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VC dimension of bisectors between curves


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Master’s Thesis Seminar

VC dimension of bisectors between curves

Carolin Kaffine 3rd April 2020



• Recap of basic definitions

• Main goals

• Upper bounds:

Approach 1: via composition lemma for halfspaces

Approach 2: via VC dimension of function spaces

• Lower bounds

• Summary of results

• Outlook


Basic definitions


• curve in Rd: continuous function V: [0,1]→Rd

• polygonal curve: piecewise linear

• Xdk: space of all piecewise linear curves in Rd with k vertices


Basic definitions

Hausdorff and discrete Hausdorff distance:

dH(V,W) := max (



q∈Winf d(p,q), sup


p∈Vinf d(p,q) )

ddH(V,W) := max

maxv∈V min





Basic definitions

Fréchet distance:

dF(V,W) = inf

f,g max


V(f(α))−W(g(α)) ,


Basic definitions

• Range space (X,R): ground setX, ranges R∈ R ⊆2X

• given Y ⊆X, it is shattered byR if {R∩Y |R∈ R}=2Y

• VC dimension: greatest cardinality of shattered subset


Examples for VC dimension

Ground setX =R2, ranges are disks:

⇒ VCdim≥3 ⇒ VCdim<4

In general:balls and halfspaces inRd have VCdim=d+1.


Basic definitions

Shatter function(or growth function) for a range space (X,R):

π(X,R)(m) = max


{R∩Y|R∈ R}

Shatter function lemma (or Sauer’s lemma)

For a range space(X,R) with VC dimension at most δ, we have π(X,R)(m)≤Φδ(m) :=

m 0

+ m


+· · ·+ m


⇒polynomial growth inm sinceΦδ(m)≤ emδ δ

∈ O(mδ)


Bisectors between curves

Bisector range space:(Xdm,Bd,k)

• ground setXdm =set of all curves inRd withm vertices

• range setBd,k with ranges

R(V,W)={S ∈Xdm |d(V,S)≤d(W,S)}

for (V,W)∈Xdk ×Xdk.


Bisectors between curves

Bisectors inR2 form=1 (i.e. all distance functions are the same):




Bisectors between curves

Form>1: no graphic representation of ranges anymore, because dimension gets higher than 3


Goal of Master’s thesis

Main goal:

Find upper and lower bounds on VC dimension of the bisector range space, dependent on

• m (complexity of shattered curves)

• k (complexity of curves that define bisectors)

• d (dimension)

• ddH, dH, ddF, or dF (used distance function)

Main paper:

“The VC Dimension of Metric Balls under Fréchet and Hausdorff Distances” by A. Driemel, A. Nusser, J.M. Phillips, and I. Psarros


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Composition lemma (simplified):

For a range space(X,R) with VCdim =δ, the range space of all unions/intersections ofn ranges inR has VC dimension


Idea(for m=1):

• Write bisector ranges as unions and intersections of halfspaces

• By the composition lemma, we can bound VC dimension of bisector range space by considering VC dimension of halfspaces (which isd +1)


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace

Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace

Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve

Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve

Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve

Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve

Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

Step 1:For two points: bisector rangeR(v1,w1) is halfspace Step 2:Ranges get intersected when adding a point to one curve Step 3:Final range of two curves is union of intersections


Upper bound 1: via composition lemma

For generald:

• range R(V,W)=S



v∈V h(v,w), where h(v,w)is halfspace of points that are closer tov than tow

• ifV,W have lengthk, we took(k−1)2 ∈ O(k2) unions and intersections

⇒ VC dimension is in

O (k−1)2(d +1) log((k−1)2)



Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces


Leth:Ra×Rb→ {0,1}and

H ={x 7→h(α,x)|α∈Ra}.

Supposeh can be computed by an algorithm that takes

(α,x)∈Ra×Rb as input and returnsh(α,x)after no more than t simple operations.

Then, the VC dimension ofH ist≤4a(t+2).


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

• Write bisector range R(V,W) as functionh (V,W),· that takes a curve S and outputs 1 ifS is closer to V than to W, and 0 else

⇒ Bisector range space can be written as(Xdm,H) for H=

S 7→h (V,W),S S ∈Xdm,(V,W)∈Xdk ×Xdk

• so h: (Xdk ×Xdk

| {z }


)×Xdm→ {0,1}, i.e. a=2dk

• it remains to compute t, i.e. check how fasth can be computed


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,sS

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s)

Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s)

Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s)

Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

Examplefor discrete Hausdorff distance:

Step 1:Calculate d(v,s)2

for allv V,s S

Step 2:Find ddH(V,S) = max maxs∈Sminv∈Vd(v,s),maxv∈Vmins∈Sd(v,s) Step 3:Do same forW and take minimum of ddH(V,S)and ddH(W,S)


Upper bound 2: via Thm on VC dimension of function spaces

• In total: calculation of 2mk squared euclidean distances between vertices, each in O(d)

• O(mk) comparisons to find ddH(V,S)

• All in all: t ∈ O(mkd) simple operations

⇒ VCdim≤4·2dk(c·mkd −1)∈ O(mk2d2)


Lower bounds

Idea:Find lower bounds for k =1 and/or m=1

⇒valid lower bound for all distance functions and all k andm Easy lower bound(for m=k =1:)

Bisector ranges look like halfspaces, so VCdim≥d +1


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈Ω(max(k,d))


Lower bounds

Lower bound(for m=1):

• VC dimension of (open) k-gons is 2k+1

• Bisector ranges can look like open k-gons, so their VC dimension is≥2k+1

⇒Combining the two lower bounds we get VCdim ∈


Summary of results so far:

Upper bounds:

Distance function m arbitrary m=1 discrete Hausdorff O(mk2d2)

O(dk2logk) Hausdorff

– discrete Fréchet

O(k2d2) Fréchet

Lower bound:




Further goals:

• establish upper bounds for other distance functions than the discrete Hausdorff distance that depend on m

• establish better lower bounds by using geometric properties of bisector range spaces

• reduce gap between upper and lower bounds



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