A. Appendix
A.4 Data of the Positive Cosine Example
A.4 Data of the Positive Cosine Example
In Tab. A.1, the supporting points ti as well as the observations `i of the example of estimating a positive definite covariance function in Sect. 7.2.1 are provided. The MATLAB random number generator was used to generate 1 000 000samples of the observations (cf. Sect. 7.2.1).
Table A.1: Supporting points ti and observations `i from the example of estimating a positive definite covariance function in Sect. 7.2.1.
i ti `i
1 0.0000 13.6661 2 0.0100 11.6741 3 0.0200 9.2258 4 0.0300 5.8736 5 0.0400 4.4700 6 0.0500 0.9921 7 0.0600 2.7769 8 0.0700 0.4992 9 0.0800 0.6154 10 0.0900 2.9608 11 0.1000 4.3965 12 0.1100 6.3031 13 0.1200 4.3356 14 0.1300 4.9459 15 0.1400 4.2990 16 0.1500 0.5812 17 0.1600 0.4734 18 0.1700 -2.6287 19 0.1800 -3.3337 20 0.1900 -3.3755 21 0.2000 -0.7667 22 0.2100 0.1865 23 0.2200 2.3498 24 0.2300 1.8760 25 0.2400 0.7216
i ti `i
26 0.2500 -1.7469 27 0.2600 -3.6271 28 0.2700 -6.9844 29 0.2800 -7.2926 30 0.2900 -7.9395 31 0.3000 -6.8677 32 0.3100 -4.9126 33 0.3200 -4.2674 34 0.3300 -2.6859 35 0.3400 1.0446 36 0.3500 2.1318 37 0.3600 3.7316 38 0.3700 2.4828 39 0.3800 1.8105 40 0.3900 0.9967 41 0.4000 0.3656 42 0.4100 1.1483 43 0.4200 1.2223 44 0.4300 0.6707 45 0.4400 -0.8721 46 0.4500 3.1633 47 0.4600 3.3745 48 0.4700 4.8484 49 0.4800 4.3550 50 0.4900 4.4772
Tables of Symbols
Scalars, Vectors and Matrices
a, α Scalar a Vector
ae Estimated vector A Random vector
α True vector A Matrix
B,b Matrix and vector of equality constraints B,b Matrix and vector of inequality constraints
Im Identity matrix of size [m×m]
A(i, j) Element in row iand columnj of matrix A A(i,:) Row iof matrix A
A(:, j) Column j of matrixA a(i) Element in row iof vectora
1 Vector containing only Ones
Mathematical Symbols and Operators
∇xf(x) =h
T ∂f(x)
T . . . ∂f(x)
Gradient of f(x)with respect to x x∈C xis an element of the setC
∀ For all
Khatri-Rao product
diag(N) Extracts all diagonal elements of matrixN
List of Abbreviations
BLUE Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
DEM Digital Elevation Model
ECGHM Equality Constrained Gauss-Helmert Model
ECLS Equality Constrained Least-Squares
GHM Gauss-Helmert Model
GMM Gauss-Markov Model
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GRACE Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
HPD Highest Posterior Density
ICGHM Inequality Constrained Gauss-Helmert Model
ICLS Inequality Constrained Least-Squares
IRLS Iteratively Reweighted Least-Squares
IVS International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
KKT Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
LCP Linear Complementarity Problem
LDP Least-Distance Program
LP Linear Program
MC-QP method Monte Carlo Quadratic Programming method
MDF Marginal Density Function
OLS Ordinary Least-Squares
PDF Probability Density Function
QP Quadratic Program
RAL Richtlinien für die Anlage von Landstraßen (German road design standard)
RMS Root Mean Square
SLE System of Linear Equations
SOD Second Order Design
SQP Sequential Quadratic Programming
STD Slant Troposphere Delay
VCV matrix Variance CoVariance matrix
VLBI Very Long Baseline Interferometry
WLS Weighted Least-Squares
ZHD Zenith Hydrostatic Delay
ZWD Zenith Wet Delay
List of Figures
2.1 Quadratic forms for matrices with a different type of definiteness. . . 9
3.1 Convex and non-convex set. . . 23
3.2 Convex and non-convex function. . . 24
3.3 Taxonomy of optimization problems. . . 25
3.4 Duality gap. . . 31
3.5 Basic ideas of active-set and interior-point approaches. . . 33
3.6 Binding, non-binding and infeasible directions for an active constraint. . . 35
4.1 Effect of a single inequality constraint on the PDF of a parameter. . . 46
4.2 Probability density functions and confidence intervals of different estimates. . . 50
4.3 WLS and ICLS estimates for a line-fit example. . . 54
4.4 Joint and marginal PDFs from the line-fitting problem with independent constraints. 56 4.5 Joint and marginal PDFs from the line-fitting problem with dependent constraints. . 57
5.1 Isolines of the objective function of a bivariate convex optimization problem. . . 66
5.2 Two-dimensional unit spheres of L1,L2 andL∞ norm. . . 70
5.3 Contour lines of the objective function of a rank-deficient problem. . . 74
6.1 Parabola through the origin. . . 90
7.1 Number of international phone calls from Belgium. . . 96
7.2 Straight lines fitted to the number of international phone calls from Belgium. . . 97
7.3 WLS and ICLS fits to the observations of a positive cosine function. . . 98
7.4 Joint and marginal PDFs of the positive cosine function estimation problem. . . 99
7.5 Baseline repeatabilities of an OLS and an ICLS estimate. . . 101
7.6 Differences between the OLS and the ICLS solution in the baseline estimation. . . . 102
7.7 OLS and ICLS ZWD estimates from Ny Ålesund and their corresponding HPD intervals.102 7.8 Differences between the OLS and the ICLS estimates for Ny Ålesund. . . 103
7.9 SOD of a geodetic network with 3 fixed points and 8 new points. . . 106
7.10 Geodetic network of the welding tolerances example. . . 107
7.11 Boundary for the existing parts, the new part and the “gaps”. . . 109
7.12 Heights h along the route of the road. . . 110
7.13 Optimal vertical gradient of the road. . . 112
List of Tables
4.1 Results from the line-fitting problem with independent constraints. . . 55
4.2 Results from the line-fitting problem with dependent constraints. . . 57
6.1 Advantages and drawbacks of two possible representations of the ICGHM. . . 87
7.1 Results and sensitivity analysis from the positive cosine function example. . . 100
A.1 Data from the example of estimating a positive definite covariance function. . . v
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