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Schwerpunkt: Sectio Caesarea


Academic year: 2022

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Schwerpunkt: Sectio Caesarea

Inkontinenzaufklärung würde Sectiorate deutlich erhöhen (S. 7-12) J. M. Wenderlein


1. Melville JL et al. Urinary incontinence in US women: a population-based study. Archives of internal medicine 2005; 165(5): 537–542

2. Hannestad YS et al. Epidemiology of Incontinence in the Country of Nord Trondelag: the Norwegian EPICONT study. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 1150–1157

3. Swithinbank LV et al. Urinary symptoms and incontinence in women:relationships between occurance,age, and perceived impact.Br J Gen Pract 1999; 49: 897–900

4. Broome B & A Shelton. The impact of urinary incontinence on self-efficacy and quality of life. Health and quality of life outcomes 2003; 1: 35

5. Avery S et al. Identifying the quality of life effects of urinary incontinence with depression in an Australian population. BMC urology 2013; 13: 11

6. Coyne S et al. Impact of overactive bladder on work productivity. Urology 2012; 80(1): 97–103 7. Gümüşsoy K et al. Investigation of body image, self-esteem, and quality of life in women with urinary

incontinence. International journal of nursing practice 2019; 25(5): e12762

8. López-Sánchez J et al. Association of multimorbidity with higher levels of urinary incontinence: a cross-sectional study of 23 089 individuals aged ≥ 15 years residing in Spain. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 2021; 71(702): e71–e77 9. Bardini J et al. Urinary Incontinence as a Predictor of Death: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

PloS one 2016; 11(7): e0158992

10. Lagro-Janssen T et al. Urinary incontinence in women and the effects on their lives.Scandinavian journal of primary health care 1992; 10(3): 211–216

11. Lim Y et al. Urinary incontinence is strongly associated with depression in middle-aged and older Korean women: Data from the Korean longitudinal study of ageing. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 2018; 220: 69–73

12. Melville JL et al. Incontinence severity and major depression in incontinent women.Obstetrics &

Gynecology 2005; 106(3): 585–592

13. Littlejohn JO & Kaplan SA. An unexpected association between urinary incontinence, depression and sexual dysfunction. Drugs of today 2002; 38(11): 777–782

14. Milsom I & Gyhagen M. The prevalence of urinary incontinence. Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society 2019; 22(3): 217–222

15. Nygaard I. Urinary incontinence and depression in middle-aged United States women. Obstetrics &

Gynecology 2003; 101(1): 149–156

16. Pérez-López FR et al. Urinary incontinence, related factors and menopause-related quality of life in mid-aged women assessed with the Cervantes Scale. Maturitas 2012; 73(4): 369–372

17. Pizzol D et al. Urinary incontinence and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging clinical and experimental research 2021; 33(1): 25–35

18. Reigota RB et al. Prevalence of urinary incontinence and its association with multimorbidity in women aged 50 years or older: A population-based study. Neurourology and urodynamics 2016; 35(1): 62–68 19. Riss P & Kargl J. Quality of life and urinary incontinence in women. Maturitas 2011; 68(2): 137–142 20. Saboia DM et al. Impacto dos tipos de incontinência urinária na qualidade de vida de mulheres. Rev

Esc Enferm USP 2017; 51: e03266

21. Shlain L et al. Urinary incontinence type, symptoms, and quality of life: A comparison between grand multipara and non-grand multipara women aged ≥ 50 years. JJNS 2018; 15(4): 309–317

22. Siddiqui NY et al. Mental Health, Sleep and Physical Function in Treatment Seeking Women with Urinary Incontinence. The Journal of urology 2018; 200(4): 848–855

23. Sims J et al. Urinary incontinence in a community sample of older adults: prevalence and impact on quality of life. Disability and rehabilitation 2011; 33(15–16): 1389–1398


Schwerpunkt: Kinderwunsch

Wenn ART erfolglos bleibt: Zahlen, Erfahrungen, Interventionen (S. 28-33)

T. Wischmann, P. Thorn


1. Bateman BT & Simpson LL. Higher rate of stillbirth at the extremes of reproductive age: A large nationwide sample of deliveries in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006; 194: 840–845 2. Black RB et al. When in vitro fertilization fails: a prospective view. Soc Work Health Care 1992 17: 1–19 3. Diedrich K et al. Reproduktionsmedizin im internationalen Vergleich. Wissenschaftlicher Sachstand,

medizinische Versorgung und gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf. Gutachten im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung. Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Berlin 2008

4. DIR (Deutsches IVF-Register) D.I.R. Jahrbuch 2019. Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie 2020; 17: 199–239

5. Domar AD et al. Burden of care is the primary reason why insured women terminate in vitro fertilization treatment. Fertil Steril 2018; 109: 1121–1126

6. du Fossé NA et al. Advanced paternal age is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Human Reproduction Update 2020; 26(5): 650–


7. ESHRE Capri Workshop Group. Failures (with some successes) of assisted reproduction and gamete donation programs. Hum Reprod Update 2013; 19: 354–365

8. Gameiro S et al. ESHRE guideline: routine psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction—a guide for fertility staff. Hum Reprod 2015; 30: 2476–2485

9. Gnoth C et al. Final ART success rates: a 10 years survey. Hum Reprod 2011; 26: 2239–2246

10. Jacobs NN & O'Donohue WT. Coping with infertility: clinically proven ways of managing the emotional roller coaster. Routledge 2007, New York

11. Johansson M et al. Quality of life for couples 4–5.5 years after unsuccessful IVF treatment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2009; 88: 291–300

12. Kreuzer VK et al. Mögliche Gründe für einen Therapieabbruch: eine Analyse von 571.071

Behandlungszyklen aus dem Deutschen IVF-Register. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2018; 78: 984–990 13. Kuehn J. (Un-)Erfüllter Kinderwunsch : Psychologische Hilfen und medizinisches Wissen – was Paare in

der Kinderwunschzeit ihrem Ziel näher bringt. Springer, Berlin 2019 14. Linssen M. Verborgenes Verlangen. Eigenverlag, Utrecht 2018

15. Lo Giudice A. Nachbefragung Kinderwunsch – 5 Jahre später: Psychologische Prädiktoren und Bewältigungsstrategien im Zusammenhang mit dem Ausgang einer Kinderwunschbehandlung. In:

Psychologisches Institut. Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg 2020

16. Niem AA. Auch ein schwacher Samen findet mal ein Ei. Telepilot, Hohenbrunn 2017

17. Peterson BD et al. Examining congruence between partners' perceived infertility-related stress and its relationship to martial adjustment and depression in infertile couples. Fam Process 2003; 42: 59–70 18. Smith ADAC et al. Live-Birth Rate Associated With Repeat In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Cycles. JAMA

2015; 314: 2654–2662

19. Sterebogen I. Herzensmütter. Glücklich werden trotz unerfülltem Kinderwunsch. Ariston, Kreuzlingen 2020

20. Stroebe M & Schut H. The dual process model of coping with bereavement: a decade on. Omega 2010;

61: 273–289

21. Van den Broeck U et al. Psychosoziale Kinderwunschberatung: Einzel-, Paar- und Gruppeninterventionen. J Reproduktionsmed Endokrin 2015; 12: 13–18

22. Volmer L et al. Infertile Partnersʼ Coping Strategies Are Interrelated – Implications for Targeted Psychological Counseling. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2017; 77: 52–58

23. Wallraff D et al. Kinderwunsch. Der Ratgeber des Beratungsnetzwerkes Kinderwunsch Deutschland (BKiD). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2014


24. Wischmann T. Chancen und Risiken von ART (national und international). In: Thorn P, Wischmann T, Quitmann S, Dorn A. BKiD-Fortbildungsmanual "Psychosoziale Kinderwunschberatung – Medizinische, ethische und psychosoziale Aspekte, beraterische Interventionen". FamART, Mörfelden 2018; 27–34 25. Wischmann T. Psychological impact of infertility and assisted reproduction. In: Quatraro R, Grussu P.

Handbook of Perinatal Clinical Psychology. From theory to practice. Routledge, London 2020; 61–81 26. Wischmann T. Psychologische Aspekte bei Frühabort. Gynäkologe 2018; 51: 319–325

27. Wischmann T & Kentenich H. A Couple Who Cannot Conceive: Coping with Infertility. In: Paarlberg KM, van de Wiel HBM (eds) Bio-Psycho-Social Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Competency-Oriented

Approach. Springer International Publishing, Cham 2017; 249–261

28. Wischmann T et al. A 10-year follow-up study of psychosocial factors affecting couples after infertility treatment. Hum Reprod 2012; 27: 3226–3232

29. Wischmann T & Stammer H. Der Traum vom eigenen Kind. Psychologische Hilfen bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2016

30. „Honigpott“ im wunschkinder.de-Forum am 18.04.2018

Schwerpunkt: Geburt

Das Kristeller-Manöver – ein Wiedergänger (S. 34-41)

A. Strauss


1. Kristeller S. Die Expressio foetus. Neues Entbindungsverfahren unter Anwendung äusserer Handgriffe.

Monatsschrift für Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten 1867; 29(5): 337–387

2. Bidder E. Die Kristeller’sche Expression in der Eröffnungsperiode mit Gegendruck am Muttermunde.

Ztsch für Geburtshülfe und Gynäkologie 1878; 2: 267–272

3. Fassbender H. Geschichte der Geburtshilfe. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena 1906; 950–951

4. Halban J & Seitz L. Biologie und Pathologie des Weibes. Urban und Schwarzenberg, Berlin/Wien 1927;

369 – 377

5. Ritgen FA. Über das Entbinden durch Druck statt durch Zug. Monatschrift für Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten 1856; 232–237

6. Miller S et al. Quality of care in institutionalized deliveries: the paradox of the Dominican Republic. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2003; 82(1): 89–103

7. Buhimschi CS et al. The effect of fundal pressure manoeuvre on intrauterine pressure in the second stage of labour. BJOG 2002; 109(5): 520–526

8. Alran S. Differences in management and results in term-delivery in nine European referral hospitals: a descriptive study. Eur J Obstet & Gynecol Reprod Biol 2002; 103: 4–13

9. Kline-Kaye V & Miller-Slade D. The use of fundal pressure during the second stage of labor. J Obstet Gynecol & Neonat Nursing 1990; 19(6): 511–517

10. Declercq ER et al. Listening to mothers II: Report of the Second National U.S. Survey of Women’s Childbearing Experiences. New York 2006

11. Hasegawa J et al. Uterine rupture after the uterine fundal pressure maneuver. J Perinat Med 2014; 43:


12. Cuerva MJ et al. Intrapartum ultrasound prior to Kristeller maneuver: an observational study. J Perinat Med 2015; 43(2): 171–175

13. De Leeuw JW et al. Anal sphincter damage after vaginal delivery: relationship of anal endosonography and manometry to anorectal complaints. BJOG 2001; 108: 383–387

14. Schulz-Lobmeyr I et al. Die Kristeller-Technik: Eine prospektive Untersuchung. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1999; 59(11): 558–561

15. Furrer R et al. Maternal and fetal outcomes after uterine fundal pressure in spontaneous and assisted vaginal deliveries. J Perinat Med 2016; 44(7): 767–772


16. Ahlberg M et al. Obstetric management in vacuum-extraction deliveries. Sex Reprod Healthcare 2016;

8: 94–99

17. Caldeyro R et al. A better understanding of uterine contractility through simultaneous recording with an internal and a seven channel external method. Surg Gynecol Obstet 19509; 1: 641–650

18. Buhimschi CS et al. Pushing in labor: Performance and not endurance. AJOG 2002; 186(6): 1339–1344 19. Api O et al. The effect of uterine fundal pressure on the duration of the second stage of labor: a

randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2009; 88: 320–324

20. Takmaz T et al. The usual suspect: cross-sectional study of fundal pressure at second stage of delivery and the association with pelvic floor damage. Int Urogynecol J 2020; 31

21. Matsuo K et al. Use of uterine fundal pressure maneuver at vaginal delivery and risk of severe perineal laceration. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2009; 280(5): 781–786

22. Hoogsteder PH & Pijnenborg JM. Use of uterine fundal pressure maneuver at vaginal delivery and risk of severe perineal laceration. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2010; 281: 579–580

23. Sartore A et al. The effects of uterine fundal pressure (Kristeller maneuver) on pelvic floor function after vaginal delivery. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012; 286: 1135–1139

24. Owens M et al. Effect of fundal pressure on maternal to fetal microtransfusion at the time of cesarean delivery. J Obst Gynaecol Res 2003; 29: 152–156

25. Holmes W & Hofmeyr GJ. Management of breech presentation in areas with high prevalence of HIV infection. Int J Gynecol Obst 2004; 87: 272–276

26. Hofmeyr GJ et al. Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 3(3): CD006067

27. Kang JH et al. The efficacy and safety of inflatable obstetric belts for management of the second stage of labor. J Korean Med Sci 2009; 24(5): 951–955

28. Cox J et al. Does an inflatable obstetric belt facilitate spontaneous vaginal delivery in nulliparae with epidural analgesia? BJOG 1999; 106(12): 1280–1286

29. Peukert UA & David M. Update Kristellern – Literaturreview 2021–2019 zu Vorteilen und Risiken der Anwendung des Kristeller-Handgriffs sub partu. Frauenarzt; 61(5): 342–344

30. Hofmeyr GJ et al. A multicentre randomized controlled trial of gentle assisted pushing in the upright posture (GAP) or upright posture alone compared with routine practice to reduce prolonged second stage of labour (the Gentle Assisted Pushing Study): study protocol. Reprod Health 2015; 12: 114 31. Hofmeyr GJ et al. Does gentle assisted pushing or giving birth in the upright position reduce the

duration of the second stage of labour? A three-arm, open-label, randomised controlled trial in South Africa. BMJ Glob Health 2018; 3(3): e000906

32. World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations: intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience. 2018; https://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/intrapartum-care- guidelines/en/

33. Vaginale Geburt am Termin. S3-Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) und Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft (DGHWi) in methodischer Begleitung durch das AWMF-Institut für Medizinisches Wissensmanagement. AWMF-Register Nr. 015/083; 2020:

https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/015-083l_S3_Vaginale-Geburt-am-Termin_2021-01.pdf 34. Youssef A et al. Fundal pressure in second stage of labor (Kristeller maneuver) is associated with

increased risk of levator ani muscle avulsion. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 53(1): 95–100

35. Pinar S & Karaçam Z. Applying fundal pressure in the second stage of labour and its impact on mother and infant health. Health Care Women Int 2018; 39(1): 110–125

36. Acmaz G et al. The effect of Kristeller maneuver on maternal and neonatal outcome. Arch Clin Exp Surg 2015; 4(1): 29–35

37. Hayata E et al. Safety of uterine fundal pressure maneuver during second stage of labor in a tertiary perinatal medical center: A retrospective observational study. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 2019; 58(3):


38. Papadakis K. Critical appraisal of the role of applying uterine fundal pressure in labour: First, do no harm. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 2019; 7: 22–26

39. Vetter K. Gynäkologische Praxisfragen zum Kristeller Handgriff 2021. Gynäkol Prax 2021; 47(4): 738–


40. Krause M. Ist der Kristeller-Handgriff heute noch aktuell? Die Hebamme 2004; 17(1): 38–41


41. Labhart S. Der Handgriff nach Kristeller: nur mit der korrekten Technik. Hebamme.ch 2006; 3: 4-12 42. Acanfora L et al. An inflatable ergonomic 3-chamber fundal pressure belt to assist vaginal delivery. Int J

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43. Mändle C et al. Der Kristeller-Handgriff in Hebammenbuch. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart 2004; 256 44. Merhi ZO & Awonuga AO. The role of uterine fundal pressure in the management of the second stage

of labor: a reappraisal. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2005; 60(9): 599–603

45. Uhl B. Fruchtwasserembolie in Uhl B. Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe compact. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2000; 142–162

46. Gnirs J. Schulterdystokie in Schneider HPG, Husslein P, Schneider KTM. Geburtshilfe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2000; 852

Schwerpunkt: Korasion

Vitamin D – Aspekte in Kindheit und Jugend (S. 42-46)

H. Hoyer-Kuhn


1. Saggese G et al. Sex steroids and the acquisition of bone mass. Horm Res 1997; 48 Suppl 5: 65–71 2. Fricke O & Schoenau E. The 'Functional Muscle-Bone Unit': probing the relevance of mechanical signals

for bone development in children and adolescents. Growth Horm IGF Res 2007; 17(1): 1–9 3. S1-Leitlinie Vitamin D Mangel Rachitis; www.awmf.de

4. Villamor E et al. Vitamin D deficiency and age at menarche: a prospective study. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;

94(4): 1020–5

5. Zhao Y et al. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty.

Front Med 2018; 12(2): 174–181

6. Lee HS et al. Associations between serum vitamin D levels and precocious puberty in girls. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2014; 19(2): 91–5

7. Duhil de Benaze GR et al. There is no association between vitamin D status and characteristics of central precocious puberty in girls. Eur J Pediatr 2017; 176(12): 1677–1680

8. Grzesiak M. Vitamin D3 action within the ovary - an updated review. Physiol Res 2020; 69(3): 371–378 9. Xu J et al. Direct vitamin D3 actions on rhesus macaque follicles in three-dimensional culture:

assessment of follicle survival, growth, steroid, and antimullerian hormone production. Fertil Steril 2016; 106(7): 1815–1820 e1

10. Merhi ZO et al. Circulating vitamin D correlates with serum antimullerian hormone levels in late- reproductive-aged women: Women's Interagency HIV Study. Fertil Steril 2012; 98(1): 228–34 11. Parikh G et al. Vitamin D regulates steroidogenesis and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1

(IGFBP-1) production in human ovarian cells. Horm Metab Res 2010; 42(10): 754–7

12. Hong SH et al. Effect of Vitamin D3 on Biosynthesis of Estrogen in Porcine Granulosa Cells via Modulation of Steroidogenic Enzymes. Toxicol Res 2017; 33(1): 49–54

13. Yao X et al. Vitamin D receptor expression and potential role of vitamin D on cell proliferation and steroidogenesis in goat ovarian granulosa cells. Theriogenology 2017; 102: 162–173

14. Reinehr T et al. Vitamin-D-Supplementierung jenseits des zweiten Lebensjahres. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2018; 166: 814–822

15. Munns CF et al. Global Consensus Recommendations on Prevention and Management of Nutritional Rickets. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016; 101(2): 394–415

16. Baim S et al. Official Positions of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and executive summary of the 2007 ISCD Position Development Conference. J Clin Densitom 2008; 11(1): 75–91 17. Holick MF. Resurrection of vitamin D deficiency and rickets. J Clin Invest 2006; 116(8): 2062–72




It is estimated that by 1998, mini-grids covered 26.3% of the rural electricity demand with the remainder coming from the regional or national grid; Small thermal power plants

The sum of these constraints combined for Region I11 provided only then an upper limit for domestic coal production as shown in Appendix B Table 4 (p. Coal

FIGURE F.1 Early sensitivity analysis results on the contribution of solar thermal elec- tric conversion (STEC) in the Hiifele-Manne model (reproduced from Suzuki

Accordingly, it is assumed throughout that the utility function is non-separable in consumption and leisure and, in line with Hall (2008), that consumption and labor are

Early identification of the near-miss events based on WHO maternal near-miss tool/ criteria, vigilant monitoring, and timely intervention with good communication & teamwork

16 The aim of this current study was to assess the safety of patients undergoing elective esophageal cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on respiratory failure as

awry, concern that closer contact would cause greater losses to the IDF, and concern about widespread harm to the Gazans uninvolved in the fighting. In order

In the context of reflections on half a century characterised by decolonisation, continental organisation and transformation, the Fourth AU High-Level Retreat on