Glacier clustersGlacier clusters
6.2 Outlook
north-ern Alaska.
The geocenter motion as inferred from the inversion results, are indicating significant trends in both the present day contributions as well as the GIA contributions. Considering the GIA contribution, we see that the X and Z trends are about a factor of 2 smaller com-pared to the estimates of Rietbroek et al. (2012a) andWu et al. (2010). On the one hand, the difference can be sought in the lower mantle viscosity of the a priori GIA earth models, which affects the magnitude of the geocenter trend strongly. Another effect may come from the contribution of Greenland, which is shown to be relatively large for the Z trend. The Greenland signals found byWu et al.(2010) (large GIA signal and a relatively small present day loss) may therefore also hav an effect on their estimated geocenter trend.
The present day trend of the geocenter (with the components: X 0.03±0.04mm/yr, Y 0.12±0.05mm/yr, Z -0.31±0.08mm/yr), is too large to be simply ignored in GRACE-only stud-ies of Antarctica. If the associated degree 1 trends are averaged over Antarctica a positive gain of 20Gt/yr is obtained. The net effect of the geocenter trend on the Greenland mass balance is much less, simply because the area of Greenland is smaller, amounting only to -3Gt/yr. The gross of the Greenland mass loss is therefore contained within the higher de-gree coefficients.
The seasonal geocenter component agrees to within 0.8 mm amplitude and 40 days of phase with the results of the weekly surface loading inversion, when considering the same time span. This discrepancy exceeds the formal error estimates, and is likely related to the way the ocean is treated. Whereas the ocean bottom pressure in the fingerprint inversion is induced by an equipotential surface, bottom pressure variations from a non-equipotential ocean response are also present in the weekly solutions.
long as they are not dominated by local signals. And data from gravimeters may pro-vide important information as well. Volumetric measurements of the ice sheet (e.g. ICEsat and Cryosat2) are interesting candidates, although additional problems (and opportuni-ties) with firn density may be introduced at the same time. In addition, Cryosat2 poten-tially offers information on the thickness of the sea-ice, which would allow an extension of the method into the Arctic.
The addition of new data sources potentially allows the extension of time series of mass storage changes beyond or before the GRACE time span. For exampleNerem and Wahr (2011) showed that SLR-derived changes in the Earth’s oblateness are related to mass losses of the major ice sheets, and that SLR can aid in studies of Greenland and Antarctica before the GRACE era.
Furthermore, a low degree time varying gravity field from GPS and LEO satellites in the past decades, would be a great tool to reprocess and improve past altimeter orbits such a those from TOPEX. In the near future, joint inversion techniques, may also aid in bridging the gap between GRACE and its follow on mission (Rietbroek et al.,2014).
The weekly sets of spherical harmonic surface loading coefficients, are resolved up to degree 30 only. This limitation is induced by the density of the ground track patterns of GRACE. To resolve higher resolution signals, more data from outside the week is needed.
A promising techniques to do this is to apply a Kalman filter/smoother approach (Kurten-bach et al.,2009). An additional benefit is that the higher resolution will at the same time also decrease the truncation error which is made in the surface loading Green’s functions.
In the fingerprint inversion, all of the currently used patterns are standing waves which oscillate in time but not in space. However, a variety of geophysical signals exist which are associated with patterns which move in time. A relevant example is for example the ocean’s response to the computed meltwater input. The associated steric effects have been demonstrated to propagate along the boundary currents in time (Brunnabend et al.,2012).
The use of patterns with propagating features is challenging but may offer interesting geo-physical insights, and avoid signals to be split up in too many modes.
The orthogonality of the spatial EOFs is numerically advantageous when applied as base functions in the fingerprint inversion. However, single EOF modes are very difficult to in-terpret physically, as geophysical phenomena are not necessarily orthogonal. Future work may therefore benefit from a decomposition which is derived from Independent Compo-nent Analysis (ICA,Forootan and Kusche,2012). In the ICA method, the EOFs are rotated based on their higher order statistical moments, in such a way that the modes are statis-tically independent in either the time or spatial domain. Most of the time, the resulting independent modes are easier to interpret physically. On a regional scale, a fingerprint inversion, using the spatial information from an independent component analysis, has al-ready provided valuable physical insight in water resource problematics in Iran (Forootan et al.,2014).
The current parameterization of the GIA signal, silently postulates that the true GIA signal can be represented by a linear combination of GIA components. In reality this ap-proximation may be (partly) incorrect. Roughly speaking, changes in the most uncertain
components, namely ice mass and mantle viscosity, appear as scaling effects in the GIA in-duced geoid and uplift. However, a different spatial structure of the ice history, which may be the case in for example Antarctica, will also induce spatially different GIA responses.
Furthermore, changes in the rigidity and thickness of the crust may affect the position of the peripheral bulge in the vicinity of the ice sources. To parameterize such effects in terms of (linear) fingerprints is at least challenging, and is further complicated by the fact that ad-ditional degrees of freedom of the GIA parameterization render the inverse problem even more ill-posed than that it is already.
In the current inversion scheme, the altimeter and GPS orbits are derived from gravity fields which are not consistent with GRACE. Ultimately, a unification is desirable where a
’grand’ inversion scheme allows only a single gravity field to affect all the relevant orbits.
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