e.E =L1L2for line subbundlesLi E.

Considerκ =min{σ.σ, σ:CS/πσ =i d}. This number only depends on the ruled surfaceS=P(E). Indeed, it does not change when we replaceEbyELfor a line bundleLonC.

Definition 2.9 The ruled surfaceP(E)is stable ifκ >0.

Definition 2.10 A minimal section of S is a sectionσ:CS such that the self- intersection is minimal. That is to say,σ.σ =κ.


Using Lemma2.6, we notice that a minimal section corresponds to a line subbundle ofE with maximal degree. Thus, the invariantκcan be written as:

κ =deg(E)−2 max


Now, we are interested in indecomposable ruled surfaces over an elliptic curve. Let OC(p)be the line bundle related to the divisor [p].There are unique nontrivial extensions of invertible sheaves:

0 OC E0 OC 0


0 OC E1 OC(p) 0

Recall the following theorem of Atiyah as proved in (Atiyah1955, Th. 6.1):

Theorem 2.11 Up to isomorphism, the unique indecomposable ruled surfaces over C are S0=P(E0)and S1=P(E1).

Remark 2.12 Equivalenty, any indecomposable vector bundleEof rank 2 onCtakes the formE =EiL, fori =0,1 andL a line bundle.

As our aim in this paper is the study of the ruled surfaceS1, we will show firstly some important properties ofE1.

Lemma 2.13 The maximal degree of line subbundles of E1is zero.

Proof LetL be a subbundle ofE1andM the quotient line bundleE1/L. This gives us the following short exact sequence

0 L E1 M 0

which corresponds to an element inE xt1(M,L)H1(M1L). Since the vector bundleE1is indecomposable, this sequence cannot split and henceH1(M1⊗L)=0.

By Serre duality, this implies thatH0(ML1)=0 and then deg


≥0, i.e. degM −degL ≥ 0.Now from the short exact sequence above we deduce that degE1=degM+degL.Hence, we obtain degE1−2 degL ≥0 and then deg(L)≤0 because deg(E1)=1. Since the trivial line bundleOCis a line subbundle ofE1, we

have the result.

Remark 2.14 By this Lemma, we can deduce that the ruled surfaceS1is stable. More precisely, up to isomorphism, it is the unique stable ruled surface over an elliptic curve.

If we consider maxE1 = {LE1,degL=0}the set of line subbundles ofE1having maximal degree, we have:


Lemma 2.15 There is a bijection between the jacobian of C and the setmaxE1defined by:

M:maxE1 −→ J ac(C) L −→ [L]

To prove this Lemma, we have to use a key lemma of Maruyama in (Maruyama1970, p. 8):

Lemma 2.16 Let E be a vector bundle of rank2over a curve. If L1and L2are distinct maximal line subbundles of E such that L1and L2are isomorphic, then E=L1L2. Now, we can prove Lemma2.15:

Proof • LetL1andL2be two elements in maxE1 such thatL1∼=L2. We have two possibilities: eitherL1=L2or they are both distinct. According to Lemma2.16, the last case cannot occur becauseE1is not decomposable. Thus, the mapM is injective.

• LetLJ ac(C)be a line bundle distinct from the trivial bundle. If we apply the functorH om(L,−−)to the exact sequence

0 OC

f E1

g OC(p) 0

and we use Riemann Roch’s theorem, we obtain dimH om(L,E1) =1. There exists a non zero morphismτ: LE1.Thus, if we denoteDthe effective divisor of zeros ofτthenL⊗OC(D)is a line subbundle ofE1. Since deg(L)=0,Dis a effective divisor of zero degree, that is to sayOC(D)=OC. Hence,Lis a line subbundle ofE1.

Remark 2.17 The minimal sections of S1have self-intersection equal to 1 and they are parametrised by the jacobian which is isomorphic toC. For any pointC, we denoteσ the minimal section corresponding via Lemma2.15to the subbundle isomorphic toOC([ ] − [p]).

In the sequel, we use the equivalence between line bundles and divisors on C (Fig.1).

Lemma 2.18 Letσ andσ be two minimal sections of the ruled surface S1. If we set P :=σ ,the intersection point ofσ andσ,we have:

π (P)= − −

whereπ: S1C is the projection map and the signis the inverse of the law group of C.

Proof LetL =OC([ ] − [p])andL =OC

[ ] − [p]

be the subbundles of E1associated with sectionsσ andσ respectively. Using the fact that S1 =P(E1) we have for everyxC, σ (x)andσ (x)are respectively the projectivisation of the


Fig. 1 Intersection of two minimal sections onS1

lines(L )xand(L )x. Thus, ifP:=σ is the intersection point ofσ andσthen the projectionπ (P)is a point on which the line bundlesL andL are colinear. Using the short exact sequences defined by these two line subbundles ofE1,we can see that π (P)is a zero of a global section of the line bundleI :=det(E1)L1L1.As I is a divisor of degree 1,then we can deduce that the divisorI is equivalent to the divisor[π (P)].By definition of the law group ofCthe divisorI ∼3[p]−[ ]−[ ] is equivalent to the divisor[− − ]. Hence, we have[π (P)] ∼ [− ]and then

π (P)= − − .

Remark 2.19 Let Q be a point ofS1belonging to the fiberπ1(p). If the minimal sectionσ passes through the pointQ, then the unique other minimal section passing through the same pointQis the sectionσp. They might be the same for someQ.

We also have the following theorem proved by André Weil in Weil (1995):

Theorem 2.20 A holomorphic vector bundle on a compact Riemann surface is flat if and only if it is the direct sum of indecomposable vector bundles of degree0.

By this theorem, the bundleE1is not flat because degE1=1.However what can we say about its associated ruled surface? The answer of this question is given by Frank Loray and David Marin in Loray and Pérez (2009).

Theorem 2.21 The ruled surface S1has a Riccati foliationRwith irreducible mon- odromy group<−z,1

z >.

Remark 2.22 The generic leaf of the foliationRis a degree 4 cover ofC and three special leaves are covers of degree 2.

3 Geometry of the Ruled SurfaceS1

Letπ: S1Cbe the stable ruled surface overCand let AutC(S1)be the group of automorphisms of the fibration over the identity ofC.In the sequel, unless otherwise specified by automorphism group ofS1we mean the groupAutC(S1) .

Proposition 3.1 The automorphism group of S1is a group of order4which is isomor- phic to the2-torsion group in C.


Proof Letψ: S1S1be a non trivial automorphism ofS1. Since the self-intersection is invariant by automorphism,ψpreserves the set of+1 self-intersection sections on S1. More precisely, for any ∈ C, there exists a unique pointrC such that ψ (σ )=σr . The automorphismψinduces an automorphismψofCsuch that for any point ∈Cwe haveψ ( ) =r . If we defineCas the complex torusC/Z+τZ, we can write for anyz∈C,ψ

ˆ z

=aˆz+b, wherea,b∈Canda(Z+τZ)=Z+τZ.

If we assume this automorphism has a fix point 0,then by definition we have ψ


= σ0. Hence, using the Lemma 2.18, we obtain that for any pC, ψ


= σp0. For any fiber, the automorphismψ is Moebius map which fixes at least three points: it is the trivial automorphism, which does not make sense by hypothesis.

Therefore, the automorphismψhas no fixed points, it is a translation likeψ ˆ z

= ˆ

z+b. As by definition we have:ψ

−p− ˆz

= −pψ(ˆz), the pointbis a point of order 2 ofC.

Conversely, for any point pi of order 2 onCwe can define an automorphismi

onS1such that for any point pC,i restricts to the fiberπ1(p)as the unique Moebius map which associates the points of the sectionsp, σp0, σp1, σpt)to the points of the sectionsp+pi, σp0+pi, σp1+pi, σpt+pi)respectively. It is defined by:

i:S1 −→S1

P =σ (p)−→P=σ +pi(p)

There exists a one-to-one correspondance between the automorphisms of the fiber bundleS1and the points of order 2 inCwhich preserves the group structure. Hence we have :

AutC(S1)= {0, 1, t, =I d}

Remark 3.2 If we consider the bijection: → σ between the curveC and the minimal sections, we can see the set of minimal sections as a riemann surface in such a way that the applicationis holomorphic. Hence we can deduce that the application ψ=1ψ is holomorphic.

Proposition 3.3 The automorphism group of S1preserves the foliationR.

Proof Using the fact that the fundamental group ofCis abelian, we can see that the restriction of the projection π: S1C to a generic leaf F of the Riccati foliationRis a galois covering whose deck transformation group is the restriction of AutC(S1)toF. Hence the group AutC(S1)preserves the Riccati foliation onS1. Corollary 3.4 The Riccati foliationR is the unique regular Riccati foliation on the ruled surface S1.

Proof LetF1be a smooth Riccati foliation onS1. As its monodromy group is an abelian subgroup ofP G L(C,2), we have three possibilities for its monodromy representation :


• If the conjugacy class of the monodromy is the linear class defined by the group az,bz,there exists two disjoint invariant sections of S1. HenceS1is a ruled surface related to the direct sum of two line bundles overC. It does not make sense becauseS1is indecomposable.

• If the conjugacy class of the monodromy is the euclidian class defined by the group z+1,z+s, there exists an invariant section on S1 with zero self-intersection. In fact by the theorem of Camacho Sad (see Camacho and Neto1985), any invariant curve of regular foliation has a zero self-intersection.

This monodromy representation does not make sense in S1 because we have min{σ.σ, σ:CS1σ =i d} =1.

The only remaining possibility is that the monodromy has image the group<−z,1 z >.

Thus, the foliationF1is conjugated toRby an element in AutC(S1). As this auto- morphism group of the fibrationS1preserves the foliationR, we haveR=F1. Lemma 3.5 With the identification J ac(C)C given by Lemma2.1and the notation considered in Remark2.17we have: There exists a ramified double cover of the ruled surface S1defined by the map :

ϕ:C×J ac(C)−→ S1

(p, ) −→P =σ (p) such that its involution is defined by :

i:C×J ac(C)−→C×J ac(C) (p, ) −→(p,−p− )

Proof According to Lemma 2.18, three minimal sections cannot meet at the same point, then we deduce that for anypC, the morphism

ϕp: J ac(C)−→π1(p)

−→ σ (p)

is not constant: it is a ramified cover between Riemann surfaces. Futhermore, by Remark2.19, we know that at most two minimal sections can pass through a given

point, then the mapϕis a ramified double cover.

The immediate consequence of this Lemma is the following :

Theorem 3.6 There exists a irreducible singular holomorphic2-webWon S1defined by the minimal sections whose discriminantis a leaf of the foliationR.

Remark 3.7 The 2-webWdefined by minimal sections cannot be decomposed because there exists a unique smooth Riccati foliation onS1.

Proof By Lemma 3.5, for any point Pπ1(p)there exists a minimal section σ passing through this point. Likewise, by Lemma2.18, unless they are equal, the


minimal sectionσpintersects transversally the minimal sectionσ at the pointP. As the sectionsσ andσpare distinct if and only if 2 = −p, we deduce that there exists a singular holomorphic 2-web onS1such that its discriminant is defined by :

= ∪pC

Pπ1(p) /P=σ (p), 2 = −p In order to prove thatis a leaf of the Riccati, we need the following :

Lemma 3.8 There exists a linear foliationFon C×J ac(C)such thatϕF=R.

Proof Assume thatC×J ac(C)(C/Z+τZ)×(C/Z+τZ).If we consider the linear foliationF:=dx+2dyonCx ×Cy, thenFis invariant by the action of the latticeZ+τZ. Thus we can project the foliationFto a foliation,FonC×J ac(C) such that the monodromy is defined by :


ξ:−→ Aut(C) λ−→

pp−1 2λ whereis the latticeZ+τZ.

The foliationFis transverse to the first projection onC×J ac(C)with a mon- odromy group isomorphic to the group of points of order 2{p,p0,p1,pt}. Moreover, ifF(p, )is the leaf passing through the point(p, ), then by definition we have :

i F(p, )

=F(p,−p− )

whereiis the involution of the ramified double coverϕ. Hence,ϕFthe direct image of the foliationFbyϕis a Riccati foliation onS1having the same monodromy group thanR. Using the uniqueness ofRby Corollary3.4, we obtain the result.

As by definition the curveG= {(2p,−p) /pC}is a leaf of the foliationF, using the foregoing lemma we can deduce thatϕ (G)=is a leaf ofR. Which completes

the proof of Theorem3.6.

3.1 Study of Special Leaves of the Riccati FoliationR According to Lemma3.8, ifP=σ


S1then the Riccati leaf passing through at this point is given by

RP =

PS1| P=σ (p) ,p=π(P),2 =2 +pp

Thus, if we use this characterisation of the Riccati leaves onS1, we have the following lemma :

Lemma 3.9 There exists three special leavesR0,R1andRt of the foliationRwhich are double cover of C. More precisely, they are respectively the set of fixed points of the automorphisms0,1andt.


Proof We just give the proof for the leafR0because it is the same process for the other special leaves.

– LetR0 be the Riccati leaf passing through the point P0 = σp0(p0), then by definition, we have :

R0= {PS1| P =σ (p) ,p=π(P),2 = p0p}

According to the monodromy ofR, if the leafR0passes through the point P = σ (p)then it passes through the pointsσ +pi(p), where pi is a 2-torsion point ofC. Since 2 = p0p, we deduce from Lemma2.18that:σ +p0(p)=σ (p) andσ +p1(p)=σ +pt(p)thus,Ri c0meets any fiber ofS1twice. It is a double cover overC.

– Let0be the automorphism ofS1related to the pointp0defined by:

0:S1 −→ S1

P=σ (p)−→ P=σ +p0(p) and consider the set of its fix points Fix0= {P/0(P)=P}.

IfP=σ (p)is the fix point of0, then by Lemma2.18, we have 2 = p0p and thereforeP∈R0. Conversely, ifP ∈R0, we have by definition 2 = p0p, and according to Lemma2.18, we have σ +p0(p) = σ (p). Thus, we deduce that:

R0= {P /0(P)=P}

According to all the foregoing, we have:

Remark 3.10 The 2-web given by the+1 self-intersection sections, the Riccati foli- ation and theP1-bundleπ: S1C form a singular holomorphic 4-webWonS1

whose the discriminant is. 3.2 The Geometry of the 4-Web W

Let(x,y)be the local coordinates ofC2. As the linear foliationsGandHrespectively defined by dy=0 and by dy+dx=0 are invariant by the action of the latticeZ+τZ, we can project them to a decomposable 2-webWonC×J ac(C).

Proposition 3.11 The direct imageϕ W

of the2-webWby the ramified coverϕ is the2-webWon S1defined by the minimal sections.

Proof As by definition the 2-web W is invariant by the involution of the ramified double cover ϕ, its direct image is also a singular holomorphic 2-web on S1. Let p,

C×J ac(C)and consider

A =

(p, )C×J ac(C) / =


B =

(p, )C×J ac(C) / = −p+

p+ ,

the leaves of the 2-webWpassing through this point. Since, using Lemma2.18, we have:ϕ(A )=σ andϕ(B)=σp, then the leaves ofϕ


are the minimal sections ofS1which are the same along the discriminant. The local study of the 4-webWonS1is the same as the 4-web onC×J ac(C)given by the 2-webW, the foliationFand theJ ac(C)-bundle defined by the first projection onC×J ac(C).

Theorem 3.12 Outside the discriminant locus, the4-webWis locally parallelizable.

Proof According to the foregoing, the pull-back of 4-webWby the ramified cover ϕis locally the 4-web defined byW(x,y,y+x,y+2x)onC2. It is a holomorphic

parallelizable web.

Remark 3.13 An immediate consequence of Theorem3.12is that the curvature of the 4-webWis zero.

The second part of this paper aims to use the theory of birational geometry in order to find the theoretic results of the first part by computations on the birational trivialisation C×P1.

4 Geometry of 4-Web W After Elementary Transformations

Letπ: S1Cbe theP1-bundle and{p0,p1,pt,p}the set of points of order 2 in C.

Definition 4.1 An elementary transformation at the point Pπ1(p)is the bira- tional map given by the composition of the blow-up of the pointP, followed by the contraction of the proper transform of the fiberπ1(p).

Remark 4.2 After elementary transformation at the point P, we obtain a new ruled surface with a point P which is the contraction of the proper transform of the fiber π1(p).

How many elementary transformations do you need to trivialize the ruled surfaceS1? Lemma 4.3 The ruled surface S1is obtained after three elementary transformations at the points P0=(p0,0) , P1=(p1,1)and P=(p,∞)on the trivial bundle C×P1.

In fact, if we perform the elementary transformations at the three special pointsP0, P1andPofC×P1: (see Fig.2), we have a ruled surfaceSwith three special points P0,P1andP(see Fig.3).

Recall that after 3 elementary transformations, ifσis a section onSsuch thatσis its strict transform on the trivial bundle, we have:σ.σ =σ+rwherer= 0+ 1+

such that

i =

−1 if Piσ

+1 if Pi (1)


Fig. 2 Special points of the trivialP1-bundle overC

Fig. 3 Special points and special sections of+1 self-intersection ofS1

in particular,r ∈ {−1,1,−3,3}. Then, we can deduce that the ruled surfaceShas a invariantκ ≤1.

1. If κ = 0, there is a section σ of zero self-intersection on S and then its strict transformσhas odd self-intersection. This cannot hold because all the sections of the trivial bundle have even self-intersection;

2. Ifκ <0, letσ be a section of S such thatσ.σ =κ. Using the fact that its strict transformσhas a strictly positive self-intersection, we can see that eitherκ = −1 orκ = −2. As the ruled surface S admits a sectionσ0 of+1 self-intersection, the case whereκ = −2 cannot occur. If κ = −1,thenσ is a section of +2 self-intersection onC×P1passing through by three pointsP0,P1andP. Thus, this section defines a non-constant morphismσ:C →P1of degree 1. It is absurd because the curveCis not rational.


According to these two cases, after three elementary transformations on the trivial bundleC×P1, we obtain a ruled surface such that its invariantκ =1. Therefore, it is the stable ruled surface over an elliptic curve.

4.1 The Riccati Foliation onS1After Elementary Transformations

Proposition 4.4 After elementary transformations of the three special points P0, P1

and P on S1, the Riccati foliationRinduces a Riccati foliationRon the trivial bundle C×P1such that the pointsP0=(p0,0),P1=(p1,1)and P=(p,∞) are radial singularities.

If((x,y),z)are cordinates of the trivial bundleC ×P1, then the foliationRis defined by the 1-formd z

a(x,y)z2+b(x,y)z+c(x,y)d x

2y wherea,b,care the meromorphic functions with pole of order 1 at the points p0, p1 and p, i.e.

a,b,cH0(OC([p0] + [p1] + [p])). Recall that, if we set the effective divisor D = [p0] + [p1] + [p], we have H0(OC(D)) = {F ∈M(C), div(F)≥ −D}

whereM(C)is the field of meromorphic functions onC.By Puiseux parametrisation of the curveCwe can see that meromorphic functions1


ybelong toH0(OC(D)), and then we can deduce that the family


y,x y

is a free inH0(OC(D)).Hence, as by Riemann-Roch theoremH0(OC(D))is a vector space of dimension 3,we have:

H0(OC([p0] + [p1] + [p]))=C<1,1 y,x

y > .

Thus, it means thata =a0+a1x+a2y

y , whereaiare constant. If we write the same relation for the functionsb andc, we obtain that the foliation Ris defined by the following 1-form:

yd z

(a0+a1x+a2y)z2+(b0+b1x+b2y)z+(c0+c1x+c2y)d x 2y As the foliation is invariant by the involution I: (x,y)(x,y)onC, the coeffi- cientsa2,b2,andc2are zero. Futhermore, if we use the relation on an elliptic curve, y2 =x(x−1) (xt), and the fact that the points(0,0,0) , (1,0,1) , (p,∞)are the radial singularities, we haveRis defined by the 1-form :

w:=d z+


4x(x−1)− z

2x + 1


d x


Proposition 4.5 The monodromy group of the foliation R along a generic fiber π1(x0,y0)is an abelian group given by these automorphisms:0:zzx0

z−1, 1:zx0

z ,t:zx0(z−1) zx0


Proof Letσ := {z= ∞}0 := {z=0},σ1 := {z=1}andσd := {z=x}be the four special sections obtained after elementary transformations. By definition of the monodromy group ofR, we can see that for the point p0of order 2, the automor- phism0restricted to any fiber is the unique Moebius transformation which sends respectively the points of the sections01d)to the points of the sections d10). Using the same process for the other automorphisms, we obtain the result.

We can also describe the special leaves of the foliation R. In fact, if we consider φi:C×P1C×P1;(x,y,z)(x,y,i(z)), then according to Lemma3.9, the special leaves are defined by :

1. R0:= {(x,y,z) , φ0(x,y,z)=(x,y,z)} =

(x,z) ,z2x+2z=0 2. R1:= {(x,y,z) , φ1(x,y,z)=(x,y,z)} =

(x,z) ,−z2+x=0 3. Rt := {(x,y,z) , φt(x,y,z)=(x,y,z)} =

(x,z) ,z2−2x z+x=0

Now it is natural to ask if we can find the expression of the generic leaf ofR. To do this, we use the special leaves to find a first integral. Let

f0:= −z2+2z−x, f1:= −z2+x, ft :=z2−2x z+x

be the polynomials which define respectively the leavesR0,R1,Rt and consider the functionγ:Cx×P1zCx×P1y;(x,z)(x,F(x,z)), where

F(x,z)=x f0



The pull-backγd yof the 1-formd ybyγis a foliation onCx×P1zhaving the function F(x,z)as a first integral and such that the curvesR0,R1andRtare invariant. Hence, the foliationγd ycoincide with the Riccati foliationR. Thus, we can deduce that : Lemma 4.6 The foliationR on C ×P1 has a rational first integral defined by the following function :

F(x,z)= x(z2−2z+x)2 (−z2+2x z−x)2 4.2 The 2-Web After Elementary Transformations

After elementary transformations at the three special points on S1, the generic +1 self-intersection sections (i.e not passing through the three special points) becomes a


Fig. 4 Generic+4 self-intersection section

+4 self-intersection sections ofC×P1passing through the points(0,0,0),(1,0,1) and(p,∞): see Fig.4.

Lemma 4.7 A+4self-intersection section passing through the pointsP0,P1and P is either given by a graph z=(1−a0)(b0xa0y)

b0(xa0) , or a graph z=x.

Proof Ifσ:C → P1 is a+4 self-intersection section on the trivial bundle, then it defines a rational map of degree 2 generated by two sections σ1 andσ2 of a line bundle of degree 2 over C; more precisely, for any point (x,y)C,σ (x,y) = 1(x,y):σ2(x,y)). Since for any line bundle of degree 2 overC, there exists a pointp=(a0,b0)Csuch thatL =[p]+[p], we have two cases:

• if p = p, due to the Riemann Roch’s theorem, we have the vector space H0(L)=Cy−b0,xa0and then,σis a graph given by

z= a(yb0)+b(xa0)

c(yb0)+d(xa0), a,b,c,dC

Using the fact that the section passes through the points P0, P1 and P and the Puiseux parametrisation of elliptic curve at the infinity point is given by ε(1

ε2, 1

ε3), we obtain a system of equations which solutions are

a=d a0(a0−1)

b0 ,b= −d(a0−1),c=0,d =d

whered =0;

• ifp = p,then we haveH0(L)=C<1,1

x >, likewise using the fact that the section passes through the points(0,0,0),(1,0,1)and(p,∞), we obtain that σis the graphz=x.

From now on, we denoteSthe set of+4 self-intersection sections of the trivial bundle which pass through the points P0,P1andP.


Proposition 4.8 For any point(u, v,z)C×P1such thatv=0, there exists a+4 self-intersection section inSwhich passes through this point.

Proof Let(u, v,z)C×P1such thatv=0, we have to find the points(a0,b0)= (u, v)ofCsuch thatz= (1−a0)(b0ua0v)

b0(ua0) .

Using the fact thatb02=a0(a0−1)(a0t)andv2 =u(u−1)(u−t), we have the following equation:

(♣):(uz)2a03− [(2(uzu))(−z+u)(−z+u)2tv2]a02+ [(uzu)2(2(uzu))(−z+u)t+v2]a0(uzu)2t =0

1. if(u−z)=0, then(♣)becomes(a0−u)

a0t(u−1) ut

=0. As by hypothesis v=0, we obtain two solutions given by the point(a0,b0)such thata0= t(u−1)

ut and the pointp;

2. if(uz)=0, then the solutions verify the following second degree equation:

():(uz)2a20+ [(−tu)z2+2u(t+1)zu(t+u)]a0+t u(z−1)2=0 The+4 self-intersection sections inSdefine a singular holomorphic 2-webWon C×P1such that the discriminant is the union of,the discriminant of the equation ()and the singular fibers at the points p0,p1andp.We have:

:=(tu)z4−4(t−1))uz3+2u(2t u+tu−2)z2−4u2(t−1)z+u2(tu)=0

Lemma 4.9 The discriminantis a leaf of order4of the Riccati foliationR.

Proof In fact, by the definition of the first integral of the foliationR, we have:

F(x,z)t= −(tu)z4−4(t−1))uz3+2u(2t u+tu−2)z2−4u2(t−1)z+u2(tu) (2x z−z2x)2

Therefore, the first integral is constant along of the discriminant. According to the foregoing, on the birational trivialisation ofS1, we have a 4-webW4

defined by the 2-webW, the Riccati foliationRand the trivial fiber bundle.

4.3 Geometry of the 4-webW4

We want to find the slopes of the leaves ofW4in order to represent it by a differential equation. Let(x0,y0,z0)C×P1be a generic point. As the leaves of the 2-web W passing through this point are respectively the graphz = (1a0)(b0xa0y)



andz= (1a0)(b0xa0y)

b0(xa0) such that the points(a0,b0)and a0,b0

verify the equation (), we deduce that their slopes at the point(x0,y0,z0)are respectively given by the following formulas:

1. Z1= 1−a0z0

x0a0 +



3x02−2(1+t)x0+t 2x0(x0−1) (x0t)

; 2. Z2=1−a0z0

x0a0 +



3x02−2(1+t)x0+t 2x0(x0−1) (x0t)

. Thus, the irreducible 2-webWis defined by the following differential equation:

dz dx


z2+2(x−1)z−x 2x(x−1)


dx +z(z−1)((2t x−x2t)zx3+x2t x+2) 4x2(x−1)2(tx)

Futhermore, if we consider Z0= 1





the slope of the foliationRat the point (x0,y0,z0), then the 4-web W4 is locally equivalent to the 4-web on the complex plane given byW(∞,Z0,Z1,Z2).

Theorem 4.10 The4-webW(∞,Z0,Z1,Z2)is locally equivalent to a parallelizable 4-web.

Proof The pull-back of the foliationRby the multiplication of order 2 onCis another Riccati foliationR2onC×P1with trivial monodromy.

LetM2:CC,be the multiplication of order 2 onCthen, for any point(x,y)Cthe first projection ofM2(x,y)is given by the following formula :

pr1M2(x,y)= (3x2−2(t+1)x+t)2

4x(x−1)(x−t) +(1+t)−2x Using the pull-back of the special leaves, we can choose three curves by:

1. C0:=

(x,y,z) ,z=z0= −x2+t 2(t−x)

2. C1:=

(x,y,z) ,z=z1= (−x2+t) 2y

3. C2:=

(x,y,z) ,z=z2= −(−x2+t) 2y

which are the leaves ofR2. Now, if we consider the mapψ:C×P1C×P1which for any coordinate(X,Z)relates:



4X(X−1)(Xt) +(1+t)−2X, Zμz1z0



whereμ= z2z0


, then the pull-back of the first integral ofRbyψis the following meromorphic function :

F) (X,Z)=(Z2−2Z+2)2 Z2(Z−2)2

Finally, the foliationψRis locally defined by the 1-formd Z = 0. Likewise, the pull-back of the slopesZ1andZ2byψdefines a 2-web such that the leaves verify the following differential equation :

(): d Z

d X 2


4X(X−1)(Xt) =0

In summary, the 4-webψW(∞,Z0,Z1,Z2)is locally equivalent to the web W(∞,0, β,−β), whereβ is a solution of(). As the 4-webW(∞,0, β,−β) has a constant cross-ratios equal to−1 and all the 3 subweb are hexagonal, we can

deduce that it is locally parallelizable.

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