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3.5 Effects of temperature and salinity change on M. donacium

5.4.4 Oxygen isotopic composition of M. donacium shells


shell formation. The oxygen isotope composition of mollusc shells is controlled by both the 18O and the temperature of the ambient seawater in which the animals live. In turn, the 18O value of the seawater changes with the influx of freshwater of different 18O values or evaporation. As SST can be calculated from the fractionation relationship of 18O values of the shell aragonite (Grossman and Ku 1986), differences between SST derived from shell 18O values and in situ SST measurements can be used to estimate salinity changes (Schöne et al. 2003).

Therefore, combined studies on oxygen isotopic composition of M. donacium shells and on microscopic variations of calcification rates through time (i.e.

sclerochronology) can be used to further evaluate some of the hypotheses concerning the described macro-scale patterns of M. donacium: (1) the latitudinal gradient in the strength of freshwater input from rivers or SGD affecting this species (e.g. Schöne 2003, Schöne et al. 2003); (2) the temporal coupling between changes in 18O associated to freshwater fluxes and specific events of the reproductive cycle (e.g. Sato 1995); (3) the latitudinal pattern of growth performance and its relationship with primary production (e.g. Hall et al. 1974, Sato 1997).


This doctoral thesis was supported by the "CENSOR" project (Climate variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: implications for natural coastal resources and management), funded within the FP6-INCO Programme of the European Commission. During four years, this project gave me the opportunity to live the life I dreamed about. Thanks then to all the people that made possible this project.

Thanks to my “Doktorvater”, Prof. Dr. Wolf E. Arntz, for his inspiring work of a lifetime about El Niño and for accepting me as yet another last Ph.D student, and to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Saint Paul for acting as reviewer of this work.

I wish to thank my supervisors: Dr. Jürgen Laudien for his great support and for sharing his optimistic way of life; Dr. Olaf Heilmayer for his constant support, encouragement and involvement in my work; Dr. Marcelo Oliva for inspiring discussions about “rare statistics” and encouragement to pursue dissident ways.

To all of you, thank you for your confidence and the freedom to expand the scope of my thesis.

I would like to thank Dr. Luc Ortlieb, who supported my work in many ways through the last years. Special thanks to Dr. Nury Guzmán, for being a fantastic working companion and offering me your friendship and hospitality. I will not forget your kind help and encouragement in difficult moments. Thanks also to your nice family. Thanks to Dr. Sven Thatje, the coordinator of the CENSOR project, for his enthusiasm for science.

Thanks to all my fellow doctoral students, who have been great sources of support, comradeship and specially friendship throughout the past four years:

Daniel Carstensen, Cecilia Avalos, Sönke Fischer, Aldo Pacheco, Monica Weiss, María I. Criales and Sofía Salazar.

Thanks to Tom Ashton and Aldo Pacheco, for being a good team of “early settlers in a hard environment”. Special thanks to Mario Villegas, you did not pass away


really, at least for some of us. Thanks to Antje Laudien, for the hospitality. Thanks to the nice people I met and worked with at Universidad de Antofagasta: Juan Bravo, Omar Larrea, Viviana Villegas, Helga Dittus, Daniela Delgado, Oscar Zuñiga, Gonzalo Freire, Andresito, José L. Maureira, Nelson Aguilera and Hector Vargas. Special thanks to my “students”, field co-workers and friends, Miguel Cuturrufo, Rodrigo Saavedra and Cristina Vargas: I also learned from you.

Without support from people who helped me in everyday work I would not have been able to complete this work: Paulina Lopez, María Raquel Pérez, Blanca Vergara, Dennis Steinhoff, Ricardo Chero, Oscar Zuñiga, Juan Shee, Paola Dávila, Constanze von Waldthausen, Espiridion Montanarez. Special thanks for the workers at the Pathological Institute in Bremerhaven, who did the time-consuming histological work.

I am indebted to all the institutional support I received from the Universidad de Antofagasta (Antofagasta, Chile), the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Bremerhaven, Germany) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) (Bondy, France).

Finally, I am grateful for additional financial support provided during this study:

x The Programa Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología de Chile, CENSOR-RUE 02 funded my research stay in Germany

x The Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) funded a research visit there and granted a travel award to attend the conference: “The Humboldt Current System: Climate, ocean dynamics, ecosystem processes and fisheries” (Lima, November 2006).

x The Malacological Society of London provided a travel award to attend the IX International Congress of Parasitology (Glasgow, August 2006)

x Unitas Malacologica provided a travel award to attend the World Congress of Malacology (Antwerpen, July 2007)


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