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Show that the path integral is invariant under BRST transformations, i.e. show that the Jaco- bian determinant of the transformation is unity.


Academic year: 2021

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QFT II Problem Set 9.

FS 2019 Prof. M. Grazzini https://www.physik.uzh.ch/en/teaching/PHY552/FS2019.html Due by: 6/5/2019

Exercise 1. BRST Jacobian

Show that the path integral is invariant under BRST transformations, i.e. show that the Jaco- bian determinant of the transformation is unity.

(a) Write down the Jacobian matrix for a BRST transformation.

(b) Write the Jacobian matrix as

J = A D C B


and find the determinant of J, the Jacobian determinant, using:

detJ = detB det(A − DB −1 C),

where A and B are commuting matrices of the form 1 + θM , where θ is a Grassman variable, and C and D are anticommuting matrices.

Hint. T aylor expand the determinants in powers of θ, remembering that θ 2 = 0 and hence that all higher powers also vanish. Finally use det(M ) = exp[Tr(ln(M))].

Exercise 2. The origin of the BRST symmetry

We want to discuss the origin of the BRST symmetry in a more general context, and show that, by quoting Zinn-Justin, the ”Slavnov Taylor identities in gauge theories owe less to gauge symmetry than to gauge fixing”. Let ϕ α be a set of dynamical variables that fulfil a set of constraints F α (ϕ) = 0. For simplicity we use a discrete index α. Furthermore we assume that the functions F α (ϕ) are smooth and that there exists a one-to-one mapping E α = E α (ϕ) in the neighbourhood of E α = 0, so that we can find an inverse ϕ α = ϕ α (E). In particular there is a unique solution ϕ s α ≡ ϕ α (0). We start from the trivial identity

σ(ϕ s ) = Z (



dF α δ(F α ) )

σ(ϕ(F)) , (1)

valid for any function σ(ϕ). Note that this expression does not require us to explicitly solve the constraint.

(a) Perform a change of variables from F α to ϕ α . What does the translational invariance (F α → F α + ν α , ν α const.) of the measure Q

α dF α imply for the transformation properties of ϕ α ?

(b) Replace the δ-function by its Fourier representation, Y


δ[F α (ϕ)] = Z



dλ α

2iπ e −λ




(ϕ) , (2)

where the integration is carried out over the imaginary axis, and the Jacobi determinant by its Grassmann integral representation in terms of the variables c α and ¯ c α . Identify the action S in the obtained path integral.



(c) Show that the symmetry transformations

δϕ α = εc α , (3)

δ¯ c α = ελ α , (4)

δc α = 0 , (5)

δλ α = 0 , (6)

can be expressed using the Grassmann differential operator s = c α

∂ϕ α + λ α

∂¯ c α (7)

acting on the fields, i.e. δΦ = εsΦ for Φ = ϕ α , c α , ¯ c α , λ α . Show that s 2 Φ = 0 (nilpotency).

(d) Show that S can be written as S = s S ˜ and that this implies invariance of S under above transformations.




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