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Going-to-future - Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5


Academic year: 2022

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(1)Download Katharina Walter, Claudine Steyer. U A. Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5. H C. Going-to-future. S R. O V Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel:. zur Vollversion.

(2) Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 Going-to-future. U A. H C. S R. O V. Dieser Download ist ein Auszug aus dem Originaltitel Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 Über diesen Link gelangen Sie zur entsprechenden Produktseite im Web. http://www.auer-verlag.de/go/dl6723. zur Vollversion.

(3) _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch. Klasse: ___________. Datum: ___________. Name: ______________________________________________ 1. Is – are – am. Fill in the correct forms of to be.. ___. 5 P.. a) Sarah and Jim _______ going to play handball at the weekend. b) Mary and I _______ going to meet our friends. c) I _______ going to go on holidays in summer.. A ns ic ht. d) Our cat _______ going to catch some mice in the garden. e) Peter _______ going to buy a new cap in the afternoon.. ___. 2. Fill in the correct forms in going-to-future.. 6 P.. U A. a) At the weekend, my family ___________________ (visit) our grandparents.. b) In summer, we ___________________ (go) on holidays with my best friend. c) After school, I ____________________ (do) my homework.. H C. d) On Saturday, my best friend ____________________ (have) a party at home.. e) In the evening, the kids _____________________ (watch) TV in the living room.. f) On Wednesday, Ruby _____________________ (come) to my house after school.. ur. S R. M us te rz. 3. What are the children going to do at the weekend and what aren’t they going to do? Write sentences.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. play tennis. X" W" W". O V. Nora Jake and Tim Mary. dance W" W" X". swim X" X" W". 4. Look at the pictures. What is Sally going to do next week? a). d). b). c). e). f). ___ 12 P.. have a party W" X" X" ___. 6 P.. zur Vollversion.

(4) 5. Negate the following sentences correctly. Use the short forms.. ___. 7 P.. a) Mary-Ann is going to buy a new dress on Saturday. b) Gina and her best friend are going to go swimming after school. c) My parents are going to go on holidays next week. d) I am going to do my homework at the weekend.. A ns ic ht. e) You are going to come to my party tonight. f) Our teachers are going to make a trip on Tuesday. g) Gerry is going to play football after school.. U A. 6. Write down the following sentences in the correct word order.. ___. 3 P.. ___. 5 P.. a) going – not – is – to – play – William – tennis – the – at – weekend. b) my – going – his girlfriend – isn’t – brother – call – to – evening – this. H C. c) I – going – not – go – shopping – am – to – Peter – with. 7. Look at the answers and write down the correct questions in going-to-future.. ur. S R. M us te rz. a) Q: Mary/going to/go/France/summer/? A: Yes, she is going to go to France in summer.. O V. b) Q: Thomas/going to/come/with her? A: Yes, Thomas is going to come with her. c) Q: his mum/going to/visit him/France/? A: Yes, his mum is going to visit him in France. d) Q: you/going to/fly/France/too/? A: No, I am not going to fly to France, too. I have to work. ___ 44 P.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer. e) Q: Mary/going to/take the plane to France/? A: No, I think she is going to take the train.. zur Vollversion.

(5) _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch. Klasse: ___________. Datum: ___________. Name: ______________________________________________. 1. Is – are – am. Mark with a cross which form of to be is missing in the sentences. is. ___. are. 7 P.. am. A ns ic ht. John and Sarah ... going to go on holidays next summer. Jake ... going to do his homework after 3 o’clock.. Mary and I ... going to wash our bikes in the garden.. U A. The Millers ... going to buy a new car at the weekend. I ... going to write and English test tomorrow morning. She ... going to call me after school.. H C. They ... going to meet on Saturday afternoon.. ur. S R. ___. 2. Fill in the correct forms in going-to-future.. 5 P.. M us te rz. a) In winter, my parents and I ___________________ (go) skiing in the Alps. b) Next year, I ____________________ (leave) school.. O V. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. c) On Wednesday, he ____________________ (meet) Sally after school. d) Tonight, Peter ____________________ (have) a party in the garden. e) On Saturday, my family ____________________ (visit) our grandmother.. 3. What are the kids planning to do / not to do on the weekend? Write sentences.. ___ 12 P.. a) I – play football L – learn my new vocabulary N b) Susan and her sister – go swimming N – meet friends L c) Jeremy – go for a walk with the dog L – feed the cat N. zur Vollversion.

(6) 4. Look at the notes and write down what Gina and Sam are going to do next week.. 8 P.. X"buy some English books (Gina) X"wash dad’s new car (Sam). A ns ic ht. X"write a letter for grandmother (Gina & Sam) X"feed the fish (Gina) X"learn for the test (Gina & Sam) X"go swimming (Sam) X"bake a cake for the birthday party (Gina) X"help mum in the garden (Gina & Sam). ___. U A. 5. Negate the following sentences correctly.. a) Ethan is going to play football after school.. H C. b) They are going to wash the dishes after lunch. c) Jenny is going to meet Sandra this afternoon.. ___. 4 P.. ___. 7 P.. d) You are going to be the best student in class.. ur. S R. M us te rz. 6. Write down the correct questions, corresponding to the following sentences. Take care of the pronouns.. O V. a) Yes, we are going to meet after school.. b) No, the Millers aren’t going to buy a new car this month. c) No, I am not going to go for a walk with the dog. d) Yes, Meg is going to bake a birthday cake. e) Yes, my brother is going to leave school in summer. f) No, my family isn’t going to meet at Christmas.. h) Yes, Jack is going to play in the baseball team with Jeremy.. ___ 43 P.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer. g) No, you aren’t going to be in my team.. zur Vollversion.

(7) _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch. Klasse: ___________. Datum: ___________. Name: ______________________________________________. 1. Complete the rule for the going-to-future tense.. ___. 6 P.. Man benutzt das going-to-future immer dann, wenn man über zukünftige ___________________ oder ____________________ sprechen möchte.. A ns ic ht. Im Unterschied zum will-future, sind diese Dinge ____________________. Man bildet das going-to-future mit. einer Form von ______ ______ + ________________ ______ + _______________.. U A. ___ 13 P.. å _______________________________________________________.. I. _____. going to. sleep long.. you. are. going to. drink water.. å _______________________________________________________.. he/_____/it _____. going to. __________.. å Er/sie/_____ wird Kaffee kaufen.. we. are. going to. run quickly.. å _______________________________________________________.. _____. are. going to. go home.. å _______________________________________________________.. they. _____. going to. read a book.. å _______________________________________________________.. H C. ur. S R. M us te rz. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. 2. Fill in the missing words and translate into German.. O V. 3. a. What are these people going to do in their holidays and what ___ 32 P. aren’t they going to do? Write sentences. b. Translate into German what Harry and Mrs Thomas are going to do. c. Fill in the last row on your own and write down what you are going to do and what you are not going to do in your holidays. read a book. sleep long. go to school. have a party. Harry. X". X". W". W". Gina and Sue. W". W". X". X". Mrs Thomas. W". X". W". X". ". ". ". ". I. zur Vollversion.

(8) 4. Look at the sentences and write down the correct questions and the negative answers. Ex.: I am going to go. – Am I going to go? No, I am not going to go.. ___ 18 P.. a) Emily is going to be late for lunch today. b) Jake and his friends are going to have a party at the weekend.. d) The Peters are going to go on holidays.. A ns ic ht. c) Jenny is going to help Sarah with her homework.. e) In the evening, you are going to come to my house.. U A. f) Tomorrow, I am going to play football with Oscar and I am going to go swimming. 5. What does Sophie want to know from her boyfriend? Translate her questions and his answers. Use going-to-future.. ___ 24 P.. H C. a) Was werden wir heute Abend machen? – Wir werden auf ein Konzert gehen.. ur. S R. M us te rz. b) Wann werden wir uns mit Jack und Gina treffen? – Wir werden sie um 8 Uhr treffen.. c) Wo werden wir zu Abend essen? – Wir werden in „Tom’s Diner“ ein paar Hamburger essen.. O V. d) Warum werden Samuel und Thomas nicht mit uns kommen? – Weil sie auf eine Party gehen werden. e) Wie viel wird das Ticket kosten? – Es wird 50 Pfund kosten.. g) Wirst Du mich danach nach Hause fahren? – Ja, ich werde Dich und die anderen nach dem Konzert nach Hause fahren, h) Wann werden wir zurück sein? – Wir werden um 12 Uhr zurück sein.. ___ 93 P.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer. f) Wann wird das Konzert beginnen? – Es wird um 9 Uhr losgehen.. zur Vollversion.

(9) _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch. Klasse: ___________. Datum: ___________. Name: ______________________________________________ 1. Write down a rule for the use of the going-to-future tense. It can be in German. X"when do you use it X"difference will-future X"how do you build it. ___. 2. What are you going to do at the weekend? Write 10 sentences and translate them into German.. ___ 10 P.. A ns ic ht. 6 P.. to go to school to play football to play cards to cook a meal to set the table to help mum to watch TV to read the newspaper. to do the shopping to bake a cake to meet friends to listen to music to feed the cats to have a bath to read a book to play on the computer. U A. H C. ___ 20 P.. 3. Fill in the missing verbs in going-to-future. Translate the sentences into German.. ur. S R. M us te rz. a) On Wednesday, my mother and I __________________________ (visit) dad in the hospital.. O V. b) Next week, we __________________________ (write) an English test.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. c) On Saturday, I _____________________________ (have) a party at home. d) When I am 18, my brother and I ___________________________ (move) to Spain. e) At the weekend, our dog __________________________ (play) outside in the garden.. f) Mum _____________________________ (come) home late tonight. g) Our parents ______________________________ (get married) in June. h) I _________________________ (go) to school at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.. ___ 10 P. 4. Write down the missing sentences. You need a positive sentence, a negation and a question. Ex.: I am going to play. – Am I going to play? – I am not going to play. a) The Millers aren’t going to come to our party. b) Are you going to watch this film tonight? c) I am going to sleep at 10 o’clock. d) Are we going to write this test tomorrow? e) Mum is going to tidy up my room later.. zur Vollversion.

(10) ___ 24 P.. A ns ic ht. 5. Gina’s mum wants to know about her daughter’s plans for the weekend. Write down her questions in English. Answer her questions using the given information. a) Was wirst du am Samstag machen? – reiten gehen/Sue treffen b) Wann wirst du abends ausgehen? – 9 Uhr c) Wo wirst du hingehen? – ‚Jim’s Diner‘/Hamburger essen d) Werden Sam und Tom mit euch gehen? – nein, nicht mitgehen/auf einer Feier e) Wirst du Geld brauchen? – ja 20 Pfund f) Wann wirst du zurück sein? – Sonntagmorgen 10 Uhr/schlafen bei Sue g) Werden dich ihre Eltern nach Hause fahren? – ja ihr Vater h) Wird Sue am Sonntag mit zu dir kommen? – nein Tennis spielen. U A. H C. ur. S R. ___ 10 P. 6. Look at the picture. a. Write down 5 activities the kids in the picture are going to do after school.. M us te rz. b. Write down 5 sentences about what you are going to do after school today.. ___ 80 P.. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer. O V. zur Vollversion.

(11) 1. a) Sarah and Jim are going to play handball at the weekend. b) Mary and I are going to meet our friends. c) I am going to go on holidays in summer. d) Our cat is going to catch some mice in the garden. e) Peter is going to buy a new cap in the afternoon.. A ns ic ht. 2.. a) At the weekend, my family is going to visit our grandparents. b) In summer, we are going to go on holidays with my best friend. c) After school, I am going to do my homework. d) On Saturday, my best friend is going to have a party at home. e) In the evening, the kids are going to watch TV in the living room. f) On Wednesday, Ruby is going to come to my house after school.. U A. H C. 3.. a) Nora is going to play tennis. She isn’t going to dance. Nora is going to swim but she isn’t going to have a party. b) Jake and Tim aren’t going to play tennis. They aren’t going to dance. Jake and Tim are going to swim and they are going to have a party. c) Mary isn’t going to play tennis. She is going to dance. Mary isn’t going to swim but she is gong to have a party.. ur. S R. M us te rz. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. 4.. O V. a) Sally is going to write a letter. b) Sally is going to ride her bike. c) Sally is going to go swimming/swim. d) Sally is going to read a book. e) Sally is going to ride her horse. f) Sally is going to visit her grandmother. 5.. a) Mary-Ann isn’t going to buy a new dress on Saturday. b) Gina and her best friend aren’t going to go swimming after school. c) My parents aren’t going to go on holidays next week. d) I am not going to do my homework at the weekend. e) You aren’t going to come to my party tonight. f) Our teachers aren’t going to make a trip on Tuesday. g) Gerry isn’t going to play football after school.. zur Vollversion.

(12) 6. a) William is not/isn’t going to play tennis at the weekend. b) My brother isn’t going to call his girlfriend this evening. c) I am not going to go shopping with Peter.. a) Is Mary going to go to France in summer? b) Is Thomas going to come with her? c) Is his mum going to visit him in France? d) Are you going to fly to France, too? e) Is Mary going to take the plane to France?. A ns ic ht. 7.. U A. H C. M us te rz. ur. S R. O V. zur Vollversion.

(13) 1. is. are. am. John and Sarah ... going to go on holidays next summer. Jake ... going to do his homework after 3 o’clock.. A ns ic ht. Mary and I ... going to wash our bikes in the garden. The Millers ... going to buy a new car at the weekend. I ... going to write and English test tomorrow morning. She ... going to call me after school.. U A. They ... going to meet on Saturday afternoon.. H C. 2.. a) In winter, my parents and I are going to go skiing in the Alps. b) Next year, I am going to leave school. c) On Wednesday, he is going to meet Sally after school. d) Tonight, Peter is going to have a party in the garden. e) On Saturday, my family is going to visit our grandmother.. ur. S R. M us te rz. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. 3.. O V. a) I am going to play football but I am not going to learn my new vocabulary. b) Susan and her sister aren’t going to go swimming but they are going to meet friends. c) Jeremy is going to go for a walk with the dog but he isn’t going to feed the cat. 4.. Gina and Sam are going to write a letter for grandmother. Gina is going to buy some English books. Gina is going to feed the fish. Sam is going to wash dad’s new car. Gina and Sam are going to learn for the test. Sam is going to go swimming. Gina is going to bake a cake for the birthday party. Gina and Sam are going to help mum in the garden.. zur Vollversion.

(14) 5. a) Ethan isn’t going to play football after school. b) They aren’t going to wash the dishes after lunch. c) Jenny isn’t going to meet Sandra this afternoon. d) You aren’t going to be the best student in class. 6.. A ns ic ht. a) Are you going to meet after school? b) Are the Millers going to buy a new car this month? c) Are you going to go for a walk with the dog? d) Is Meg going to bake a birthday cake? e) Is your brother going to leave school in summer? f) Is your family going to meet at Christmas? g) Am I going to be in your team? h) Is Jack going to play in the baseball team with Jeremy?. U A. H C. M us te rz. ur. S R. O V. zur Vollversion.

(15) 1. Man benutzt das going-to-future immer dann, wenn man über zukünftige Handlungen oder Vorhaben sprechen möchte. Im Unterschied zum will-future, sind diese Dinge planbar. Man bildet das going-to-future mit einer Form von to be + going to + Verb. 2. am are is are are are. going to going to going to going to going to going to. sleep long. drink water. buy coffee. run quickly. go home. read a book.. Ich werde lange schlafen. Du wirst Wasser trinken. Er/sie/es wird Kaffee kaufen. Wir werden schnell laufen. Ihr werdet nach Hause gehen. Sie werden ein Buch lesen.. A ns ic ht. I you he/she/it we you they 3.. U A. H C. a. Harry is going to read a book and he is going to sleep long. Harry isn’t going to go to school and he isn’t going to have a party. Gina and Sue aren’t going to read a book and they aren’t going to sleep long. Gina and Sue are going to go to school and they are going to have a party. Mrs. Thomas isn’t going to read a book but she is going to sleep long. Mrs. Thomas isn’t going to go to school but she is going to have a party.. M us te rz. ur. S R. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. b. Harry wird ein Buch lesen und er wird lange schlafen. Harry wird nicht zur Schule gehen und er wird keine Feier machen. Frau Thomas wird kein Buch lesen, aber sie wird lange schlafen. Frau Thomas wird nicht zur Schule gehen, aber sie wird eine Feier machen.. O V. c. Beispiel: I am not going to read a book but I am going to sleep long. I am going to go to school and I am going to have a party.. zur Vollversion.

(16) 4. a) Is Emily going to be late for lunch today? No, she/Emily isn’t going to be late for lunch today. b) Are Jake and his friends going to have a party at the weekend? No, they/Jake and his friends aren’t going to have a party at the weekend.. A ns ic ht. c) Is Jenny going to help Sarah with her homework? No, she/Jenny isn’t going to help Sarah with her homework d) Are the Peters going to go on holidays? No, they/the Peters aren’t going to go on holidays.. e) Are you going to come to my house in the evening? No, you aren’t going to come to my house in the evening.. U A. f) Are you going to play football with Oscar tomorrow and are you going to go swimming? No, I am not going to play football with Oscar tomorrow and I am not going to go swimming.. H C. 5.. a) What are we going to do tonight/this evening? – We are going to go to a concert.. ur. S R. M us te rz. b) When are we going to meet Jack and Gina? – We are going to meet them at 8 o’clock.. c) Where are we going to have dinner/eat in the evening? – We are going to eat some hamburgers at „Tom’s Diner“.. O V. d) Why are Samuel and Thomas not going to come with us/join us? – Because they are going to go to a party. e) How much is the ticket going to cost? – It’s going to cost 50 Pounds. f) When is the concert going to begin? – It’s going to begin at 9 o’clock.. g) Are you going to drive me home after the concert? – Yes, I am going to drive you and the others home after the concert.. h) When are we going to be back? – We are going to be back at midnight/12 o’clock.. zur Vollversion.

(17) 1.. 2. I am going to do the shopping. Ich werde einkaufen gehen. I am going to bake a cake. Ich werde einen Kuchen backen. I am going to meet friends. Ich werde Freunde treffen. I am going to listen to music. Ich werde Musik hören. I am going to feed the cats. Ich werde die Katzen füttern. I am going to have a bath. Ich werde ein Bad nehmen. I am going to read a book. Ich werde ein Buch lesen. I am going to play on the computer. Ich werde Computer spielen.. A ns ic ht. Beispiel: Man benutzt das going-to-future immer dann, wenn man über zukünftige Handlungen oder Vorhaben sprechen möchte. Im Unterschied zum will-future, sind diese Dinge planbar. Man bildet das going-to-future mit einer Form von to be + going to + Verb. I am going to go to school. Ich werde zur Schule gehen. I am going to play football. Ich werde Fußball spielen. I am going to play cards. Ich werde Karten spielen. I am going to cook a meal. Ich werde eine Mahlzeit kochen. I am going to set the table. Ich werde den Tisch decken. I am going to help mum. Ich werde Mama helfen. I am going to watch TV. Ich werde fernsehen. I am going to read the newspaper. Ich werde die Zeitung lesen.. U A. M us te rz. ur. S R. H C. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth. 3.. O V. a) On Wednesday, my mother and I are going to visit dad in the hospital. Am Mittwoch werden meine Mutter und ich Papa im Krankenhaus besuchen. b) Next week, we are going to write an English test. Nächste Woche werden wir einen Englischtest schreiben. c) On Saturday, I am going to have a party at home. Am Samstag werde ich zu Hause eine Feier machen. d) When I am 18, my brother and I are going to move to Spain. Wenn ich 18 bin, werden mein Bruder und ich nach Spanien ziehen. e) At the weekend, our dog is going to play outside in the garden. Am Wochenende wird unser Hund draußen im Garten spielen. f) Mum is going to come home late tonight. Mama wird heute Abend/Nacht spät nach Hause kommen. g) Our parents are going to get married in June. Unsere Eltern werden im Juni heiraten. h) I am going to go to school at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Ich werde morgen früh um 8 Uhr in die Schule gehen.. zur Vollversion.

(18) 4.. A ns ic ht. a) The Millers are going to come to our party. – Are the Millers gong to come to our party? b) I am going to watch the film tonight. – I’m/I am not going to watch the film tonight. c) Are you going to sleep at ten o’clock? – I’m/I am not going to sleep at 10 o’clock. d) We are going to write this test tomorrow. – We aren’t/are not going to write this test tomorrow. e) Is mum going to tidy up my/your room later? – Mum isn’t going to tidy up my room later. 5.. a) What are you going to do on Saturday? – I am going to ride my horse and I am going to meet Sue. b) When are you going to go out in the evening? – I am going to go out at 9 o’clock/I am going to leave the house at 9 o’clock. c) Where are you going to go? – I am going to go to “Jim’s Diner” and I am going to eat some hamburgers there./I am going to eat some hamburgers at “Jim’s Diner”. d) Are Sam and Tom going to go with you? – No, they are going to go to a party. e) Are you going to need money? – Yes, I am going to need 20 Pounds. f) When are you going to be back? – I am going to be back on Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. I am going to sleep at Sue’s house. g) Are her parents going to drive you home? – Yes, her father is going to drive me home. h) Is Sue going to come with you on Sunday? – No, she is going to play tennis.. U A. H C. M us te rz. ur. S R. 6.. O V. a. They are going to construct a castle. He is going to skateboard. He is going to work on the computer. She is going to go for a walk with the dog. She is going to rock on a swing. He is going to go fishing. b. individuelle Lösungen „I am going to ... after school today.“. zur Vollversion.




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