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4. Optimization and Code Generation


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Compilers and Language Processing Tools

Summer Term 2013

Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter Annette Bieniusa

Software Technology Group TU Kaiserslautern


Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter 1


Content of Lecture

1. Introduction

2. Syntax and Type Analysis 2.1 Lexical Analysis

2.2 Context-Free Syntax Analysis

2.3 Context-Dependent Analysis (Semantic Analysis) 3. Translation to Intermediate Representation

3.1 Languages for Intermediate Representation 3.2 Translation of Imperative Language Constructs 3.3 Translation of Object-Oriented Language Constructs 3.4 Translation of Procedures

4. Optimization and Code Generation 4.1 Assembly and Machine Code 4.2 Optimization

4.3 Register Allocation 4.4 Further Aspects


Content of Lecture (2)

5. Selected Topics in Compiler Construction 5.1 Garbage Collection

5.2 Just-in-time Compilation

5.3 XML Processing (DOM, SAX, XSLT)


Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter 3


4. Optimization and Code Generation


Chapter Outline

4. Optimization and Code Generation 4.1 Assembly and Machine Languages 4.2 Optimization

4.3 Register Allocation 4.4 Further Aspects


Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter Optimization and Code Generation 5


Learning objectives

Introduction to assembly and machine languages

Different optimization techniques

Different static analysis techniques

Register allocation

Further aspects of code generation


4.1 Assembly and Machine Languages


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Assembly and Machine Languages


Assembly languages have the following language constructs:

Finite sequences of bits of various length: byte, word, halfword, ...

Global memory

I register, flags (addressing by name)

I indexed, mostly word-addressed main memory


I load, store

I arithmetic and boolean operations

I execution control (jumps, procedures)

I simple, not combined statements

I possibly complex addressing of operands

Initialization instructions


The MIPS Assembler

MIPS -Microprocessor withoutinterlockedpipelinestages

RISC Architecture, originally 32 bit (since 1991 64bit)

developed by John Hennessy (Stanford) starting 1981

SPIM Simulator


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Architecture

Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU)

Floating-Point Unit (FPU)

32 Registers (inkl. stack pointer, frame pointer, global pointer, return address)

Main memory, 230 memory words (4 byte)

5-stage pipeline


MIPS Architecture

Memory PC


Register File

Sign Extend


Imm RS1











WB Data Branch



Instruction Fetch

Next PC

Instruction Decode

Register Fetch Execute

Address Calc. Memory Access Write Back


image: Wikipedia


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Assembly and Machine Languages

Memory Structure

Reserved for OS

Stack Segment


Heap Segment

Data Segment

Text Segment

Reserved 0xFFFFFFFF

0x80000000 0x7FFFFFFF






Data Types and Literals in MIPS Assembly Language

Data Types

Instructions are all 32 bits

byte (8 bits), halfword (2 bytes), word (4 bytes)

integer (1 word storage)

single precision floats (1 word storage)

double precision floats (2 word storage)


Integers (e.g. 4, 2, -236, 0x44)

Floats (e.g. 3.41, -0.323e5)

Characters in single quotes, e.g. ’b’

Strings in double quotes, e.g. "Hello World"


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Registers

No Name P* Description

0 $zero - the constant 0

1 $at - assembler temporary (reserved by the assembler) 2-3 $v0, $v1 no values for function results and expression evaluation 4-7 $a0 - $a3 no arguments for subroutine calls

8-15 $t0 - $t7 no temporaries 16-23 $s0 - $s7 yes saved temporaries 24-25 $t8 - $t9 no additional temporaries 26-27 $k0, $k1 no reserved for OS kernel

28 $gp yes global pointer

29 $sp yes stack pointer

30 $fp yes frame pointer

31 $ra yes return address

*callee must preserve value


MIPS Instruction Format

Instructions are always 32 bit

Opcode in first 6 bits

3 types of instructions: R-, I-, and J-instructions R-Instructions

opcode (6) rs (5) rt (5) rd (5) shamt (5) funct (6) I-Instructions

opcode (6) rs (5) rt (5) immediate (16) J-Instructions

opcode (6) address (26)


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Instructions

In the following let, r1, r2, r3, be registers (e.g. $s1, $t3) and let c be constant values (e.g. 4, 100, -4).


add add r1, r2, r3 r1 = r2 + r3 subtract sub r1, r2, r3 r1 = r2 - r3 add immediate addi r1, r2, c r1 = r2 + c multiply mult r1, r2, r3 r1 = r2 * r3

(lower 32 bits of result) move move r1, r2 addi r1, r2, 0


MIPS Instructions (2)

Data Transfer

load word lw r1, c(r2) r1 = Memory[r2 + c]

store word sw r1, c(r2) Memory[r2 + c] = r1 load immediate li r1, c r1 = c

load half lh r1, c(r2) r1 = Memory[r2 + c]

store half sh r1, c(r2) Memory[r2 + c] = r1 load byte lb r1, c(r2) r1 = Memory[r2 + c]

store byte sb r1, c(r2) Memory[r2 + c] = r1


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Instructions (3)


and and r1, r2, r3 r1 = r2 & r3 or or r1, r2, r3 r1 = r2 | r3 nor nor r1, r2, r3 r1 =¬( r2 | r3 ) and immediate andi r1, r2, c r1 = r2 & c or immediate ori r1, r2, c r1 = r2 | c shift left logical sll r1, r2, c r1 = r2 « c shift right logical srl r1, r2, c r1 = r2 » c


MIPS Instructions (4)

Conditional Branches

branch on equal beq r1, r2, label if (r1 == r2) goto label branch on not equal bne r1, r2, label if (r1 != r2)

goto label set on less than slt r1, r2, r3 if (r2<r3)

r1 := 1 else r1 := 0 set o.l.t. immediate slti r1, r2, c if (r2<c)

r1 := 1 else r1 := 0

Unconditional Branches

jump j label goto label jump register jr r1 goto r1

jump and link jal label $ra = PC + 4; goto label


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Assembly and Machine Languages

Subroutine Calls

Subroutine call (jump and link)

jal label # jump and link

copy program counter to $ra

jump to label

Note: before call store $ra on stack Subroutine return (jump register)

jr $ra # jump register

jump to return address in $ra


Working with the Stack

Push data on the stack

sw $ra, ($sp) # save return address on stack addi $sp, $sp, -4 # decrement stack pointer sw $fp, ($sp) # save frame pointer on stack addi $sp, $sp, -4 # decrement stack pointer

Pop data from the stack

addi $sp, $sp, 4 # increment stack pointer lw $fp, ($sp) # pop saved frame pointer addi $sp, $sp, 4 # increment stack pointer lw $ra, ($sp) # pop saved return address


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Assembly and Machine Languages

Adressing in MIPS

Immediate: Operand is a constant, e.g. 25

Register: Operand is a register, e.g. $s2

Base or Displacement Addressing:Operand is a memory location whose address is the sum of the register and a constant, e.g. 8($sp)

PC relative: Address is the sum of PC and a constant

Pseudodirect Addressing:Jump address is the 26 bit of the instruction with the upper bits of the PC


Syscalls for MARS/SPIM Simulators

How to use System Calls:

load service number into register $v0

load argument values, if any into $a0, $a1, $a2

issue call instructionsyscall

retrieve return values, if any Example:

li $v0, 1 # print integer

move $a0, $t0 # load value into $a0 syscall


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Assembly and Machine Languages

List of System Services

Service Code in $v0 Arguments

print integer 1 $a0 = integer to print

print string 4 $a0 = address of

null-terminated string to print exit (terminate execution) 10

print character 11 $a0 = character to print

exit2 (terminate with value) 17 $a0 = termination result


MIPS Assembly Program Structure

.data # data declarations follow this line

# ...

.text # instructions follow this line

# ...

main: # indicates the first instruction to execute

# ...


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Assembly and Machine Languages

Data Declarations


<name>: <type> (<initial values> | <allocated space>)


.data # data declarations follow

var: .word 3 # integer variable with initial value 3 array1: .byte ’a’,’b’ # 2-element character array initialized

# with ’a’ and ’b’

array2: .space 40 # allocate 40 bytes, uninitialized


Example: Translation to MIPS

The example illustrates the MIPS assembler and typical translation tasks.

Code quality is not considered.

Source Code in C

1 char a[3], b[3];

2 int i;

3 char res;

4 int main() { 5 i = 2;

6 res = 1;

7 while( -1 < i ) { 8 if( res ) {

9 res = (a[i]==b[i]);

10 i = i-1;

11 } else { 12 i = i-1;

13 }

14 }

15 return res;

16 }


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Assembly and Machine Languages

Source Code in C with Labels

1 char a[3], b[3];

2 int i;

3 char res;

4 int main() {

5 main: i = 2;

6 res = 1;

7 loop: while( -1 < i ) {

8 if( res ) {

9 res = (a[i]==b[i]);

10 after: i = i-1;

11 } else {

12 elseif: i = i-1;

13 } // afterif:

14 }

15 exit: return res;

16 }


Source Code in C with Gotos

1 char a[3], b[3];

2 int i;

3 char res;

4 int main() {

5 i = 2;

6 res = 1;

7 loop: if (! (-1 < i ))

8 goto exit;

9 if( !res )

10 goto elseif;

11 if (a[i]==b[i])

12 goto equal;

13 res = 0;

14 goto after;

15 equal: res = 1;

16 after: i = i-1;

17 goto afterif;

18 elseif: i = i-1;

19 afterif: goto loop;

20 exit: return res;

21 }


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Program

# sp + 0 : i

# sp + 4 : res

# sp + 5 : base address of a[3]

# sp + 8 : base address of b[3]


addi $sp, $sp, -12 # make space for the variables li $t1, 2

sw $t1, 0($sp) # i = 2 li $t1, 1

sb $t1, 4($sp) # set res at sp +4


MIPS Program (2)


lw $t2, 0($sp) # load i into $t2 li $t3, -1 # load -1 into $t3 slt $t0, $t3, $t2 # -1 < i ?

beq $t0, $zero, exit # if not -1 < i goto exit lb $t1, 4($sp) # load res from stack into $t1 beq $t1, $zero, elseif # if res == 0 goto else if add $t4, $sp, 5 # base address of array a add $t4, $t4, $t2 # add offset/ array index lb $t0, 0($t4) # load a[i]

add $t4, $sp, 8 # base address of array b add $t4, $t4, $t2 # add offset/ array index lb $t1, 0($t4) # load b[i]

beq $t0, $t1, equal # if a[i] == b[i]

sb $zero, 4($sp) # set res to 0

j after


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Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Program (3)


addi $t3, $zero, 1 # $t3 = 1 sb $t3, 4($sp) # res = $t3 after:

subi $t2, $t2, 1 # i = i-1

sw $t2, 0($sp) # store i to $sp +4

j afterif # goto end of if statement elseif:

subi $t2, $t2, 1 # i = i-1

sw $t2, 0($sp) # store i to $sp +4 afterif:

j loop # return to loop


lw $a0, 4($sp) # terminate with exit code res addi $sp, $sp, 12 # reset stack pointer

li $v0, 17 syscall


Translation to MIPS


The example illustrates typical translation tasks:

Translation of data types, memory management, addressing

Translation of expressions, management of intermediate results, mapping of operations of the source language to operations of the target language

Translation of statements by implementation with jumps

Bad code quality with simple systematic approach


Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter Optimization and Code Generation 33


Assembly and Machine Languages

MIPS Abstract Syntax

Prog * Instruction

Instruction = ADD (Register reg0, Register reg1, Register reg2)

| ADDI (Register reg0, Register reg1, Const const0)

| BEQ (Register reg0, Register reg1, Label label0)

| SLT (Register reg0, Register reg1, Register reg2)

| SLTI (Register reg0, Register reg1, Const const0)

| J (Label label0)

| JR (Register reg0)

| JAL (Label label0) ...

Const ( Integer value ) Label ( Integer labelId )

Register = Zero () | AT () | VReg | AReg | TReg | SReg

| KReg | GP () | SP () | FP () | RA () VReg = V0 () | V1 ()

AReg = A0 () | A1 () | A2 () | A3 () ...


4.2 Optimization


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Optimization refers to improving the code with the following goals:

Runtime behavior

Memory consumption

Size of code

Energy consumption


Optimization (2)

We distinguish the following kinds of optimizations:

machine-independent optimizations

machine-dependent optimizations (exploit properties of a particular real machine)


local optimizations

intra-procedural optimizations

inter-procedural/global optimizations


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Remark on Optimization

Appel (Chap. 17, p 350):

"In fact, there can never be a complete list [of optimizations]. "

"Computability theory shows that it will always be possible to invent new optimizing transformations."


4.2.1 Classical Optimization Techniques


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Constant propagation

If the value of a variable is constant, the variable can be replaced with the constant.


Constant folding

Evaluate all expressions with constants as operands at compile time.

Iteration of Constant Folding and Propagation:


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Non-local constant optimization

For each program position, the possible values for each variable are required. If the set of possible values is infinite, it has to be abstracted appropriately.


Copy propagation

Eliminate all copies of variables, i.e., if there exist several variables x,y,z at a program position, that are known to have the same value, all uses of y and z are replaced by x.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Copy propagation (2)

This can also be done at join points of control flow or for loops:

For each program point, the information which variables have the same value is required.


Common subexpression elimination

If an expression or a statement contains the same partial expression several times, the goal is to evaluate this subexpression only once.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Common subexpression elimination (2)

Optimization of a basic block is done after transformation to SSA and construction of a DAG:


Common subexpression elimination (3)


The elimination of repeated computations is often done before transformation to 3AC, but can also be reasonable following other transformations.

The DAG representation of expressions is also used as intermediate language by some authors.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Algebraic optimizations

Algebraic laws can be applied in order to be able to use other optimizations. For example, use associativity and commutativity of addition:

Caution: For finite data type, common algebraic laws are not valid in general.


Strength reduction

Replace expensive operations by more efficient operations (partially machine-dependent).

For example: y: = 2 * x can be replaced by y : = x + x

or by

y: = x « 1


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Inline expansion of procedure calls

Replace call to non-recursive procedure by its body with appropriate substitution of parameters.

Note: This reduces execution time, but increases code size.


Inline expansion of procedure calls (2)


Expansion is in general more than text replacement:


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Inline expansion of procedure calls (3)

In OO programs with relatively short methods, expansion is an important optimization technique. But, precise information about the target object is required.

A refinement of inline expansion is the specialization of

procedures/functions if some of the actual parameters are known.

This technique can also be applied to recursive procedures/functions.


Dead code elimination

Remove code that is not reached during execution or that has no influence on execution.

In one of the above examples, constant folding and propagation produced the following code:

Provided, t3 and t4 are no longer used after the basic block (not live).


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Dead code elimination (2)

A typical example for non-reachable and thus, dead code that can be eliminated:


Dead code elimination (3)


Dead code is often caused by optimizations.

Another source of dead code are program modifications.

In the first case, liveness information is the prerequiste for dead code elimination.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Code motion

Move commands over branching points in the control flow graph such that they end up in basic blocks that are less often executed.

We consider two cases:

Move commands in succeeding or preceeding branches

Move code out of loops

Optimization of loops is very profitable, because code inside loops is executed more often than code not contained in a loop.


Move code over branching points

If a sequential computation branches, the branches are less often executed than the sequence.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Move code over branching points (2)

Prerequisite for this optimization is that a defined variable is only used in one branch.

Moving the command over a preceeding joint point can be advisable, if the command can be eliminated by optimization from one of the branches.


Partial redundancy elimination

Definition (Partial Redundancy)

An assignment isredundantat a program positions, if it has already been executed on all paths tos.

An expressioneisredundantats, if the value ofehas already been calculated on all paths tos.

An assignment/expression ispartially redundantats, if it is redundant with respect to some execution paths leading tos.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Partial redundancy elimination (2)



Partial redundancy elimination (3)

Elimination of partial redundancy:


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Partial redundancy elimination (4)


PRE can be seen as a combination and extension of common subexpression elimination and code motion.

Extension: Elimination of partial redundancy according to estimated probability for execution of specific paths.


Code motion from loops

Idea: Computations in loops whose operations are not changed inside the loop should be done outside the loop.

Provided, t1 is not live at the end of the top-most block on the left side.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Optimization of loop variables

Variables and expressions that are not changed during the execution of a loop are calledloop invariant.

Loops often have variables that are increased/decreased systematically in each loop execution, e.g., for-loops.

Often, a loop variable depends on another loop variable, e.g., a relative address depends on the loop counter variable.


Optimization of loop variables (2)

Definition (Loop Variables)

A variablei is calledexplicit loop variableof a loopS, if there is exactly one definition ofi inSof the formi :=i+cwherec is loop invariant.

A variablek is calledderived loop variableof a loopS, if there is exactly one definition ofk inSof the formk :=j∗cork :=j+d wherej is a loop variable andcandd are loop invariant.


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Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Induction variable analysis

Compute derived loop variables inductively, i.e., instead of computing them from the value of the loop variable, compute them from the valued of the previous loop execution.

Note: For optimization of derived loop variables, the dependencies between variable definitions have to be precisely understood.


Loop unrolling

If the number of loop executions is known statically or properties about the number of loop executions (e.g., always an even number) can be inferred, the loop body can be copied several times to save comparisons and jumps.

Provided,ix is dead at the end of the fragment.

Note, the static computation ofix’s values in the unrolled loop.


Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter Optimization and Code Generation 67


Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques

Loop unrolling (2)


Partial loop unrolling aims at obtaining larger basic blocks in loops to have more optimization options.

Loop unrolling is in particular important for parallel processor architectures and pipelined processing (machine-dependent).


Optimization for other language classes

The discussed optimizations aim at imperative languages. For optimizing programs of other language classes, special techniques have been developed.

For example:

Object-oriented languages: Optimization of dynamic binding (type analysis)

Non-strict functional languages: Optimization of lazy function calls (strictness analysis)

Logic programming languages: Optimization of unification


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Optimization Potential of Optimizations

4.2.2 Potential of Optimizations


Potential of optimizations - Example

Consider procedureskprodfor the evaluation of the optimization techniques:

4.2.2 Optimierungspotential

Am Beispiel der Prozedur skprod demonstrieren

i i i d bi T h ik d d

wir einige der obigen Techniken und das Verbesserungspotential, das durch Optimierungen erzielt werden kann; dabei skizzieren wir auch dessen Bewertung.

k d


res:= 0 ix := 0

t0 := lng-1 if ix<=t0

true false

return res t1 := i1+ix

tx := t1*4 ta := a+tx t2 := *ta t1 := i2+ix t1 : i2+ix tx := t1*4 tb := b+tx t3 := *tb t1 := t2*t3 res:= res+t1 ix := ix+1

Bewertung: Anzahl der Befehlsschritte in Abhängigkeit

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 322

Bewertung: Anzahl der Befehlsschritte in Abhängigkeit von lng: 2 + 2 + 13*lng + 1 = 13*lng + 5

( lng = 100: 1305, lng = 1000: 13005 )


Number of steps depending onlng:

2+2+13∗lng+1=13∗lng+5 lng=100: 1305

lng=1000: 13005


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Optimization Potential of Optimizations

Potential of optimizations - Example (2)

Move computation of loop invariant out of loop:Herausziehen der Berechnung der Schleifeninvariante t0:


res:= 0 res:= 0 ix := 0 t0 := lng-1

if i < t0

return res t1 := i1+ix

tx := t1*4 if ix<=t0

true false

ta := a+tx t2 := *ta t1 := i2+ix tx := t1*4 tb := b+tx tb : b+tx t3 := *tb t1 := t2*t3 res:= res+t1 ix := ix+1

Bewertung: 3 + 1 + 12*lng + 1 = 12*lng + 5g g g ( lng = 100: 1205, lng = 1000: 12005 )

Evaluation: 3+1+12*lng+1 = 12 *lng + 5


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Potential of optimizations - Example (3)

Optimization of loop variables: There are no derived loop variables, because t1 and tx have several definitions; transformation to SSA for t1 and tx yields that t11, tx1, ta, t12, tb become derived loop variables.

Optimierung von Schleifenvariablen (1):

Zunächst gibt es keine abgeleiteten Schleifenvariablen, da t1 und tx mehrere Definitionen besitzen; Einführen von SSA für t1 und tx macht t11, tx1, ta, t12, tx2, tb zu abgeleiteten Schleifenvariablen:


res:= 0 res:= 0 ix := 0 t0 := lng-1

if i < t0

return res t11:= i1+ix

tx1:= t11*4 1 if ix<=t0

true false

ta := a+tx1 t2 := *ta t12:= i2+ix tx2:= t12*4 tb := b+tx2 tb : b t t3 := *tb t13:= t2*t3 res:= res+t13 ix := ix+1

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 324 c

Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter Optimization and Code Generation 73


Optimization Potential of Optimizations

Potential of optimizations - Example (4)

Optimization of loop variables(2): Inductive definition of loop variablesOptimierung von Schleifenvariablen (2):

Initialisierung und induktive Definition der S hl if i bl



res:= 0 res:= 0 ix := 0 t0 := lng-1 t11:= i1-1 tx1:= t11*4 ta := a+tx1 t12:= i2-1 tx2:= t12*4 tb := b+tx2

t11:= t11+1 if ix<=t0 true false

return res t11:= t11+1

tx1:= tx1+4 ta := ta+4 t2 := *ta t12:= t12+1 tx2:= tx2+4 tb := tb+4 t3 := *tb t13:= t2*t3 res:= res+t13

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 325 res: res+t13

ix := ix+1


Potential of optimizations - Example (5)

Dead Code Elimination: t11, tx1, t12, tx2 do not influence the result.Elimination toten Codes:

Die Zuweisungen an t11, tx1, t12, tx2sind toter Code da sie das Ergebnis nicht beeinflussen


Code, da sie das Ergebnis nicht beeinflussen.

res:= 0 ix := 0 t0 := lng-1 t11:= i1-1 tx1:= t11*4 tx1: t11 4 ta := a+tx1 t12:= i2-1 tx2:= t12*4 tb := b+tx2

if ix<=t0

true false

return res ta := ta+4

t2 := *ta tb := tb+4 t3 := *tb t13:= t2*t3 t13: t2 t3 res:= res+t13 ix := ix+1

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 326

Bewertung: 9 + 1 + 8*lng + 1 = 8*lng + 11 ( lng = 100: 811, lng = 1000: 8011 )

Evaluation: 9 + 1 + 8 * lng +1 = 8 * lng +11


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Optimization Potential of Optimizations

Potential of optimizations - Example (6)

Algebraic Optimizations: Use invariantsta=4(i11+ix) +afor the comparisonta4(i1Algebraische Optimierung:1+t0) +a

Ausnutzen der Invarianten: ta = 4*(i1-1+ix)+ a für den Vergleich: ta < 4*(i1 1+t0)+ a für den Vergleich: ta <= 4*(i1-1+t0)+ a


res:= 0 ix := 0 t0 := lng-1 t11:= i1-1 tx1:= t11*4 tx1: t11 4 ta := a+tx1 t12:= i2-1 tx2:= t12*4 tb := b+tx2 t4 := t11+t0 t5 := 4*t4 t6 := t5+a

ta := ta+4 t2 := *ta

if ta<=t6

true false

return res t2 : ta

tb := tb+4 t3 := *tb t13:= t2*t3 res:= res+t13

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 327 ix := ix+1


Potential of optimizations - Example (7)

Dead Code Elimination: Assignment to ix is dead code and can be eliminated.Elimination toten Codes:

Durch die Transformation der Schleifenbedingung ist

di Z i C d d d k

die Zuweisung an ixtoter Code geworden und kann eliminiert werden:


res:= 0 t0 := lng-1 t11:= i1-1 tx1:= t11*4 ta := a+tx1 ta := a+tx1 t12:= i2-1 tx2:= t12*4 tb := b+tx2 t4 := t11+t0 t5 := 4*t4 t6 := t5+a if ta<=t6

return res ta := ta+4

t2 := *ta tb := tb+4

if ta< t6

true false

tb : tb+4 t3 := *tb t13:= t2*t3 res:= res+t13

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 328 Bewertung: 11 + 1 + 7*lng + 1 = 7*lng + 13 ( lng = 100: 713, lng = 1000: 7013 )

Evaluation: 11 + 1 + 7 * Ing +1 = 7 * lng + 13


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Optimization Potential of Optimizations

Potential of optimizations - Example (8)


Reduction of execution steps by almost half, where the most significant reductions are achieved by loop optimization.

Combination of optimization techniques is important. Determining the ordering of optimizations is in general difficult.

We have only considered optimizations at examples. The difficulty is to find algorithms and heuristics for detecting optimization potential automatically and for executing the optimizing transformations.


4.2.3 Data flow analysis


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Data flow analysis: Introduction

For optimizations, data flow information is required that can be obtained by data flow analysis.

Goal: Explanation of basic concepts of data flow analysis at examples Outline:

Liveness analysis (Typical example of data flow analysis)

Data flow equations

Important analysis classes

Each analysis has an exact specification which information it provides.


Control flow graphs

Data flow analyses are usually defined based on a representation of a program or procedure as acontrol flow graph,CFGfor short:

nodes are individual program statements or basic blocks

an edge fromnton0 represents a potential control transfer from (the end of)nto (the beginning of)n0

Out-edges from nodenlead tosuccessor nodes,succ(n) In-edgesto nodencome frompredecessor nodes, pred(n)

Data flow information is mostly computed for(CF-)positionsbefore and after nodes.


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Liveness analysis

A temporary or variable is live at a position of a CFG if it holds a value that may be needed in the future. More precisely:

Definition (Liveness Analysis)

LetPbe a program. A variablev isliveat a CF-positionSinP if there is an execution pathπ fromSto a use ofv such that there is no definition ofv onπ.

Theliveness analysisdetermines for all positionsSinP which variables are live atS.


Liveness analysis (2)


The definition of liveness of variables is static/syntactic. (In contrast, dead code was defined dynamically/semantically.)

The result of the liveness analysis for a programmP can be represented as a functionlivemapping positions inP to bit vectors, where a bit vector contains an entry for each variable in P. Letibe the index of a variable inP, then it holds that:

live(S)[i] =1 iff v is live at positionS


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Liveness analysis (3)


In a procedure-local analysis, exactly the global variables are live at the end of the exit block of the procedure.

If the live variablesout(n)after a nodenare known, the live variablesin(n)beforenare computed by:

in(n) =gen(n)∪(out(n)\kill(n)) where

I gen(n)is the set of variablesv such thatv is applied innwithout a prior definition ofv

I kill(n)is the set of variables that are defined inn


Liveness analysis (4)

As the setin(n)is computed fromout(n), we have abackward analysis.

Fornnot the exit block of the procedure,out(n)is obtained by out(n) =[

in(ni)for all successorsniofn

Thus, for a program without loops,in(n)andout(n)are defined for all nodesn. Otherwise, we obtain a system of recursive equations.


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Liveness analysis - Example

Question: How do we compute out(B2)?


Data flow equations


There is always a solution for equations of the considered form.

There is always a smallest solution that is obtained by an iteration starting from emptyinandoutsets.

Note: The equations may have several solutions.


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Ambiguity of solutions - Example

a := a B0:

b := 7 B1:

out(B0) =in(B0)in(B1) out(B1) ={ }

in(B0) =gen(B0)(out(B0)\kill(B0))

={a} ∪out(B0)

in(B1) =gen(B1)(out(B1)\kill(B1))

={ }

Thus,out(B0) =in(B0), and hencein(B0) ={a} ∪in(B0).

Possible Solutions: in(B0) ={a}orin(B0) ={a,b}


Computation of smallest fixpoint

foreach n gen(n) := ...

kill(n) := ...

in(n) := ∅ out(n) := ∅

if nis exit node then out(n) := ....


foreach n in0(n) := in(n) out0(n) := out(n)

in(n) := gen(n)∪(out(n)\kill(n) ) out(n) := S


until ∀n.in0(n) =in(n)∧out0(n) =out(n)


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Optimization Data flow analysis


LetNbe the size of the input program

≤N nodes in CFG

⇒ ≤Nvariables

⇒N elements perin/out

⇒ O(N)time per set-union

forloop performs constant number of set operations per node

⇒O(N2)time forforloop

each iteration ofrepeatloop can only add to each set sets can contain at most every variable

⇒ sizes of all in and out sets sum to 2N2,

bounding the number of iterations of therepeatloop

⇒ worst-case complexity ofO(N4)

ordering can cutrepeatloop down to 2-3 iterations

⇒O(N)orO(N2)in practice


Further analyses and classes of analyses

Many data flow analyses can be described as bit vector problems:

Reaching definitions: Which definitions reach a positionS?

Available expressions for elimination of repeated computations

Very busy expressions: Which expression is needed for all subsequent computations?

The according analyses can be treated analogue to liveness analysis, but differ in

the definition of the data flow information

the definition ofgenandkill

the direction of the analysis and the equations


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Optimization Data flow analysis

Further analyses and classes of analyses (2)

For backward analyses, the data flow information before a nodenis obtained from the information aftern:

in(n) =gen(n)∪(out(n)\kill(n))

Analyses can be distinguished according to whether they consider the conjunction or intersection of the successor information:

out(n) = [




out(n) = \




Further analyses and classes of analyses (3)

For forward analyses, the dependency is the other way round:

out(n) =gen(n)∪(in(n)\kill(n)) with

in(n) = [




in(n) = \




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Optimization Data flow analysis

Further analyses and classes of analyses (4)

Examples for each class of analysis:

conjunction intersection forward reachable definitions available expressions backward live variables busy expressions


Further analyses and classes of analyses (5)

For bit vector problems, data flow information consists of subsets of finite sets.

For other analyses, the collected information is more complex, e.g., for constant propagation, we consider mappings from variables to values.

For interprocedural analyses, complexity increases because the flow graph is not static.

Formal basis for the development andcorrectnessof optimizations is provided by the theory ofabstract interpretation.


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Optimization Data flow analysis


Recommended reading:

Flemming Nielson, Hanne R. Nielson, Chris Hankin: Principles of Program Analysis (Springer-Verlag, corrected 2nd printing, 2005)


4.2.4 Non-Local Program Analysis


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Non-local program analysis

We use apoints-toanalysis to demonstrate:

interprocedural aspects: The analysis crosses the borders of single procedures.

constraints: Program analysis very often involves solving or refining constraints.

complex analysis results: The analysis result cannot be represented locally for a statement.

analysis as abstraction: The result of the analysis is an abstraction of all possible program executions.


Points-to analysis

Analysis for programs with pointers and for object-oriented programs Goal: Compute which references to which records/objects a variable can hold.

Applications of Analysis Results:

Basis for optimizations

Alias information (e.g., important for code motion)

I Can p.f = x cause changes to an object referenced by q?

I Can z = p.f read information that is written by p.f = x?

Call graph construction

Resolution of virtual method calls

Escape analysis


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Alias information

Beispiele: (Verwendung von Points-to- Analyseinformation)


(1) p.f = x;

(2) f

A. Nutzen von Alias-Information:

(2) y = q.f;

(3) q.f = z;

p == q: (1)

(2) y = x;

(2) y x;

(3) q.f = z;

p != q: Erste Anweisung lässt sich mit den anderen beiden vertauschen

anderen beiden vertauschen.

B. Elimination dynamischer Bindung:

class A { class A {

void m( ... ) { ... } }

class B extends A { void m( ) { } void m( ... ) { ... } }


A p;

28.06.2007 © A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern 338

p = new B();

p.m(...) // Aufruf von B::m

First two statements can be switched.


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Elimination of dynamic binding

Beispiele: (Verwendung von Points-to- Analyseinformation)


(1) p.f = x;

(2) f

A. Nutzen von Alias-Information:

(2) y = q.f;

(3) q.f = z;

p == q: (1)

(2) y = x;

(2) y x;

(3) q.f = z;

p != q: Erste Anweisung lässt sich mit den anderen beiden vertauschen

anderen beiden vertauschen.

B. Elimination dynamischer Bindung:

class A { class A {

void m( ... ) { ... } }

class B extends A { void m( ) { } void m( ... ) { ... } }


A p;

© A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern

p = new B();

p.m(...) // Aufruf von B::mCall of B::m


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Escape analysis

C. Escape-Analyse:

R m( A p ) {( p ) { B q;

q = new B(); // Kellerverwaltung möglich q.f = p;

q.g = p.n();

q g p ();

return q.g;


Eine Points-to-Analyse für Java:


• Gesamte Programm ist bekannt.

• Nur Zuweisungen und Methodenaufrufe der folgenden Form:

Di kt Z i

- Direkte Zuweisung: l = r - Schreiben auf Instanzvariablen: l.f = r - Lesen von Instanzvariablen: l = r.f

Objekterzeugung: l C()

- Objekterzeugung: l = new C() - Einfacher Methodenaufruf: l = r0.m(r1,..)

• Ausdrücke ohne Seiteneffekte

• Zusammengesetzte Anweisungen

© A. Poetzsch-Heffter, TU Kaiserslautern

• Zusammengesetzte Anweisungen

Can be stored on stack


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Points-to analysis for Java

Simplifications and assumptions about underlying language

Complete program is known.

Only assignments and method calls of the following form are used:

I Direct assignment:l = r

I Write to instance variables:l.f = r

I Read of instance variables:l = r.f

I Object creation:l = new C()

I Simple method call:l = r0.m(r1, ...)

Expressions without side effects

Compound statements


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Points-to analysis for Java (2)

Analysis type

Flow-insensitive:The control flow of the program has no influence on the analysis result. The states of the variables at different program points are combined.

Context-insensitive: Method calls at different program points are not distinguished.


Points-to analysis for Java (3)

Points-to graph as abstraction

Result of the analysis is a so-calledpoints-to graphhaving

abstract variables and abstract objects as nodes

edges represent that an abstract variable may have a reference to an abstract object

Abstract variables V represent sets of concrete variables at runtime.

Abstract objects O represent sets of concrete objects at runtime.

An edge between V and O means that in a certain program state, a concrete variable in V may reference an object in O.


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Optimization Non-Local Program Analysis

Points-to graph - Example

Beispiel: (Points-to-Graph)

class Y { ... } class X {

Y f;

void set( Y r ) { this.f = r; } static void main() {

X p = new X(); // s1 „erzeugt“ o1 Y q = new Y(); // s2 „erzeugt“ o2q (); // „ g p.set(q);

} }


o1 this


f q



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After starting each one, it reads two integer numbers (e.g., 1, 2 but not 4.5) per input line, and reports the corresponding fitness value, also called function or objective



The objective of this study was to quantify the methane emission over the full course of the “active” season from early spring to early winter, to analyze the


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