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A simple model for the immune network


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A simple model for the immune network



DipartimentodiFisica,Universita' di RomaII,"TorVergata," Via delFontanile diCarcaricola,Rome00173,Italy; andIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione di Roma "TorVergata,"Rome00186,Italy

CommunicatedbyNicolaCabibbo, April 19, 1989

ABSTRACT Inthis note I present asimple modelfor the idiotypic network among antibodies and study its relevance for the maintenance ofimmunologicalmemory; inparticular,the memory capacity of such a model is studied. Some ofthe similarities with thespinglass model and with neural networks arediscussed.

Comparison of the brain and the immune system has been quite fruitful in the past (1, 2). Stimulatedbytheanalogywith thebrain and by thediscoveryof theidiotypy(3), Jerne has proposedanetwork theory for the immune system.Roughly speaking, the production of a given antibody elicits (or suppresses) the production of otherantibodies that elicit (or suppress) theproduction of other antibodies and so on. This is reminiscent of the way in which afiring neuron may induce (orinhibit) thefiringof otherneurons.

Inthis noteIstudy aspecific model that demonstrates that afunctional network of antibodies may be possible. I con- centrateonmodelingthe behavior oftheimmunesystem in absence ofanydrivingforceof external antigensinorderto study the maintenance of theimmunologicmemory.Theaim isnot toproduceadetailed model of thesystem,whichcould be used for quantitative comparison with the experimental data,but rathertoprovideasimpletheoreticalframeworkin whichdifferent questions maybediscussed. Forthisreason the construction of the model is simplified as much as possible, in the same spirit as the construction of formal neurons (4) and ofa symmetric neural network (5). If the model issufficiently simple,astheonepresentedhere,some results may be derived analytically, without recourse to simulations, andmanyresultsobtained instatistical mechan- ics become available. The use of statistical techniques is inescapable, if we want to understand the behavior of a system in which>106 different kinds of molecules interact.

It is well established that antiidiotypic antibodies (i.e., antibodiesagainst antibodies)arenormally generated in the process of theresponse to anexternal antigen [especiallyby repeated vaccination (6)]. Suchantiidiotypic antibodies also exist in unprimed animals (7). Although one of the main assumptionsof thenetworktheoryissatisfied,thefunctional roleof the network isnotfully understood anda spectrumof different conclusions can be found in the literature. More- over,ifweacceptthat the network isnot apureaccident (8) and that it hasaprecisefunctional role, its propertiesare not clear. There are some crucial points on which there is no general agreement andvarious optionsareavailable.

(i) Itisnotestablished whether theautoantibodies, which arise in response to agiven antibodyand have a functional role,areproducedby asmallsetofhighresponder clones or bya large setof low responder clones.

(ii) Arelatedquestionconcernstheeffect ofanewantigen on the behavior of the network: Does it modify the whole networkof antibodiesordoestheperturbation remain local- ized within a given set? Does the network remain a whole

indivisibleunit, or can it be decomposed into a large number of nearlyindependent regulatory subnetworks (each subnet- work beingcomposed by a small set of antibodies) (9, 10)?

Sometimesthese two options are summarized by saying that thenetwork is open or closed. In the second case the network would be the union of many independent circuits of low complexity; in the first case the network would lookmorelike a real brain.

(iii) If we assume that the available states of the network aredetermined by the properties of internal dynamics(11), how then does the networklearn, as it does upon vaccina- tion? In other words if the immune system is an "organism centered, self referential"(11) system, how is it possible that its behavior may be easily modified in the desired direction as ithappens by vaccination?

(iv) Howlarge is the memory of the immune system-i.e., against how many antigens can a mammal be vaccinated (or be actively tolerant)? Does this number coincide with the numberof different clones, or is it smaller?

In this note I try to construct a model for the immune network based on the most extreme hypothesis: I assume that autoantibodies to agivenantibody are a very large set of low responder clones, the connectivity of the network is very high [i.e.,


andconsequently the network cannot be decomposed into independent networks. I further assume that the network is fully functional and the immunological memory is aproperty of the network. Some of these assump- tions are not fully realistic. However it is interesting to consider the features of this extreme case. Indeed, I will prove thatit ispossible to construct such a network, which can memorize a very high


number of external anti- gens.

Before entering into the discussion of the model let me sketchsomewell-established results on the immune system.

SomeKnown Facts

The precise number of different antibodies that an organism (e.g.,amouse) is able to produce at a given moment(i.e., the availablerepertoire) is of the order of106-107and the number of antibodies that are actually produced (the actual reper- toire)islikelytobe smaller by a factor of 10 (12, 13). The very high number of different antibodies in the available repertoire isusually referred to by saying that the repertoire is complete (if we neglect holes)-i.e., the immune system can react against any possible protein (14).

When the immune system is stimulated by an external antigentwo pathways are open: tolerance or immunity; the choice of the pathway is crucial and depends on many factors, most notably the amount of antigen and the way it enters the organism (15). (It is quite likely that the time dependence of the antigen concentration plays a crucial role:

unfortunatelypractically no data are available on this point.) Low doses ofantigen normally induce tolerance, whereas medium doses induceimmunity (high doses too induce tol- erance, butthemechanismisnotthesame asfor lowdoses).

The low dose tolerance andthe immunityare related tothe proliferation ofTcells, which act as suppressors in the first

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case and helpers in the second case and have a negative or a positive effect on the proliferation of antigen-producing B cells.

Summarizing, when the antigen is presented to the orga- nism, the immune system decides which pathway should be taken (suppression or immunity) and it remembers the choice for a very long time, even after the disappearance of the antigen. Itiscrucial that the organism does not react (at least not too much)against some of its own proteins. Some cells of the immune system are able to produce antibodies directed against the organism (i.e., the self); these antibodies are not produced (neglecting pathologies) in sizable amount. There- fore during ontogenesis the immune system learns which antibodies it should not produce and it remembers this decision for its entire life. These two kinds of phenomena are what we callimmunological memory.

Another effect, idiotypy (3), is at the basis of network theories (1) of the immune system. The antibodies (called Abi)elicited directly by the antigen are a new protein for all practical purposes; theyelicit the production of new antigens (Ab2), which induce Ab3, which induce Ab4, which induce Ab5, and so on ....

This phenomenon, the idiotypic cascade, can be studied experimentally in the following way. The different waves (Abi, Ab2, Ab3 .. .) are separated intime by a delay of 1 week (or less). Thefirst antibodies, produced by the mouse afterstimulation,areAbl. Theseantibodiesmaybe injected in a genetically identical mouseand in this way one obtains Ab2. Ab3, Ab4, etc., are obtained in a similar way. Some- times Ab3 is likeAbl and it bindstothesameantigenof Abl (16, 17).

Itis natural to assume that asimilaridiotypiccascade takes place inside the sameorganism anditplaysacrucial role in the regulatory phenomena. However, one must be very careful with these identificationsfor manyreasons:

(i) Theconcentrationof antibodiesproduced bythesame organism increases relatively slowly, whereas the concen- trationjumps instantaneouslywhen theantibodyisinjected into anotherorganism:thedifferences in theprotocolmay be responsible for the transition from tolerance to immunity.

(ii) Itispossible totransfer the antibodies that have been produced (Ab2), but it is notpossible to study those anti- bodies thatare nolongerproduced as aconsequence of the increase in the Ablconcentration.

(iii) Genetically identical mice may have adifferent idio- typicenvironment andthis mayaccountfordifferent behav- iortothesameantigeningenetically identical, butdifferent mice.

The Model

My main interest in thisnote is the study ofanetwork that may be functionally useful as faras memory is concerned (obviously the network may be relevant in othercontexts).

Iformulateamodelfor the immune system, in the absence of an antigen, and try to keep it as simple as possible.

Although it is clear from the previous discussions that the numbers ofBandTlymphocytesofagiven specificity play a crucial role, the actors of this model will be the antibody concentrations,itbeingunderstood that their interactionsare mediatedby lymphocytes. This choice is made in orderto simplifythe model to the maximum. Itwouldbedefinitely interesting to includeB cells, Tcells (helpers and suppres- sors), and the elusive T-cell suppressor factors in more refined versions of the model.



of a given antibody (i) is assumed,

in absence of external antigen, to have only two valuesthat

conventionallywetake0 or1(t is thetime). (Inthepresence ofantigen it is natural to assume that the concentration c, becomes much greater than 1.) The status of the immune

system at a given time is determined by the values of allcifor allpossible antibodies (i.e., i= 1, . . .N, where N is oforder


We assume asimple dynamical process where the time is discretized (the time stepris the time needed to mount the immune response-i.e., about 1 week). In the absence of externalantigen the following equations are satisfied:



E Ji kCk(t)

(Ji, =0)



+ r)=

0[hi(t)], Ill

where the function @(x) is zero for negative x and 1 for positive x;


represents the influence of antibody k on antibodyi.If Jik ispositive, antibody k elicits theproduction ofantibody i, whereas if


is negative, antibody k sup- presses the production of antibody i. The absolute value of




of the control of



antibody i.

The variable


represents thetotal stimulatory (or inhib- itory) effect ofthenetworkon the ithantibody. Itispositive when the excitatory effect of theother antibodies is greater than thesuppressive effectand thenc; is one.Otherwise


is negativeand


iszero. Thequantity S regulates thedynamics when the J terms are very small. Here, forsimplicity we take S equalto zero.

Ifthe concentrations of antibodies are time independent, Eq. 1 simplifies and we get




k=1,N Ci=






which is just Eq. 1, where we have erased the time depen- denceofthe antibodiesconcentrations (S is still zero).

Manyother modelsoftheidiotypicnetwork havealready appearedin the literature(18-20). The modelpresentedhere has theadvantage ofbeing simplerand easier toanalyze.

The phenomenonof low-dose tolerance(andmoregener- allythedependenceof thepathway, toleranceorimmunity, ontheamountofantigen)maysuggest that theconcentration ofagivenantibody is crucial in determiningthe sign ofits effects on the other antibodies. The simplification to two levelsofconcentration (0or1)bypasses theproblemof the choice ofthe pathway (immunity ortolerance). I implicitly assumethattheprotocol in which antibodiesareproducedby theorganismis suchas toinduceagiven pathway.Although in a realistic model the concentrations musteventually be- come continuous variables, I propose to


first whether a simplified functionalidiotypic network withonly twolevelsofconcentrationcanbesetup. If this


fails, the precisevalues of theantibody concentrations will have to be relevant variables and more complex nonlinear differentialequationsfor the timeevolutionswill havetobe written(the c terms should becontinuousvariables) and the analyticstudy of the system would becomemore difficult.

In the current model the antibodies with positive c, are actually produced by the system and the others are sup- pressed. The suppression due to clonalabortionisneglected andIconsideronly the activesuppressionthatselectswhich cellsof the availablerepertoirearetransferred into theactual repertoire. Iam notinterested here inthephysiologicallevel at which the interactions between the different antibodies takeplace.The aim is toobtainaglobalfunctionaldescription of the immune network.


More Details of the Model

The whole memory of the system (immune states and sup- pressed states) is encoded in the network in the sense that the knowledge of the concentrations of all antibodies different from agiven one completely determines the concentration of thatgiven antibody.

Now we must make some hypotheses on the J terms, assuming that:

(a) the diagonal terms







(b) there are J terms ofboth sign, (c) the Jterms are symmetric-i.e.,

Jik=JkJ, [4]

(d)theJ terms arerandom andtheyareequidistributedin the interval -1, 1.

Theassumption ofsettingJ1,ito zero is the most extreme one. Itimpliesthatagiven antibodyisproducedonlybecause ofthe excitatory effects ofthe otherantibodies. Theother extreme situation is when offdiagonal terms(i.e.,


for i


k) areequal to zero andpositivediagonalterms. Inthis case, Eqs. 1 and 2 would have a trivial implication: theantibody concentrations would bealwaystime independent. In other wordsEq. 3implies that memory (i.e., vaccination) can only be realized by modifying the state of the whole network.

The lastassumption (d) isclearlyanoversimplification. It would be more reasonable that


(which should be related to the chemical affinities) is equidistributed. More- overtheantibodiesare notrandomproteins. If the connec- tivity of the ith antibody is defined to be the number of antibodies for which


issignificantly different fromzero, assumption d implies that theconnectivityof everyantibody isequal to the total numberof antibodies. Theconcentration ofany given antibody depends on the concentration of all otherantibodies. Hence, the network is open and cannot be brokeninto smallerindependent subnetworks.

Despite the fact that differentantibodieshavequitediffer- entconnectivity, it isinterestinghowever to study how the network may work in thislimiting case of assumption d. The probabilitydistribution of theJ termscanbemodified in later refinement of the model, without changing the qualitative predictionsof the models as longasoneremains withvery large connectivity. I will proceed with assumption d for simplicity.

Next Idiscuss thephysiological feasibility of assumptions b and c.

Assumption bimpliesthat there shouldbeantibodies that suppress the production of other antibodies. This effect is well known (21-23). It is also possible that some antibodies elicit theproductionof other antibodies at low dose and they suppress theproduction of other antibodies at medium dose (24-26); however a more careful discussion of this point is needed (27).

Moreover, ifallJ terms are positive, the only solution of Eq.1isthattheconcentrations of all antibodies are equal to 1. Hence in this model inhibition plays a crucial role in regulating the immune network.

Themost crucial and mostcontroversial point is assump- tionc.IfbothJ termsarepositive, there is someexperimental evidence to the effectthatsymmetry holds (18, 28, 29). If one of theJ termsisnegative, the situation is less clear; however I shall assume for simplicity that assumption c is strictly satisfied.Iwilllaterdiscuss theconsequences of the removal ofthis assumption.

Different sets ofhypothesescan also be entertained. For example, one could keep assumptions a, c, and b, assume

thatall Jterms are negative, and assumethat S is different fromzeroand positive. This model would becomeasimpli- fied version of the oneof ref. 30.

The discussion presentedhere is very short and doesnot takeintoaccountmanyof thefeatures of the immune system.

Forexample, I have overlooked the fact that Ab2 antibodies maybefunctionallyclassified into fourmajorcategories(26, 31-33).


Having defined the model, one can now analyze it. The intuitive way in which the model shouldexplainimmunolog- ical memory is rather simple. After the production ofAbl startsas aneffect of the antigen, the environment of B and T cells is modified by the presence of Ab2 in such awaythat thelife-span of Abl-producing B cells is increased and also the population of helper T cells, specific for Abl, is in- creased. Ab3 must have a strongcomponent that coincides withAbl or is functionally equivalent to Abl. In otherwords, we suppose that the internal image of the antigen (Ab2) remains after the antigen has disappeared and its presence induces the survival ofmemory B cells directed against the antigen.

Moreover, thesymmetry of the J terms implies that Ab3 shouldbe rather similartoAbl. However this should not be truein a transfer experiment where monoclonal Ab2 is used.

Indeed, different effects ofmonoclonal and polyclonal Ab2 have beenobserved. For example, it has been shown that sometimes monoclonal Ab2 does not elicit Abl-like mole- cules, but rather a heterogeneous response similar to the heterogeneous response to monoclonal Abl (6, 34).

If theJ terms are symmetric, this model coincides witha veryfamiliar and widelyinvestigated modelforspin glasses


It is well known(36) that the behavior of the solution ofEq.

1, after alongtime, would be a stable situation satisfyingEq.

2or a limit cycle of period 2r. It is quite possible that the oscillating behavior for a symmetric model is an artifact of the choice that we have made for the dynamics. Some other choiceslead only to the stable solutions described byEq. 2.

For simplicity, let us consider only the time-independent solutions, keeping in mind that a periodic behavior is also possible.

We nowface adifficulty: the possible equilibrium config- urations of the network(i.e., solutions of Eq. 2) are geneti- cally fixed, whilewe wouldlike the network to learn which antibodies should be produced. How can this take place?

Itis natural to assume that only atinyfraction of all of the antibodies have aphysiological relevance: there areM =aN antibodies that should have a preassigned concentration, some of them should have a zero concentration, others a non-zeroconcentration.Therefore, the value of M islikelyto bemuch less than N-i.e., a < 1.

Inotherwords, if oneconsidersahealthy mouse, onecould write two lists. The first contains the antibodies that should not beproduced (to avoidautoimmune illnesses); the second contains the antibodies that must be produced. In the net- worktheory, the state of the system cannot be preassigned completely, because the production of the antibodies is controlled by the other antibodies-i.e., the state of the networkmust satisfy Eq. 2. The total numberof antibodies (M) in the two lists cannot be equal to N (the size of the repertoire) but mustbe much smaller.

Thenaturalquestion is thefollowing: For a given N, which is the value of M such that there exists one (or more) equilibrium stateofthenetwork with preassigned values of theMconcentrations? Equivalently, which isthemaximum size of thetwolists of antibodies thatmust(or those thatmust


not) be produced? This value of M is what I call the memory capacity of the model.

It is not known what is the value for the storage capacity of a mammal-i.e., maximum number of the number of antibodies that have been actually learned by the immune system (antibodies that are produced in sizable amount, or antibodies whose production is suppressed). This number is certainly high. A storagecapacity independent of N (e.g., the maximum size of the list is seven) would put the model at serious variance with experimental data. After all we are vaccinated against an extremely large set of antigens.

We now proceed to compute the storage capacity of the model network. Eq. 2 is well known in the theory of spin glassesand it has been proved that the numberof its solutions is veryhigh: it increases exponentially with N (35, 37, 38). In


it is


to2ANwith A 0.3.

Theexistence of a stable state with M preassigned antibody concentrations depends on M. When N is very large, such a state exists fora <


(i.e., M <



a,=A. [51

Theproof of Eq. 5 is rather simple. The number of possible states of the network with Mpreassigned antibody concen- trationsis2N-M.Theprobability that a given random state is asolution of Eq. 2 is


Therefore, the average number of solutions of Eq. 2 with aN preassigned antibodies is 2(A-a)N, which is greater than onewhen a < A.

Adetailed computation, which parallels theoriginal eval- uation of A (35, 37, 38), shows that the above argument is sound. (Technicallyspeakingwe have to prove that2(A-a)N, which is the average number of solutions, is also the most likelynumber.)

Eq. 5 can be easily understood from an information- theoretical viewpoint. Indeed, we need M bits of information in orderto specify Mantibodies (on or off) and we needAN bits to identify one of the 2AN equilibrium states of the network. Noequilibrium statecanbe found whenM> AN.

Summarizing, the storagecapacity


= awN)is thetotal numberofantibodies whose concentration may be assigned in a way compatiblewith Eq. 2. Thesimplicity ofthe model allows an analytic computation ofthe storage capacity.

If onecomparesthisidiotypic model with neural models(5, 35), one sees that the J terms play the same role of the synaptic strengths of the neural network. However, in the immunesystem they cannot be modified. Thispointis similar to the one expressed by Toulouse et al. (39) in a different context. The randomness ofthe antibody-antibody interac- tions implies the existence ofalarge number ofequilibrium states and the pressure from theantigen selects the needed equilibrium state. TheDarwinian selectionist(asopposedto the instructionist) point of view is satisfied not only at the level ofthe singleantibody but alsoattheleveloftheimmune system as a whole entity.

If the J terms are not symmetric the situation is more complex. This isamostinterestingcasefor neural networks and the behavior of such a system has been investigated (40-42). Although some of the phenomena present in the symmetric case persist, new features appear.

Themain results are summarized here. If theJ terms are completely asymmetric-i.e.,


is not correlated toJk, the timebehavior of the system is chaotic. This cannotbea gooddescription of the immune system because theproduc- tion ofantibodies ofagiven specificity would start andstop at random.

The intermediate situation, in which the J terms haveboth asymmetric and anasymmetric component, is morerealistic but cannotbe studiedin asimple way.IfonestickstoEq. 1, the concentrations of some antibodies will remain time in- dependent, whereas concentrations of other antibodies may

show anirregularbehavior. The clearestresultsareobtained if we restrict ourselves to thetime-independent solutionsof Eq. 1 (i.e., tothesolutions of Eq. 2).Inthis case one still finds (40-42) that there is anexponentially large number of solu- tions ofEq. 2 (proportional to 2AN, and consequently the memory capacity increases linearly with N). This interme- diate solution seems to be a quite promising case and its behavior should beinvestigated in greater detail.


In this paper I have constructed a simple model of the immune network and have used it to study immunological memory. I havefoundthat themaximummemorycapacity of the system-i.e., the number of antibodies that may be selected(expressed orsuppressed)-isveryhigh-i.e., pro- portional tothe numberof antibodies in the


However, in this note I have not studied the very inter- esting phenomenonoflearning-i.e.,howthenetworkmoves from oneequilibriumstate toanotherequilibriumstate. One should also make adistinction between the learningof the self, duringtheearlyontogenesis,and thelearningof


later in life. Inthe first case learning is amassive


phenomenon. Anextremely large number of different anti- bodies are suppressed at the same time by an immature immune system. It is also likelythat the networkreceivesa strongmaternal influence.Inthe secondcase


maybe sequential (or parallel)-i.e., few new


are memo- rizedat agiventime bya matureimmune system.

Ihaveneglectedthe role thatsomatichypermutation


inproducingnewantibodies andconsequently


the J terms. Itisusually believed thatsomatic


is crucialinproducing antibodies withhigher affinities withthe antigen, and it isnot relevantfrom thepointofview of the network. Somatic hypermutationmay beacrucial


natelyneglected)elementoftheimmune network


couldbe quite useful

during learning),

because it may generate new antibodies withahigher value of




2.The renewaloftherepertoireduetotheexpression ofnewclones ofB cells in the bone marrow may


a similar role as

reservoir ofdiversity, as stressed in ref. 20.

Inthiscase somatic hypermutation would


ananalo- gousroletosynaptic plasticityin the neuralnetwork


learningisproducedbyasmallchangein manysynapses).At the presentstage Idonothave solid support for this



The wayin which

learning happens



morecarefully. Asalreadystated,thevaluesoftheconcen- trations are0or 1, onlyin the absenceofthe


Itis reasonablethatin the presence of the


theconcentra- tions become muchhigher.Then the


cascadestarts and the concentrations of many antibodies are


When the external pressure isremovedwefind ourselves in a newequilibrium state.

A moredetailed model with some

continuously changing

concentrations is needed to

investigate properly

theway in which learning may happen; however there are two main features that should be model


(i) Each time the immune system learns



modify the concentration of some of the antibodies and thereforeweforget


else (30, 32). The


which are mosteasily forgotten, arethosehavingasmall


inEq.1.Thetotalmemorycapacityofantibodies that willnot be forgotten easily depends on the details of the


process but it will be


much smaller than themaximal one.


Repeated exposure to the



quite likely


increase the value of


and therefore to


the memory. It issatisfactory thatoneapparentcharacteristicof


autoantiidiotypic antibodies is that theyare produced most effectively by means of repeated immunization (6).

Atpresent it wouldbe a wild speculation to answerwhy this kind of network is used by the immune system. A possibleansweris thatthe immunological memoryismuch more robust, if it is distributed in many clones, and the decrease in the total storagecapacity isareasonable priceto payfor thisincreased robustness.

Itis a pleasure to thankC. Brezin, A. Coutinho, and M. Virasoro forinterestingdiscussions and useful suggestions. Iamalsograteful to M. Mezard for help in computing the storage capacity of the network and to D. Amit foracareful reading of the manuscript.

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In AD patients, synaptic density decline in the brain appears to be the pathological hallmark that best correlates with the extent of cognitive loss during the

While in the limit of very small and infinite correlation lengths ξ of the random disor- der, the fluctuating gap model (FGM) admits for an exact analytic calculation of the density

The profession is discussing how to protect programs of German, how to cope with new challenges, and how to implement curricular reform (Byrnes 2008; Davidheiser &amp; Wolf

b Department of Physics, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041, China Reprint requests to J.-J. 61a, 357 – 363 (2006); received April

When the contribution from the covalence is ignored, putting the covalent parameter N t = N e , the energy level matrix can be reduced to the classical crystal-field result, and

Thus, to gain further insights on the assembly mechanisms organizing spliceosome protein interac- tions, we adapted the probabilistic niche model 23 (PNM), and tested whether the

In our approach we have to synchronize the freight transport between these two networks: On the service network we search for future transport requests that

74 The prudent use of American military power, in concert with the economic, political, and diplomatic instruments of national power, remains central to attempts to shape