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(1)=. Eche1on¶. Inc.. 15. October. lf984. ZCPR3 NEWSLETTER 007. 004 Generated Questions: Answers to Newsletter l) Both President Larry 580 Boucher and New Business Developíríent Manager, jim Kurinsky, of Adaptec, CA 408/'346-8600, 95035, Cottonwood, Milpitas, are happy to send you literature on their company's fast controller boards and on companies that use them 2) Prices for hard disks were given as less than $3000 for 10 to 40 megabyte A We're presently packaged 10 megabyte units. unit goes now for about $900. looking for 80 megabytes for less than $3000! The up-to-$600 for quarter megabyte (Thanks of RAM is for a plug-in board, not the price of loose chips! misunderpotential California, high1ighting to Robert Heckert, Fullerton, for standing caused by our phraseologies.) need use no Our position, more than restated, is: very useful programs 20 or 30 and RAM, overlays of Using of Transient Program Area. kilobytes a fast, chaining permit programs of any size to run fast, very fast, Such a used correctly Winchester program-module is storage. installed, for philosophy means that BIOS or CP/M-system size is not of much importance. is some emotionalism involved in setting up ZCPR3 systems It seemsonlythere 48K TPA. (We always assume Our RAM to be with, say full 64K-bytes.) We have run need more than a 48K TPA. experience suggests few CP/M programs both T/Maker and WordStar in 44K and, subjectively, can see no chance in Who wants to operating speed caused by reduced buffer allocation space. conduct measurements of time taken to scan files, run spreadsheets, etc., with various sizes of TPA? We'll report your findings here. Additionally, someone (you) should, in our opinion,ZCPR3 do an in-depth Softvaret1n nature of to PC-DOS and article comparing the Lasting-Value We'll supply our experience, our facts Unix. Any takers among you writers? to support your trade-study writings; and surely you'll have no trouble an such published. Comparisons of this nature are hard to getting article need be! We'll help, come by.. if. if. computeraid; 8—Bit Program: Outline processing is amind expanding And Mind Amplification The Know1e¢Íge acronym that. from comes is just destined to mark our B-bit world: System, a piece of software outline information processing, wordprocessing, telecommunications, retrieval, and a The system programming language, Forth-like all-in-one. is somewhat commandSounds line-completion driven. like an ideal program for control by VFILER, ZCPR3 could make KAMAS turn-key, MENU, and VMENU. from a series of chained (up to 255), custom, KAMAS sounds like For $175.00 easy-to-alter menus. push. CP/M-80 development something we would like to software is alive and KAMAS by Compuproduced But well, thank you. no thanks to many others. is SW OR 2525 224th Street, Aloha, 97006. Write, orgive them sophic Systems, (Adam Trent, President) a call at telephone 503/649-3765. (Ezra Shapiro has a four-page Preview of program in September issue of BYTE, starting page 123.) (and talk) enough about ZCPR3, but our attitude Some think we don't write have and a super operating a tool to be used to solve system is: we it's day ZCPR3 prcMems. provides the environment to integrate application every adaptable (throuüt VMENU, programs that work hard, provides a user-interface MENU and VFILER) k"e speak to the experience level of the console operator. ZCPR3 and write and of those programs hardware ideal for the environment, that provide a more-than-competitive, solution to our problems. But cost effective seems our pronouncements cause a stirring in certain intellectual circles, Important. kamas. it.

(2) ZCPR3. Newsletter. among. those. 007. who. matters, but are not following through turn, sleep comes not,..are we tools of a mirror part of this syndrome; is in you're not a ZCPR3 user.. know the of these They squirm and and consumption? Are we. vith beliefs.. truth. commercialism the bathroom, but only look. if. Z3. Take a look at what XDIRcan do. TIPS: It's so powerful that most of us can do, because we don't remember all its never think of using things The U trailing option enables displaying power. all files in all User Areas. The log disk a to directory ability files into file and then compare other directories to that file is extremely useful and a time-saving feature for scanning lots of disks to find differences among them. The negate option permitting display of all but the listed files is novel in the CP/M world. Study of options possible and comparison table below provides information on The table why so features. describe to with indicates is difficult its mere words all features of directory display programs provided with ZCPR3.. it. it. Command:. Syntax: or Function:. XDIR XDIR XDIR XDIR. Version 2.0 dir: afn ooo... /OOO.... displays and. Options:. is. a a. on the console or disk directory name scanner. file. printer. of files to be selected Indicate attributes - a=A and Non-System) (System Files for All a=N for Non-System Files [default] a=S for System Files Send Output to Disk File XDIR.DIR Ff - Enable a File Scanner Function f=L to Log File Names to FNAMES.DIR f=P to Print File Names Stored in FNAMES.DIR. Aa. D. f=S. to Inspect. Scan Disk and Logged Files. Compare to FNAMES.DIR (use with FL option only). I Selection of Files - Negate Select Features Output - O=A to Disable Display of File Attributes. N. Oo. (R,. to Form Feed Printer when Display Done to Group Files by Name and Type Format o=H to Display Files in Horizontal Send Display to Printer Send Display to Printer with Trailing Form Select All User Areas. S). o=F O=G. P. PF U. -. (assuming hardcopy printout features of DIRS (as well as Enter: the HELPPR program.. A. HELPPR. Options for the command. HELPPR. you any. have. other. printer) help HLP. a. <helpnamejlLP>. are obtained. by. entering. of. file). Feed. all characteristics can. be. obtained. and. using. <optíons> <cr> the customary double-slash. after. name: HELPPR. //. <cr>. to s1ight other ZCPR3 directory display programs, let's compare them and using a matrix table of features functions. Z3 DIR is the to RCP DIR CP, assembled is in the Resident Command Package, and in the intrinsic COM XD and XDIR are transient DIR, programs. Not XDIR. Page. 2.

(3) Newsletter. ZCPR3. Attribute. Size Sort File Names Select Sort Order Select SYS Files Select All Files Negate File Select Display Attributes Horiz/Vert Format Printer Output Program. Form. Z3 DIR N/A. RCP. No. DIR N/A Yes. XD. DIR 2K Yes Yes Yes Yes. 4K Yes Yes Yes Yes. N/A Yes Yes. Yes Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. ^P. ^P. No. No. No. No. Yes Yes Yes Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Feed. Select All Disk Output File Scanner. Table. Comparison. Display. Directory. Users. 007. No. XDIR 8K Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. Convenient printer fomatting to an equally important program: PRINT. (PAGE, main features. extreme flexibility are for output to console, has and PAGE PRINT can replace remember intrinsic built-ins, similar features; TYPE and LIST.). And and. now. Command:. Syntax: Function:. PRINT PRINT. Version 2.0. Prints offers. a on the LST: device, Prints a many more options. numbers numbers lines, pages,. file, stamp. dir: afnl,dir:afn2,.... file. on. output,. puts. Optíons: E. Print - Exact Numbers,. No. (Expand Heading). file. Tabs,. o.... name on Form. LIST does, but headirtg, pages places date/time output, and more.. like. Feed,. No. Line or. Page. header. of file name display on page - (default default is ON, so turns off name display) H<delim>text<delim> - Define Heading text to appear at the top of each page (deliin = for example) (user Files selects Inspect files before printing begins) I Enable numbering each line L of - Disable Multiple Run Flag run is ON, then no (if multiple each - "Set Top of Form" message appears and PRINT for file moves from one file to another unattended) default is Toggle. F. F. @,. M. N. On Sri T. -. with Multiple Run ON Disable numbering of each page each Offset from left line n-spaces to the right Start printing on page n Toggle date/tinie stamp in the header of each page (a TIME subroutine must be assembled into PRINT to enable stamp). COMMANDS GLOSSARY and ZCPR3 reference cards, presently shipped with our We been software, have sent complementary to all Echelon customers. care about your well beiríg and believe these two items assist every day use of ZCPR3 B-bit CP/M software, both during initial learning and for promoting These retention. cards at computer-side permit quick operator assist fuller to forgotten commands and word meanings.. Z3 Bug Report: Two more come and UNERASE both not do. will. from Peter their jobs. FINDF of Pasadena, California. the files searched for are the. Lyman. if. Page. 3.

(4) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 007. four in the directory on first doesn't expand because. track two of the floppy disk. Also from Peter, of direct use of BIOS calls, instead of using BDOS So text HLP files using TAB calls. for indent and big spaces don't look goocí! TAB Quick too solution is to not use in HELP text files, but five (or We're 1ooking eight) spaces instead. long-term solution. for a satisfactory. HELP. tabs. Page 396 of BYTE, September 1984, Magazine Articles: gives a little history of ZCPR3 and points to where it's going; stated at article's end, "to be 17 September, 1984, 59, continued." InfoWorld, page starting carries an Bookshelftm by Mehr Ampro review piece about Series 100 excellent Allen ZCPR3 well' Friendlytn1. Computers, words and The as as kind describing Shell machine and, Ease of Use, received hitghest ratings in categories Setup, most (Please important, Performance. don't miss Echelon's full page ads in Issue #10 of User's Guide andOctoberComputer Language magazines.) ZCPR3 One by of a Part Richard Conn appears as keystone piece in article October Computer Language, November the second part. An in-depth, for '84 issue. independent review of ZCPR3 also appears in the November The Dr. Dobb's SYSLIB3 by on Robert Blum appears in the journal article November 1984 issue. That same issue of DDJhas an interesting write-up on about making files public (9ioba1, from any directory, access of both command and text files) using a licensed DISK7tm and program for special displaying copying of pUB1ictm files, as well as normal files. Bridger Mitchell of CA Plu*Perfect 92349, 714/659-4432, Systems, Box 1494, Idyllwiid, has a We CP/M. thoroughly developed approach public under to files are considering a feature implementing we can preserve like public files under ZCPR3 directory password security.. if. Microsoft wins over Digital Research, we must report. Xenix versus AT&T: (Unix System 3) wins over AT&T System 5. System 3 is the standard now, and IBM has taken Unix development away from the erstwhile monopoly, bureaucracyAT&T. IBM The PC-AT (Advanced competition-tough. Technology) infested is with Local Area Network (LAN) from Sytek, Mountain View, California, is the product big-business wants, and probably needs and deserves. (IBM has rights to purchase 5% of Sytek, which in turn is 51% owned by General Instrument!) IBM appears of mainframes and minis to not be going the time-share approach LAN is efficient, ESD before. we said this in several ways using Unix. (Entry Systems Division) wins over other divisions; Florida leads the struggle 5 AT&T should have established System against other parts of the IBM world. Apple is dead in as the standard before came out with computer hardware. DOS good DRI Lisa, Irene? market, night Concurrent is or is this Who needs sales to Fortune 500 companies detected! born, nary a movement anyway? A huge, marketing staff cuts the mustard. That's our musings. savvy any single company can be given such credit, caused Digital Research, operating system the microprocessor to become popular with its virtual-machine 8080 cpu's. when But competitive, the going B-bit got got rough, its just for New leadership of late has done no better. was found wanting. leadership They miss the know johnny-come-recentlies of what they need to know. little We and again. Blood boat--see not the patch for the code! sorrow, again comes from our pores but, as we all know, we reap what we sow; natural law cannot be circumvented. Another IBM move having profound industry consequences is their endorsement of Graphic Systems Software, Wilsonvilie, Oregon, graphics operating MS-DOS, Microsoft's means system. This move, similar to the way IBM adopted GSX good-bye saw the Sunnyvale, California, from ORÍ! Mindset Corporation, wisdom (But we wonder how of GSS when taking it on for their super PC clone. be around PC-AT is.) with the priced the way long such clones can IBM. it. still-. it. if. it. Page. 4.

(5) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 007. located in San Jose, Technology, our favorite terminal manufacturer, $17 done has year's sales of over so well (last California, milliom they are 1.8 goiríg public with an offeriñ9 of million shares of stock at approximately A $8.00 Valley. coming from customer-insight, success Silicon in share. per And now for... and simple hard work; westcoast good news! courage Wyse. Bad News: Sadness darkens our faces with the knowledge that Ziff-Davis is We are charter subscribers, cance1ling publication of Microsystems magazine. The magazine's remember the first issue produced with a Diablo daisywheel. demise signals another bow-wave in the microcomputer incÍustry--publishing and moving from Dr. Dobb's more than East West. ComputerLanguage to power and User's Guide, so unique in our the gap vacated by Microsystems, industry, continues as the journal of new computer users, and of those who Weekly desire an in-depth understandim of popular computer programs. InfoWorld completes the quadrangle with timely micro-news and product reviews. Four influential--thus powerful--journals westcoast produced! (Let's not both Unix magazines, UnixWorld and UnixReview, forget are from this same coast.) Also, Mícrocomputíng magazine is finished after much twisting and BYTE more than covers whatever small void created by one less such churning. publication. And furthermore, BYTE, seeing the handwriting on the wall, is Gee, that's good news! covering CP/M-80 activity with renewed vigor. About two years ago we proclaimed, while many seemed not to know what we we were tUkim about, "There's something sick with an industry that requires Company so much money spent in advertising products. managers funneling stockholder (or vc) equity capital to pay for ads before products succeed, or much less make money--such paths lead to Chapter Eleven." Comes time now to We need more soul exhibited. pay for short term views, for so Too many clone-magazines, too constructive ideas from people, less copy-cats. few impressed and inspired readers, too many ads with mind-numbing and The language-altering word: Íngs! industry yields to natural karmic retribution. (Maybe magazine subscription prices are too low, ad prices too has been and is high, management decisions lack insight; something certainly than whole.) far less We and their editors: presently favor four magazines. fills. little. I. User's. Guide 5245 Redwood City,. 2.. 3.. CA. 94063. Computer Language 131 Townsend Street San Francisco, CA 94107. Dr, 2464 Palo. POB. 4.. Dobb's journal Embarcadero Way Alto, CA 94303. BYTE 70 Main. Street Peterborough,. NH. 03458. Please support them by making known your feelings, your likes and dislikes, and subscribing. Echelon has ads in two of them now and will have in them Our attitudes could change business justifies. their editorial all, policies ever promote other than a healthy climate in which we can learn and in which we can grow--1earning, growing, that's what we call living! See you down the lines.... if. if. Echelon, Inc. First Street Altos, CA 94022. 101. RCP/M. &. Los Telephone: BBS Modem:. 415/948-3820 408/258-8128. Page. 5.

(6) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 007. CP/M, Trademarks: Digital Research; Z3-Dot-Com, Alpha Systems; Bookshelf, 280, Ampro Computers; 2i1og; Unix, AT&T Bell Friendly, Lisa, Apple Computer; ZCPR3, SYSLIB3, TERM3, EMSG, Richard L. Conn; DISCAT, Laboratories; LastingValue Software, DISK7, Echelon; PC-DOS, IBM, Int'l Business Machines; WY-50, Systems; Wyseword, Wyse Technology; KAMAS, Compusophic PUBlic, Plu*Perfect Systems.. Newsletter 007 sion to reprint. Echelon, Inc. 101 First Street CA 94022 Los Altos,. PermisEchelon, Inc. All Rights Reserved. credit given Echelon. granted automatically to source is. is Copyright. 1984. if.

(7) =i. Echelonjnc.. 12 November. 1984. 009. ZCPR3. haven't been discussed much and presently appear to be features of ZCPR3. But that should change when we understand the little CD (change directory) environmental flexibility attained with them. is used password change That's security. access from one directory to another with to most automatically running perfOrms is useful, but another important task ST.COM requested on the entering exists) directory! ST (start) is an (if (a commands known by a short name) that is used to change alias file series of from a previous environment to another, one more useful and efficient for ST loads new SYSn.NDR as well as new RCP and present tasks. For example, file recommend FCP files! Then MENU be doing with DISCAT auto-entered as we may command; (ST RCP, and FCP are and NDR, CAT. global alias, is an alias its segments Thus by and LDR.COM the environloaded system are memory resident.) we go to a ment is tailored with those tools to perform work efficiently; and A applied p1anning to all different area for this reason. little thought tasks envisioned, convenient work space set-up for each--that's advanced An environment is: coirtputing! specifically desKned work space. Each named SYSn.NDR, (with optional password access) is directory, ST.COM'S. MKDIR. ALIAS.COM created using Alias ST is used to create custom CD NDR'S ST auto-runs), but name must always have the (that's the only file may have any name as as the type is NDR. all can If you are careful, have to directory-exact same file name, but don't copy them from directory one overwrites another! Thowh with same name their contents are different; change, they each produce creating desired local environment, e.g.: Z3. TIPS:. CD and. ST. used. it. n=. B0: wORK>cd PW?. text: <cr>. mypass<cr> C7: TEXT> As distributed, never seemed enough). (ST. has. been. auto-loaded). permits 14 (fourteen is an odd number, but a dozen directories simultaneously in memory (though it's easy to allocate more memory buffer space that's desired, 18 bytes per name). But by running ST a different named directory file can be loaded for each directory entered, permitting up to 448 names per (1ogical) drive (14 names x 32 areas). Certainly such a limit places few bounds on most planning activities and resultant environments! ZCPR3 named. if. We've. vith. version of ZEX not requiring assembly to install on your to those who don't own MAC and SID/ZSID is obvious. Now installation of all ZCPR3 is identical using Z3INS.COM, utilities SYS.ENV (or Z3.ENV Z3-Dot-Com), and ZCPR3.INS. The program running object ZCPR3 RCP/M ZEX.OBJ. Rename ZEX.COM on as before with to is installing file Z3INS. (DDT-patching at standard location 1OAH is single-file quick way.) More Ted Emigh (Raleigh, North Carolina) devprograms on the RCP/M: ZCPR3 FINDERR. eloped a Warning and fatal errors from M80 tool called and the assembly sets ZCPR3 registers; ZEX processing, like, react accordingly. Other transient (application) programs probably can use FINDERR techniques to advantage, trappiíi9 error conditions under ZCPR3. The five files of FINDERR(inc1uding upgradecí M80.ZEX) are on the ZCPR3 RCP/M as FINDERR.LBR. Also LDR11 is there! It's finally fully fixed, we really believe. Seems Additionally, latest version of DU3 can be downloaded as DU3.OBJ. some CP/M BIOS implementations didn't like the way the internal help text was being processed. Hopefully new version takes care of that problem. come. system. Hurrah!. up. a. Advantage. if.

(8) ZCPR3. 009. Newsletter. ZCPR3 ZCPR3. BBS. RCP/M Comments: and up and running,. and. David. McCord. has. been sensational ¿;etting the board (Isaac dispatch. such Salmnan, North with Hollywood, California, 213/615-6410, and his ZCPR3 RCP/M were an inspiration.) Tim Gary's METAL message has many bells and whistles; system employed truly a desirable interface that's easy to use. When 1oggii: íg on for first time, record all dialog (with your modem Be sure to retain program) so you can later study the transaction offline. commands and instructions CP/M area. system And remember, of going into list entering CP/M PHD directories) so you see working to type after area, (print (and know) Here's how you go from one to names of all available directories. The command and another--you name them! line prompt appears: AO: COMMAND> by you go to another disk/user area typing desired directory name. AO:COMMAND>ZCPR3: takes you to the ZCPR3 directory It's not too much area. homebase You TCSELECT than can use systems! computer to install different our your terminal on the system, and then take advantage of screen-oriented (HELP, etc.) found there! utilities Dave intends (with Tim's assistance) of BBS users' to collect a database Such a terminals, characteristics auto-activated after initial log-on. ZCPR3 sets news standard! feature is a first, to our knowledge, for BBS's. ? H Here's what you see or is entered while in METAL message system:. if. +. +. :. * * *. ZCPR3. HELP. BBS. * * *. "B". =. "C"or"CPM". =. "E". = = = = =. "G" "H". "BYE". or or "?". "K" "LIST". "O" "Q" "R" "REPLY" "RP" "RS". =. "S". =. "U" "W". =. =. = = = =. =. "X" "Y" or "#" Control Control. =. "CHAT". =. = S K. or or. S. =. K. =. Commands may be command on one. the [mre). +. Display system Login bulletins (important info). To go to CP/M with extensive help shown before entering. Enter a new message into the message data base (prompted). Log off from the system through Metal BBS (comments req.). Repeat the display of this message (9Ft help). a message to you (only) in the data base. Kill Inquire about a user of this system (last logirí date, etc). Show a near this Metal BBS. list of other systems (by subject) Show a quick of current messages. listim Retrieve a specific message by number (repeatiñ9). Reply to a message in the data base (fills in 'to' portion). Read new messages"since last login, in order with prompting. Read any messages prompting. order with in Show a listing of messages with author and date info. Change your password, User parameters. or Re-Display the system Login Welcome Message. Select the expert mode (short prompts) of operation. Call for the System Operator (6:00 p.m. to 10: 00 p.m.). Show vital numbers like high msg., caller #, etc. Suspend output for viewing, any key to restart scrollirm Cease current command and return to command mode.. separated. line.. All outputs will see. : e. +. pause. prompt.. by Example. after. a space R;234 : 23. lines,. a semicolon would retrieve. or. type. any. key. to. have. message. more 234.. to continue. than when. one. you. Entering C or CPM at the command line takes you to the RCP/M portion of the system, where you upload and download files using Ward Christensen's XMODEM TERM3 has this error checkirig and correcting transmission protocol. protocol, plus...that's another story.. Page. 2.

(9) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 009. The quickest and simplest way to get ZCPR3 up and New-Users-of-CP/M Corner: Language guru living with you) is to running (next to havint: a CP/M Assembly Z3-DOT—COM; (4) minutes or less. After installation takes four install somewhat become and new environment, the having instal1ing familiar with the CP/M CCP command Z3 in your command line trick setup results from ptittiríg the Then up comes (Use DDT to do this.) the machine in on cold-boot buffer. ZCPR3 and not plain vanilla CP/M. Here's how--SYSGEN your system disk outer tracks into memory (use of SYSGEN CP/M documentation received with your computer), SAVE is described in 40 CPM.SYS <cr>. Then DDT CPM.SYS <cr>, display hex and ASCII code using D copyright notice shows: Digita1 Research <cr> repeatedly. 'till. 0980 0990 09AO 0980. each D<cr> entered.) lines of hex and ASCII appear 58 OF 7F 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 COPYRIGH 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 4F 50 59 52 49 47 48 T (C) 1979, DIGI 20 28 43 29 20 31 39 37 39 2C 20 44 49 47 49 RESEARCH 41 4C 20 TAL etc.. for. (sixteen. -D<cr> C3. 20 54 54. 5C. C3. DF. ... ...... separated by two important task is firÁiñ9 two "C3'"S (JMP instructions) ahead of the DR copyeach, followed by"7F" and"OO" in the line characters I1OOH Shack, (Some Radio Morrow use location computers, like or right notice. DR DDT 986H, image of address for or some other address, instead of standard command line buffer address.) Now using DDT'S S (set) command, do this: (your console keyboard entries are in bold). The. -S986<cr> S986 7F <cr> S987 S988 S989 S98A S98B ^C. 00 2 20 5A 20 33 20 O 20 .. return retains present hex value.) of characters in cmd, <cr> after each entry; then the command name in hex. Z3 = 5A 33.). (carriage (numbers. (NULL. for. end. of command a period to terminate (ctrl-c to exit DDT.). S. sequence, command,. then last. <cr>.). You now Next, again SAVE40 CPM.SYS and SYSGENsaved to system tracks. file And and CPM.SYS. have your"system" as adisk file: bothondiskboot tracks have Z3-Dot—Com and Now more importantly you you can experience running! up by this epic the range permitted enhanced program and environmentally operating system. If you have problems putting Z3 :in your command buffer and haven't been successful after seven (7) tries, call your nearest good-neighbor helper, or call us and we'll do what we can to talk you through the operation. Two versions one for Z80 machines and of Z3-Dot-Com are available: The latter version another for 8080/8085. ideal for CompuPro/Zenith dual is operating system computers. Z3. VFILER'S You can't execute#CMD-file menuhas a problem. numbered) from the ill menu, but only from the We've located and fixed the biig (undocumented display! characteristic). The code change be distributed within the fortnigPít. bugs are gettirig Program been our goal from the apart--that's few and beginning of our software design and development Let us know be of We'll these pesky things. using the ZCPR3 BBS you anymore and occasionally The object to release the board source. ZCPR3 and quickest way to transmit and receive messages and programs from to Bug Report: commands. menu. files. find. users--we're. (user. directory-of-. fix will. fixed a. far. little files. tight community. on. the. if. activities.. is. move.. Page. 3.

(10) ZCPR3. From. 009. Newsletter. Author of. Richard. ZCPR3,. WHAT. There are. MAKES. Conn:. A. PROGRAM. INTO. A ZCPR3 TOOL?. programs in the public domain, and several ZCPR3 programs in terms of functionality tools duplicate in one way or D, SI), DI), the PO offers the directory display programs another. For example, and others, while the ZCPR3 toolset offers the programs DIR, XI), and XDIR. Why duplicate the effort in the ZCPR3 toolset--why not simply use available public domain programs? The programs not consistent in their syntax or in the public domain are ZCPR3 method of use, by and 1arge. tools to be consistent in a I created the number of ways: many. good. these. 1. The public domain ZCPR3 did not know how Named and the command search. directories,. instance.. tools which were not associated with to deal with the ZCPR3 environment. like PASCAL: , could not be referenced, path had no meaning to them, for. 2. Some tools A consistent syntax was not supported. required their arguments to be prefixed by"-", others by "$", others by nothirig at all or a space, etc. All of the ZCPR3 tools prefix their arguments a file a "/" with provided, a a a file reference not "/" or space or is reference is provided. 3. The help feature was not universally built-in Some programs told you how to use them you supported. others did not typed in their name with no arguments, provide any internal documentation at all, etc. I didnot succeed in making all of the ZCPR3 tools consistent in this Many, but not all, ZCPR3 sense, but the attempt was rr,ade. dOcumentation contain which tools is acquired by built-in typing tool's name followed by two slashes, like "XI) //". 4. The tools didn't support lists ofI'mfiles as arguments when rrtade functional sense to. really a strong advocate of this; I want to print five files, for instance, I would rather issue one PRINT command with five files named (or one AFN and then perform an inspection) and go than issue one PRINT command with one file name, let and then another PRINT command, etc.. if if. if. it. if. it. everyone I encourage to enjoy their ZCPR3 system, write tools for it, and them contribute to the user community. I feel, however, that a program is not abides by the rules specified above as much as possible a ZCPR3 tool unless (rules 3 and 4 sometimes don't apply or are simply waived). SYSLIB, Z3LIB, and VLIB all contribute toward providing the support necessary to make the job of tool consistency and adherence to these rules less of a task.. it. Page. /4.

(11) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 009. The new DPROG (Version 1.1) is significantly Update Note from Rick: 2 Phase release version, thanks to one simple change. different from initial programming devices from a file using commands like: DPROG Instead of simply ASM to program (function keys, user message line, etc.) to support a terminal the user inAssembly Language programming, the new DPROG also allows words (defined in the indicated file) to be specified on the command line like:. Utility. DPROG. EPSON. ELONG. FONT2. capability greatly extends the utility of DPROG. In the above example, read in the file EPSON.DPG, process it (inc1udim the will which definition of whatever words are contained in this file, such as commands the printer to go to elongated print and FONT2 which selects some character set/font numbered 2), and then pass over the words (or strings) By writing a specified in the command line. your printer, file whichcanprograms EPSON, OKIDATA, TOSHIBA, use DPROG to select an whether etc, you is it printer output attributes. Such. DPROG. ELONG. Included with the new DPROG is ahe1p file (DPROG.HLP) which documents this new feature and several sample *.DPG files, The file P1350.DPG programs my Toshiba P1350 printer and should serve as an example to users on how to set DPG up a file for their own printers. Echelon ships DPROG, Version 1.1, as DPROG.HLP and *,DPG files are orders.. new Core, part of ZCPR3 on. the. BBS. and Utility, within the. Phase. 2. fortniüit.. program fixes and improvements to be considered Bells Ríngíng...tools, must come to Echelon for official distribution are configuration first! ZCPR3 Please do not put fixes onto managers for all related software. RCP/M'S: they confuse too many users as to their status and validity.. Alarm. We. Another ZCPR3 Utility Program: Xpert Software (8865 Pol1and Avenue, San CA has 92123) Diego, announced that their XtraKey is ZCPR3 utility and Tom "key" compatible--most other Geldner Robert programs are not. Greenlee (company co-founders) have a most economical, complete CRT console, The CP/M 2.2 we have not seen better. printer function-key generator; Now that's universal package goes for $39.95. value. Order (Visa/Mastercard accepted) by calling them at 6!9/268-0112 orsend checkormoney order plus We $3.00 add this program shipping (California residents add 6% sales tax). Software list. to our Lastíng—Va1ue Coincidently, a ZCPR3 user has developed a function-key program running We as a ZCPR3 system segment I/O (input/output) Package! presently are reviewing this package and probably will license its use to ZCPR3 users for a small fee. HELPus correct mistakes you think we made some. If you placed an order forDISCAT, Phase2, etc. and think shouldhave arrived by now, andhasn't, let us know. These computer database systems we use for order entry and shipping are not perfect; especially not perfect are console operators keying characters you think into them--we admit that's ourbiggest problem. SCi delivery is taking too long, write us a ñote stating your concern. (ZCPR3: The Manual, CP/M Apple ][ and Epson QX-lO disk formats, and TERM3 are not shipping presently, so don't write of them. Presently they receive our highest priority.). if. it. if. Page. 5.

(12) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 009. Dísk Operating System (DOS) takes advantage of extended functions of Zilog DOS DOS. 2RDOS Z800 280/800 The Replacement 2RDOS, mates chip! called new ZCPR3's Wheel and Byte compatible CP/M-80 software. Dennis L. Wright, (no but they are to Joseph W. code, which"estab1ishes relationship) author of one who loves and Since Research has B-bit economy efficiency. Digita1 apparently abandoned and MS-DOS Xenix capture of to our world (a reaction operating system market), Echelon has decided to the small (We unnoticed void presently received DR'S proposal and found non-responsive needs; took us to Nev. is. with. is relation. fully. Microsoft. it Therefore,. existing.. with Wriüít, this striking. fill. recently. all. is. friends,. 16-bit generally. utility. Microsoft never our we intend to market a full set of B-bit operating seriously.) system, development and support software using Echelon-sponsored ZRDOS, macroand debuggers. relocating assembler with linker and librarian, translators, Now we search for a competent set of programs to replace MAC, RMAC, LINK, M80 and L80...end one era, beginanew. Much creativity is coming from many and from clever individuals; small, humble companies we prepare to explore and use. this creativity.. stream we plan to machine translate all our released programs XLATE may be presently using Intel mnemonics Public domain program to Zilog. able to effectively perform the job; we're looking into this program plus other translators, like ITOZ (Intel to Zi1og) and ZTOI from RD Software (Founder, Robert Doolittle, Pacific Palisades, California). Furthermore, RD ZDM/ZDMZ Software should handle our debugger needs for Assembly Language software development work. As you see, lots of B-bit activity... OEM/VAR'S may inexpensively obtain directly from Echelon licenses to resell complete operating and development system packages; Echelon, your Remember, single source for ZCPR3 related software. both ZCPR3 and ZRDOS are downward Those interested can obtain a sample compatible with CP/M software. and more technical by agreement details writing us (please don't telephone, thanks). Down. Lower—than—expected-demand for IBM PC'S has created a grey/black market of discounters for the product. Suchpractices turnbusiness-1ike blue of Big Blue into a grubby, tattered banner--one filled with short-term greed and lack the market they took of wholeness. Despite IBM'S seemingly good intentions, control from pioneers is more than a mess, it's a quagmire! Real leadership would demand an immediate stop to contractually illegal (dumping) by their big dealers to unlicensed houses; but, IBM'S over selling production is so great they covet every potential avenue for buyers, no matter the status or money willim to be paid. Of course, the PC-AThas a lot to do with present low demand for the vanilla PC's and XT'S. Contrast this market Inc. of Mountain View, flux with record October 1984 sales by Ampro Computers, California. As an aside, ínost popular mainframe IBM 4381 computer memory, using their We 256k-bit chips, sells for (get this) $10,000 per megabyte--that's economy? is no guess $9,000 is for service-after-sales, $1,000 for hardware...there free lunch! Long. Live. Page. 6. B—bit. machines....

(13) ZCPR3. Newsletter. 009. is Echelon's Business? Microcomputer pioneer,Des:George Morrow, recently Morrow Ígns, Inc. Well, EI is his company: a similar question about of ourselves and our conscience in the business of learning, becoming more. What asked. We experience rewards from study, work, play-environment (no pun intended). From mentally, to us, all the same. these experiences, occasionally we try to communicate to all of us. knowledge, those things found valuable, hopefully, But recently we've come to realize that knowledge (especially its cousin, So we do understanding) cannot be transmitted, but data and information can. moving These level from that instead. latter act as catalyst to those former, We dynamic with give to level, a swirl of intermingling, energy. little first Reception lo, we receive seven-fold. concern for what is to be received--but mental, intellectual, material, occurs at several levels simultaneously, emotional... The national economy and our industry appear reacting to an earliercaught dose of malaria, which has become chronic, giviw us recurring bouts of chills and fever--booms and busts--recession and inflation. Base our business We needs on satisfying sound of human nature and our business is sustained. do this. try to Send we'd like to know them. your thoughts concerning these matters; Without you, our customers, we learn painfully slow!. of Letter recently received from Edgar Allen Poe: that bad! Three square meals a day, clean linens...no all black birds or daily hassles from Federal IRS... Fragment. The. grave is not nightly yakkiñ9. Intelligence (AI) Research: directed efforts supposedly to make Artificial The easier. 19-company AI grouping (Microelectronics Computer life Technology &. in Austin, Texas) is an example of what's lacking in humanity-—a How can we mass of indirection, no willfulness, no leadership! by discuss such a subject (AI beim one never defined, egotism of except highest order) without knowing what intelligence is, much less its bogus aspects: the artificial! The japanese noble-challenge requires our to US technology leadership ascendiné: descending; as now appears. degenerate effort, not certainly not Easy comes by opening our consciousness, neverby masking off reality. Remember Who we are biologica1 least we should. life and we live, or atagoaH Who set making claims to be a Zombie? MadisonAvenue, life easy those not knowing what good-life is about and seemingly trying to make sure we don't find for ourselves? Always leading us to mindless consumption. Corp.. it. it. See. you. down. the. lines.... Echelon, Inc. FirstCA Street 94022 Los Altos, Telephone: 415/948-3820 zcpr3 bbs & rcp/m: 415/489-9005 101. CP/M, Z3-Dot-Com, Trademarks: Alpha Systems; Bookshelf, Digital Research; Ampro Z80, AT&T ZCPR3, Sys1ib3, Computers; Zi1og; Unix, Bell Laboratories; Term3, Richard L. Conn; Discat, Lasting-Value Software, Disk7, Echelon; pedos, WY-50, Wyseword, ibm, Int'l Business Machines; MS-DOS, Xenix, Microsoft; Wyse Technology; ZRDOS, Dennis L. Wright; Metal, Delphi Data Systems; Xtrakey, RD ITOZ/ZTOI, ZDM/ZDMZ, Xpert Systems; Software.. Newsletter 009 sion to reprint. is Copyri¿;ht. automatically. 1984. Echelon, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permisgranted source credit is given to Echelon.. if. Page. 7.

(14) Ei. Echelon, Inc.. 11. z-más stallation. From ZRDOS program):. 1.0. come. Z TIPS: have. up.. author, "Several I hope. ZRDINS (joseph Wright Wright wrote regarding questions problems and apparent. Dennis·. the following. 1985. February. 105. information. semi-auto inZRDOS Version. will help to clarify these. questions.. 16 least one system (CCS 300, 400) uses part (the last SYSGEN image bytes) of the in the for cold boot configuration The solution is to first Installation of ZRDOS overlays this area. information. ZRDOS This will the BIOS hex file. image and then the reinstall sysgen into install ZRDOS 48 the image bytes problem the is stack area. The ces of as last cause no for the contained the system during cold boot. system uses there to configure information needed and longer the Once cold boot occurs this information is no will be overlaid by. "It. has. been. found that at image area. BDOS. ZRDOS.. 'The ZRDOS installation instructions contain an example SYSGEN image installation Some image CP/M SYSGEN based on a standard image (ORiG 980H). systems use a different when base address. So be sure to calculate the the correct offset ZRDOS.BIN "ZRDOS BOOS Non-standard impleis the replacement for a standard CP/M 2.2 BOOS. be] [and supported. mentations cannot are not "Some public domain have been found to function incorrectly under ZRDOS. undocumented the internal were using cases reported so far In BOOS. ZRDOS documented CP/M Research 2.2 features of supports only the reported so far are ARCHIVLCOM by Kelly Smith which requires features. The and BOOS, SDIR.COM which modifies BOOS error vectors. ARCHIVE a patch to not AC.COM needed under ZRDOS; fcalled COPY.COM in the early issues] does the same job. SDIR should be modified to use the ZRDC)S set and reset cold boot trap functions [joseph updated (Functions Wright 50 and 52) that are provided handle these needs. to BBS been distributed Super Directory (SD97): works with ZRDOS; network]" to has corrected ERR£R1/2 to run under ZEX jay Sage (Newton Centre, Massachusetts) command-failure conditions. He also made the single-command error display more meanZ3SAGEJJB& This His updates At same time he worked over DU3. are in ingful. (ZRDOS ZRDOS HLP Z-Nodes. and plus are presently on our six ZRDOS.) you're using Incidentally, jay is becoming, along with Al only run Hawley, Z-Aode. Los Aingeles You Boston locals try jay's system at 617/965-7259; 213/670-9465. (Many signintg become Z-Nodes. Sysops folks try Al's at more up to are numbers given the be Their access relationships firm.) as. instUliW. file.. utilities. all. utilities. utilities. is. it's. it. file ities. full. Digital. file. utility files. if. util-. will. While (2210 March. Zílog. mcrves slowly to with advanced 2800 B-bit chip, Hitachi America O'Toole 408/942-1500) volume telephone Avenue, San jose, CA 95131, announces 1985 shipments of their new HD64180 (sampled last year as piece-part W62801). We are investi¡gating instruction set and other features: 512k-byte RAM control, UART, CTC, DMA dual and controller, plus B-bit multiply and block memory move, on chip. Additionally, a two-way clocked hi9h speed serial port (CSI/O) provided makes (LAN) for interesting Local Area Networking comdirect 40Ok-baud (We mHz Z munications 8 should be clock our presently finish at port to rate. complete when you read this newsletter!) Specifications point to not one, but two super B-bitters beii: ig available to run Z-based software! (Thowh these newer chips run 8080/280 instruction sets, and even compatible more, neither is physically pin-for-pin with older chips—you can't simply unpliug one and replace with other. Printed circuit board redesign is necessary.) Hitachi's HIJ64180 is 80186 of eight-bit world, as Z800 is the 80286 (chip used by IBM AT). Tony Moroyan (Stí"ategic Marketing Manager, Hitachi) said, "Many would prefer and compatibility better performance in His to present software." co1lea¿;ue, (Microprocessor Sarv Thakur Manager), Group Marketing indicated present. its. possibilities,. eight-bit,. it,.

(15) 105. Z-News. B-bit. high come.". "We demand by stating, expect this market to remain for many years to Remember, Echelon is here now with advanced Z 0perating System (ZCPR3 combined ZRDOS3) ready microprocessor support with high-techriology architecture. to These new high-integration chips are superior in níany ways to their 16/32-bit counterparts, and can be used without sacrificing incredibly large base of existing 8080/Z80 know-how! The Z800, because of high clock rate software and programming and around 80286. capability superior design, should run This not chip standard sets a witMtmdiw, Hitachi's high performance cost designs. "Sieve" Here are bench marks running under MBasic computer BYTE Magazine (HE64180 clock at 6.144 mHz and one wait state; other computers, as delivered):. circles Intel for effective,. Apple. lle. IFS-80/II. IBM PC Unannounced Computer Apple Macintosh. — — — — —. 2806 seconds 2250 " 1950 " 1322 " 1214 ". (6502) (Z80) (8088) (Ht64180) (68010). Over twice as fast as Apple (32-bit?), and much nearly as fast as Macintosh PC HF64180 than IBM The (16-bit?)! faster production units are said to run at 10 mHz 50% speed performance by than increasing,above more clock leaving to 806 seconds, Macintosh road dust! guessing, Sieve IBM AT does in Just likely in 600 or so seconds. We 2 understand Hitachi is offering a companion, high thru-put graphics processor: Now mega-pixels second, both and monochrome. than that's more per for full-color (NEC S-lOO and single-Hard manufacteat your heart out)! computer state-of-the-art which board chips? these of you are with a using one of great new urers, microprocessors continue to be designed into new systems, and We acceleratiñ9 amounts, with predict such systems notice from popular press. be around as long as they serve well so many applications—they provide unusually Mgh overall performance because Language, instead so easy to stay with Assembly (Somethirg languaiges. having of is never received to move to inefficient high-level each day and reduce for nothing...learn a anxiety and frustration.) a Conn's standard Richard Usiw Syslíb3 for subroutine functions makes program writing and both and fast, efficient in-doing in-results. ngw so clear that IBM's selection of pseudo 16-bit Intel 8088 for their PC We What a waste! has distorted normal development of microcomputers. progress also backlash from deception and lack of editorial leadership of popular sense a small Who Leader or press. likes to feel duped! But who takes blame for poor leadership? (and them) fee1irtgs. do know What Let you is infinitesimal, but your us followers? important that you do. II,. first. Eight-bit. in. little. will. it's. little. little. It's. it's infinitely. it!. Z-TtK)lstm. Some (21) twenty-one highlights of Z80 ZDM/ZDMZ debuggers: are shippiug! One DOT's 12. commands versus of these commands (B) permit string searches (in both Others enable monitor and complete hex and ASCII) over a specific memory block range. overhead. Command line prompts patcher operations. debiigger, ease operator mental ZDM P The effect is arguments. no (print) command is toggle expecting output is turned off by a subsequent to printer as well as to console. to send P command. and be displayed as part of X (examine Whenever P toggle is on, a 'P' T togg1e command jump also (J) (trace) display. state) cpu current or commands. has only affects subsequent T or U (untrace) without arguments. then T command displays only conditional and unconditional CALLS, JUMPS, been executed The Tn form of trace JUMPS. RETURNS, RESTARTS, PCHL (IX or IY) and Whenever actual number of instructions to be traced. usually used where n represents QI and QO be displayed the J toggle is on, a 'J' as part of the X or T display. permit input and output of byte value to selected I/O port while DI and EI permit interrupt disable and enable. (DEL) key. Works with by pressing the rubout Any ZDM command may be cancelled. trailing. all. alter. will. It. relative. will. Page. 2. It. is. If. j. is.

(16) Z-News. 105. ZDM, extended tool for $50.00 plus S&H. a super-value Intel and Ziio9 mnemonics. Assembly Language and understanding superb documentation REVAS3: is monument to Enough here disassembly for everyone to learn someof object code to source 1istiñ9. Major designers. and program features enough for you advanced hackers thiiríg from,. both. disinclude interactively assisting you analyze your software for modification, assembling files as large as 64k-bytes, assigning real labels to subroutines, and generation code, listings. of cross reference inserting comments to disassembled S&H! A tool of great prize at $90.00 plus mnemonic and pseudo(Xitan) these four (4) Zilog/lntel/TDL IToz-mDI-TToI-ITUT: compared conversions so easy to hand translating op code translators make source code day. A tool-value similar to ones above: with a text or program editor—night versus S&H. $51.00 plus normal Cadil1actm, (Z-News IND, Dynamic Screen Debrigger selling for next hi9h1ights our of'our $195.00 plus S&H. system, Also keystone versatile and software development fast Zas, with Zlink, is featured.) items. Echelon. Shipping dates for. Zas D¢3D. with Zlink —. presently shipping. not. 18. — February (and Z-Com2). (all. calendar. '85):. February. 25. — 28 February ZCFB3: Xunal — March Term3 — second-quarter ZCER3: 7Ík2! — second-quarter ZRDOS2. m. ZRDOS3. Liblrari!. third-quarter third or fourtlrquarter. —. Emsg. — IFM (MaintMqn). wish. Please stay (and such speed!. learn) with. — not us—we. scheduled. move as. yet fast. as a. shoe-string permits;. eag1es. Amateur Computeríst Corner: The joy of learning is enhanced when using Z-System— everywhere you tum is another surprise; another useful, but until the moment, uriknown welcomed feature! You go for months like this, thinking each new discovery is the last; but surprise, seems to never stop...beat goes on! telephone be Alternate services seem to giving lots of us trouble when atteínpting BBS'S. Z-Nodes and Apparently the signal level is too low to permit other to access work Under conditions where you get an carrier detection circuits to correctly. immediate connection by indication of followed lost of remote carrier, try the contelephone ventional, high-priced long-distance service: AT&T! No entity (search the Cosmos, provides telephone quality service like erstwhile Ma-Bel1. if you will). it. Divestiture company earned $1.4 last fiscal year 31 December For a versus projected $2.1, on sales of $33 $40 much investment should be assets, company haviríg on better, but return could be worse. Present calendar drawn between year should see battle lines them and IBM. (AT&T'S personal computer is said to be twice as fast as IBM's; that 4mHz makes Z80 systems.) Lo! what the future hold? as quick as our S-1OO Behold! the future is now!. AT&T. bad! profits not too1984),. billion. (ending. billion. fully. it. See you down the. billion.. will. lines... Echelon,. Inc. First Street Altos, CA 94022 101. ZCPR3. ,¥. BBS. Los Telephone: & Z-Node:. 415/948-3820 415/489-9005. Page. 3.

(17) Z-News. 105. Ht62801/64180, ZHitachi; 80186/286, Intel; Z-System, Term3, Z3-Dut-Com, Z-Com, Zas, Zlink, IN), Discat, Syslib3, Éiñs9, ZDM, ITUZ, Revas3, DMM, Lasting-Value Software, Echelon and their respective owners and authors; Macintosh, Apple Computer; IBM PC, AT, IBM Corp.; TRS-80, Tandy Corp.; CP/M, our, Research; MBasic, Microsoft; Cadillac, General Motors.. Trademarks: ZCPR3, Tools,. Z80/800,. Zilog;. ZRDOS,. &ita1. Z. sets. y. o u. FREE!. . ~A. Z-News. 105. reprint automatically. Echelon, 101 Los. "Áeserved.. Echelon, Inc. All Rights if source credit is given to. 1985 granted. is Copyright. Inc.. ;". F/rst Street Altos, CA 94022. k Z" '. ,^ P. -- -.,/. :. '. :. '". "',. " ". '". \:. \. ',. 1,,4. . P. jud Newell Toronto RCP/M Systems 4691 Dundas Street W lslingtion, Ontario CANADA. "j. Pehnission to. Echelon.. .. ,. '. ".. : '. ·. """"". '. """" = "". "" '""" ·" " '" .- . · · "" "". '. ;%i'. """—" -. ". '". I i ·t,'r: F¿µ.¡:í1' i ' , m" ·'. .-" · -¶ USA" " " ". 2Oc. 7'~~=ma.

(18) ®Echelon¶Inc. February. 25. z-ms. powerful shell under Z, has features somewhat different, and MENU. Significant differences between these at times more useful, than Z another shell, VFILER, indicate blending all three as most useful: VMENU,. Z TIPS:. a. Feature 1. Show directory of along with menu 2. Optionally lock user into menu system 3. Show macro commands to be executed 4. Use macro comnands from sirrgle keystrokes shown on menu speed mule 5. Programter (no menu shown) 6. Operate on currently. MENU. VMENU. files. 7.. perhaps and. two. VFILER. yes. no. yes. yes. yes. no. no. yes. no. yes. yes. yes. no. yes. yes. yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. yes. yes. no. good. fair. file. pointed to Either page-out. 1985. 106. or scroll. menus User-generated menu syntax checker for quick debWiw g. General disk system housekeeping. 8.. best. shells. Your directory system task for a particular directory (alias-script containing segments and and environment to exit previous. An argument for universal use can be made for these could contain each, in tum, deperidiríg upon dominant environment. Environment is created by ST commands) beiirtg loaded automatically by CD, used. arrive at. Z. present.. (one requiring password access to directories and protected could driver; other two, use MENU as main user-interface VMENU spreadword processing, and VFILER, used to speed genera1"computer activities: accounting, programming—you sheet, telecommunications, database management, name Secure systems are ideal in office (and home child-occupied) areas where many people have access to unattended machines. Conn has greatly extended our library Some Z users have not realized that Richard functions by addiW V1ib and Z3lib to complement Syslib3. Six-disk package, with donation code for each subroutine, sells for only $45.00: source our free-will to 27 Assembly Package advancements. Item EI Language new price sheet structured on is effective 28 February. Syslib3 (Item 26) alone, only $29.00 on 4 disks! A. ERA,. fully. REN,. secure. etc.. system. utilities). it.. full. still. Z-TbK)lstÍn. Featured: Zas, Z80 macro relocating assembler with Zlirk, Zlib, Zcon, and does but Center-piece Zref, nearly! of our tool collection, Well, not Use Zas forms basis for structured, maintainable Assembly Language program generation. Sys1ib3, and suband Z31ib hundreds proven Vlib for of linkable, efficient as source We combined popular routines. features to make Assembly Language program writ: ing easier. A macro expanding assembler using Zi1og, DRI, TDL, and Microsoft mnemonics, and pseudo-ops command-line syntax, option either Digital creating at HEX HEX Research are converted to executable or Microsoft REL object code. REL M1oad Load; modular DRI with are linked with library subor with (Link-80). and loaded Echelon Standard L80 routines with Zlink, DRI Link or Microsoft DSD symbol and and ZSID DRI SID IRI sorted table is optionally produced for use by EI debuggers. Zas works faster than conventional assemblers, as does zlink.. it all.. all. Intel,. files. files. files.

(19) 106. Z-News. Zas comes with a librarian, Zlib, to build and manage linkable REL libraries, and The latter converts extended Intel (TOL) memonics to Zilog. Symbol and label referenced, table cross with statistics, to source line numbers is produced by Zref. (Zas is Additionally, many TOL pseudo-ops are also correctly converted, translated. 10 $95.00, complete.) Item on our price sheet: We them with Zas! convert to Z80 and assemble cannow our 8080 coded programs O'Conne11, Bravo! (Being not a Patrick our faith in vou has been justified! be required because of perfect world, we're sure minor changes to sorne prograrús So be syntax inequalities. DSD, Dynamic Screen Debugger, provides features previously not seen on microVersion we ship works with both extended computers, Intel (set produced using DRI TOL) DSD Z80.LIB and MAC, and Zilog mnemonics. environmental essentially uses ZCPR3 Z descriptor for automatic program installation, as other are installed with Z3INS and your SYS.ENV (or Z3.ENV using Z3-Dot-Coíri) DSD Software In-Circuit-Emulator provides many expensive hardware I.C.E features doesn't but require attaching any wires. Single step and breakpoint in ROM, write RAM, set code execute only, protect the stack from overflowing, catch protect instructions and watch memory locations and cpu registers, The emulator can breakpoint on arbitrary conditions or identify when a LDIR instruction is going to write Not even hardware I.C.E. can provide over protected locations before writing occurs! such capability. symbol Full support provided as generated by Zas, Mac, Rmac, M80 (Macro-80), 1anguage translators—complete symbolic, full-screen and other popular DSD and Z80 computers—soon take runs on 8080, 8085, NSC800 editor debugging! advantai: e of Hitachi HD64180, and when-available Zi1og 2800, super B-bit microZcon,. all. fully will. it!). utilities file.. if. it. illegal. for. files. will. full. processors. Other. features include: online help, save memory into a file, single step And subroutines, string searching, only takes 16kport I/O, viewing files. it memory! (You C-Language programmers eat-your-hearts-out.) of It's Item 25 on our current price list. each EI software line Item retains By the way, its number as price lists are updated, when orders are received. acting as excellent double-check If we need numbers for more than 99 items, heaven forbid, we'll use over-1OO number categories. DSD. over bytes. Richard FLASH! Rick speaks on. Trenton, NJ Faire, 20-217 April! featured as speaker at upcomiw ZCPR3 (Z), Unix and Adm software development system environments: Conn. Appearing: Sol Libes produces an every-other-month magazine called Micro/Systems journal, first issue is dated March/April 1985! Dave Hardy has Randy Reitz has written a joined him but continues his column with Micro Cormcopim ZCPR3 May/june should issue. and review (Mail M/SJ we see it in sol's features of NJ $18.00 1192, 07092; orders Mountainside, per year, six issues; subscription to Box $32.00 for two years.) Wonder where Chris Terry, erstwhile writer, as are above, of magazine, defunct Ziff-David Microsystems will show up next.. Nev. Computer. Magazine. Echelon documentation is intended to be placed in 3-ring, looseWe don't exception). (ZCPR3: Manual The already supply such holders is leaf, binders binders would and bulk. Good quality because of shipping weight are so dense, postage On the hand, exceed their down-at-your-local-stationery-store many have other price. along asked us to produce a special binder with"Z" printed on front with programdeal that's and tool name page dividers—we may do this, we can get a wholesale attractive to you, our customers. best Standard size, 8 1/2" by 11", loose-leaf folders are most efficient, for (5 1/2" by 8 1/2") IBM-standard from. reading, are simply too studyirig, learrLing folders make access small (a backward way to do things); and holders of these needed hand procedure. Only two-handed from desk-top is with conventional, one a. EI Manuals:. Abou.t. if. its. little. Page. 2.

(20) Z-News. large, without-being-in-a-box, into line: each one following much-used troúÜL. 106. But, Oh! how the herd has gotten loose-leaf binders. froíu a the other, waitiñ9 for a turn to sip nourishment. three digits; Numbering Z-News System cii9it representing consists of Middle Volume number and last, the Issue. digit is inert and used only because So this is sent "squeezed" to various message systems in middle-digit-always-Q form. O; (We Z-News 106 (1Q6) is Volume 1, Issue Number 6. zero is a started with Volume isn't it?) Each Volume consists of nine (9) Issues, decimal useful number sometimes, repeated, modulo before except no necesthere's never an Issue O. We cycle is we've When published months since key issues fortnightly. sity to to earthly (we numbering 90 issues, change the published system hexidecimal--no, may go we'll to answer. you now have our considered just kidcjing). Some of you asked about numbering;. first. trailing. file. felt. it's. words." Icons special are ancient once said, "A picture is worth a thousand symbols, Icons vogue. permit humans and compresently in pictures, two-dimensional hierog1ypÍís and then cuneiform used long communicate. L,ong, time ago, we to puters to communicate homo sapiens. Then ourselves, after struggle, an alphabet among we early 50, developed. Now we go back to pictures, icons. How many glyphs can we remember; lOó, 5,000! Echelon predicts Enüish words and phrases will be found best interface We between humans and machines. symbols recognize as powerful, but we still must learn what each symbol stands for! Icons presently are produced using common, everyday symbols easily associated with common computer functions. But day draws near when symbols have to be created—a the number of functions gets so large, new non-everyday whole new language 1earrling would then be necessary—which is something we don't think phrases generate up appropriate! us that permit quick learning, assoto to It's desired. ciation with that known, to what is momentarily Computing machines using icons, Star, Lisa, Macintosh (name of a rain coat, not a variety of apple, providing insight to mentality of founders of a certain company) are so easy to learn—pray tell, but what have you learned? Such machines are fadiirig even Touch screens, dead (sorry HP); mouse pointers (and track now. balls, joy sticks digitizing pads), have a place if heavy graphics high-resolution light are necessary; No could be next big fade. pens (painter's brush) universal solution to user/machine communications is possible; each of us have our needs of the moment. Remember, we can't even reliably talk to opposite gender (sex), how our computing machines! Four-year wish only command-line completion programmers features; one-week inIBM PC'S; ten year, two months, terested users, Macintosh's; protect your you-knowwhat big-company IBM PC, XT and AT'S. As we see more, as we learn more, our managers, needs move from plateau to plateau. There's no free lunch!" It's only throíigh work mindless, (intentional doing, conscious thought—not repetitive action) that our béiñ9 is altered to see, to know more of what's goirig on. Get kmw1ecÍge, get a friend or we call them here on the west coast), get money (and power over two (compadres, but whatever get wisdom! others); is done, get understanding, Universe about Appreciate, accept, our is are releasing energy from matter—you about matter beirtg created from energy, you silly its center (did you think it was savage). Ask questions--answers Let no one push you aside! are not too important, asking questions From become a sphere is! your questioning develop your own answers; of power—a sphere of action, not reaction!. An. See you. down. the. lines... Echelon,. Inc. First Street Altos, CA 94022 101. ZCPR3. BBS. Los Telephone: & Z-Node:. 415/948-3820 415/489-9005. Page. 3.

(21) Z-News. 106. ZCPR3, Z30/800, Trade-marks: Z-Tools, ZRIX)S, Zilog; HD62801/64180, Hitachi; Z-System, Z-Com, ZJ-Dot-Com, Discat, Syslib3, Enisg, Termj, Zas, Zlink, DSD, ZDM, ITOZ, Revas3, Lasting-Value Sof tware, Echelon and their respective owners and authors; Star, Xerox; Machines; Apple Computer; IBM PC, XT, AT, International Business our, Lisa, Macintosh, Sid, Zsid, Macro-80, Rmac, Link, CP/M, Digital Research; Link-80, Microsof t.. Z. sets. y o u. FREE!. --=. ~ ~. Z-News. print,. Echelon,. " --.... 106. is copyright 1985 Echelan, Inc. wholly or partially, automatically Inc.. 4 All Ri9hts granted. ^. ^~. '. -.. Resemed.. if. ~. "·. Permission. to re-. credit is given to. source. t: ft,. Echelon, 101. q0KNC'S,\. Inc.. First Street. '°" ^"°"' '^. "°". z. ' -PM. o. t' 'jjj'¿d. jud Newell Toronto RCP.·'M Systems 4691 Dundas Street W Isling'tion, Ontario CANADA. I. /\ ^ ). U. L. ¿I. 'ii g '. igj"¢y'%: 'j7'í. > '". 5--. j: ,". " k. " !!C f-d==: I '. ".

(22) =. Echelon, Inc.. 11. March. 1985. 107. presently on Z-Nodes, exhibits unusually high creativity by its by The Alias and Zex files described (Ivyland, Pennsylvania). author, Z DOC designed done System be using what into this can vast power file indicates (neither CP/M nor MS-DOS have such power.) A little thought goes a long way Idea here is to change to-be-run concentrated useful. to come up with something loaded. where and been Various temporary program versions are created, after it's RCP (Resident Command PackWordStar by M9., of an with different default settings, age) pokil% addresses and using Zex different Alias files a specific file. Here's how Bruce described his inspiration: "If your ZCFR3 system supports the GO command and you have an RCP with the FOKE The command, run-time modifications to a program. you can easily make extensive session below the The example technique. terminal of entire process is a very simple addresses the WordStar for is an alias script, ZEX is used to load and exit WordStar, now-modified margin and poked and the mode the values right desired are to initial WordStar is run with an optional command tail. The regular RCP (without FUKE) is loaded Much more extensive changes could be made this way, including some, on exit. like page lergth or different control strings for different printers, which cannot be done from the console You can use WINSTALL to make a modified once inside NordStar. DIFF copy of WordStar, use or equivalent to find the poke locations and off you go— 2k-bytes the 2kfor alias (lk-bytes if you have CMDRUN and put it in COMMANDLBR), bytes for WS35.ZEX--a savings of 14k-bytes over separate versions of WordStar. Additional aliases 'cost' only 1 to 2k-bytes extra per WordStar version because only ZCER3 don't ZEX needed. have one I/O redirection, you can manipulate file is If you the IOBYTE with a poke, not to mention the ZCPR3 external Path and Wheel Byte, much (PATH than WHEEL)—c1umsy technique faster with utilities for console input, but or be from a menu shell in done fine for alias-controlled routines. Similar stuff can BOOS WordStar patched, lieu of an alias. All this assumes that is modified, so or that WordStar can find its overlays properly if you want freedom to wander around user Z TIPS:. FOKE&GO1.DOC,. Bruce. Morgen. if. Have. areas.. fun—Bruce. A0: SYSTM>ALIAS ALIAS,. Version. Morgen.". WD 1.1. Alias Name: WSD Old Alias Comand Line: 1 —" AO: 2. LDR. ; SYS3.RCP;. XX) XÁ)AD. —> 3 —> ZEX WS35; 4 —> POKE 036B 22; 5 —> POKE 0378 DO; 6 —> $D$U: 7 —" GO $1; 8 —> AO: 9 —> LDR SYS.RCP; 10 —> $D$U:. DIRECKRY. THAT. su. ;. (RETURN. SYSTEM RCP. HAS IIHE KKE comAND XAAD WRDSTAR & RUT (SEE WS35.ZEX, BELOW) :SET RIGHT MARGIN m 35 (ACTUALLY 34 DECIMAL) : INITIAL KIDE m DOCUMENT NON-DOCUNNT :RESfIDRE ORIGINAL DIRECTORY :RUN LOADED WORDSTAR WITH OPTIONAL FILENAME X3ACK TO SYSTR4 DIRECKRY ON UIT RCP Load REGULAR :EXIT m ORIGINAL DIRECTORY. ;. Input Alias. TD. to Abort). —> WSD ZEX. alias. file. listing cancelled. used by. WSD. is. shown. by entering a carriage (cursor) by using the Type command:. returm. The contents. of.

(23) Z-News. 107. A0: SYSTEM>TYPE. W35.ZEX. WS. )RUN. WORDSTAR. ".. ÍMAKE. ^/É. X'OOTPRINTS. X. )EXIT. SURE. TO. ZEX. LEAVES. (FOR. ALIAS. NO SAKE). NEATNESS' STEP. //4. WordStar on Z-Nodes, Either WSFIXASM or WSPAT-DM.ASM, permit patching for use in directories other than in User area where WS.COM and overlay files are. Another idea: set-up alias with Ioop-ZEX (GOTO) using REG command to "print a declaration." text file the number of times from-command-line Sunnyvale, Chuck McManis, California, has contributed a neat improvement to and he added extensive built-in help. Chuck IF.COM perinitting wildcard file matches, also has some interesting nested alias examples to wet your appetite for setting up and maintaining a ZCPR3 Source Code Library of squeezed files. Alias GET and PUT uses Get IF12.DOC and IF12.MAC alias EXTRACT and INSERT, respectively. for further details. Scarborough, Finally, good neighbor-helper John Dunsmuir, Ontario, has located and fixed a known bug in VFILER32, in the View command. It's fixed as Version 3.3. john is presently completing addition of wild-card file taggirig and unsqueezing to Look for you read program, as to be Version 3.4. To most, these are welcomed. it this newsletter. (Others, namely jay Sage, Z-Node Sysop, and Bob Demron, have great1y enhanced VFILER in parallel with john's effort; our task of combining all these We improvements into one Version 3.5 is cha11erigiríg. may choose to have two different paths; more about VFILER in a fortnight.) versions, each following independent added to EI product 1ine—METAL! FLASH: Famous message handling program Written by Tim Gary (Los Altos, California) Metal provides lots of capability with convenience, Open and private message storage; over 20 commands. easy and quick access to new plus messages not previously read; catalog of users by name, city and ID number; up/down1oad by date and user. Metal presently mátes with public statistics of BYE, Term3. domain telephone and soon with yet-to-be-shipped (vaporware) answerer, More details of METAL is found on page 2 of Newsletter 009, dated 12 November 1984.. full. file. oMine (or soon to be) include some big storage locations; but most importantly, these Sysops want to serve. disks. Z-Nodes. I.. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1.3.. Page. 2. and. high population. users:. CA 415/489-9005 Fremont, Dave McCord CA 213/670-9465 Los Angeles, Al Hawley MA (Boston), 617/965-7259 Newton Centre jay Sage 409/845-8931 College TX Don Buzzingham Station, Ronnie Stone Lisle (Chiccí9o), IL Palo Alto, CA Andrew Hart WA 206/357-7400 Tim Linehan o1yrupia, AK Thomas Anchorage, 305/677-8086 Winter Park (Orlando), FL Larry Snyder CA 714/855-0672 Rea Williams Carson, 609/428-8864 Mike Ward Voorhees, NJ WA 206/325-1325 Norm Gregory Seattle, MD 301/661-2175 Walt jung Baltimore, OH 614/864-2673 Reyno1dsbuv"g (Co1tunbus), Rich Rodeheaver 312/649-1730 jacobson Chicago, Richard IL 416/232-0442, 232-0269 Toronto, Ontario jud Newell FL 305,'831-6049 Altamonte Sprinngs, Robert Tate 415/489-0388 john Rovner Union City, CA. -. -. -. Hill -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -.

(24) Z-News. 107. from much excitement holds we find our node collection gratifying--future We need total of 40 Sysops nets and nodes for us, for our continent, and our Earth. worldwide for an effective network, have a ways to go. Dave McCord has been selected as Z-Node coordinator, withA1 Hawley as backup and These Los Angeles connection to Bob Finch, our ham radio packet network expert. and about communications about questions prepared message gentlemen are to answer your systems. ZCPR3 Core and Z-Nodes contain message recording subsystems, (XMODEM) using protocol; plus latest Z-System Christensen available for transfer and Echelon brg prices, and order promotional material, program fixes selected forms. Some Sysops have elected to be downloaders of our proprietary software. For ZRDOS, Z-Tools, Z-Com, Z3-Dot-Com, buy those Echelon programs (Discat, wisMrig to (Down1oading procedural by downloading, Z-Node details. etc.) for contact closest from nodes solves our massive disk format problem.). Certainly. Utilities files. full. list. More "iAPX. Benchmarks: 88 versus. similar operation. Comparing 16-bit multiply and 32-bit result from Intel Benchmark Z80 Ziio9 Report--August 1980" with Hitachi m®ern, Results: indicates superior B-bit des@i.. 8088 (5 itrHz Z80B (6 niHz HD64180 (6.114. -. O 1. wait states) wait state) 1 mHz - wait state). document HD64180. = 40.8 microseconds " = 302.0 37.11 " =. used hardware lacks For tests, HD64180 is slow because on-chip multiply. software routine to provide 16-bit multiply, but employed its internal B-bit multiply instruction to get such quick results. The different clock rates and wait states of 8088 and HD64180 muddy final conclusions but here we see 8about absolute quickness, own! Bench performed by Tom certainly MMim was Cantrell of Microtesting bit its future, Fremont, California. Z80. it. to their. Colorado) CP/M SIG Inc. (Broomfield-Denver, for corÁucting workshops, promoting and generally of are doiñ9 one Z of a job acting as catalyst to. IkmMh ard KeíthH~er of. considerable Echelon and ZCPR3. those wantiw to. article. writing,. These. educators. learm. Solutims solutions to. From our begirlning we have tried to indicate, to point to We could Z have just listed features of ZCFR3 and ZRDOS, your problems. System; stream of examples to show solutions to your no, we have produced a continuous problems. from you: thañks! Some we have received What other solutions have you us! come up with—don't be bashful or delay, Many have asked why we buck trends, go not with IBM and K-DOS and Unix, the popular microcomputer fashion. Well, we are not of mass movements, but about fragremnants! Nonetheless merits, we use only whole cloth, usually in dreadfully short supply; most don't understand or appreciate what we do, but how they get upset.. tell. We. welcome. Crusader, label placed expressions). know, You flattering we don't turbulence and mental eddies. intellectual human emotional us! exploration. join See you down the. activist. have used less on us by some few (others but create go with flows, with crowds; We maneuver at near-virgin fringes of. lines... Echelon,. Inc. First Street Altos, CA 94022 101. ZCPR3. BBS. &. Los Telephone: Z-Node Central:. 415/948-3820 415/489-9005. Page. 3.

(25) Z-News. 107. ZCPR3, ZSO/800, Zilog; Iü64180, Trademarks: Hitachi; 8088, Intel; Z-System, Z-Tools, ZDM, DSD, ITOZ, Revas3, Z-Com, Z3-Dot-Com, Discat, Sysiib3, Term3, Zas, Zlink, Software, Metal, Lasting-Valme Echelon and authors; PCand their respective owners DOS, Unix, IBM Corp.; CP/M, Digita1 Research; WordStar, MicroPro AT&T. ZRDOS,. Int'l;. Z. 1985 is Copyright wholly or partially,. 107. Z-News. print,. Echelon,. Inc. sets. Echelon,. All. Inc,. automatically. 101 Los. .. Inc.. First Altos,. · ". Street CA. Ri9hts. granted. CP"". Echelon,. FREE!. y o u. u: ". .. :;. í98·q 9AÁ. 0. 94022. "°"7. ,. ... if. j) 4. '. Jud. Newell Toronto RCP/M Systems 4691 Dundas Street W Islingtion, Ontario CANADA. " ,.,'.'. -—. ."' "' -" ,". m. , ... to re-. credit is given to. =-~=. 7. ·. Permission. source. ~. '. "n. ^. Reserved.. -. - -". «W. . S:' J. :i'¿. if, "' s'4'q,j "' ysiñ.' ',- f. :. " . " ' . · d ',: "' '""" " . 3"'F^¿@: ¿ií£','&. >.



The top screen dump on the facing page is the default display with zippers: The single level-1 heading is automatically ex- panded, thereby causing the text it contains and

Of course most applications are sharable so the savings would not be as great if for example you had one user going directly into Fortune:Word for example

The parameters you can change in set up include communication and printing features, and also such functions as terminal control mode, display characteristics,

CP/M has several control characters and single-key commands that allow you to edi t a complex command line before you send it to the computer with a

TeleVideo Systems, Inc.. Inserts a line consisting of spaces at the cursor position when used in the sequence, SHIFT/LOC ESC, LINE INSERT. Deletes the character

If no damage is apparent, open the shipping container and remove documentation, mounting hardware, and cables.. Check materials received in option

Now that you are sure that the system comes up correctly under AMOS/L 1.3, you can make your LSYS.MON file the default so that the system will use this file to boot when you

COmmunications Management User's Guide binder for more specific information about remote access connections and setups using the optional AT&amp;T UNIX PC