process towards joint uniform distribution under all instantiated conditions; and second, an actual realization of level-transitory explanation. A classification of states of the model according to Balance-theory has been introduced and effects of macroscopic state-classes on a particular agent property (one time-step later in the model) have been computed.
Problematic issues concerning the modelling task were associated with the em-ployed algorithms and software. It turned out that even a “toy-application” like the modified Kirk-Coleman model easily puts bayesian networks inference algorithms to their limits. Only sampling algorithms seemed to deliver appropriate performance. Due to problems with the employed implementation of Gibbs-Sampling I finally used the Likelihood-Weighting algorithm. It turned out that application of standard simulation methods for modelling combined with separate bayesian network analysis of generated model data would have been a more practical approach. Reasons for this would be greater ease of implementation and enhanced speed of computation.
I have invested a lot time in considerations about the methodological foundations of social theory, probably years if I start counting when the question first arose. Since a kind of result is achieved I will not complain about passed opportunities but instead engage in something tangible in my future. I have to thank many people, with no particular order:
My parents for supporting me and giving me the environment to grow mentally, my sister Birgit for being there and my brother Bruno, the smartest guy on the face of earth, for being there to discuss issues over a long period of time.
My friends, especially Julia, Anna, Pierre, Martin, Guido and Thilo for cheering me up and helping me to maintain my mental sanity. ;-) (And certainly you specifically!) Peter Schmidt for giving me the opportunity to work on this topic and his con-stant encouragement to do things according to my own interests. Klaus Troitzsch for his generous advice and steady support. Heinz Muehlenbein for showing me probability theory and giving passionate criticism. Bernulf Kanitscheider for philosophical discussion.
Eyke Huellermeyer for advice in matters of probability theory. Sebastian Bamberg for discussion of psychological issues. Krista Kinnius for counselling me with regard to English language.
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Appendix A
Online Provision
Appendixes can be accessed online at the following location: st1334/MicroMacro/append.html The reason for online provision is to enable direct code-access.
Since its amount adds up to 65 pages the reader might excuse its absence.